The end of the autism/vaccine debate?

It's not forced. You can choose to not get a public or private education. I have a feeling you may have already gone for that option.
Sorry bout that,

If the vaccines have nothing to do with autism, why the rider attached to the Patriot Act at the last minuted by a senator who then retired, that protects Ely Lily, the makers of thermerosal from being sued specifically for causing autism?

Why do the professionals in the business wait until their kids are 3 to get them vaccinated?

Why don't they tell us this stuff before the vaccines?
Because it DOESNT cause autism, yet people like you are dumb enough to sue people from legitimate medical practices anyway. And since when and how could politics possibly prove this issue either way?

Which "professionals" wait till age 3? Once again I find myself asking if you have a LICK of support to ANYTHING you think. Ignorance isn't bliss in this case, it's hysterics and horrible diseases affecting our children.

Oh you've went to "seminars"? Lead by who? MDs or PhDs? Or cooks with no degree selling you something? Because I've attended lectures from the leading experts across the country, and have heard the exact opposite of your unsupported claims.

Pregnant women are told not to eat fish because of mercury yet they inject that same mercury directly into the infants, even before they leave the hospital and then they wonder why autism now affects one on 166 people.
Actually, they do NOT inject the same mercury directly into infants OR vaccines. As I just explained in a previous post, thimerosal is a completely different compound from your run of the mill Mercury poisoning. One is the ethyl variety, and one is the methyl type. Similarly, simple alcohol can be divided in the same manner. Methyl alcohol makes people blind. They are NOT the same. Not by structure, not by profile, and not by any evidence we have documented.

I have attended many seminars, almost all of which have lectures by doctors, psychiatrists, etc. And yes, the people in the business will tell you on the books that it isn't the vaccines, but off the books, it's another story. Let's face it, our government wants our kids taking those vaccines and they will do all in the power to make sure that happens.

I have two children on both ends of the autism spectrum and until the Patriot act, I didn't think it was the vaccines...but face it, we already have a law that requires those who bring nuisance lawsuits to pay for all the court costs, there was no excuse for that rider protecting Ely Lilly, unless they actually did cause autism and it wasn't a coincidence that the politician responsible retired right after.

You can believe as you wish, but you aren't dealing with autism on a day to day basis, you haven't studied it like I have and you didn't make the mistake of getting all the pertinent vaccines at once instead of one at a time. I would have done things much differently if I had another chance. Do I feel guilty? HELL YEAH!!!!!

As for those who claim that the vaccines don't give everyone Autism, smoking doesn't give everyone lung cancer but that doesn't mean it's not responsible for lung cancer.

I advise all new parents to wait until their children are 3, then get the vaccines one at a time. Don't listen to people like Hick as they don't know what they are talking about. Autism is a lifelong illness, there is no remission, there is no cure and you don't want that hanging over your head.

1. I hear you loud and clear.
2. And I feel your pain.
3. These motherfuckers know all these massive shots do indeed cause autism.
4. They ain't that fucking dumb!!!!
5. My daughter won't be getting any more shots till after three years of age, shes almost two now, and they try to make me think I'm endangering her by not doing all they shots on thier time frame.
6. My son got quite a few shots there when he was younger, but I did slow down the rate at which they wanted to pump him up with them.
7. I dragged my feet, for him, and honestly I am proud I did drag them over that.
8. He had to get shots before they allowed him into school,..which by then he was already five years old.
9. AS I already said, when I was a kid, and child, I recieved few shots in order to get into school, and I never knew one person with autism, EVER!!!!
10. What they are doing is indeed criminal.:evil:

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1. I hear you loud and clear.
2. And I feel your pain.
3. These motherfuckers know all these massive shots do indeed cause autism.
4. They ain't that fucking dumb!!!!
5. My daughter won't be getting any more shots till after three years of age, shes almost two now, and they try to make me think I'm endangering her by not doing all they shots on thier time frame.
6. My son got quite a few shots there when he was younger, but I did slow down the rate at which they wanted to pump him up with them.
7. I dragged my feet, for him, and honestly I am proud I did drag them over that.
8. He had to get shots before they allowed him into school,..which by then he was already five years old.
9. AS I already said, when I was a kid, and child, I recieved few shots in order to get into school, and I never knew one person with autism, EVER!!!!
10. What they are doing is indeed criminal.:evil:


