The FBI had an insane man in their office saying he heard voices from ISIS and they let him go...

The law should be changed so that mentally ill people can be committed and treated BEFORE they act out and kill people. At least half of these mass shootings are mentally ill people who didn't get help because the law doesn't allow their families to commit them.

The Reagan administration is responsible for hamstringing the mental health laws in this country.
IIRC, all he did was defund it and kicked the patients to the streets. Most homeless are mentally ill. No changes in the law AFAIK

Defunding is a pretty effective way to hamstring mental health laws, wouldn't you say?
So why didn't the all knowing and powerful Obozo fix that? He had 8 years and and all Democtrat congress for several of those years.

Why ask why Obozo didn't fix it? Why not ask why the the 4 presidents since Reagan didn't fix it?

Because he is the last guy in office...who says he cares about people when the Republicans he said don't......that's why......and he had control of both houses of congress for two years...and could have used his power to fix it...and he didn't ......
....If this guy presented at FBI headquarters obviously psychotic and deranged the FBI should have detained him and had a mental health professional evaluation him for possible involuntary hospitalization. The fact the FBI did not do this is clear evidence in my mind they fucked up....badly.
Scroll up, the FBI did do that and Santiago was getting mental health care. His family and relations were checked out by the FBI, but since the mental health care is not under the FBI, who do you really think fucked up?

The reality is maybe no one fucked things up. The guy is obviously a paranoid schizophrenic. Maybe he went off his meds....maybe he had an acute episode and his meds stopped working. It is hard to say. The facts will come out. Let's be patient. :)
The law should be changed so that mentally ill people can be committed and treated BEFORE they act out and kill people. At least half of these mass shootings are mentally ill people who didn't get help because the law doesn't allow their families to commit them.

The Reagan administration is responsible for hamstringing the mental health laws in this country.
IIRC, all he did was defund it and kicked the patients to the streets. Most homeless are mentally ill. No changes in the law AFAIK
It is an overstated lie Reagan kicked mentally ill from institutions. Liberal Groups like ACLU that fight for the "Right" for the insane to not be locked up, put the mentally ill on the streets.
So Reagan had nothing to do with it? History proves you wrong:
Public Policy and Mental Illnesses: Jimmy Carter's Presidential Commission on Mental Health
The Mental Health Systems Act had hardly become law when its provisions were rendered moot. The inauguration of Ronald Reagan in January 1981 led to an immediate reversal of policy. In the summer of 1981 the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act became law. Under its provisions, the federal government provided block grants to the states for mental health services and substance abuse, although at levels of about 75 to 80 percent of what they would have received under the Mental Health Systems Act. The states had considerable leeway in expending their allocations. With a few exceptions—notably, the patients’ bill of rights—the Mental Health Systems and CMHC Acts were repealed, thus diminishing the direct role of the federal government in mental health (Public Law 1981). The transfer and decentralization of authority merely exacerbated the existing tensions, as federal support was reduced at precisely the same time that the states were faced with social and economic problems that increased their fiscal burdens.

So the state level corrupt politicians didn't fix their states...why blame Reagan? Reagan does not control the states where this issue needs to be fixed.
The law should be changed so that mentally ill people can be committed and treated BEFORE they act out and kill people. At least half of these mass shootings are mentally ill people who didn't get help because the law doesn't allow their families to commit them.

The Reagan administration is responsible for hamstringing the mental health laws in this country.
IIRC, all he did was defund it and kicked the patients to the streets. Most homeless are mentally ill. No changes in the law AFAIK
It is an overstated lie Reagan kicked mentally ill from institutions. Liberal Groups like ACLU that fight for the "Right" for the insane to not be locked up, put the mentally ill on the streets.
So Reagan had nothing to do with it? History proves you wrong:
Public Policy and Mental Illnesses: Jimmy Carter's Presidential Commission on Mental Health
The Mental Health Systems Act had hardly become law when its provisions were rendered moot. The inauguration of Ronald Reagan in January 1981 led to an immediate reversal of policy. In the summer of 1981 the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act became law. Under its provisions, the federal government provided block grants to the states for mental health services and substance abuse, although at levels of about 75 to 80 percent of what they would have received under the Mental Health Systems Act. The states had considerable leeway in expending their allocations. With a few exceptions—notably, the patients’ bill of rights—the Mental Health Systems and CMHC Acts were repealed, thus diminishing the direct role of the federal government in mental health (Public Law 1981). The transfer and decentralization of authority merely exacerbated the existing tensions, as federal support was reduced at precisely the same time that the states were faced with social and economic problems that increased their fiscal burdens.

