The fallacy of “if we stop talking about it, it will go away"


I agree, there is nothing more important than a supportive upbringing. But, at some point, you have to be responsible for your own future, regardless of your past.

The past can tell you how you became who you are. It should in no way dictate who you will become.

Why is it that whites always make these silly comments to blacks when blacks have done exactly that with no help and against a system designed or us to be denied, while whites were given what they have by the same system?

I hope that deciding you have no future because the game was stacked against helps you live your life.

Let me know how it's working out for you.

Since like blacks before me, I fought and succeeded against a stacked deck while your ass was handed what you got, it is apparent I didn't do that. So learn to read and then respond.
maybe some of you'll find racism a humourous diversion ,when y'all figure out globalist subjugation could care less if you're polka dotted w/racing stripes.....~S~

Maybe if you took your medication, you wouldn't see "Globalists" hiding under your bed.

Since no one is screaming racism at everything that moves, try again. You need to recognize gaslighting when you see it.

Naw, Stormy is fully committed to the stupidity of "Bothsideism". He really needs to believe the left is bad because they don't want to listen to racist comedians, and that makes them just as bad as Trump throwing little brown kids into concentration camps and letting them die of dehydration.

This is what happens when you stand for nothing.

I agree, there is nothing more important than a supportive upbringing. But, at some point, you have to be responsible for your own future, regardless of your past.

The past can tell you how you became who you are. It should in no way dictate who you will become.

Why is it that whites always make these silly comments to blacks when blacks have done exactly that with no help and against a system designed or us to be denied, while whites were given what they have by the same system?

I hope that deciding you have no future because the game was stacked against helps you live your life.

Let me know how it's working out for you.

Since like blacks before me, I fought and succeeded against a stacked deck while your ass was handed what you got, it is apparent I didn't do that. So learn to read and then respond.

Mazel tov on your success. Someday I'd love to sit down for a latte and hear the story about how you overcame personal adversity to succeed against the odds. Not today, however, there are too many good shows on Netflix.
very simple:
...because racism and white supremacists are not that big of a problem--especially compared to the black problems of:
graduation rates
as I have undeniably proven many times on USMB
This is what happens when you stand for nothing.

To be fair to Stormy Mac, around 2012, he was a pretty sensible liberal.

Then at some point, he got this bug about "Political Correctness'. My guess is right after someone in his HR Department had a talk with him about those all too funny jokes he was telling in the office. When other progressives started mocking him, he just went nuttier and nuttier..

I agree, there is nothing more important than a supportive upbringing. But, at some point, you have to be responsible for your own future, regardless of your past.

The past can tell you how you became who you are. It should in no way dictate who you will become.

Why is it that whites always make these silly comments to blacks when blacks have done exactly that with no help and against a system designed or us to be denied, while whites were given what they have by the same system?

I hope that deciding you have no future because the game was stacked against helps you live your life.

Let me know how it's working out for you.

Since like blacks before me, I fought and succeeded against a stacked deck while your ass was handed what you got, it is apparent I didn't do that. So learn to read and then respond.

do tell.....

I built my own farm up from raw dirt, built my own business up from nothing in the middle of nowhere. I have neither been handed anything, nor do i owe anything to anyone in this life.

Further, i was run down as a kid. I'm techincally a cripple, kept me out of the military (couldn't pas the physical) in the early 70's , but not FF & EMS, which i served 30 yrs in (i hid it all from them)

I qualify for SSI, but never have taken so much as a dime from Gub'Mit , nor expect or seek any sort of favoritism ,priveldge ,accolades.

Those that do......what's the word now?......oh yeah.....snowflakes.....

It's not about talking about it, it's how we talk about it.

Screaming RACIST! at everything that moves only makes things worse. Denying that racism still exists only makes things worse. Just blaming the other "side" and never holding our "side" accountable only makes things worse.

But, since we've lost the capacity for intellectual elasticity, this appears to be the best we can do. Self-inflicted wound.

Racism can never be cured via legislation, because it's a matter of culture and behavior, not skin color.

Racism was made/empowered by legislation. And it was based on skin color.

At one time, yes and yes. But now, in this country at this time, it is based upon culture and behavior.

Why do you whites who haven't experienced one day of racism think you get to tell us how things are pertaining to racism? Whites have denied racism since the nation started. But now in this country at this time, racism is based on the same things as it always as been. But now the excuse is about culture and behavior.

People will call things as they see them, even as you do.
do tell.....

I built my own farm up from raw dirt, built my own business up from nothing in the middle of nowhere. I have neither been handed anything, nor do i owe anything to anyone in this life.

