The Economic Recovery Of 2013


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Let me tell you why this belongs in the Politics Forum.....

If we were in a recession and the democrats told us we were in a recession, that wouldn't be news, would it?

If we were in a recession and Republicans told us we were in a recession and the democrats didn't argue with it, that wouldn't be news either.

But here's the deal...... We've got one party telling us we're recovering while another party says we're not.

THAT, my children is politics. THAT is when truth butts up against lies. THAT is a political discussion, not an economic discussion.

Got it? Good..... Now, here's why we are boned. As to why democrats won't admit we're in deep kimchee..... Who's zoomin' who

37 Reasons Why "The Economic Recovery Of 2013" Is A Giant Lie

There has been absolutely no employment recovery. The percentage of Americans that are actually working has stayed between 58 and 59 percent for 51 months in a row. But most Americans don't understand these things and they just take whatever the mainstream media tells them as the truth.


#4 There are 1,148,000 fewer Americans working today than there was in November 2006. Meanwhile, our population has grown by more than 16 million people during that time frame.

#5 The "inactivity rate" for men in their prime working years (25 to 54) has just hit a brand new all-time record high. Does this look like an "economic recovery" to you?...



Much, much more at the link.

People, you're being lied to. The Unemployment rate among Blacks is higher than at any time since the Great Depression and the U3 for Youth is at 16%..... Staggering.

What you're surviving on is hope. A baseless, meaningless hope. One in which you deceive yourselves into thinking, "Well, the unemployment rate and the economy are all fixed now; according to the TV and obama. So I guess it's only a matter of time until my turn to share in America's prosperity comes along."

Wrong. You're being lied to. Read the article. Grow up, understand that "Hope and Change" along with $5.95 will buy you a coffee at Starbucks.

Which is about your take-home for an hour's work.

Want it to get better? Vote the socialists out of office. Conservatives know how to make things work. democrats only know how to make you feel good about being a loser.

[ame=]Who's Zoomin' Who - Aretha Franklin - Soul on Vinyl - YouTube[/ame]
Summer of Recovery: Part 1 Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh killed the economy
Summer of Recovery: Part 2 Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh killed the economy
Summer of Recovery: Part 3 Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh killed the economy
Summer of Recovery: Part 4 Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh killed the economy
Summer of Recovery: Part 5 Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh killed the economy
This is from the link in the OP:

#18 According to economist Tim Kane, the following is how the number of startup jobs per 1000 Americans breaks down by presidential administration...

Bush Sr.: 11.3

Clinton: 11.2

Bush Jr.: 10.8

Obama: 7.8
What's the quality of the jobs?
What happens when someone with a Masters goes from earning 80K/year, is replaced by a visas and then gets a job at Walmart?
What's the quality of the jobs?
What happens when someone with a Masters goes from earning 80K/year, is replaced by a visas and then gets a job at Walmart?

Then I guess they better use their alleged 'smarts' to put themselves more in demand and change their skills.. instead of thinking that a masters in the history of 19th century textiles manufacturing determines that they are OWED a good living
This is from the link in the OP:

#18 According to economist Tim Kane, the following is how the number of startup jobs per 1000 Americans breaks down by presidential administration...

Bush Sr.: 11.3

Clinton: 11.2

Bush Jr.: 10.8

Obama: 7.8

I'd be willing to bet some serious change that if we could remove 2007 and 2008 from Bush 41's equation, he'd be a lot better than that 10.8

Meanwhile, obama is at Mandela's funeral taking pot-shots at Republicans. On the world stage.

The man really is a dirtbag
Summer of Recovery: Part 1 Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh killed the economy
Summer of Recovery: Part 2 Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh killed the economy
Summer of Recovery: Part 3 Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh killed the economy
Summer of Recovery: Part 4 Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh killed the economy
Summer of Recovery: Part 5 Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh killed the economy


Part 1: Bush killed the economy.

Part 2: Obama has failed to recover the economy.

The reason our economy has been sluggish and vulnerable for the past several years is because we crossed an important Debt-To-GDP threshold during Bush's regime. Our economy will not thrive again until we return to the other side of that threshold.

Are you ready to give up your mortgage interest deduction? Are you ready to accept a Social Security and Medicare eligiblity age of 70? Are you ready to give up all of your tax deductions, exemptions, credits?

If not, then you are the reason those people are out of work. You are the third rail our chickenshit politicians are afraid of.
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Summer of Recovery: Part 1 Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh killed the economy
Summer of Recovery: Part 2 Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh killed the economy
Summer of Recovery: Part 3 Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh killed the economy
Summer of Recovery: Part 4 Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh killed the economy
Summer of Recovery: Part 5 Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh killed the economy


Part 1: Bush killed the economy.

Part 2: Obama has failed to recover the economy.

The reason our economy has been sluggish and vulnerable for the past several years is because we crossed an important Debt-To-GDP threshold during Bush's regime. Our economy will not thrive again until we return to the other side of that threshold.

