The Electoral College is not fair!

Below is a list of states along with their populations, number of electoral votes, and a percentage that demonstrates the relative value of a vote cast in that state compared to the national average For example, in 2008, on average a state is awarded one electoral vote for every 565,166 people.

However, Wyoming has three electoral votes and only 532,668 citizens (as of 2008 estimates). As a result each of Wyoming's three electoral votes corresponds to 177,556 people. Understood in one way, these people have 3.18 times as much clout in the Electoral College as an average American, or 318% (as listed in the pdf chart, downloadable below).

Population vs. Electoral Votes - Fairvote

Maj. rule happens in the Federal and State House and Senate and the Supreme Court. Yet the maj vote does not count in the elections for Potus. WHY?

While there is evidence that the founders assumed the electors would be independent actors,

There are 2 Senators from every state and they have their representatives in the house to bring their voices to the congress. We do not need the EC any more. The population of the US in 1800 was about 5 million and only 13 states, people were uneducated and the workers did not vote, or the women or blacks, only the rich white men aka the founders.

Most workers did not even know who was running when the EC was invented.

Each state has two senators, go back to school Senate is for states rights.


Yep, that is what I said. Good you are aware of it.

So how is it unfair that a small state like Wyoming has one representative for 650,000 people and California has one representative for around 700,000 people?

It looks even to me.
I made my case, and even if you do not say so, you know I'm right.
Okay, 230 years it's been fine, and NOW it's not fair? In 2019? Why now? Wtf?!


I have a theory Penelope is a Russian anyways.

Because, we have 325 million people now and 50 states instead of 4 million and 13 states. There is no need for the EC anymore , the people are educated today, and we all know who is running for President. We have newspapers and internet. We no longer have pony express.

Oh! So those facts can't be changed with the stroke of a keyboard or searches skewed, now could they? :cuckoo:

Remember, Hillary has a 91% chance to win!

Google peaked around 2007-2009 and it's been downhill ever since, and all the corporate monopolized press publishes is globalist garbage day in and day out.
Last edited:
Below is a list of states along with their populations, number of electoral votes, and a percentage that demonstrates the relative value of a vote cast in that state compared to the national average For example, in 2008, on average a state is awarded one electoral vote for every 565,166 people.

However, Wyoming has three electoral votes and only 532,668 citizens (as of 2008 estimates). As a result each of Wyoming's three electoral votes corresponds to 177,556 people. Understood in one way, these people have 3.18 times as much clout in the Electoral College as an average American, or 318% (as listed in the pdf chart, downloadable below).

Population vs. Electoral Votes - Fairvote

Maj. rule happens in the Federal and State House and Senate and the Supreme Court. Yet the maj vote does not count in the elections for Potus. WHY?

While there is evidence that the founders assumed the electors would be independent actors,

There are 2 Senators from every state and they have their representatives in the house to bring their voices to the congress. We do not need the EC any more. The population of the US in 1800 was about 5 million and only 13 states, people were uneducated and the workers did not vote, or the women or blacks, only the rich white men aka the founders.

Most workers did not even know who was running when the EC was invented.

Each state has two senators, go back to school Senate is for states rights.


Yep, that is what I said. Good you are aware of it.

So how is it unfair that a small state like Wyoming has one representative for 650,000 people and California has one representative for around 700,000 people?

It looks even to me.

Wyoming has less than 600,000 and Ca has 745,000 for each rep. So its even , unless you want it to be more fair and let CA have 1 more. Each have 2 Senators, unless you want CA to have 4 or maybe 10 or 15?
Okay, 230 years it's been fine, and NOW it's not fair? In 2019? Why now? Wtf?!


I have a theory Penelope is a Russian anyways.

Because, we have 325 million people now and 50 states instead of 4 million and 13 states. There is no need for the EC anymore , the people are educated today, and we all know who is running for President. We have newspapers and internet. We no longer have pony express.

Oh! So those facts can't be changed with the stroke of a keyboard or searches skewed, now could they? :cuckoo:

Remember, Hillary has a 91% chance to win!

Google peaked around 2007-2009 and it's been downhill ever since.