Further, i was run down as a kid. I'm techincally a cripple, kept me out of the military (couldn't pas the physical) in the early 70's , but not FF & EMS, which i served 30 yrs in (i hid it all from them)

I qualify for SSI, but never have taken so much as a dime from Gub'Mit , nor expect or seek any sort of favoritism ,priveldge ,accolades.

Those that do......what's the word now?......oh yeah.....snowflakes.....


You know, Sparky, there usually is a lot of real-world reasonableness in what you say. The above is just... let's say, a bit lacking on that score.

You never went to a public, publicly funded school, enabling you to read and write English?

You never traveled over a publicly built and publicly maintained road?

You stood watch every night of your life while working throughout the day, and government did nothing to prevent hordes of marauders pillaging your property every other month?

You never paid, and never received payments, in a government issued and maintained currency?

And you never enjoyed the stability of a bank account, because that would not be worth a dime in case your bank just "forgot" you were ever a customer because government didn't look after customers everywhere, and you never ate anything, or took any medication, you didn't manufacture yourself, and government never ensured that either of these wouldn't kill you.

All that is to say, you owe a lot to a lot of folks you've never seen, nor thanked, for the very stability that underpins your life. You may not have sought any "favoritism", but as a white man, rest assured, you and your family did receive it compared to the disfavoritism marring the life of most folks not of your color. You are old enough to have learned that, but not too old to learn a thing or two about that.

It goes without saying, not talking about, and not admitting, your privilege or what you owe, doesn't make it go away.
It's not about talking about it, it's how we talk about it.

Screaming RACIST! at everything that moves only makes things worse. Denying that racism still exists only makes things worse. Just blaming the other "side" and never holding our "side" accountable only makes things worse.

But, since we've lost the capacity for intellectual elasticity, this appears to be the best we can do. Self-inflicted wound.

So, there was a question as to why some issues spark some kind of magical thinking to the effect that not talking about them makes them go away, while other issues do not cause same.

Is this a good occasion for another iteration of the BothSidesIsm?

Of course, this a good occasion for another iteration of the BothSidesIsm!

That is because EVERYTHING political is a good occasion for another iteration of the BothSidesIsm!
On the other hand...
That is because EVERYTHING political is a good occasion for another iteration of the BothSidesIsm!
On the other hand...


They don't see another hand. There is no other hand. As we can see on this thread, there are people who refuse to - or are afraid to - admit the obvious. Political/cultural fundamentalists are conditioned to "not see" anything imperfect about their tribe. They convince themselves that they and their tribe are pristine, and will immediately change the subject and go on the attack when their little world is challenged.

But more than anything else, they absolutely HATE it when I point out how similar their behaviors are to those they so loathe. Understandable, I guess.

I may as well be trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenager on the streets of Damascus, or a sign-holding Westboro Baptist Church picketer, protesting the funeral of a fallen soldier. There's nothing there. No light gets in. They do not see a thing.

They're always absolutely fascinating, though, and they're always very willing to jump in and illustrate my points for me.
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do tell.....

I built my own farm up from raw dirt, built my own business up from nothing in the middle of nowhere. I have neither been handed anything, nor do i owe anything to anyone in this life.

Further, i was run down as a kid. I'm techincally a cripple, kept me out of the military (couldn't pas the physical) in the early 70's , but not FF & EMS, which i served 30 yrs in (i hid it all from them)

I qualify for SSI, but never have taken so much as a dime from Gub'Mit , nor expect or seek any sort of favoritism ,priveldge ,accolades.

Those that do......what's the word now?......oh yeah.....snowflakes.....


You know, Sparky, there usually is a lot of real-world reasonableness in what you say. The above is just... let's say, a bit lacking on that score.

You never went to a public, publicly funded school, enabling you to read and write English?

You never traveled over a publicly built and publicly maintained road?

You stood watch every night of your life while working throughout the day, and government did nothing to prevent hordes of marauders pillaging your property every other month?

You never paid, and never received payments, in a government issued and maintained currency?

And you never enjoyed the stability of a bank account, because that would not be worth a dime in case your bank just "forgot" you were ever a customer because government didn't look after customers everywhere, and you never ate anything, or took any medication, you didn't manufacture yourself, and government never ensured that either of these wouldn't kill you.

All that is to say, you owe a lot to a lot of folks you've never seen, nor thanked, for the very stability that underpins your life. You may not have sought any "favoritism", but as a white man, rest assured, you and your family did receive it compared to the disfavoritism marring the life of most folks not of your color. You are old enough to have learned that, but not too old to learn a thing or two about that.

It goes without saying, not talking about, and not admitting, your privilege or what you owe, doesn't make it go away.

I agree w/all you've said Old one....

Yes i could claim to be a self made man, but i'm far from anywhere near believing in such falacies.

In fact, almost everything about my existence has been due to the influences of the society i've been raised in, right on down to the two emt's that saved my life as a child.