Deinstitutionalization started in the 1970's and was deemed to be "humane" at the time. The ACLU...Community Mental Health advocacy groups...and many others fought to deinstitutaionalize the mental ill. If folks want to solely blame Reagan....whatever....but it's a lot more complicated than that.
The Reagan administration is responsible for hamstringing the mental health laws in this country.
IIRC, all he did was defund it and kicked the patients to the streets. Most homeless are mentally ill. No changes in the law AFAIK

Defunding is a pretty effective way to hamstring mental health laws, wouldn't you say?
So why didn't the all knowing and powerful Obozo fix that? He had 8 years and and all Democtrat congress for several of those years.

Why ask why Obozo didn't fix it? Why not ask why the the 4 presidents since Reagan didn't fix it?

Because he is the last guy in office...who says he cares about people when the Republicans he said don't......that's why......and he had control of both houses of congress for two years...and could have used his power to fix it...and he didn't ......
Proving once again that liberals only pay lip service to "mental health" issues.

Why didn't Clinton fix it either??
One other thing on this issue for those with family members with mental health issues. All States allow Police to detain an individual for up to 4 hours in order to get a mental health evaluation. The officer can and should do this if he has any doubt. In Virginia it is called an Emergency Custody Order.

The cops would call me, and I would go out to the scene...evaluate the individual.....and I had the power to involuntarily hospitalize if the person met the legal criteria i mentioned earlier.
After the evaluation, what do the police do? Isn't it up to the mental health experts to decide? If they turn him loose and a few months later he shoots a bunch of people, who fucked up? The police or the mental health folks?

Crazy people do crazy things. People who have psychosis are unpredictable by definition. Often after they receive treatment the mentally ill go off their meds. The most frequent to go off their meds are paranoid schizophrenics and people with bi-polar D/O. The paranoid folks often stop taking their meds because they think they are being poisoned or they are so disorganized they simply forget.

When bi-polar people start getting manic they love the feeling and do not want the meds interfering with their high.

These situations are rarely simple. The professionals may have fucked up.....but the odds are treatment or medication non-compliance by the patient.
So the state level corrupt politicians didn't fix their states...why blame Reagan? Reagan does not control the states where this issue needs to be fixed.
Agreed. So why are some here bitching about Alaska's mental health program? It's up to them. Besides, having people fall through the cracks is part of the price of freedom.
Deinstitutionalization started in the 1970's and was deemed to be "humane" at the time. The ACLU...Community Mental Health advocacy groups...and many others fought to deinstitutaionalize the mental ill. If folks want to solely blame Reagan....whatever....but it's a lot more complicated than that.
Well, that's our Congress to a "T": "It seemed like a good idea at the time". LOL
Please stop making fun of the "intelligence community" who keep us so safe from Islamic psychopaths who actually tell the "intelligence community" they are going to kill innocent people and the "intelligence community" either intentionally lets it happen like with 9/11 or they are fucking incompetent idiots. But they can magically tell that the Podesta emails Wikileaks posted came from Russia. :p
The Reagan administration is responsible for hamstringing the mental health laws in this country.
IIRC, all he did was defund it and kicked the patients to the streets. Most homeless are mentally ill. No changes in the law AFAIK

Defunding is a pretty effective way to hamstring mental health laws, wouldn't you say?
So why didn't the all knowing and powerful Obozo fix that? He had 8 years and and all Democtrat congress for several of those years.

Why ask why Obozo didn't fix it? Why not ask why the the 4 presidents since Reagan didn't fix it?

Because he is the last guy in office...who says he cares about people when the Republicans he said don't......that's why......and he had control of both houses of congress for two years...and could have used his power to fix it...and he didn't ......

So 4 presidents came and went (3 of them serving two terms) and the blame rests with the last one only? And with the one who had the worst economic situation since the great depression? okey dokey then.
There has to be some changes with potentially dangerous people. I realize many mentally ill don't pose a threat but hearing voices of ISIS or whatever he heard is a HUGE red flag. Mentally unstable + barbaric terrorist organization = dead innocent people. They don't think he was actually connected to them but who knows.
You and I are both "potentially dangerous people". What do you propose should be done with us?

BTW, he wasn't hearing "voices of ISIS". He thought he was being controlled by a US intelligence agency to watch ISIS videos. You know, the same type of conspiracy theory bullshit you see posted by a handful of people on this forum. ;)

Well, whatever he was hearing or thinking was potentially dangerous. Mental illness and thoughts of terrorist groups are not a good mix.

What can you do...many loose cannons walking around and many are master manipulators.
I'm not really blaming his doctors, they had protocol to follow and couldn't hold him.

just another sad ending.

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