Are you ready to give up your mortgage interest deduction? Are you ready to accept a Social Security and Medicare eligiblity age of 70? Are you ready to give up all of your tax deductions, exemptions, credits?

If not, then you are the reason those people are out of work. You are the third rail our chickenshit politicians are afraid of.

Not one dimocrap has ever successfully explained just exactly how Boosh killed the economy.

Know why? Because it's bullshit.

Point #2 is well taken. THAT can be laid at his feet.

Oh..... I know how Boosh ruined the economy..... Smoot-Hawley, right?
Summer of Recovery: Part 1 Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh killed the economy
Summer of Recovery: Part 2 Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh killed the economy
Summer of Recovery: Part 3 Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh killed the economy
Summer of Recovery: Part 4 Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh killed the economy
Summer of Recovery: Part 5 Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh killed the economy


Part 1: Bush killed the economy.

Part 2: Obama has failed to recover the economy.

The reason our economy has been sluggish and vulnerable for the past several years is because we crossed an important Debt-To-GDP threshold during Bush's regime. Our economy will not thrive again until we return to the other side of that threshold.

Are you ready to give up your mortgage interest deduction? Are you ready to accept a Social Security and Medicare eligiblity age of 70? Are you ready to give up all of your tax deductions, exemptions, credits?

If not, then you are the reason those people are out of work. You are the third rail our chickenshit politicians are afraid of.

Not one dimocrap has ever successfully explained just exactly how Boosh killed the economy.

If you need it explained to you, especially by a Democrat, you are pretty far gone.

But you easily swallow Obama being blamed for everything under the sun that goes wrong on his watch, though. Funny, that.
I feel sorry for people trapped in their little partisan paradigms. I really do.

The light of the truth never penetrates.
Let me tell you why this belongs in the Politics Forum.....

If we were in a recession and the democrats told us we were in a recession, that wouldn't be news, would it?

If we were in a recession and Republicans told us we were in a recession and the democrats didn't argue with it, that wouldn't be news either.

But here's the deal...... We've got one party telling us we're recovering while another party says we're not.

THAT, my children is politics. THAT is when truth butts up against lies. THAT is a political discussion, not an economic discussion.

Got it? Good..... Now, here's why we are boned. As to why democrats won't admit we're in deep kimchee..... Who's zoomin' who

37 Reasons Why "The Economic Recovery Of 2013" Is A Giant Lie

There has been absolutely no employment recovery. The percentage of Americans that are actually working has stayed between 58 and 59 percent for 51 months in a row. But most Americans don't understand these things and they just take whatever the mainstream media tells them as the truth.


#4 There are 1,148,000 fewer Americans working today than there was in November 2006. Meanwhile, our population has grown by more than 16 million people during that time frame.

#5 The "inactivity rate" for men in their prime working years (25 to 54) has just hit a brand new all-time record high. Does this look like an "economic recovery" to you?...



Much, much more at the link.

People, you're being lied to. The Unemployment rate among Blacks is higher than at any time since the Great Depression and the U3 for Youth is at 16%..... Staggering.

What you're surviving on is hope. A baseless, meaningless hope. One in which you deceive yourselves into thinking, "Well, the unemployment rate and the economy are all fixed now; according to the TV and obama. So I guess it's only a matter of time until my turn to share in America's prosperity comes along."

Wrong. You're being lied to. Read the article. Grow up, understand that "Hope and Change" along with $5.95 will buy you a coffee at Starbucks.

Which is about your take-home for an hour's work.

Want it to get better? Vote the socialists out of office. Conservatives know how to make things work. democrats only know how to make you feel good about being a loser.

[ame=]Who's Zoomin' Who - Aretha Franklin - Soul on Vinyl - YouTube[/ame]

There is NO recovery. There hasn't been a recovery and there will not be a recovery as long as Barry is president. Barry is now in "re-distribution" mode. that is what Obozocare is all about. Barry couldn't care less whether the economy EVER picks up. Hell, even his own party of thugs are beginning to question him.

Get used to it. we have three more years of this incompetent slob to endure.
Let me tell you why this belongs in the Politics Forum.....

If we were in a recession and the democrats told us we were in a recession, that wouldn't be news, would it?

If we were in a recession and Republicans told us we were in a recession and the democrats didn't argue with it, that wouldn't be news either.

But here's the deal...... We've got one party telling us we're recovering while another party says we're not.

THAT, my children is politics. THAT is when truth butts up against lies. THAT is a political discussion, not an economic discussion.

Got it? Good..... Now, here's why we are boned. As to why democrats won't admit we're in deep kimchee..... Who's zoomin' who

37 Reasons Why "The Economic Recovery Of 2013" Is A Giant Lie

There has been absolutely no employment recovery. The percentage of Americans that are actually working has stayed between 58 and 59 percent for 51 months in a row. But most Americans don't understand these things and they just take whatever the mainstream media tells them as the truth.


#4 There are 1,148,000 fewer Americans working today than there was in November 2006. Meanwhile, our population has grown by more than 16 million people during that time frame.