When you were a child, you had no clue what autism was. It's no surprise you didn't know anyone with it. Meanwhile, your daughter has already passed the common age of onset for autism, and you're still not offering her life saving vaccinations because of..... what? What information do you have that shows it causes autism? Still waiting for that.
Sorry bout that,

1. I hear you loud and clear.
2. And I feel your pain.
3. These motherfuckers know all these massive shots do indeed cause autism.
4. They ain't that fucking dumb!!!!
5. My daughter won't be getting any more shots till after three years of age, shes almost two now, and they try to make me think I'm endangering her by not doing all they shots on thier time frame.
6. My son got quite a few shots there when he was younger, but I did slow down the rate at which they wanted to pump him up with them.
7. I dragged my feet, for him, and honestly I am proud I did drag them over that.
8. He had to get shots before they allowed him into school,..which by then he was already five years old.
9. AS I already said, when I was a kid, and child, I recieved few shots in order to get into school, and I never knew one person with autism, EVER!!!!
10. What they are doing is indeed criminal.:evil:


When you were a child, you had no clue what autism was. It's no surprise you didn't know anyone with it. Meanwhile, your daughter has already passed the common age of onset for autism, and you're still not offering her life saving vaccinations because of..... what? What information do you have that shows it causes autism? Still waiting for that.

1. If you are still younger than thirty years of age, all you've know is autism, which means, you might know some one with it.
2. I am in the over fifty group, and I can honestly say, I never heard of autism till the early 1990's.
3. And having known many people older than myself, they tell me they neither knew a person with autism.
4. I think that they over load these children now days.
5. If you don't know just what these kids get, all starting at birth, because you don't have children, thats no excuse to me, google it and see what all they get, they get perhaps 50 shots within the first five years dude.
6. And they give them mulitple shots in one day,..they say, "You will be fine, but if the kid starts having an adverse effect wait around the waiting room thirty minutes before you leave.
7. Its a crime what they do to the children nowadays.:eek:
8. I am sure there is no stats on autism in the 60's when I was a child, because it was not around, and if it was it was only a few, who had been over dosed on shots, and that info isn't common knowledge, or shall I say, *Witheld*.

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Sorry bout that,

1. I hear you loud and clear.
2. And I feel your pain.
3. These motherfuckers know all these massive shots do indeed cause autism.
4. They ain't that fucking dumb!!!!
5. My daughter won't be getting any more shots till after three years of age, shes almost two now, and they try to make me think I'm endangering her by not doing all they shots on thier time frame.
6. My son got quite a few shots there when he was younger, but I did slow down the rate at which they wanted to pump him up with them.
7. I dragged my feet, for him, and honestly I am proud I did drag them over that.
8. He had to get shots before they allowed him into school,..which by then he was already five years old.
9. AS I already said, when I was a kid, and child, I recieved few shots in order to get into school, and I never knew one person with autism, EVER!!!!
10. What they are doing is indeed criminal.:evil:


When you were a child, you had no clue what autism was. It's no surprise you didn't know anyone with it. Meanwhile, your daughter has already passed the common age of onset for autism, and you're still not offering her life saving vaccinations because of..... what? What information do you have that shows it causes autism? Still waiting for that.

1. If you are still younger than thirty years of age, all you've know is autism, which means, you might know some one with it.
2. I am in the over fifty group, and I can honestly say, I never heard of autism till the early 1990's.
3. And having known many people older than myself, they tell me they neither knew a person with autism.
4. I think that they over load these children now days.
5. If you don't know just what these kids get, all starting at birth, because you don't have children, thats no excuse to me, google it and see what all they get, they get perhaps 50 shots within the first five years dude.
6. And they give them mulitple shots in one day,..they say, "You will be fine, but if the kid starts having an adverse effect wait around the waiting room thirty minutes before you leave.
7. Its a crime what they do to the children nowadays.:eek:
8. I am sure there is no stats on autism in the 60's when I was a child, because it was not around, and if it was it was only a few, who had been over dosed on shots, and that info isn't common knowledge, or shall I say, *Witheld*.