Gore and Hillary both won the maj vote. If the Dems get control you will see it changed to be more significant for the era.
Below is a list of states along with their populations, number of electoral votes, and a percentage that demonstrates the relative value of a vote cast in that state compared to the national average For example, in 2008, on average a state is awarded one electoral vote for every 565,166 people.

However, Wyoming has three electoral votes and only 532,668 citizens (as of 2008 estimates). As a result each of Wyoming's three electoral votes corresponds to 177,556 people. Understood in one way, these people have 3.18 times as much clout in the Electoral College as an average American, or 318% (as listed in the pdf chart, downloadable below).

Population vs. Electoral Votes - Fairvote

Maj. rule happens in the Federal and State House and Senate and the Supreme Court. Yet the maj vote does not count in the elections for Potus. WHY?

While there is evidence that the founders assumed the electors would be independent actors,

There are 2 Senators from every state and they have their representatives in the house to bring their voices to the congress. We do not need the EC any more. The population of the US in 1800 was about 5 million and only 13 states, people were uneducated and the workers did not vote, or the women or blacks, only the rich white men aka the founders.

Most workers did not even know who was running when the EC was invented.

Penny, ever spewing out the recent Talking Points of her Overlords.

Get over it, Penny, the Electoral College is here to stay.

Do you have a comment on the EC or not, its not fair.

The EC was set up by the Founding Fathers so that bigger States with larger cities wouldn't be able to dictate to the rest of the nation politically. Fair? It's been "fair" for a long long time because it's how our political system works! Is it "fair" that States like New Hampshire and Iowa have so much influence over the primaries? That's the way our system is set up however. Should a candidate that can't win primary votes in Iowa sue to have those results nullified? Hillary Clinton was perfectly fine with the EC when it looked like she couldn't possibly lose that to Donald Trump. She ran her campaign...he ran his. The result is what it is! Don't you think it's time for you on the left to admit that the problem wasn't the EC but the Clinton campaign itself?
Below is a list of states along with their populations, number of electoral votes, and a percentage that demonstrates the relative value of a vote cast in that state compared to the national average For example, in 2008, on average a state is awarded one electoral vote for every 565,166 people.

However, Wyoming has three electoral votes and only 532,668 citizens (as of 2008 estimates). As a result each of Wyoming's three electoral votes corresponds to 177,556 people. Understood in one way, these people have 3.18 times as much clout in the Electoral College as an average American, or 318% (as listed in the pdf chart, downloadable below).

Population vs. Electoral Votes - Fairvote

Maj. rule happens in the Federal and State House and Senate and the Supreme Court. Yet the maj vote does not count in the elections for Potus. WHY?

While there is evidence that the founders assumed the electors would be independent actors,

There are 2 Senators from every state and they have their representatives in the house to bring their voices to the congress. We do not need the EC any more. The population of the US in 1800 was about 5 million and only 13 states, people were uneducated and the workers did not vote, or the women or blacks, only the rich white men aka the founders.

Most workers did not even know who was running when the EC was invented.
Its a quaint and archaic system. The person with the most votes should win , that is the same all over the world. Any system that gets in the way of that is corrupt. .

And if the US was one gigantic state, that would be right. It is not, however. It is a collection of states, each of which is a unique entity. Thus, the EC was created to ensure that the smaller states would not be trampled by the larger ones when it comes to electing the president, the only office that covers all the states.

So why does Wyoming have 3 EC, they deserve 1. They also have 2 Senators and Representatives, they need to do the talking for those people. Small state, you mean unpopulated that hardly pay any tax, yet each person has more voting rights.

Like I said, they are separate entities, and the EC was deliberately set up to prevent large states from trampling smaller ones when selecting the president. If you truly want the national popular vote to select the president, you should eliminate the individual states.

You can say it's not fair, but it was deliberately done that way.

