The Electoral College is not fair!

Yeah, all over the world, those economies suck, people are moving to the only country that still has some freedoms, why is it that way?
Because you're begging the question, and you're wrong, people are moving to many other countries than the US.
You are correct, they must first go into Mexico and then cross illegally from the Southern Border...
Below is a list of states along with their populations, number of electoral votes, and a percentage that demonstrates the relative value of a vote cast in that state compared to the national average For example, in 2008, on average a state is awarded one electoral vote for every 565,166 people.

However, Wyoming has three electoral votes and only 532,668 citizens (as of 2008 estimates). As a result each of Wyoming's three electoral votes corresponds to 177,556 people. Understood in one way, these people have 3.18 times as much clout in the Electoral College as an average American, or 318% (as listed in the pdf chart, downloadable below).

Population vs. Electoral Votes - Fairvote

Maj. rule happens in the Federal and State House and Senate and the Supreme Court. Yet the maj vote does not count in the elections for Potus. WHY?

While there is evidence that the founders assumed the electors would be independent actors,

There are 2 Senators from every state and they have their representatives in the house to bring their voices to the congress. We do not need the EC any more. The population of the US in 1800 was about 5 million and only 13 states, people were uneducated and the workers did not vote, or the women or blacks, only the rich white men aka the founders.

Most workers did not even know who was running when the EC was invented.

Because the people do not elect the President. The States do. Now, the elections direct the states in who that state should select, but to ensure that each state is important, it's the states who select the President.
Below is a list of states along with their populations, number of electoral votes, and a percentage that demonstrates the relative value of a vote cast in that state compared to the national average For example, in 2008, on average a state is awarded one electoral vote for every 565,166 people.

However, Wyoming has three electoral votes and only 532,668 citizens (as of 2008 estimates). As a result each of Wyoming's three electoral votes corresponds to 177,556 people. Understood in one way, these people have 3.18 times as much clout in the Electoral College as an average American, or 318% (as listed in the pdf chart, downloadable below).

Population vs. Electoral Votes - Fairvote

Maj. rule happens in the Federal and State House and Senate and the Supreme Court. Yet the maj vote does not count in the elections for Potus. WHY?

There are 2 Senators from every state and they have their representatives in the house to bring their voices to the congress. We do not need the EC any more. The population of the US in 1800 was about 5 million and only 13 states, people were uneducated and the workers did not vote, or the women or blacks, only the rich white men aka the founders.

Most workers did not even know who was running when the EC was invented.
Its a quaint and archaic system. The person with the most votes should win , that is the same all over the world. Any system that gets in the way of that is corrupt. .

And if the US was one gigantic state, that would be right. It is not, however. It is a collection of states, each of which is a unique entity. Thus, the EC was created to ensure that the smaller states would not be trampled by the larger ones when it comes to electing the president, the only office that covers all the states.

So why does Wyoming have 3 EC, they deserve 1. They also have 2 Senators and Representatives, they need to do the talking for those people. Small state, you mean unpopulated that hardly pay any tax, yet each person has more voting rights.

Like I said, they are separate entities, and the EC was deliberately set up to prevent large states from trampling smaller ones when selecting the president. If you truly want the national popular vote to select the president, you should eliminate the individual states.

You can say it's not fair, but it was deliberately done that way.

If you want taxes paid to be a consideration in determining the relative power of votes, I guess you could apply a multiplier for individual votes based on how much tax an individual paid the previous year.

Yet Wyoming is trampling on everyone else. Also no the EC was set up because the only people who voted were rich white men. No one voted, they barely had news. Can you even realize what 1800 must of been like??
This is how stupid you are , you dumb kuuuunt. There were free blackmen in the new world that also fought for their independence and voted in the elections that came after their freedom from a Brit King. But you arent supposed to know that, because your liberal elites have dumbed you so down, you are in the moron range of IQ. Of course the Democrats of the South didnt like this as their blacks were slaves.....
The EC is perfectly fair. The U.S. is a Republic of STATEs. The EC is designed to prevent Tyranny of the Majority, which is what would happen is the whinging crybully Dem-Progs ever destroyed it.

