If the Soviet Union had access and influence to the U.S markets, real estate and economy as China does today, would they have won the Cold War?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I say almost a resounding yes.

The Berlin Wall might still be gone today but only because the East Germans would have taken over the West. The Soviet Union wouldn't have broken up, it would be twice the geographical size it is today, exponentially larger economic might.

So, knowing this, why are we in the West pretending? How many dead Americans due to poisons for which the precursors are provided by China?

China learned quite well from the Soviet Union collapse it seems and they are not going to duplicate their failures. They rely on weak, easily bought politicians at all levels of government. Their intelligence agencies deserve great credit for their successes.
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None in power seem to be paying attention to what is going on from China both overt and under-cover to the weakening of our nation.
Unite Un-UN and Conquer

The Globalists want us to fight China and Russia, but we should unite with the forward-looking powers in order to crush the Neo-Cons and Multiculties. Our transnationalist enemies have been concentrating on destroying America; they'll do the same job on China and Russia next.

If the Soviet Union had access and influence to the U.S markets, real estate and economy as China does today, would they have won the Cold War?​

The Soviet Union produced no consumer goods to export, aside from the AK47 and AK74. They couldn't produce enough to satisfy their domestic market and what little they did make was crap.
On the other hand, while the average Chinese is still poor compared to the US, they manufacture and export every consumer good you bought in the last few years.

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