#5 The "inactivity rate" for men in their prime working years (25 to 54) has just hit a brand new all-time record high. Does this look like an "economic recovery" to you?...



Much, much more at the link.

People, you're being lied to. The Unemployment rate among Blacks is higher than at any time since the Great Depression and the U3 for Youth is at 16%..... Staggering.

What you're surviving on is hope. A baseless, meaningless hope. One in which you deceive yourselves into thinking, "Well, the unemployment rate and the economy are all fixed now; according to the TV and obama. So I guess it's only a matter of time until my turn to share in America's prosperity comes along."

Wrong. You're being lied to. Read the article. Grow up, understand that "Hope and Change" along with $5.95 will buy you a coffee at Starbucks.

Which is about your take-home for an hour's work.

Want it to get better? Vote the socialists out of office. Conservatives know how to make things work. democrats only know how to make you feel good about being a loser.

[ame=]Who's Zoomin' Who - Aretha Franklin - Soul on Vinyl - YouTube[/ame]

There is NO recovery. There hasn't been a recovery and there will not be a recovery as long as Barry is president. Barry is now in "re-distribution" mode. that is what Obozocare is all about. Barry couldn't care less whether the economy EVER picks up. Hell, even his own party of thugs are beginning to question him.

Get used to it. we have three more years of this incompetent slob to endure.

Yes, but we can cripple the scumbag in November by putting in a majority of Patriotic Americans and send the America-Hating dimocraps back to the holes they crawled out of

Ouch: Quinnipiac Poll Finds Obama’s Approval Rating Hitting New Low, 38%, Implodes Among Independents To Only 30%…

Feel good story of the day.

Via Quinnipiac:

President Barack Obama’s job approval among American voters drops to a new low, a negative 38 – 57 percent, as the outlook for Democrats running for Congress and the U.S. Senate fades also, according to a national poll released today. He even gets a negative 41 – 49 percent among voters 18 to 29 years old and a lackluster 50 – 43 percent approval among Hispanic voters.

The president’s job approval compares to a negative 39 – 54 percent score in a November 12 survey by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University.

Today, Obama gets negative scores of 6 – 92 percent among Republicans, 30 – 62 percent among independent voters, 31 – 64 percent among men, 44 – 49 percent among women and 29 – 65 among white voters. Approval is 76 – 18 percent among Democrats and 85 – 9 percent among black voters. (Edge: Stupid? Yeah, they qualify)

American voters say 41 – 38 percent that they would vote for a Republican over a Democrat for the U.S. House of Representatives, the first time this year the Democrats come up on the short end of this generic ballot. Independent voters back Republican candidates 41 – 28 percent. Voters also say 47 – 42 percent that they would like to see Republicans gain control of the U.S. Senate and the House. Independent voters go Republican 50 – 35 percent for each.

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers
Let me tell you why this belongs in the Politics Forum.....

If we were in a recession and the democrats told us we were in a recession, that wouldn't be news, would it?

If we were in a recession and Republicans told us we were in a recession and the democrats didn't argue with it, that wouldn't be news either.

But here's the deal...... We've got one party telling us we're recovering while another party says we're not.

The GOP took back the House in 2010 with the mantra of "Jobs, jobs, jobs". So what happened? Oh, it's Obama's fault. That's right.


Part 1: Bush killed the economy.

Part 2: Obama has failed to recover the economy.

The reason our economy has been sluggish and vulnerable for the past several years is because we crossed an important Debt-To-GDP threshold during Bush's regime. Our economy will not thrive again until we return to the other side of that threshold.

Are you ready to give up your mortgage interest deduction? Are you ready to accept a Social Security and Medicare eligiblity age of 70? Are you ready to give up all of your tax deductions, exemptions, credits?

If not, then you are the reason those people are out of work. You are the third rail our chickenshit politicians are afraid of.

Not one dimocrap has ever successfully explained just exactly how Boosh killed the economy.

If you need it explained to you, especially by a Democrat, you are pretty far gone.

But you easily swallow Obama being blamed for everything under the sun that goes wrong on his watch, though. Funny, that.

Hey when you've given up fairness and reason and given yourself over to hatred and partisanship, it wouldn't be so hard to blame Obama for everything and forget Bush was ever President.

I wish I could forget that Bush was ever President. Many Americans wish we could forget Bush was President. We would have been better off with Gore. Or even Mickey Mouse.
John McCain in 2000 would have been fine with me.
Let me tell you why this belongs in the Politics Forum.....

If we were in a recession and the democrats told us we were in a recession, that wouldn't be news, would it?

If we were in a recession and Republicans told us we were in a recession and the democrats didn't argue with it, that wouldn't be news either.

But here's the deal...... We've got one party telling us we're recovering while another party says we're not.

The GOP took back the House in 2010 with the mantra of "Jobs, jobs, jobs". So what happened? Oh, it's Obama's fault. That's right.


Unemployment is down now since they been in power

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