Children are not given 50 shots. Once again you're completely making things up. Autism also existed historically. It just wasn't diagnosed.
Sorry bout that,

1. I hear you loud and clear.
2. And I feel your pain.
3. These motherfuckers know all these massive shots do indeed cause autism.
4. They ain't that fucking dumb!!!!
5. My daughter won't be getting any more shots till after three years of age, shes almost two now, and they try to make me think I'm endangering her by not doing all they shots on thier time frame.
6. My son got quite a few shots there when he was younger, but I did slow down the rate at which they wanted to pump him up with them.
7. I dragged my feet, for him, and honestly I am proud I did drag them over that.
8. He had to get shots before they allowed him into school,..which by then he was already five years old.
9. AS I already said, when I was a kid, and child, I recieved few shots in order to get into school, and I never knew one person with autism, EVER!!!!
10. What they are doing is indeed criminal.:evil:


When you were a child, you had no clue what autism was. It's no surprise you didn't know anyone with it. Meanwhile, your daughter has already passed the common age of onset for autism, and you're still not offering her life saving vaccinations because of..... what? What information do you have that shows it causes autism? Still waiting for that.

1. If you are still younger than thirty years of age, all you've know is autism, which means, you might know some one with it.
2. I am in the over fifty group, and I can honestly say, I never heard of autism till the early 1990's.
3. And having known many people older than myself, they tell me they neither knew a person with autism.
4. I think that they over load these children now days.
5. If you don't know just what these kids get, all starting at birth, because you don't have children, thats no excuse to me, google it and see what all they get, they get perhaps 50 shots within the first five years dude.
6. And they give them mulitple shots in one day,..they say, "You will be fine, but if the kid starts having an adverse effect wait around the waiting room thirty minutes before you leave.
7. Its a crime what they do to the children nowadays.:eek:
8. I am sure there is no stats on autism in the 60's when I was a child, because it was not around, and if it was it was only a few, who had been over dosed on shots, and that info isn't common knowledge, or shall I say, *Witheld*.


You are over 50? Holy Lord. How have you made it this far with the whole functional illiteracy thing?

Though it's always amusing to watch people like you seize on a certain pathology that has been around for decades ( autism was first described in medical literature in the 40s) and go into freak-out mode since you have no clue what you are talking about.

Hey, in your own mind, you are 100% correct so what does it matter what anyone else thinks, right?
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As a grandpa I have to admit I am amazed at the number of shots children get today and so early in life. But our grandkids are all well after this regimen. One item that I thought interesting after reading a bit on evolution was the change today in the birth ages of parents. We married young, it was what you did in our day, and if we are products of natural selection which I think we are, then would it not make biological sense to have children young? Old folks don't have kids, we are unnecessary today, although we have strong genes as the children look like our side. lol I wonder if there are stats on age and autism. The other thing that I find interesting is children seem to mature faster today, esp girls, maybe not always mentally but physically. I'm sure cave people didn't wait till they could afford upper level caves. Or maybe our environment is just going so toxic, our genes can't handle it all?
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

When you were a child, you had no clue what autism was. It's no surprise you didn't know anyone with it. Meanwhile, your daughter has already passed the common age of onset for autism, and you're still not offering her life saving vaccinations because of..... what? What information do you have that shows it causes autism? Still waiting for that.

1. If you are still younger than thirty years of age, all you've know is autism, which means, you might know some one with it.
2. I am in the over fifty group, and I can honestly say, I never heard of autism till the early 1990's.
3. And having known many people older than myself, they tell me they neither knew a person with autism.
4. I think that they over load these children now days.
5. If you don't know just what these kids get, all starting at birth, because you don't have children, thats no excuse to me, google it and see what all they get, they get perhaps 50 shots within the first five years dude.
6. And they give them mulitple shots in one day,..they say, "You will be fine, but if the kid starts having an adverse effect wait around the waiting room thirty minutes before you leave.
7. Its a crime what they do to the children nowadays.:eek:
8. I am sure there is no stats on autism in the 60's when I was a child, because it was not around, and if it was it was only a few, who had been over dosed on shots, and that info isn't common knowledge, or shall I say, *Witheld*.


Children are not given 50 shots. Once again you're completely making things up. Autism also existed historically. It just wasn't diagnosed.

1. Well I did a quick search myself, seeing nobody else wanted too.
2. And its a shit load of shots dudes.
3. Well over what I had to take, and I turned out prefectly!
4. Link and sample;Immunization Schedule

Hep B: Hepatitis B vaccine (HBV); recommended to give the first dose at birth, but may be given at any age for those not previously immunized.
1-2 months
Hep B: Second dose should be administered 1 to 2 months after the first dose.
2 months
DTaP: Diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis vaccine
Hib: Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine
IPV: Inactivated poliovirus vaccine
PCV: Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
Rota: Rotavirus vaccine
4 months
6 months
Rota "

9. This is a partial list, go to link to see all the shot they publish, but I can tell you this isn't complete at *ALL*.
10. You fuckers are just too fucking stupid for the childrens good, your *FUCKING FIRED*!!!! as parents!!!