I'll note that the Dem-Progs keep screeching that Trump is going to destroy our institutions because he is Literally Hitler, yet they are the ones trying to get rid of the EC, expand the SCOTUS so they can pack it, void the 1st and 2nd Amendments...and now some are even saying we should get rid of the Senate.

You know its not, the tyranny of the Maj is in Congress and the SC. No one is saying get rid of the senate, no one. You are talking like Hannity, and Ingraham, exaggeration.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy....zzzzz

You Crybully Progs are the ones who are intent on destroying our system of a Democratic Republic and making the entire country into provinces of the DC Secular Monarchy. Getting rid of the EC is part and parcel with ensuring the Tyranny. That's why you loons want to let illegals and 16 year olds vote...along with all of the dead people you continue to resuscitate.
The EC is perfectly fair. The U.S. is a Republic of STATEs. The EC is designed to prevent Tyranny of the Majority, which is what would happen is the whinging crybully Dem-Progs ever destroyed it.

I'll note that the Dem-Progs keep screeching that Trump is going to destroy our institutions because he is Literally Hitler, yet they are the ones trying to get rid of the EC, expand the SCOTUS so they can pack it, void the 1st and 2nd Amendments...and now some are even saying we should get rid of the Senate.

You know its not, the tyranny of the Maj is in Congress and the SC. No one is saying get rid of the senate, no one. You are talking like Hannity, and Ingraham, exaggeration.

The Senate was lost after the 17th amendment.

Not entirely. We still have two Senators per state.
I made my case, and even if you do not say so, you know I'm right.

Your case fails and you appear stupid. You are not correct.

tell me why I am wrong then, you know I'm not? Make you case??

Because the purpose of the Presidential election is to allow the STATES to elect the President, not the people. Therefore, your premise is wrong and the fact that you don't seem to understand that it is in the Constitution that it's the STATES that elect the President is why you appear stupid.

"Each state shall appoint, in such manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a number of electors, equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress"

Article II
Below is a list of states along with their populations, number of electoral votes, and a percentage that demonstrates the relative value of a vote cast in that state compared to the national average For example, in 2008, on average a state is awarded one electoral vote for every 565,166 people.

However, Wyoming has three electoral votes and only 532,668 citizens (as of 2008 estimates). As a result each of Wyoming's three electoral votes corresponds to 177,556 people. Understood in one way, these people have 3.18 times as much clout in the Electoral College as an average American, or 318% (as listed in the pdf chart, downloadable below).

Population vs. Electoral Votes - Fairvote

Maj. rule happens in the Federal and State House and Senate and the Supreme Court. Yet the maj vote does not count in the elections for Potus. WHY?

While there is evidence that the founders assumed the electors would be independent actors,

There are 2 Senators from every state and they have their representatives in the house to bring their voices to the congress. We do not need the EC any more. The population of the US in 1800 was about 5 million and only 13 states, people were uneducated and the workers did not vote, or the women or blacks, only the rich white men aka the founders.

Most workers did not even know who was running when the EC was invented.

Because the people do not elect the President. The States do. Now, the elections direct the states in who that state should select, but to ensure that each state is important, it's the states who select the President.
Below is a list of states along with their populations, number of electoral votes, and a percentage that demonstrates the relative value of a vote cast in that state compared to the national average For example, in 2008, on average a state is awarded one electoral vote for every 565,166 people.

However, Wyoming has three electoral votes and only 532,668 citizens (as of 2008 estimates). As a result each of Wyoming's three electoral votes corresponds to 177,556 people. Understood in one way, these people have 3.18 times as much clout in the Electoral College as an average American, or 318% (as listed in the pdf chart, downloadable below).

Population vs. Electoral Votes - Fairvote

Maj. rule happens in the Federal and State House and Senate and the Supreme Court. Yet the maj vote does not count in the elections for Potus. WHY?