If you want taxes paid to be a consideration in determining the relative power of votes, I guess you could apply a multiplier for individual votes based on how much tax an individual paid the previous year.
NEXT quack theory by you?
How is one supposed to make sense of those dissimilar maps? Was it too hard to find population by state?
edit...No, not very hard at all. Smh.
1790 United States Census - Wikipedia

Hard to make sense of those maps? I thought it was very easy. And it gave you not only an idea of the static numbers but also the DISTRIBUTION within the state. But thanks for publishing the census data, too bad you didn't do it in the first place. It only goes farther to prove my point that Clayton Jones is full of HORSE SHIT. It shows NO correlation between size of state and population in his mythical proposal that the EC is archaic and irrelevant today, in fact, your data shows tiny Massachusetts had 10,000 more people than New York State. Another BULLSHIT attempt showing once again how the Left throws garbage out there dressed up as if they were certified FACTS.
Below is a list of states along with their populations, number of electoral votes, and a percentage that demonstrates the relative value of a vote cast in that state compared to the national average For example, in 2008, on average a state is awarded one electoral vote for every 565,166 people.

However, Wyoming has three electoral votes and only 532,668 citizens (as of 2008 estimates). As a result each of Wyoming's three electoral votes corresponds to 177,556 people. Understood in one way, these people have 3.18 times as much clout in the Electoral College as an average American, or 318% (as listed in the pdf chart, downloadable below).

Population vs. Electoral Votes - Fairvote

Maj. rule happens in the Federal and State House and Senate and the Supreme Court. Yet the maj vote does not count in the elections for Potus. WHY?

While there is evidence that the founders assumed the electors would be independent actors,

There are 2 Senators from every state and they have their representatives in the house to bring their voices to the congress. We do not need the EC any more. The population of the US in 1800 was about 5 million and only 13 states, people were uneducated and the workers did not vote, or the women or blacks, only the rich white men aka the founders.

Most workers did not even know who was running when the EC was invented.

Because the people do not elect the President. The States do. Now, the elections direct the states in who that state should select, but to ensure that each state is important, it's the states who select the President.
Below is a list of states along with their populations, number of electoral votes, and a percentage that demonstrates the relative value of a vote cast in that state compared to the national average For example, in 2008, on average a state is awarded one electoral vote for every 565,166 people.

However, Wyoming has three electoral votes and only 532,668 citizens (as of 2008 estimates). As a result each of Wyoming's three electoral votes corresponds to 177,556 people. Understood in one way, these people have 3.18 times as much clout in the Electoral College as an average American, or 318% (as listed in the pdf chart, downloadable below).

Population vs. Electoral Votes - Fairvote

Maj. rule happens in the Federal and State House and Senate and the Supreme Court. Yet the maj vote does not count in the elections for Potus. WHY?

While there is evidence that the founders assumed the electors would be independent actors,

There are 2 Senators from every state and they have their representatives in the house to bring their voices to the congress. We do not need the EC any more. The population of the US in 1800 was about 5 million and only 13 states, people were uneducated and the workers did not vote, or the women or blacks, only the rich white men aka the founders.

Most workers did not even know who was running when the EC was invented.

Penny, ever spewing out the recent Talking Points of her Overlords.

Get over it, Penny, the Electoral College is here to stay.

Do you have a comment on the EC or not, its not fair.
These were the conditions states entered the Union. Smaller states did not want to be dominated by eastern urban shitholes yesterday and to this day.

There were 13 states when the EC was invented. And Wyoming didn't even exist.

Irrelevant and a stupid comment. Do better.
Below is a list of states along with their populations, number of electoral votes, and a percentage that demonstrates the relative value of a vote cast in that state compared to the national average For example, in 2008, on average a state is awarded one electoral vote for every 565,166 people.

However, Wyoming has three electoral votes and only 532,668 citizens (as of 2008 estimates). As a result each of Wyoming's three electoral votes corresponds to 177,556 people. Understood in one way, these people have 3.18 times as much clout in the Electoral College as an average American, or 318% (as listed in the pdf chart, downloadable below).

Population vs. Electoral Votes - Fairvote

Maj. rule happens in the Federal and State House and Senate and the Supreme Court. Yet the maj vote does not count in the elections for Potus. WHY?

While there is evidence that the founders assumed the electors would be independent actors,

There are 2 Senators from every state and they have their representatives in the house to bring their voices to the congress. We do not need the EC any more. The population of the US in 1800 was about 5 million and only 13 states, people were uneducated and the workers did not vote, or the women or blacks, only the rich white men aka the founders.

Most workers did not even know who was running when the EC was invented.
Its a quaint and archaic system. The person with the most votes should win , that is the same all over the world. Any system that gets in the way of that is corrupt. .