1. Well I did a quick search myself, seeing nobody else wanted too.

LMAO. Hick and I have the vaccine schedule memorized. We don't have to look it up to know that children aren't given 50 shots at birth or in their first 20 years of their lives.

9. This is a partial list, go to link to see all the shot they publish, but I can tell you this isn't complete at *ALL*.

It's complete for the first six months of life +/- varicella and the HPV vax.

10. You fuckers are just too fucking stupid for the childrens good, your *FUCKING FIRED*!!!! as parents!!!

Blah, blah, blah. I assume that you would expand that comment to all pediatricians and that no one should take their children to a pediatrician.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

When you were a child, you had no clue what autism was. It's no surprise you didn't know anyone with it. Meanwhile, your daughter has already passed the common age of onset for autism, and you're still not offering her life saving vaccinations because of..... what? What information do you have that shows it causes autism? Still waiting for that.

1. If you are still younger than thirty years of age, all you've know is autism, which means, you might know some one with it.
2. I am in the over fifty group, and I can honestly say, I never heard of autism till the early 1990's.
3. And having known many people older than myself, they tell me they neither knew a person with autism.
4. I think that they over load these children now days.
5. If you don't know just what these kids get, all starting at birth, because you don't have children, thats no excuse to me, google it and see what all they get, they get perhaps 50 shots within the first five years dude.
6. And they give them mulitple shots in one day,..they say, "You will be fine, but if the kid starts having an adverse effect wait around the waiting room thirty minutes before you leave.
7. Its a crime what they do to the children nowadays.:eek:
8. I am sure there is no stats on autism in the 60's when I was a child, because it was not around, and if it was it was only a few, who had been over dosed on shots, and that info isn't common knowledge, or shall I say, *Witheld*.


You are over 50? Holy Lord. How have you made it this far with the whole functional illiteracy thing?

Though it's always amusing to watch people like you seize on a certain pathology that has been around for decades ( autism was first described in medical literature in the 40s) and go into freak-out mode since you have no clue what you are talking about.

Hey, in your own mind, you are 100% correct so what does it matter what anyone else thinks, right?

1. Shit its a minor miracle you can even type on your fucking keyboard dude.
2. Yes I know that there were a few autistic people diagnosed supposedly years ago, but where is the evidence?
3. Who knew them, where were they cared for, and how many were there?
4. One in fucking 150 now, we see them everywhere, now, and back then they were more likely a product of failed medical testing on humans.
5. Again your just too fucking stupid to figure this out moron!
6. Your the fucking idiot who hears the truth lets say, you were drivng your fucking car towards a bridge that was out, and I told you it was, but you would drive towards it, without even giving it a second thought, right over the edge, good fucking ridance moron!!!:lol:
7. I say, you go ahead and take your kids on down there and get all the shots when and how often the health depatment/pediatrician tells you , you fucking moron!:lol:
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You said 50 shots, which is completely inaccurate. Now you're backpedaling and calling us dumb? By the way, the rotavirus vaccine is not a shot at all. You have demonstrated that you are completely clueless on this topic, being proven wrong time and time again, and yet you think you are an informed parent making good decisions from evidence on the topic? How pathetic. That little cursing spree you just went on is the outburst equivalent to crying yourself to sleep. Maybe if you curse more, you'll be a better parent!

The organisms you just listed are the shots given at birth, 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, and one year. The ones at 2, 4, and 6 months can be given as a single combined shot called pentacel.

REGARDLESS of the fact that your "50 shots" just got reduced to 5 sessions. In fact, most people get more flu shots in their life than childhood immunizations. Nonetheless, even if there WERE a large number of shots given, you STILL have ZERO data that suggests it is even remotely correlated to autism. All you have is an uninformed, inexperienced perspective stemming mostly from the fact that autism wasn't diagnosed when you were growing up to the same degree as today. Neither was HIV, morbid obesity, diabetes, and brain cancer. Maybe vaccines caused those too! Hey while you're at it, maybe you should conclude childhood vaccines caused the invention of the internet too.
2. Yes I know that there were a few autistic people diagnosed supposedly years ago, but where is the evidence?
3. Who knew them, where were they cared for, and how many were there?