There are 2 Senators from every state and they have their representatives in the house to bring their voices to the congress. We do not need the EC any more. The population of the US in 1800 was about 5 million and only 13 states, people were uneducated and the workers did not vote, or the women or blacks, only the rich white men aka the founders.

Most workers did not even know who was running when the EC was invented.
Its a quaint and archaic system. The person with the most votes should win , that is the same all over the world. Any system that gets in the way of that is corrupt. .

And if the US was one gigantic state, that would be right. It is not, however. It is a collection of states, each of which is a unique entity. Thus, the EC was created to ensure that the smaller states would not be trampled by the larger ones when it comes to electing the president, the only office that covers all the states.

So why does Wyoming have 3 EC, they deserve 1. They also have 2 Senators and Representatives, they need to do the talking for those people. Small state, you mean unpopulated that hardly pay any tax, yet each person has more voting rights.

Like I said, they are separate entities, and the EC was deliberately set up to prevent large states from trampling smaller ones when selecting the president. If you truly want the national popular vote to select the president, you should eliminate the individual states.

You can say it's not fair, but it was deliberately done that way.

If you want taxes paid to be a consideration in determining the relative power of votes, I guess you could apply a multiplier for individual votes based on how much tax an individual paid the previous year.

Yet Wyoming is trampling on everyone else. Also no the EC was set up because the only people who voted were rich white men. No one voted, they barely had news. Can you even realize what 1800 must of been like??

Can you even realize how overwrought and irrelevant this is?
Below is a list of states along with their populations, number of electoral votes, and a percentage that demonstrates the relative value of a vote cast in that state compared to the national average For example, in 2008, on average a state is awarded one electoral vote for every 565,166 people.

However, Wyoming has three electoral votes and only 532,668 citizens (as of 2008 estimates). As a result each of Wyoming's three electoral votes corresponds to 177,556 people. Understood in one way, these people have 3.18 times as much clout in the Electoral College as an average American, or 318% (as listed in the pdf chart, downloadable below).

Population vs. Electoral Votes - Fairvote

Maj. rule happens in the Federal and State House and Senate and the Supreme Court. Yet the maj vote does not count in the elections for Potus. WHY?

While there is evidence that the founders assumed the electors would be independent actors,

There are 2 Senators from every state and they have their representatives in the house to bring their voices to the congress. We do not need the EC any more. The population of the US in 1800 was about 5 million and only 13 states, people were uneducated and the workers did not vote, or the women or blacks, only the rich white men aka the founders.

Most workers did not even know who was running when the EC was invented.

Because the people do not elect the President. The States do. Now, the elections direct the states in who that state should select, but to ensure that each state is important, it's the states who select the President.
Its a quaint and archaic system. The person with the most votes should win , that is the same all over the world. Any system that gets in the way of that is corrupt. .

And if the US was one gigantic state, that would be right. It is not, however. It is a collection of states, each of which is a unique entity. Thus, the EC was created to ensure that the smaller states would not be trampled by the larger ones when it comes to electing the president, the only office that covers all the states.

So why does Wyoming have 3 EC, they deserve 1. They also have 2 Senators and Representatives, they need to do the talking for those people. Small state, you mean unpopulated that hardly pay any tax, yet each person has more voting rights.

Like I said, they are separate entities, and the EC was deliberately set up to prevent large states from trampling smaller ones when selecting the president. If you truly want the national popular vote to select the president, you should eliminate the individual states.

You can say it's not fair, but it was deliberately done that way.

If you want taxes paid to be a consideration in determining the relative power of votes, I guess you could apply a multiplier for individual votes based on how much tax an individual paid the previous year.

Yet Wyoming is trampling on everyone else. Also no the EC was set up because the only people who voted were rich white men. No one voted, they barely had news. Can you even realize what 1800 must of been like??

Can you even realize how overwrought and irrelevant this is?

Colorado joins effort to elect presidents by popular vote, go around Electoral College

The other states that have signed on since 2007 are California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and the District of Columbia.