And if the US was one gigantic state, that would be right. It is not, however. It is a collection of states, each of which is a unique entity. Thus, the EC was created to ensure that the smaller states would not be trampled by the larger ones when it comes to electing the president, the only office that covers all the states.

So why does Wyoming have 3 EC, they deserve 1. They also have 2 Senators and Representatives, they need to do the talking for those people. Small state, you mean unpopulated that hardly pay any tax, yet each person has more voting rights.

And that's why they have 3 EC votes. Because they have 2 Senators and 1 Representative.
In these States, whichever candidate receives a majority of the popular vote, or a plurality of the popular vote (less than 50 percent but more than any other candidate), takes all of the state's Electoral votes. Only two states, Nebraska and Maine, do not follow the winner-takes-all rule.
U. S. Electoral College: Frequently Asked Questions - National Archives

U. S. Electoral College: Frequently Asked Questions

then we should not have winner take all states, like TEXAS.
You have your choices, I can bet you do want to get rid of winner take all states.

That's up to the States to decide. It is not the fault of the Electoral College that the states have winner take all results.
No illegals vote, they would not be caught dead at the polls.

RIGHT, crackerbrain. Then PROVE IT. Institute voter ID in all 50 states. Quit running and hiding from it, quit saying one thing while always doing another!
What little voter fraud that actually occurs is almost always done with absentee ballots. How would voter ID stop that?

Oh really? Link? Proof to support any of that?

Hillary Clinton received 800,000 votes from noncitizens, bolsters Trump argument, study finds

Noncitizen illegal vote number higher than estimated

Harvard Study: Yes, Illegals Help Get Democrats Elected

Study: 5.7 Million Noncitizens Voted in Past Election

Voter ID Laws Do Not Suppress Voting, Study Finds
The EC is perfectly fair. The U.S. is a Republic of STATEs. The EC is designed to prevent Tyranny of the Majority, which is what would happen is the whinging crybully Dem-Progs ever destroyed it.

I'll note that the Dem-Progs keep screeching that Trump is going to destroy our institutions because he is Literally Hitler, yet they are the ones trying to get rid of the EC, expand the SCOTUS so they can pack it, void the 1st and 2nd Amendments...and now some are even saying we should get rid of the Senate.

You know its not, the tyranny of the Maj is in Congress and the SC. No one is saying get rid of the senate, no one. You are talking like Hannity, and Ingraham, exaggeration.

The Senate was lost after the 17th amendment.
No illegals vote, they would not be caught dead at the polls.

RIGHT, crackerbrain. Then PROVE IT. Institute voter ID in all 50 states. Quit running and hiding from it, quit saying one thing while always doing another!
What little voter fraud that actually occurs is almost always done with absentee ballots. How would voter ID stop that?

Oh really? Link? Proof to support any of that?

Hillary Clinton received 800,000 votes from noncitizens, bolsters Trump argument, study finds

Noncitizen illegal vote number higher than estimated

Harvard Study: Yes, Illegals Help Get Democrats Elected

Study: 5.7 Million Noncitizens Voted in Past Election

Voter ID Laws Do Not Suppress Voting, Study Finds

As you know I do not believe any of those links. I believe suppression of the vote by Republicans. Do not waste you time saying non citizens voted.
In these States, whichever candidate receives a majority of the popular vote, or a plurality of the popular vote (less than 50 percent but more than any other candidate), takes all of the state's Electoral votes. Only two states, Nebraska and Maine, do not follow the winner-takes-all rule.
U. S. Electoral College: Frequently Asked Questions - National Archives

U. S. Electoral College: Frequently Asked Questions

then we should not have winner take all states, like TEXAS.
You have your choices, I can bet you do want to get rid of winner take all states.

That's up to the States to decide. It is not the fault of the Electoral College that the states have winner take all results.

There is no need for the EC, most know it and admit it.
Below is a list of states along with their populations, number of electoral votes, and a percentage that demonstrates the relative value of a vote cast in that state compared to the national average For example, in 2008, on average a state is awarded one electoral vote for every 565,166 people.