Holy shit. Are this stupid? You just answered your own question. Obviously no one was diagnosed with autism before there was an official diagnosis to be made. That doesn't mean the pathology didn't exist and medical literature exists that describes autism cases in the 1700s.

Most likely, back when life was more cruel, those that were considered to not fully have their wits were institutionalized or simply abandoned to try and fend for themselves.

It's only because we are a more civilized society that has a life expectancy past 40 years of age that we obsess about conditions that don't cause a rapid death.
SOrry bout that,

You said 50 shots, which is completely inaccurate. Now you're backpedaling and calling us dumb? By the way, the rotavirus vaccine is not a shot at all. You have demonstrated that you are completely clueless on this topic, being proven wrong time and time again, and yet you think you are an informed parent making good decisions from evidence on the topic? How pathetic. That little cursing spree you just went on is the outburst equivalent to crying yourself to sleep. Maybe if you curse more, you'll be a better parent!

The organisms you just listed are the shots given at birth, 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, and one year. The ones at 2, 4, and 6 months can be given as a single combined shot called pentacel.

REGARDLESS of the fact that your "50 shots" just got reduced to 5 sessions. In fact, most people get more flu shots in their life than childhood immunizations. Nonetheless, even if there WERE a large number of shots given, you STILL have ZERO data that suggests it is even remotely correlated to autism. All you have is an uninformed, inexperienced perspective stemming mostly from the fact that autism wasn't diagnosed when you were growing up to the same degree as today. Neither was HIV, morbid obesity, diabetes, and brain cancer. Maybe vaccines caused those too! Hey while you're at it, maybe you should conclude childhood vaccines caused the invention of the internet too.

1. I'm not backpedalling, I'm fucking still outraged that there are morons like you fucking bastards!
2. I do infact blame all you fucking pediatricians, health departments, and governmant agencies; All you mother fuckers are fucking *GUILTY*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. I am not ever going to change my mind.
5. Whats insane, is America has been burning one child out of a hundred and fifty for twenty years, and still those *GUILTY BASTARDS* keep shooting these chidren up with all these fucking shots, and are too fucking stupid to see it.


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SOrry bout that,

You said 50 shots, which is completely inaccurate. Now you're backpedaling and calling us dumb? By the way, the rotavirus vaccine is not a shot at all. You have demonstrated that you are completely clueless on this topic, being proven wrong time and time again, and yet you think you are an informed parent making good decisions from evidence on the topic? How pathetic. That little cursing spree you just went on is the outburst equivalent to crying yourself to sleep. Maybe if you curse more, you'll be a better parent!

The organisms you just listed are the shots given at birth, 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, and one year. The ones at 2, 4, and 6 months can be given as a single combined shot called pentacel.

REGARDLESS of the fact that your "50 shots" just got reduced to 5 sessions. In fact, most people get more flu shots in their life than childhood immunizations. Nonetheless, even if there WERE a large number of shots given, you STILL have ZERO data that suggests it is even remotely correlated to autism. All you have is an uninformed, inexperienced perspective stemming mostly from the fact that autism wasn't diagnosed when you were growing up to the same degree as today. Neither was HIV, morbid obesity, diabetes, and brain cancer. Maybe vaccines caused those too! Hey while you're at it, maybe you should conclude childhood vaccines caused the invention of the internet too.

1. I'm not backpedalling, I'm fucking still outraged that there are morons like you fucking bastards!
2. I do infact blame all you fucking pediatricians, health departments, and governmant agencies; All you mother fuckers are fucking *GUILTY*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. I am not ever going to change my mind.
5. Whats insane, is America has been burning one child out of a hundred and fifty for twenty years, and still those *GUILTY BASTARDS* keep shooting these chidren up with all these fucking shots, and are too fucking stupid to see it.



Calm down, Jenny.
Sorry bout that,

2. Yes I know that there were a few autistic people diagnosed supposedly years ago, but where is the evidence?
3. Who knew them, where were they cared for, and how many were there?

Holy shit. Are this stupid? You just answered your own question. Obviously no one was diagnosed with autism before there was an official diagnosis to be made. That doesn't mean the pathology didn't exist and medical literature exists that describes autism cases in the 1700s.