Legislatures in Delaware and New Mexico have also passed bills in those states, though their governors haven’t yet signed them

I can see Mi joining as well as PA, maybe WI.
Below is a list of states along with their populations, number of electoral votes, and a percentage that demonstrates the relative value of a vote cast in that state compared to the national average For example, in 2008, on average a state is awarded one electoral vote for every 565,166 people.

However, Wyoming has three electoral votes and only 532,668 citizens (as of 2008 estimates). As a result each of Wyoming's three electoral votes corresponds to 177,556 people. Understood in one way, these people have 3.18 times as much clout in the Electoral College as an average American, or 318% (as listed in the pdf chart, downloadable below).

Population vs. Electoral Votes - Fairvote

Maj. rule happens in the Federal and State House and Senate and the Supreme Court. Yet the maj vote does not count in the elections for Potus. WHY?

While there is evidence that the founders assumed the electors would be independent actors,

There are 2 Senators from every state and they have their representatives in the house to bring their voices to the congress. We do not need the EC any more. The population of the US in 1800 was about 5 million and only 13 states, people were uneducated and the workers did not vote, or the women or blacks, only the rich white men aka the founders.

Most workers did not even know who was running when the EC was invented.

Because the people do not elect the President. The States do. Now, the elections direct the states in who that state should select, but to ensure that each state is important, it's the states who select the President.
And if the US was one gigantic state, that would be right. It is not, however. It is a collection of states, each of which is a unique entity. Thus, the EC was created to ensure that the smaller states would not be trampled by the larger ones when it comes to electing the president, the only office that covers all the states.

So why does Wyoming have 3 EC, they deserve 1. They also have 2 Senators and Representatives, they need to do the talking for those people. Small state, you mean unpopulated that hardly pay any tax, yet each person has more voting rights.

Like I said, they are separate entities, and the EC was deliberately set up to prevent large states from trampling smaller ones when selecting the president. If you truly want the national popular vote to select the president, you should eliminate the individual states.

You can say it's not fair, but it was deliberately done that way.

If you want taxes paid to be a consideration in determining the relative power of votes, I guess you could apply a multiplier for individual votes based on how much tax an individual paid the previous year.

Yet Wyoming is trampling on everyone else. Also no the EC was set up because the only people who voted were rich white men. No one voted, they barely had news. Can you even realize what 1800 must of been like??

Can you even realize how overwrought and irrelevant this is?

Colorado joins effort to elect presidents by popular vote, go around Electoral College

The other states that have signed on since 2007 are California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and the District of Columbia.

Legislatures in Delaware and New Mexico have also passed bills in those states, though their governors haven’t yet signed them

I can see Mi joining as well as PA, maybe WI.

So, if the population of the state votes for one candidate, but the national popular vote goes to another candidate, the state should ignore their own population and vote for the loser from that state? Doesn't seem wise.
Below is a list of states along with their populations, number of electoral votes, and a percentage that demonstrates the relative value of a vote cast in that state compared to the national average For example, in 2008, on average a state is awarded one electoral vote for every 565,166 people.

However, Wyoming has three electoral votes and only 532,668 citizens (as of 2008 estimates). As a result each of Wyoming's three electoral votes corresponds to 177,556 people. Understood in one way, these people have 3.18 times as much clout in the Electoral College as an average American, or 318% (as listed in the pdf chart, downloadable below).

Population vs. Electoral Votes - Fairvote

Maj. rule happens in the Federal and State House and Senate and the Supreme Court. Yet the maj vote does not count in the elections for Potus. WHY?

There are 2 Senators from every state and they have their representatives in the house to bring their voices to the congress. We do not need the EC any more. The population of the US in 1800 was about 5 million and only 13 states, people were uneducated and the workers did not vote, or the women or blacks, only the rich white men aka the founders.

Most workers did not even know who was running when the EC was invented.