Yes i believe in a collectivist society , i just have little patience for those who predicate they're not getting thier due based soley on their race or religion

I no longer look upon them as representative of their respective faction(s) , rather they are the whiners and loosers looking to blame anyone but themselves

They define the difference betwixt a hand up, and a hand out ....

Yes i believe in a collectivist society , i just have little patience for those who predicate they're not getting thier due based soley on their race or religion

I no longer look upon them as representative of their respective faction(s) , rather they are the whiners and loosers looking to blame anyone but themselves

... and thank god you received these EMTs.

With that in mind, I am quite certain you are currently taking a stern look at the whiners and their complaints, you know, the goofs who thought electing Trump would right the ills, injustices and discrimination, the very ordeal under which they were forced to chafe.
This is the fallacy of “if we stop talking about it, it will go away.” I hearing this at USMB quite a bit — if we stop talking about racism, no one will be racist; if we stop talking about the hungry, no one will go hungry; if we stop talking about white supremacy, no one will be a white supremacist. Yet we never hear anyone say this about immigration, gun control, government or taxes that are too high. Among many things.

Why is this?
Many whites, particularly of the conservative and/or rightwing stripe have a reflexive reaction to anything addressing the realities of racism.

It's triggered anytime someone posts the truth of about racism, bigotry and this country's long history and current manifestation of it.

In my most recent thread, I got quite a few who have stated that they didn't even watch the video, but they know they are mad at it and what it's about.

They are at fault because they complained about being enslaved instead of being grateful they were rescued from being eaten by lions and being able to be around whites. :rolleyes:
This is the thinking of about 95% or more of rightwing whites in this country.

It's not about talking about it, it's how we talk about it.

Screaming RACIST! at everything that moves only makes things worse. Denying that racism still exists only makes things worse. Just blaming the other "side" and never holding our "side" accountable only makes things worse.

But, since we've lost the capacity for intellectual elasticity, this appears to be the best we can do. Self-inflicted wound.

Racism can never be cured via legislation, because it's a matter of culture and behavior, not skin color.

Racism was made/empowered by legislation. And it was based on skin color.

At one time, yes and yes. But now, in this country at this time, it is based upon culture and behavior.

Why do you whites who haven't experienced one day of racism think you get to tell us how things are pertaining to racism? Whites have denied racism since the nation started. But now in this country at this time, racism is based on the same things as it always as been. But now the excuse is about culture and behavior.
Same shit different day. White people always have some excuse for racism and are always saying it takes time. They know about it. They can make a decision and be done with it. The reason they make excuses is because it benefits them and they are frightened of what would happen to them if the playing field were truly leveled.
I didnt say humans were a seed. I said other people are responsible for planting the seed that turns into what we become. Our potential is pretty limitless but we need that help to take it to the next level or someone shine a light down the path we choose. Humans are social animals for a reason. Without other humans its pretty much impossible to reach our full potential. That human is not restricted to a parent or relative. Could be a teacher, girlfriend, enemy etc. How many people do you know that get up to accept recognition and they can honestly say no one helped them get where they are?
Part of fncceo's schtick is to pretend to be willfully ignorant.
Why do you whites who haven't experienced one day of racism think you get to tell us how things are pertaining to racism? Whites have denied racism since the nation started. But now in this country at this time, racism is based on the same things as it always as been. But now the excuse is about culture and behavior.
They've denied it from BEFORE this nation began actually. However, to answer your question, it's because the label of "racist" is deemed as an attack on their morality. And above all, American whites especially want to see themselves as being very moral.

As history have shown us, they are not.
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It's not about talking about it, it's how we talk about it.

Screaming RACIST! at everything that moves only makes things worse. Denying that racism still exists only makes things worse. Just blaming the other "side" and never holding our "side" accountable only makes things worse.

But, since we've lost the capacity for intellectual elasticity, this appears to be the best we can do. Self-inflicted wound.

Racism can never be cured via legislation, because it's a matter of culture and behavior, not skin color.

Racism was made/empowered by legislation. And it was based on skin color.

At one time, yes and yes. But now, in this country at this time, it is based upon culture and behavior.

Why do you whites who haven't experienced one day of racism think you get to tell us how things are pertaining to racism? Whites have denied racism since the nation started. But now in this country at this time, racism is based on the same things as it always as been. But now the excuse is about culture and behavior.

Many groups of people have experienced and currently experience different types of discrimination. It's not a phenomenon unique to any one group of people.
One thing that is unique with the Black experience is the length of time, the type of intentional physiological destruction, the purposeful generational destruction of the family unit, the purposeful destruction of Black history, and the past and ongoing brainwashing. No other group in the history of the planet has gone through what Blacks have gone through and continue to go through. Its not even really close.

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