The envious hateful world of America hated Trump as President but loves biden as President.

Well it is some achievement when trump was heralded as the best president we ever had. Why would they chuck him out? Such a nice caring human being also, good Christian too.
Biden is competent, experienced, and fit to be president; Trump was incompetent, inexperienced, and unfit to be president
I’ll go with what Obama said about Joe.

Speaking to Politico about Obama's concerns, one aide recalled him saying: “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up.”

Obama also lamented his own lack of understanding about many of the trends within the current Democratic Party electorate.

He then reportedly added: “And you know who really doesn’t have it? Joe Biden.”
Sorry. I know it's embarrassing for you but it is real. Check the body defects and folds and bumps etc.
Little wonder her father had those feelings he wanted to "date" her.
I know what he wanted.
Dragon Lady disagrees with you . So do all rational people.
Did you see my citation about Porn Hub posting nude sex photos of Michelle Obama?

You are such a moron.
Eric Arthur Blair@Eric Arthur Blair
Pork hub does not have any pictures of her. You are a liar.
But the one of ivanka big tits is real.
That's a very poor argument. You're president is a crotch cannibal, his wife a porn star and daughter similar.

Unless you've got something, stop embarrassing yourself by defending that squalid lot of trash.
Eric Arthur Blair@Eric Arthur Blair
Pork hub does not have any pictures of her. You are a liar.
But the one of ivanka big tits is real.
That's a very poor argument. You're president is a crotch cannibal, his wife a porn star and daughter similar.

Unless you've got something, stop embarrassing yourself by defending that squalid lot of trash.

who cares what Melania or Ivanka did?

Also if you voted for Bill or Hillary Clinton then you shouldn’t be complaining about Donald The Marvelous Trump seeing Donald is no different than William and his wife ( Hillary ) blamed the women for Bill whoring!
No. Lets not forget about ivanka and malignia.
They are the females that have bought the presidency into disrepute.
You're attempting to drag Hilary into it with no evidence at all. You were silly enough to mention Michelle also.

If jill biden got her gear off you hypocrites would be bellowing like hungry cows ridiculing Biden . But no, it's ok to not mention your pair of harlots and trolops.
Admit it. They are disgraceful representatives of the USA. There was a time when ivanka was mentioned as a president.
That video would look good being played at a Democrat rally.
No. Lets not forget about ivanka and malignia.
They are the females that have bought the presidency into disrepute.
You're attempting to drag Hilary into it with no evidence at all. You were silly enough to mention Michelle also.

If jill biden got her gear off you hypocrites would be bellowing like hungry cows ridiculing Biden . But no, it's ok to not mention your pair of harlots and trolops.
Admit it. They are disgraceful representatives of the USA. There was a time when ivanka was mentioned as a president.
That video would look good being played at a Democrat rally.

Show where I mentioned Michelle because I never uttered a word about Michelle nor have I written one word about Jill Biden in this thread, so why must you lie in your response?

Simple, because that is what trolls like yourself do and you attack women quickly and then whine when I mention Hillary and the fact she did blame the women for her husband whoring ways and was good friends with Donald “ The Marvelous “ Trump until he sunk her chances of being President…

Now show where I wrote anything about Michelle Obama or Jill Biden because it was you that wrote about them when responding to me…
I never said you did. I did. But had there been pics of both of them you would have salivated over it.

So don't take that sanctamonious attitude with me. You are a typical hate filled Republican hypocrite.
Didn't I read how the "the world" likes biden so much more than Trump?

The world, like the American leftists, HATE AMERICA and all think it is an illegitimate country.

It really is us against the world conservatives. It quite literally is just that.
"Conservatives" who support Trump are liars, hypocrites, trolls and generally racists

So there's that
Didn't I read how the "the world" likes biden so much more than Trump?

The world, like the American leftists, HATE AMERICA and all think it is an illegitimate country.

It really is us against the world conservatives. It quite literally is just that.
"Conservatives" who support Trump are liars, hypocrites, trolls and generally racists

So there's that
And you are all brainwashed losers being led by your pied pipers and all racists who all use minorities as political cannon fodder.

You are too pathetic to see it.
The Banker Biden has yet to crush Covid and the economy was going strong until Covid sunk it because China and the WHO did not inform the entire World how dangerous Covid could be!
Yet Trump was caught on tape in early FEB saying he knew how dangerous and deadly covid was and he did nothing to prepare.

Just another example of the total failure of the GOP, the party of failure and failed results.
Yes, I agree. They're the people who blindly and obediently support a profoundly damaged orange buffoon. Definitely TDS.
Think about how Trump is an “orange buffoon” the next time you fill up the gas tank In your car.
And....the con-nection is?
You will be paying through the nose for gasoline. Over $3.00 a gallon.

With Joe in charge it will likely top $4.00 if not $5.00.

Prices on everything are headed up.
Prices go up and down based on usage and how much the Oil companies believe they can gouge the American public. This summer, there is a lot of demand.....welcome to capitalism, hun.
Prices go up and down based on usage and how much the Oil companies believe they can gouge the American public. This summer, there is a lot of demand.....welcome to capitalism, hun
True. However under Trump we were almost energy self sufficient if not truly energy independent.

However Biden will make us go back to being energy dependent once again.

You are a liar and you know it.
Give me the link and I will post the pictures you say are Michelle.
I know you won't because you have no guts.
I told you I found those results on a Google search.
Fuck you. Find it yourself. I'm sure the Obama results will be just as legitimate as the Ivanka Trump
b.s. which you don't seem able to comprehend because you are about as bright as box of dog turds
(with apologies to dog turds).
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