The fall of Rahm Emanuel

Mar 11, 2015
Rahm Emanuel can't keep his own aides safe while on duty and he can't keep his own son safe in front of their family home. No wonder he has failed at keeping Chicago safe. He just doesn't "have it." The city needs to fund its failing police force, schools, and basic social programs, not double property taxes in order to pay $1 billion of annual interest to Rahm's megabank campaign donors.

Chicago needs an economic reset similar to Detroit's in order to shed its $30 billion debt load so the city can begin healing and rebuilding. It also needs an executive reset. Rahm is beholden to his bankster donors and refuses to do what is right. He is unqualified to be mayor of Chicago.

Unions fear a municipal bankruptcy would result in a reduction of pension benefits. Nothing could be further from the truth. Detroit's pensioners were largely unaffected by their city's restructuring. Additionally, Illinois state constitutional restrictions forbid any pension adjustments in bankruptcy court.

There would be ample cash flow from the $1 billion annual reduction in interest payments to cover any short-term pension shortfall. The logical long-term solution is for the public employees to negotiate a small pay raise post-bankruptcy and bail in their pensions.

Chicago city pensioners would not miss a dime. In fact, municipal bankruptcy would benefit the unions because hiring and pay freezes would come to an end. It would be nice to have the city working again.

Rahm Emanuel does not represent the interests of Chicago's citizens. He represents the economic interests of Chicago's municipal bondholders. His political agenda is directly opposed to the wellbeing of the city's residents, homeowners, and workers. Enough is enough. Rahm Emanuel has got to go.

Below, the New Yorker details the many failures of Rahm Emanuel as mayor of Chicago.

The Sudden But Well-Deserved Fall of Rahm Emanuel - The New Yorker
uhm, Rahm is doing exactly as he is told to do, nothing is going on that was not planned.

leftist destroyed detroit, by planning ahead, and Chi-town is just another city on the 'to do' list.

there's so few people in Il, that they could take an entire state down
Protesters Take To Chicago Streets After Rahm Emanuel Apologizes For Police Scandal.
Protesters Take To Chicago Streets After Rahm Emanuel Apologizes For Police Scandal

why all the protesting? they got what they voted for...., or was that election rigged as nearly all of Shitcago's politics??
someone told them that a handful of black criminals dying at the hands of police meant there was a genocide going on.

and that rioting is an acceptable way to express your fake outrage
uhm, Rahm is doing exactly as he is told to do, nothing is going on that was not planned.

leftist destroyed detroit, by planning ahead, and Chi-town is just another city on the 'to do' list.

there's so few people in Il, that they could take an entire state down

Automation destroyed Detroit you dumb idiot.
uhm, Rahm is doing exactly as he is told to do, nothing is going on that was not planned.

leftist destroyed detroit, by planning ahead, and Chi-town is just another city on the 'to do' list.

there's so few people in Il, that they could take an entire state down

Automation destroyed Detroit you dumb idiot.
What brought about the automation?

oh and, all those factories that went automated, also closed and moved.

fucking moron, your leftist ideals destroyed detroit, and you know it.
uhm, Rahm is doing exactly as he is told to do, nothing is going on that was not planned.

leftist destroyed detroit, by planning ahead, and Chi-town is just another city on the 'to do' list.

there's so few people in Il, that they could take an entire state down

Automation destroyed Detroit you dumb idiot.

Really? What automation was there thirty years ago? Detroit is a classic example of what happens when a progressive government takes over anything. Detroit here in the states and pretty much every Warsaw Pact country was a wonderful example of the failure of the progressive system.
leftist remind me of the rap song by MM where he say something like; Me and dre standing next to a burnt down house with an empty can of gas and book of matches and still didn't get caught.

everywhere leftist go, bad shit happens, and every time, they were just standing there.
Rahm Emanuel can't keep his own aides safe while on duty and he can't keep his own son safe in front of their family home. No wonder he has failed at keeping Chicago safe. He just doesn't "have it." The city needs to fund its failing police force, schools, and basic social programs, not double property taxes in order to pay $1 billion of annual interest to Rahm's megabank campaign donors.

Chicago needs an economic reset similar to Detroit's in order to shed its $30 billion debt load so the city can begin healing and rebuilding. It also needs an executive reset. Rahm is beholden to his bankster donors and refuses to do what is right. He is unqualified to be mayor of Chicago.

Unions fear a municipal bankruptcy would result in a reduction of pension benefits. Nothing could be further from the truth. Detroit's pensioners were largely unaffected by their city's restructuring. Additionally, Illinois state constitutional restrictions forbid any pension adjustments in bankruptcy court.