Because the people do not elect the President. The States do. Now, the elections direct the states in who that state should select, but to ensure that each state is important, it's the states who select the President.
So why does Wyoming have 3 EC, they deserve 1. They also have 2 Senators and Representatives, they need to do the talking for those people. Small state, you mean unpopulated that hardly pay any tax, yet each person has more voting rights.

Like I said, they are separate entities, and the EC was deliberately set up to prevent large states from trampling smaller ones when selecting the president. If you truly want the national popular vote to select the president, you should eliminate the individual states.

You can say it's not fair, but it was deliberately done that way.

If you want taxes paid to be a consideration in determining the relative power of votes, I guess you could apply a multiplier for individual votes based on how much tax an individual paid the previous year.

Yet Wyoming is trampling on everyone else. Also no the EC was set up because the only people who voted were rich white men. No one voted, they barely had news. Can you even realize what 1800 must of been like??

Can you even realize how overwrought and irrelevant this is?

Colorado joins effort to elect presidents by popular vote, go around Electoral College

The other states that have signed on since 2007 are California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and the District of Columbia.

Legislatures in Delaware and New Mexico have also passed bills in those states, though their governors haven’t yet signed them

I can see Mi joining as well as PA, maybe WI.

So, if the population of the state votes for one candidate, but the national popular vote goes to another candidate, the state should ignore their own population and vote for the loser from that state? Doesn't seem wise.

They are going to add their votes all together and all the EC's will go to the one candidate with the most votes. The more states the better.
Below is a list of states along with their populations, number of electoral votes, and a percentage that demonstrates the relative value of a vote cast in that state compared to the national average For example, in 2008, on average a state is awarded one electoral vote for every 565,166 people.

However, Wyoming has three electoral votes and only 532,668 citizens (as of 2008 estimates). As a result each of Wyoming's three electoral votes corresponds to 177,556 people. Understood in one way, these people have 3.18 times as much clout in the Electoral College as an average American, or 318% (as listed in the pdf chart, downloadable below).

Population vs. Electoral Votes - Fairvote

Maj. rule happens in the Federal and State House and Senate and the Supreme Court. Yet the maj vote does not count in the elections for Potus. WHY?

While there is evidence that the founders assumed the electors would be independent actors,

There are 2 Senators from every state and they have their representatives in the house to bring their voices to the congress. We do not need the EC any more. The population of the US in 1800 was about 5 million and only 13 states, people were uneducated and the workers did not vote, or the women or blacks, only the rich white men aka the founders.

Most workers did not even know who was running when the EC was invented.

This is why Social Promotions hurt, Penelope needed to repeat grammar school Civics
Below is a list of states along with their populations, number of electoral votes, and a percentage that demonstrates the relative value of a vote cast in that state compared to the national average For example, in 2008, on average a state is awarded one electoral vote for every 565,166 people.

However, Wyoming has three electoral votes and only 532,668 citizens (as of 2008 estimates). As a result each of Wyoming's three electoral votes corresponds to 177,556 people. Understood in one way, these people have 3.18 times as much clout in the Electoral College as an average American, or 318% (as listed in the pdf chart, downloadable below).

Population vs. Electoral Votes - Fairvote

Maj. rule happens in the Federal and State House and Senate and the Supreme Court. Yet the maj vote does not count in the elections for Potus. WHY?

While there is evidence that the founders assumed the electors would be independent actors,

There are 2 Senators from every state and they have their representatives in the house to bring their voices to the congress. We do not need the EC any more. The population of the US in 1800 was about 5 million and only 13 states, people were uneducated and the workers did not vote, or the women or blacks, only the rich white men aka the founders.

Most workers did not even know who was running when the EC was invented.

This is why Social Promotions hurt, Penelope needed to repeat grammar school Civics

C'mon, CF.....our gal Penny was the Summer School Valedictorian!
Below is a list of states along with their populations, number of electoral votes, and a percentage that demonstrates the relative value of a vote cast in that state compared to the national average For example, in 2008, on average a state is awarded one electoral vote for every 565,166 people.

