The Faces Of Pro-Lifers


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Dear Liberals. You have been parroting a false meme. You have been taught that the pro-life movement is about men who want to control women's bodies. This is a lie, and as long as you continue to parrot that lie, then you will be talking past pro-lifers. They will NEVER hear a word you say.

You see, to pro-lifers, this is about MURDER. It is about the taking of human life. And as long as you refuse to accept that is the ACTUAL point of view of pro-lifers, then you are being deliberately ignorant and obtuse.

You think this is about men controlling women?

Then you need to open your eyes and take a look at who pro-lifers ARE.




A woman knows there is a human life growing inside of her. She knows this.
Only 28 percent of Americans believe abortion should be legal after the first trimester.

That means a whopping 72 percent of Americans are against Roe v. Wade, including many "pro-choice" people who don't even realize it.
A woman knows there is a human life growing inside of her. She knows this.

It's hard to know when you are being straight-forward or when you are being sarcastic.

Is this comment straight up ?
Of course it's straight up. It's true.

What you call true is true to you.

I am certainly pro-life.

What I am not willing to do is make it the mass hysteria it is today.

Want to cut down on the number of abortions....fix families and get dad back in the home. That will help young women with self esteme (and other things).

If dad isn't a good role model....let's work on that. It does not help that our future dads are hooked on porn.
A woman knows there is a human life growing inside of her. She knows this.

It's hard to know when you are being straight-forward or when you are being sarcastic.

Is this comment straight up ?
I am serious. It needs to be said. Liberals denigrate the life in the womb as just so much tissue.

It is a human life.
We know. We also know that early in the pregnancy, it is insensate tissue, a flicker of potential. At times it is more merciful to end that potential rather than expose it to unnecessary suffering. In a world as advanced as ours, the last thing we should celebrate is unwanted children.

"Liberals" are actually one person at a time, and I have never met a woman yet who had an abortion that hasn't felt grief and sorrow and guilt for it. Never. It is a hard choice, but I believe it is up to responsible women to make that choice.

I saw this Requiem Mass a year or two ago (not this particular one) and it knocked my socks off. It is about respect for life and sorrow for the loss of potential. At least the year I saw it, the homily was gentle and moving. That is how to approach an abortion discussion. No one can possibly argue, imo. Maybe it would at least move a few more women to REMEMBER TO TAKE YOUR PILL.

A woman knows there is a human life growing inside of her. She knows this.

I notice that you’ve gone out of your way to show blacks in your pictures but the marchers are overwhelmingly white and middle class. A sea of blond, white faces.

The women who are having most of the abortions, are overwhelmingly working poor, married or in a committed relationship, and have one or more children.

By age 40, one woman in four will have had an abortion and, unless they’re sterile, virtually all will have had an unplanned pregnancy. All will have been grateful for having had a choice in the matter. All will understand how deeply and profoundly having a child transforms their lives and how necessary it is to the process to want to carry that child.

Adoption is a poor alternative since there are 100,000 children added to the “available for adoption” roles every single year. All you’re doing is adding to the numbers of children who will grow up in foster care.

But more importantly, countries which have a strong social safety net and mandated maternity leave, health care and subsidize day care, have half the number of abortions that you have.

Unless and until you address these issues, even banning abortions and criminalizing abortions, won’t end them.

Canada has no abortion laws at all. It’s a medical matter between a woman and her doctor and paid for by our health care.

I have never had an abortion. That’s my choice. If you believe abortion is wrong, that can be your choice too. It’s that simple.
A woman knows there is a human life growing inside of her. She knows this.

I notice that you’ve gone out of your way to show blacks in your pictures but the marchers are overwhelmingly white and middle class. A sea of blond, white faces.

The women who are having most of the abortions, are overwhelmingly working poor, married or in a committed relationship, and have one or more children.

By age 40, one woman in four will have had an abortion and, unless they’re sterile, virtually all will have had an unplanned pregnancy. All will have been grateful for having had a choice in the matter. All will understand how deeply and profoundly having a child transforms their lives and how necessary it is to the process to want to carry that child.

Adoption is a poor alternative since there are 100,000 children added to the “available for adoption” roles every single year. All you’re doing is adding to the numbers of children who will grow up in foster care.

But more importantly, countries which have a strong social safety net and mandated maternity leave, health care and subsidize day care, have half the number of abortions that you have.

Unless and until you address these issues, even banning abortions and criminalizing abortions, won’t end them.

Canada has no abortion laws at all. It’s a medical matter between a woman and her doctor and paid for by our health care.

I have never had an abortion. That’s my choice. If you believe abortion is wrong, that can be your choice too. It’s that simple.
Half of all abortions are the result of not using any birth control whatsoever. Another fifth are the result of the improper or inconsistent use of birth control.

Here's a clue: If you don't want a baby, USE BIRTH CONTROL.

Instead, women are using abortion as birth control.

That is incredibly irresponsible. Stop making excuses for murder.
It's an issue that resolves in many ways when we heal families.

Since Roe v. Wade, the illegitimacy rate among black children has DOUBLED to 80 percent.

80 percent!

Blacks are being taught all the wrong messages by liberals, and it is destroying them.
A woman knows there is a human life growing inside of her. She knows this.

It's hard to know when you are being straight-forward or when you are being sarcastic.

Is this comment straight up ?
I am serious. It needs to be said. Liberals denigrate the life in the womb as just so much tissue.

It is a human life.

"Liberals"? Mal-Wart having a sale on broad brushes?

The Liberal position is that it ain't the government's business. Not that complex.

As for the term "pro-life" --- ask those same people about the death penalty and see how many "pro-life" answers you get.
Dear Liberals. You have been parroting a false meme. You have been taught that the pro-life movement is about men who want to control women's bodies. This is a lie, and as long as you continue to parrot that lie, then you will be talking past pro-lifers. They will NEVER hear a word you say.

You see, to pro-lifers, this is about MURDER. It is about the taking of human life. And as long as you refuse to accept that is the ACTUAL point of view of pro-lifers, then you are being deliberately ignorant and obtuse.

You think this is about men controlling women?

Then you need to open your eyes and take a look at who pro-lifers ARE.





You aren't pro-life. You just tell yourselves that because it feels good. You are pro-birth.

Once a child is out of the whom you work against that child's life. If the child fled it's country because gangs were going to murder it you reject that life and tell it to go back and die. 20,000 children die every single day around the world from hunger and disease and you could not care less. They don't exist to you.

You people tell yourselves these mythical lies to make yourselves feel good but they are lies. And your lies don't require anything of you, no money, no work, no sacrifice. You COULD save children's lives that are already here, but it would cost you money. And you need the money for a new fashionable white hate and a new sign proclaiming your satisfaction with your own hypocrisy.

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