The Free World ( Russia, China, Iran and many other countries ) against Schwab, NWO and Satan


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
The war in Ukraine is in reality the war between the remaining Free World ( Traditional Moral, Traditional Values, God, strong Family, Happiness, Honesty etc. ) and the Satan World ( LGBTQ, Banksters, Federal Reserve, CONvid-1984 scam, NWO, CPS, Abortions, Hitler, Freemasons and another 'achievements' of satanic 'democracy'. How western 'democracy' practically works we've seen last two years through SCAMdemic CONvid-1984.

Russia has God on the flag, the 'civilized' Western World the Western Trinity - Satan, Hitler, Bandera on its one.

Numerous volunteers ( Christians, Muslims, others ) join Russian Army freely now ( not for money like mercenaries in Ukraine ) to fight for God against Satan.

And God will win.

The Flag of Russia


The Flag of NWO

Iran, China, Russia and other countries that abuse their citizens are not the "free world" Baron and you darn well know that. In order to proclaim that citizens need you be free to speak out and make up their own minds.

Certain politicians and others may be fascists but the fact is the west has the most freedom.
Iran, China, Russia and other countries that abuse their citizens are not the "free world" Baron and you darn well know that. In order to proclaim that citizens need you be free to speak out and make up their own minds.

Certain politicians and others may be fascists but the fact is the west has the most freedom.
Try to buy a handgun in most EU countries or in dem city states here and see how "free" you are to do so.

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