However, Wyoming has three electoral votes and only 532,668 citizens (as of 2008 estimates). As a result each of Wyoming's three electoral votes corresponds to 177,556 people. Understood in one way, these people have 3.18 times as much clout in the Electoral College as an average American, or 318% (as listed in the pdf chart, downloadable below).

Population vs. Electoral Votes - Fairvote

Maj. rule happens in the Federal and State House and Senate and the Supreme Court. Yet the maj vote does not count in the elections for Potus. WHY?

While there is evidence that the founders assumed the electors would be independent actors,

There are 2 Senators from every state and they have their representatives in the house to bring their voices to the congress. We do not need the EC any more. The population of the US in 1800 was about 5 million and only 13 states, people were uneducated and the workers did not vote, or the women or blacks, only the rich white men aka the founders.

Most workers did not even know who was running when the EC was invented.
Its a quaint and archaic system. The person with the most votes should win , that is the same all over the world. Any system that gets in the way of that is corrupt. .
Mob rule seldom has “fairness” in mind when exerting its power...
Because the people do not elect the President. The States do. Now, the elections direct the states in who that state should select, but to ensure that each state is important, it's the states who select the President.
Like I said, they are separate entities, and the EC was deliberately set up to prevent large states from trampling smaller ones when selecting the president. If you truly want the national popular vote to select the president, you should eliminate the individual states.

You can say it's not fair, but it was deliberately done that way.

If you want taxes paid to be a consideration in determining the relative power of votes, I guess you could apply a multiplier for individual votes based on how much tax an individual paid the previous year.

Yet Wyoming is trampling on everyone else. Also no the EC was set up because the only people who voted were rich white men. No one voted, they barely had news. Can you even realize what 1800 must of been like??

Can you even realize how overwrought and irrelevant this is?

Colorado joins effort to elect presidents by popular vote, go around Electoral College

The other states that have signed on since 2007 are California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and the District of Columbia.

Legislatures in Delaware and New Mexico have also passed bills in those states, though their governors haven’t yet signed them

I can see Mi joining as well as PA, maybe WI.

So, if the population of the state votes for one candidate, but the national popular vote goes to another candidate, the state should ignore their own population and vote for the loser from that state? Doesn't seem wise.

They are going to add their votes all together and all the EC's will go to the one candidate with the most votes. The more states the better.
Yeah, when all the totals add up to President Trump then all the EC's go to President Trump, you can bet those Dimwitocraps of those states will be looking to string up the guys who took their vote away. Liberals never use their brains, of course they never had a brain in the first place...
Because the people do not elect the President. The States do. Now, the elections direct the states in who that state should select, but to ensure that each state is important, it's the states who select the President.
Like I said, they are separate entities, and the EC was deliberately set up to prevent large states from trampling smaller ones when selecting the president. If you truly want the national popular vote to select the president, you should eliminate the individual states.

You can say it's not fair, but it was deliberately done that way.

If you want taxes paid to be a consideration in determining the relative power of votes, I guess you could apply a multiplier for individual votes based on how much tax an individual paid the previous year.

Yet Wyoming is trampling on everyone else. Also no the EC was set up because the only people who voted were rich white men. No one voted, they barely had news. Can you even realize what 1800 must of been like??

Can you even realize how overwrought and irrelevant this is?

Colorado joins effort to elect presidents by popular vote, go around Electoral College

The other states that have signed on since 2007 are California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and the District of Columbia.

Legislatures in Delaware and New Mexico have also passed bills in those states, though their governors haven’t yet signed them

I can see Mi joining as well as PA, maybe WI.

So, if the population of the state votes for one candidate, but the national popular vote goes to another candidate, the state should ignore their own population and vote for the loser from that state? Doesn't seem wise.

They are going to add their votes all together and all the EC's will go to the one candidate with the most votes. The more states the better.