However, Wyoming has three electoral votes and only 532,668 citizens (as of 2008 estimates). As a result each of Wyoming's three electoral votes corresponds to 177,556 people. Understood in one way, these people have 3.18 times as much clout in the Electoral College as an average American, or 318% (as listed in the pdf chart, downloadable below).

Population vs. Electoral Votes - Fairvote

Maj. rule happens in the Federal and State House and Senate and the Supreme Court. Yet the maj vote does not count in the elections for Potus. WHY?

While there is evidence that the founders assumed the electors would be independent actors,

There are 2 Senators from every state and they have their representatives in the house to bring their voices to the congress. We do not need the EC any more. The population of the US in 1800 was about 5 million and only 13 states, people were uneducated and the workers did not vote, or the women or blacks, only the rich white men aka the founders.

Most workers did not even know who was running when the EC was invented.

Because the people do not elect the President. The States do. Now, the elections direct the states in who that state should select, but to ensure that each state is important, it's the states who select the President.
Below is a list of states along with their populations, number of electoral votes, and a percentage that demonstrates the relative value of a vote cast in that state compared to the national average For example, in 2008, on average a state is awarded one electoral vote for every 565,166 people.

However, Wyoming has three electoral votes and only 532,668 citizens (as of 2008 estimates). As a result each of Wyoming's three electoral votes corresponds to 177,556 people. Understood in one way, these people have 3.18 times as much clout in the Electoral College as an average American, or 318% (as listed in the pdf chart, downloadable below).

Population vs. Electoral Votes - Fairvote

Maj. rule happens in the Federal and State House and Senate and the Supreme Court. Yet the maj vote does not count in the elections for Potus. WHY?

While there is evidence that the founders assumed the electors would be independent actors,

There are 2 Senators from every state and they have their representatives in the house to bring their voices to the congress. We do not need the EC any more. The population of the US in 1800 was about 5 million and only 13 states, people were uneducated and the workers did not vote, or the women or blacks, only the rich white men aka the founders.

Most workers did not even know who was running when the EC was invented.
Its a quaint and archaic system. The person with the most votes should win , that is the same all over the world. Any system that gets in the way of that is corrupt. .

And if the US was one gigantic state, that would be right. It is not, however. It is a collection of states, each of which is a unique entity. Thus, the EC was created to ensure that the smaller states would not be trampled by the larger ones when it comes to electing the president, the only office that covers all the states.

So why does Wyoming have 3 EC, they deserve 1. They also have 2 Senators and Representatives, they need to do the talking for those people. Small state, you mean unpopulated that hardly pay any tax, yet each person has more voting rights.

Like I said, they are separate entities, and the EC was deliberately set up to prevent large states from trampling smaller ones when selecting the president. If you truly want the national popular vote to select the president, you should eliminate the individual states.

You can say it's not fair, but it was deliberately done that way.

If you want taxes paid to be a consideration in determining the relative power of votes, I guess you could apply a multiplier for individual votes based on how much tax an individual paid the previous year.

Yet Wyoming is trampling on everyone else. Also no the EC was set up because the only people who voted were rich white men. No one voted, they barely had news. Can you even realize what 1800 must of been like??
No illegals vote, they would not be caught dead at the polls.

RIGHT, crackerbrain. Then PROVE IT. Institute voter ID in all 50 states. Quit running and hiding from it, quit saying one thing while always doing another!
What little voter fraud that actually occurs is almost always done with absentee ballots. How would voter ID stop that?

Oh really? Link? Proof to support any of that?

Hillary Clinton received 800,000 votes from noncitizens, bolsters Trump argument, study finds

Noncitizen illegal vote number higher than estimated

Harvard Study: Yes, Illegals Help Get Democrats Elected

Study: 5.7 Million Noncitizens Voted in Past Election

Voter ID Laws Do Not Suppress Voting, Study Finds

As you know I do not believe any of those links. I believe suppression of the vote by Republicans. Do not waste you time saying non citizens voted.

  • I don't give a FLYING CRAP what you really believe or think. We all pretty much know what that is anyway.
  • I realize you wouldn't believe in the Sun if I parked it in your backyard, so obtuse and inflexible to facts you are.
  • I rarely even bother wasting my time responding to you because it is a better use of my day picking dead skin off my elbow than trying to "converse" with you.

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