The Economist cover from 2012....


Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2010
I'm not saying anything about this, other than it's interesting....

So when you zoom in on this image, near the top left there's a Hamas guy paragliding over with a demonic looking creature over him in what appears to be a battle with Israel, because coming from the other direction you can see Netanyahu also flying with a similar devilish creature over him.


If you can't zoom in on it to see the word "Hamas" I cropped it and made it bigger so you can see it better:


Just a coincidence? Or some sort of predictive programming?

Someone did a little video about this and some of the other interesting things in this image:

(the sound is off by default so you gotta turn it on)

Just a coincidence? Or some sort of predictive programming?

What I found equally interesting was below Netanyahu in the upper right it shows the US Capitol also listing and sinking in the quagmire, and while it shows Obumma gleefully motor-boating in the dregs hoping to join Putin and Jinping, Biden is nowhere to be found, irrelevant then just as he still is today.
What I found equally interesting was below Netanyahu in the upper right it shows the US Capitol also listing and sinking in the quagmire, and while it shows Obumma gleefully motor-boating in the dregs hoping to join Putin and Jinping, Biden is nowhere to be found, irrelevant then just as he still is today.

Yeah, I thought Obama in the little boat with the word "Pride" on it was also interesting. :abgg2q.jpg:
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Yeah, I thought Obama in the little boat with the word "Pride" on it was also interesting.

Lots of truth and interesting innuendo all over, including the garbage truck dumping out its trash of British Journalists.

Only thing I found missing in the cartoon was George Soros. Maybe that was just too dangerous a place to go.

The world can only handle so much truth.
Once you begin to understand how the Deep State thinks and acts , you find out ( for reasons I still do not actually understand ) that they are compelled to reveal all before and even as they do it .

This is -- as it were --- a Club rule , or , if you want a more extreme position , it is part of the contract obligation they take on .

And however daft that it may sound , it works .
Because the Sheeple largely act as though they do not want see the signals or clues , and when occasionally commented on , they are just as quickly ridiculed and then forgotten
Once you begin to understand how the Deep State thinks and acts , you find out ( for reasons I still do not actually understand ) that they are compelled to reveal all before and even as they do it .

This is -- as it were --- a Club rule , or , if you want a more extreme position , it is part of the contract obligation they take on .

And however daft that it may sound , it works .
Because the Sheeple largely act as though they do not want see the signals or clues , and when occasionally commented on , they are just as quickly ridiculed and then forgotten
The existence of the Deep State is now questioned by many Americans. They’ve been conditioned by the corporate media to ridicule anyone who discusses it.

Proving once again, the power of the state controlled media to deceive shouldn’t be underestimated.
The existence of the Deep State is now questioned by many Americans.
Tragically probably true .

It needs a Tucker Carlson type of figure with lots of Intelligence , Common Sense and Charisma to redress this situation and effectively present the Deep State narrative to the Sheeple in simple and easy to understand steps .
Currently I suspect that a Normie finds the whole idea too much to understand , accept and act on .

Perhaps the term itself needs changing to something like the Shadow Government with Normies re-educated step by step from when the CIA was created in 1947 -- when the modern Shadow Government was effectively launched to subvert the US with the Fourth Reich probably very much a controlling force
But , imho, and far too "way out" for most people , certainly for a time .
Tragically probably true .

It needs a Tucker Carlson type of figure with lots of Intelligence , Common Sense and Charisma to redress this situation and effectively present the Deep State narrative to the Sheeple in simple and easy to understand steps .
Currently I suspect that a Normie finds the whole idea too much to understand , accept and act on .

Perhaps the term itself needs changing to something like the Shadow Government with Normies re-educated step by step from when the CIA was created in 1947 -- when the modern Shadow Government was effectively launched to subvert the US with the Fourth Reich probably very much a controlling force
But , imho, and far too "way out" for most people , certainly for a time .
Ike warned of the Deep State (Military Industrial Complex is part of the DS) in 1961. No one listened.
October 7th was a MAJOR WORLD EVENT.

Most want to see a human conspiracy, but there is "the prince of the power of the air" who is guiding this world. I'm sure he knew about October 7th in 2012
October 7th was a MAJOR WORLD EVENT.

Most want to see a human conspiracy, but there is "the prince of the power of the air" who is guiding this world. I'm sure he knew about October 7th in 2012
How many Gazan babies have you murdered today?
I'm not saying anything about this, other than it's interesting....

So when you zoom in on this image, near the top left there's a Hamas guy paragliding over with a demonic looking creature over him in what appears to be a battle with Israel, because coming from the other direction you can see Netanyahu also flying with a similar devilish creature over him.


If you can't zoom in on it to see the word "Hamas" I cropped it and made it bigger so you can see it better:


Just a coincidence? Or some sort of predictive programming?

Someone did a little video about this and some of the other interesting things in this image:

(the sound is off by default so you gotta turn it on)

That's quite the cartoon!

Not sure who the guys about to fall into the lust pit are, or who the Reagan-looking guy with the flat top is.

Ghaddafi's in there.
Perhaps the term itself needs changing to something like the Shadow Government with Normies re-educated step by step from when the CIA was created in 1947 -- when the modern Shadow Government was effectively launched to subvert the US with the Fourth Reich probably very much a controlling force
But , imho, and far too "way out" for most people , certainly for a time .

I've mentioned this before, but I don't like the term "deep state." Instead I always say "powers that shouldn't be" (PTSB)… which of course is my way of saying "powers that be."

In case you want to take a look, I explained why I don't like the term deep state in this post:

I've mentioned this before, but I don't like the term "deep state." Instead I always say "powers that shouldn't be" (PTSB)… which of course is my way of saying "powers that be."

In case you want to take a look, I explained why I don't like the term deep state in this post:

You strike me as a bit of a strange bird. I wouldn't be surprised if you were roadmaster.
That's quite the cartoon!

Not sure who the guys about to fall into the lust pit are, or who the Reagan-looking guy with the flat top is.

Ghaddafi's in there.

Me neither, but you got me curious so I looked at a video that 'decoded' this illustration... and the person who did the video said that the guy on the left is former CIA director General David Petraeus, who reportedly had an extra-marital affair..... and the other guy is said to be Silvio Berlusconi, the former Italian Prime Minister who was involved with a bunch of sex scandals and other controversies throughout his term in office. So that makes sense, them falling in the 'lust pit.' Not sure about the Reagan-looking guy, but he looks familiar. Yep, I agree it is quite the cartoon, I find things like this interesting..... It reminds me of all the eerie seemingly prophetic stuff in popular culture about "the last US president", but that's a topic for another thread.

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