Ah, so the winner take all system you were whining about this morning? Now you like it.
Below is a list of states along with their populations, number of electoral votes, and a percentage that demonstrates the relative value of a vote cast in that state compared to the national average For example, in 2008, on average a state is awarded one electoral vote for every 565,166 people.

However, Wyoming has three electoral votes and only 532,668 citizens (as of 2008 estimates). As a result each of Wyoming's three electoral votes corresponds to 177,556 people. Understood in one way, these people have 3.18 times as much clout in the Electoral College as an average American, or 318% (as listed in the pdf chart, downloadable below).

Population vs. Electoral Votes - Fairvote

Maj. rule happens in the Federal and State House and Senate and the Supreme Court. Yet the maj vote does not count in the elections for Potus. WHY?

While there is evidence that the founders assumed the electors would be independent actors,

There are 2 Senators from every state and they have their representatives in the house to bring their voices to the congress. We do not need the EC any more. The population of the US in 1800 was about 5 million and only 13 states, people were uneducated and the workers did not vote, or the women or blacks, only the rich white men aka the founders.

Most workers did not even know who was running when the EC was invented.

Penny, ever spewing out the recent Talking Points of her Overlords.

Get over it, Penny, the Electoral College is here to stay.
Don't be too sure. WE Dems are working on it. You people are scared shitless of our succeeding because you will loose more elections. There have been 4 times in history when the candidate who won the EC did not get the popular vote and they were all Republicans
Below is a list of states along with their populations, number of electoral votes, and a percentage that demonstrates the relative value of a vote cast in that state compared to the national average For example, in 2008, on average a state is awarded one electoral vote for every 565,166 people.

However, Wyoming has three electoral votes and only 532,668 citizens (as of 2008 estimates). As a result each of Wyoming's three electoral votes corresponds to 177,556 people. Understood in one way, these people have 3.18 times as much clout in the Electoral College as an average American, or 318% (as listed in the pdf chart, downloadable below).

Population vs. Electoral Votes - Fairvote

Maj. rule happens in the Federal and State House and Senate and the Supreme Court. Yet the maj vote does not count in the elections for Potus. WHY?

While there is evidence that the founders assumed the electors would be independent actors,

There are 2 Senators from every state and they have their representatives in the house to bring their voices to the congress. We do not need the EC any more. The population of the US in 1800 was about 5 million and only 13 states, people were uneducated and the workers did not vote, or the women or blacks, only the rich white men aka the founders.

Most workers did not even know who was running when the EC was invented.

Penny, ever spewing out the recent Talking Points of her Overlords.

Get over it, Penny, the Electoral College is here to stay.
Don't be too sure. WE Dems are working on it. You people are scared shitless of our succeeding because you will loose more elections. There have been 4 times in history when the candidate who won the EC did not get the popular vote and they were all Republicans

It should be WE people. We are still one country and its lose not loose.
Below is a list of states along with their populations, number of electoral votes, and a percentage that demonstrates the relative value of a vote cast in that state compared to the national average For example, in 2008, on average a state is awarded one electoral vote for every 565,166 people.

However, Wyoming has three electoral votes and only 532,668 citizens (as of 2008 estimates). As a result each of Wyoming's three electoral votes corresponds to 177,556 people. Understood in one way, these people have 3.18 times as much clout in the Electoral College as an average American, or 318% (as listed in the pdf chart, downloadable below).

Population vs. Electoral Votes - Fairvote

Maj. rule happens in the Federal and State House and Senate and the Supreme Court. Yet the maj vote does not count in the elections for Potus. WHY?

While there is evidence that the founders assumed the electors would be independent actors,

There are 2 Senators from every state and they have their representatives in the house to bring their voices to the congress. We do not need the EC any more. The population of the US in 1800 was about 5 million and only 13 states, people were uneducated and the workers did not vote, or the women or blacks, only the rich white men aka the founders.

Most workers did not even know who was running when the EC was invented.

Penny, ever spewing out the recent Talking Points of her Overlords.

Get over it, Penny, the Electoral College is here to stay.

Do you have a comment on the EC or not, its not fair.