1. Not in the numbers we see now, *BUCKWHEAT*!!!!

Most likely, back when life was more cruel, those that were considered to not fully have their wits were institutionalized or simply abandoned to try and fend for themselves.

2. Insane talk, people didn't just get thrown to the curb, back then or now.

It's only because we are a more civilized society that has a life expectancy past 40 years of age that we obsess about conditions that don't cause a rapid death.

3. Yeah we are so civilized we burn our children with vaccines, so they are basically a vegetable, ahh hell its just one out a hundred and fucking fifty right???
4. And another thing that gripes my ass, you fuckers justify it by saying, "Hey look at all the disease we are preventing!"

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Sorry bout that,

2. Yes I know that there were a few autistic people diagnosed supposedly years ago, but where is the evidence?
3. Who knew them, where were they cared for, and how many were there?

Holy shit. Are this stupid? You just answered your own question. Obviously no one was diagnosed with autism before there was an official diagnosis to be made. That doesn't mean the pathology didn't exist and medical literature exists that describes autism cases in the 1700s.

1. Not in the numbers we see now, *BUCKWHEAT*!!!!

Most likely, back when life was more cruel, those that were considered to not fully have their wits were institutionalized or simply abandoned to try and fend for themselves.

2. Insane talk, people didn't just get thrown to the curb, back then or now.

It's only because we are a more civilized society that has a life expectancy past 40 years of age that we obsess about conditions that don't cause a rapid death.

3. Yeah we are so civilized we burn our children with vaccines, so they are basically a vegetable, ahh hell its just one out a hundred and fucking fifty right???


You really are this stupid. Educate yourself on the terms "incidence" and "prevalence" of disease and how they are alike and how they are different and you just might be able to crack this uber-tough intellectual nut on your own.

Ah, who am I kidding? You still blather on with your inane bullshit, because in the end you are only concerned with being a screaming jackass. I'll give you a hint though: the prevalence of autism was most likely not well recorded before there was an official diagnosis.

As it stands, it's a Saturday night and I am on rotation, which means one thing: I am going out to drink.

Enjoy your Saturday night screaming at your monitor.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

Holy shit. Are this stupid? You just answered your own question. Obviously no one was diagnosed with autism before there was an official diagnosis to be made. That doesn't mean the pathology didn't exist and medical literature exists that describes autism cases in the 1700s.

1. Not in the numbers we see now, *BUCKWHEAT*!!!!

Most likely, back when life was more cruel, those that were considered to not fully have their wits were institutionalized or simply abandoned to try and fend for themselves.

2. Insane talk, people didn't just get thrown to the curb, back then or now.

It's only because we are a more civilized society that has a life expectancy past 40 years of age that we obsess about conditions that don't cause a rapid death.

3. Yeah we are so civilized we burn our children with vaccines, so they are basically a vegetable, ahh hell its just one out a hundred and fucking fifty right???


You really are this stupid. Educate yourself on the terms "incidence" and "prevalence" of disease and how they are alike and how they are different and you just might be able to crack this uber-tough intellectual nut on your own.

Ah, who am I kidding? You still blather on with your inane bullshit, because in the end you are only concerned with being a screaming jackass. I'll give you a hint though: the prevalence of autism was most likely not well recorded before there was an official diagnosis.

As it stands, it's a Saturday night and I am on rotation, which means one thing: I am going out to drink.

Enjoy your Saturday night screaming at your monitor.

1. Sure I'm going to fucking scream for the innocent children that are going to get fucking burned by you mother fuckers this week and last week and every other day in the future!!!!!
2. Sure you go drink and drown the *GUILT*, its all because you fuckers know it all, at least you think you do, and these innocent children are getting burned day in and day fucking out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. *FUCKING BASTARDS*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

3. Yeah we are so civilized we burn our children with vaccines, so they are basically a vegetable, ahh hell its just one out a hundred and fucking fifty right???


You really are this stupid. Educate yourself on the terms "incidence" and "prevalence" of disease and how they are alike and how they are different and you just might be able to crack this uber-tough intellectual nut on your own.

Ah, who am I kidding? You still blather on with your inane bullshit, because in the end you are only concerned with being a screaming jackass. I'll give you a hint though: the prevalence of autism was most likely not well recorded before there was an official diagnosis.

As it stands, it's a Saturday night and I am on rotation, which means one thing: I am going out to drink.

Enjoy your Saturday night screaming at your monitor.