There would be ample cash flow from the $1 billion annual reduction in interest payments to cover any short-term pension shortfall. The logical long-term solution is for the public employees to negotiate a small pay raise post-bankruptcy and bail in their pensions.

Chicago city pensioners would not miss a dime. In fact, municipal bankruptcy would benefit the unions because hiring and pay freezes would come to an end. It would be nice to have the city working again.

Rahm Emanuel does not represent the interests of Chicago's citizens. He represents the economic interests of Chicago's municipal bondholders. His political agenda is directly opposed to the wellbeing of the city's residents, homeowners, and workers. Enough is enough. Rahm Emanuel has got to go.

Below, the New Yorker details the many failures of Rahm Emanuel as mayor of Chicago.

The Sudden But Well-Deserved Fall of Rahm Emanuel - The New Yorker

Well, the above lets me know the motive behind the article. Chicago does not need an "economic reset" similar to Detroit. At all. I am not a Rahm fan by any means but that ............ain't it.

I knew there was something jacked up when we just kind of skipped through everything that has been cut.
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I have never met this chap, Ramh Emannuel, however I sure have had a negative feeling about him ever since I came to know about him several years ago. His association with Obama is, of course, a red flag. However, I would like to know why this fellow gets such bad press? Is he really that bad or is someone trying to smear him? Hmmm...
Why is a citizen of a foreign country allowed to be elected in the US? It seems very odd.
Things are not looking so good for Obama's butt buddy....

Not to worry Libs...
I'm sure Hillary will reach out to him and will offer a cabinet post in her administration.
That is if Bernie Sanders doesn't steal the nomination from Hilly baby of course.
Rahm was chief of staff to who/whom? As such, at the time, he was arguably the 2nd most powerful person in the US. Had to be on the same page, didn't they? Didn't the former mayor of Chicago's brother Bill Daly, then become the chief of staff?

I seriously have to wonder how lefties can come on this board, with such an easy roadmap to cronyism and policies so bereft of economic logic staring them in the face, and have the gonads to even attempt to support such nonsense. And yet, they do! They then have the nerve; with the roadmap visible to everyone who cares to look, tell all of America "we are going to get more of the same with Hillary because it is a slam dunk, and there is nothing you can do about it!" Oh, really-)
I have never met this chap, Ramh Emannuel, however I sure have had a negative feeling about him ever since I came to know about him several years ago. His association with Obama is, of course, a red flag. However, I would like to know why this fellow gets such bad press? Is he really that bad or is someone trying to smear him? Hmmm...

Three of the above.

He really is that bad.

He does not have a good relationship with the press in Chicago. He came in all DC and the Chicago press was all like.....this isn't DC, dude.

Al Sharpton is publicly calling for Rahm Emanuel to resign. The author of the article is attempting to convince the world that what is needed is an emergency manager similar to Kevyn Orr--the prior emergency manager of Detroit. Everybody wants a piece of the action and they are going in for the kill.
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This is a pity to witness this. Even though I've chosen to live in the middle of nowhere now I have loved many a city. Detroit was one of my faves in my days of rock. Chicago for blues baby. Watching them go down the shitter gives me no pleasure at all.

I know, I know the deal with the D's but it's still a pity to witness it.
I have never met this chap, Ramh Emannuel, however I sure have had a negative feeling about him ever since I came to know about him several years ago. His association with Obama is, of course, a red flag. However, I would like to know why this fellow gets such bad press? Is he really that bad or is someone trying to smear him? Hmmm...

Three of the above.

He really is that bad.

He does not have a good relationship with the press in Chicago. He came in all DC and the Chicago press was all like.....this isn't DC, dude.

Al Sharpton is publicly calling for Rahm Emanuel to resign. The author of the article is attempting to convince the world that what is needed is an emergency manager similar to Kevyn Orr--the prior emergency manager of Detroit. Everybody wants a piece of the action and they are going in for the kill.

I only have radio and as strange as it is I get WLS perfectly in the middle of nowhere Manitoba Canada. So I've been listening with great interest to the political soap opera that has been unfolding.

This is a monumental moment for Rahm and pivotal as to municipal politics. If BLM can force Rahm to resign all hell is going to break loose across America.
Rahm could care less about the people of Chicago....
Just like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton Rahm wanted to be Mayor so it looks good on the resume.
I'm sure he wanted the job as Mayor like Obama and Clinton wanted to be senators.
Looks good when you run for president.
I'm sure Rahm was counting the days until he ran for the WH.....

But he's going to have to postpone that for a bit.
He might get run out of town in the middle of the night.
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