Repeat this to yourself if you can understand it: we are a representative republic. Not a straight democracy. Can you understand that?
Repeat this to YOURSELF. There is nothing in the definition of a Representative Republic ( I prefer Constitutional Republic) that precluded the election of the president by popular vote. The states elect their state and federal representatives by popular vote. We have three branches of government with a system of checks and balances so no president, regardless of how she is elected has absolute power even if elected by a popular vote. A "direct democracy" would only exist if the people everything were put to a popular referendum. God for fucking bid if that happens. To many fucking idiots out there .
Below is a list of states along with their populations, number of electoral votes, and a percentage that demonstrates the relative value of a vote cast in that state compared to the national average For example, in 2008, on average a state is awarded one electoral vote for every 565,166 people.

However, Wyoming has three electoral votes and only 532,668 citizens (as of 2008 estimates). As a result each of Wyoming's three electoral votes corresponds to 177,556 people. Understood in one way, these people have 3.18 times as much clout in the Electoral College as an average American, or 318% (as listed in the pdf chart, downloadable below).

Population vs. Electoral Votes - Fairvote

Maj. rule happens in the Federal and State House and Senate and the Supreme Court. Yet the maj vote does not count in the elections for Potus. WHY?

While there is evidence that the founders assumed the electors would be independent actors,

There are 2 Senators from every state and they have their representatives in the house to bring their voices to the congress. We do not need the EC any more. The population of the US in 1800 was about 5 million and only 13 states, people were uneducated and the workers did not vote, or the women or blacks, only the rich white men aka the founders.

Most workers did not even know who was running when the EC was invented.

Penny, ever spewing out the recent Talking Points of her Overlords.

Get over it, Penny, the Electoral College is here to stay.

Do you have a comment on the EC or not, its not fair.

Repeat this to yourself if you can understand it: we are a representative republic. Not a straight democracy. Can you understand that?
Repeat this to YOURSELF. There is nothing in the definition of a Representative Republic ( I prefer Constitutional Republic) that precluded the election of the president by popular vote. The states elect their state and federal representatives by popular vote. We have three branches of government with a system of checks and balances so no president, regardless of how she is elected has absolute power even if elected by a popular vote. A "direct democracy" would only exist if the people everything were put to a popular referendum. God for fucking bid if that happens. To many fucking idiots out there .

You people will never get what you want.
Below is a list of states along with their populations, number of electoral votes, and a percentage that demonstrates the relative value of a vote cast in that state compared to the national average For example, in 2008, on average a state is awarded one electoral vote for every 565,166 people.

However, Wyoming has three electoral votes and only 532,668 citizens (as of 2008 estimates). As a result each of Wyoming's three electoral votes corresponds to 177,556 people. Understood in one way, these people have 3.18 times as much clout in the Electoral College as an average American, or 318% (as listed in the pdf chart, downloadable below).

Population vs. Electoral Votes - Fairvote

Maj. rule happens in the Federal and State House and Senate and the Supreme Court. Yet the maj vote does not count in the elections for Potus. WHY?

While there is evidence that the founders assumed the electors would be independent actors,

There are 2 Senators from every state and they have their representatives in the house to bring their voices to the congress. We do not need the EC any more. The population of the US in 1800 was about 5 million and only 13 states, people were uneducated and the workers did not vote, or the women or blacks, only the rich white men aka the founders.

Most workers did not even know who was running when the EC was invented.

Penny, ever spewing out the recent Talking Points of her Overlords.

Get over it, Penny, the Electoral College is here to stay.
Don't be too sure. WE Dems are working on it. You people are scared shitless of our succeeding because you will loose more elections. There have been 4 times in history when the candidate who won the EC did not get the popular vote and they were all Republicans
And? This isnt mob rule, it takes a 2/3 majority in the house and senate to pass a amendment to the constitution and 3/5th of the states to ratify it. Before you fucking Commies even get close , you can expect the angry mob rule to come out and quell your commie ass real quick..

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