The Effort to Steal the Pennsylvania Senate Seat Is Too Much, Even for the Liberal Media

Yep, I'm the sort of asshole who thinks that the whole electoral system is a fucking joke. A two party system smells like a dictatorship, tastes like a dictatorship, farts like a dictatorship and basically is... the people don't have a choice.

What the people want doesn't matter, so the whole fucking system is a fraud, and then you're complaining that ONLY THE results that didn't go the way you wanted are somehow the only "fraud" out there.

Yeah, right. Politics 101 for kindergarten
Um, it was your Dimwinger party that thru out the duly elected candidate and installed a clown who got zero votes.

The Republicans ran a legit primary and the voters chose.

You are a complete idiot.
House seat is being stolen from Michelle Steele as a 10,000 vote lead has dwindled to 300 behind with the slow count
Yep, I'm the sort of asshole who thinks that the whole electoral system is a fucking joke. A two party system smells like a dictatorship, tastes like a dictatorship, farts like a dictatorship and basically is... the people don't have a choice.

What the people want doesn't matter, so the whole fucking system is a fraud, and then you're complaining that ONLY THE results that didn't go the way you wanted are somehow the only "fraud" out there.

Yeah, right. Politics 101 for kindergarten
The results did go our way, and know they are trying to change it by breaking the law, are you saying you are ok with that
McCormick already won. The recount is underway, the margin is 17.5K votes, and the number of defective ballots and provisionals that they are wrangling over isn't enough to change the outcome.

Normally a losing candidate will just concede in that situation. Even if Elias is successful in getting the defective ballots counted, it still doesn't change anything.

Everyone has called that race, and McCormick went to the Senate orientation thing.

Plus Elias is fighting a losing battle anyway. The Supreme Court already said what can be counted and what can't.
/—-/ BTW, those counted illegal votes reduces Trump’s popular vote margin.
But but but but, there is no such thing as election fraud!
/——/ BTW,
/—-/ BTW, those counted illegal votes reduces Trump’s popular vote margin.
I know, but popular vote isn't what elects Presidents so it doesn't mean a hell of a lot.

It does more damage to dems by making them look desperate to win at any cost, in a State that is heavily tilted to working-class voters. People remember this kind of shit.
The results did go our way, and know they are trying to change it by breaking the law, are you saying you are ok with that

I'm not okay with the whole electoral system.

Imagine you have a bunch of thieves who legalize thieving, and then complain when someone breaks the law by stealing and point and say "look how bad that thief is, he stole"....

That's exactly what I think of the US electoral system and those that benefit from it.
Listen up, you idiots:

Our enemy does not follow any laws. Especially not ours, but neither do they follow the Big Ten nor the teachings of the great man who RESET the time clock back to YEAR ZERO.

Our enemy has used our media to seduce many American citizens into believing things that are not true.

Our enemy has gained key positions in all aspects of our government.

Our enemy has taken control of large swaths of our election process and subverted it.

I am calling on all Democrats, Republicans, and Libertarians to take this s*it seriously. [progressives, meh, probably not redeemable without serious re-education about the facts of history]

Let's stop throwing barbs and start linking arms to defend Lady Liberty.


Please COPY, SAVE, and REPOST the above graphic. It was deleted from my local computer by someone (deep state actors?). The above graphic was created by me (samofvt) and released under the creative commons license (free for all, no restrictions). Luckly, I have very good back-ups so I could recover it without spending another 3 hours re-creating it.

Apparently, I struck a nerve with the CCP
I'm not okay with the whole electoral system.

Imagine you have a bunch of thieves who legalize thieving, and then complain when someone breaks the law by stealing and point and say "look how bad that thief is, he stole"....

That's exactly what I think of the US electoral system and those that benefit from it.
How would you suggest we elect senators then?
Funny how every close seat that Republicans lost is "stolen".
EVery Congressional election in 2022 that was predicted as a tossup barely went to Democrats.. Leftwingers will say "Well, Lauren Boebert narrowly won her election". Yes, but that was not supposed to be close.
Funny how Democrats keep counting ballots after the deadline.

Y'all really hate democracy.
They are not counting ballots after the deadline, the ballots were received before the deadline, with the exception of Military overseas ballots which are given a due date of usually 7 days beyond election day.

They are counting and canvassing all the legal ballots BEFORE the deadline, which is usually a few weeks after election day before certification can be done.

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