The "Equality" vs "Equity" Scam


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
From the text of a Biden Executive Order:

“Equal opportunity is the bedrock of American democracy...By advancing equity across the Federal Government, we can create opportunities for the improvement of communities that have been historically underserved.”

Dare we note that the beginning of that statement is diametrically opposed to the last part? Typical Leftist deception.

EVERYONE loves "equality of opportunity." Ever hear of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission? "We" want equal opportunity for everyone; this is AMERICA, dammit! But "equity" is the opposite of equal opportunity. "Equity" is gaming the system by giving artificial preferences to selected groups in the vain hope of producing "equal" outcomes.

So if one of the selected demographics is riddled with bastardy, disdain for education, petty criminality, rejection of middle-class values, rampant substance abuse, and generations of failure, how is it "equitable" to elevate that demographic into equal outcomes with other demographics whose common traits are more amenable to success? In short, it is not.

"Equity" as currently defined is evil. Don't be taken in.

Leftists are evil.
Why do you feel like you have lost something if someone else gets the same as you?
So yeah... let's say you are fishing at your favorite spot. You have all the right gear that you saved up for, and purchased over several years. You get a fishing license every year. You follow the rules, you always clean up after yourself before you leave. You fish responsibly, you throw back smaller fish. Only keep what you can eat. You know several other folks who fish at this lake, they have been coming here for years to. You spend hours fishing, you learn about baiting, work on your skills to better your chances.
One day you finish fishing, wrapping everything up when a conservation office walks up and asks "how did you do?"... you proudly show your catch. At that moment he reaches in and takes several of your best fish. Your upset. What is happening.
You then learn that other people you saw here, you noticed they were barely fishing at at all. They are entitled to a portion of your catch no matter how unprepared and lousy they do... you can see they don't even try... they get a portion of all the fish caught in the entire lake.
Because that is fair. Right?
Let's be clear. We're only talking about the black subculture. Most blacks understand the need for education, obeying the law, family planning, hard work, etc. It's government policy makers that have lumped them all together.
So yeah... let's say you are fishing at your favorite spot. You have all the right gear that you saved up for, and purchased over several years. You get a fishing license every year. You follow the rules, you always clean up after yourself before you leave. You fish responsibly, you throw back smaller fish. Only keep what you can eat. You know several other folks who fish at this lake, they have been coming here for years to. You spend hours fishing, you learn about baiting, work on your skills to better your chances.
One day you finish fishing, wrapping everything up when a conservation office walks up and asks "how did you do?"... you proudly show your catch. At that moment he reaches in and takes several of your best fish. Your upset. What is happening.
You then learn that other people you saw here, you noticed they were barely fishing at at all. They are entitled to a portion of your catch no matter how unprepared and lousy they do... you can see they don't even try... they get a portion of all the fish caught in the entire lake.
Because that is fair. Right?
What a silly story. Reality is more like this: Some people are born on home base and think they have hit a home run. Naturally they do not want to change anything that might give the poor saps stuck outside the stadium a ticket to the game much less a chance at bat.
So yeah... let's say you are fishing at your favorite spot. You have all the right gear that you saved up for, and purchased over several years. You get a fishing license every year. You follow the rules, you always clean up after yourself before you leave. You fish responsibly, you throw back smaller fish. Only keep what you can eat. You know several other folks who fish at this lake, they have been coming here for years to. You spend hours fishing, you learn about baiting, work on your skills to better your chances.
One day you finish fishing, wrapping everything up when a conservation office walks up and asks "how did you do?"... you proudly show your catch. At that moment he reaches in and takes several of your best fish. Your upset. What is happening.
You then learn that other people you saw here, you noticed they were barely fishing at at all. They are entitled to a portion of your catch no matter how unprepared and lousy they do... you can see they don't even try... they get a portion of all the fish caught in the entire lake.
Because that is fair. Right?
Your equity argument is twisted

Nobody is going to take your fish and give them to someone else
What they will do is give a poor man who needs the fish to feed his family a free fishing license.

You will still have to pay

That is Equity
But "equity" is the opposite of equal opportunity. "Equity" is gaming the system by giving artificial preferences to selected groups in the vain hope of producing "equal" outcomes.

Equity means you help those who need help

You help communities that are struggling.
You don‘t give wealthy communities the same as poor communities just so it’s “equal”
Nobody is going to take your fish and give them to someone else
What they will do is give a poor man who needs the fish to feed his family a free fishing license.

You will still have to pay

That is Equity
No license is FREE. It will be paid for by an increase in the fee I am required to pay for my license.

The poor man doesn’t deserve a license if he can’t afford it. He deserves to DIE like the scum he is and be buried in an unmarked, mass grave if his family cannot afford final arrangements.
When someone else is GIVEN (for no reason) the same things that I had to scratch, claw, and fight to earn then there is no equality at all.

People are given things because they are suffering or struggling to survive.

You help those who need help
You don’t give benefits equally
No license is FREE. It will be paid for by an increase in the fee I am required to pay for my license.

The poor man doesn’t deserve a license if he can’t afford it. He deserves to DIE like the scum he is and be buried in an unmarked, mass grave if his family cannot afford final arrangements.

Thanks Ebenezer

When someone else is GIVEN (for no reason) the same things that I had to scratch, claw, and fight to earn then there is no equality at all.
You didn't claw scratch and fight to earn anything while others scratch fight and claw for things and get denied. Nobody is being given anything.

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