1. Sure I'm going to fucking scream for the innocent children that are going to get fucking burned by you mother fuckers this week and last week and every other day in the future!!!!!
2. Sure you go drink and drown the *GUILT*, its all because you fuckers know it all, at least you think you do, and these innocent children are getting burned day in and day fucking out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. *FUCKING BASTARDS*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Pop a Xanan, Jimmy. You'll feel better. Wouldn't want you stroking out on us now, would we?
SOrry bout that,

1. I'm not backpedalling, I'm fucking still outraged that there are morons like you fucking bastards!
2. I do infact blame all you fucking pediatricians, health departments, and governmant agencies; All you mother fuckers are fucking *GUILTY*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh you're not backpedaling, you're just changing your uninformed ideas from "50 shots" to something much less than 50. Right.

When you say that you're "outraged that there are morons like you fucking bastards", are you referring to doctor or researchers or some other group of highly educated highly experienced group that uses evidence to make informed decisions? Which highly skilled morons are you referring to?

3. I am not ever going to change my mind.
See this is what makes you a moron and bad parent. You see smart people can and DO change their minds when evidence is presented before them. A reasonable person would see the evidence, and drop their personal bias to correct their understanding. You, on the other hand, lack the capacity for such insight and adaptivity for higher learning. I'd guess your education stopped at the high school level. Maybe community college.

5. Whats insane, is America has been burning one child out of a hundred and fifty for twenty years, and still those *GUILTY BASTARDS* keep shooting these chidren up with all these fucking shots, and are too fucking stupid to see it.

Well the problem with your well rehearsed ignorance is that when other concerned parents got scared and refused to get their children vaccinated, their children were diagnosed with autism AT THE EXACT SAME RATE as those who received the vaccines. So to recap: both groups were equally at risk for autism, and the unvaccinated group was at risk for deadly diseases as well. Yes, there is reproducible evidence that supports this, but something as insignificant as facts seem to not phase your worldview.
Sorry bout that,

SOrry bout that,

1. I'm not backpedalling, I'm fucking still outraged that there are morons like you fucking bastards!
2. I do infact blame all you fucking pediatricians, health departments, and governmant agencies; All you mother fuckers are fucking *GUILTY*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh you're not backpedaling, you're just changing your uninformed ideas from "50 shots" to something much less than 50. Right.

When you say that you're "outraged that there are morons like you fucking bastards", are you referring to doctor or researchers or some other group of highly educated highly experienced group that uses evidence to make informed decisions? Which highly skilled morons are you referring to?

1. Yes, *ANY* mother fucker who condones overlaoding children with these shots!!! are you in the medical trades? Because I blame all you mother fuckers!!!!

3. I am not ever going to change my mind.
See this is what makes you a moron and bad parent. You see smart people can and DO change their minds when evidence is presented before them. A reasonable person would see the evidence, and drop their personal bias to correct their understanding. You, on the other hand, lack the capacity for such insight and adaptivity for higher learning. I'd guess your education stopped at the high school level. Maybe community college.

2. There is no proof that all these shots do not cause autism.

5. Whats insane, is America has been burning one child out of a hundred and fifty for twenty years, and still those *GUILTY BASTARDS* keep shooting these chidren up with all these fucking shots, and are too fucking stupid to see it.

Well the problem with your well rehearsed ignorance is that when other concerned parents got scared and refused to get their children vaccinated, their children were diagnosed with autism AT THE EXACT SAME RATE as those who received the vaccines.

3. Fucking bullshit!!!!!

So to recap: both groups were equally at risk for autism, and the unvaccinated group was at risk for deadly diseases as well. Yes, there is reproducible evidence that supports this, but something as insignificant as facts seem to not phase your worldview.

4. Fucking blarney, the fucking vaccines are causing autism and some day this will be known for a fact, I'm just one of many who are pissed by those in the medical fields actively involved with this *Junk Science* on our children!
5. The fact that I said 50, or 60, or whatever the fuck, I don't keep count to how many the exact number actually is, but I did search it, and it looks like its something like 36 or something, and I bet thats still not all that is required, wheres your fucking numbers *BUCKWHEAT*!!!
6. Also my two year old has only had 4 shots, which makes her way behind,..... and I plan on keeping her behind too!!!! so fuck you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7. And as of now she is developing just perfectly , talking and everything as a normal childs meant to do, and she won't get burnt by the fucking medical fields.

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