The 'Don't Worry, Be Happy' President


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
let's go golfing...:eusa_whistle:

Presidents have been known for slogans that came to symbolize their agendas. There were the New Deal, Great Society, and New Frontier presidents. There was the president who spoke softly but carried a big stick.

Then there is the president who should be known from now on as the “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” president: Barack Obama.

Very few of our presidents have ever been truly prepared to handle the rigors of the presidency, but most of them have risen to the challenge. The time period for Obama to do so expired long ago. His leadership has been consistently and willfully obtuse and oblivious to the duties and responsibilities of the presidency.

He has routinely dismissed massive problems and threats to Americans as being trivial -- beneath his God-like goal to halt the rise of the oceans. Instead, he has portrayed his stewardship as being exemplary -- one of the top four presidencies in history -- and conveyed in various ways we should not worry and be happy, if not be thankful to have him.

If ignorance is bliss, Barack Obama is one of the most blissful leaders in our nation’s history.

When David Letterman once asked Obama about the rapidly growing national debt Obama didn’t have the faintest clue regarding its size (Romney would have known to the penny). His budgets are not only repeatedly late but larded with even more spending, heedless of dire debt warnings from the Congressional Budget Office.

In the throes of the recession with many millions unemployed and businesses failing across America, he said private businesses were doing just fine (the only problem were there were too few government workers). But weren’t the trillion dollar stimulus boondoggle and those multitude of green schemes peddled by Democratic cronies supposed to create millions of jobs and lower the unemployment rate? One more promise down the drain, but it sure was grist for laughter when Obama later joked that it turns out there were no such things as “shovel-ready jobs.” Real people with real jobs will be paying for this disaster for decades.

Don’t worry, be Happy.

But will future taxpayers be so happy?

How did Obama address the IRS scandal? At first, outrage suitable to the public mood. But as the stonewalling continued and the media served its block and tackle role for him, he dismissed its importance and declared there was not even a “smidgen of corruption” involved in that scandal -- even before the investigation was complete.

Move on, the debate is over, be happy.

Articles: The 'Don't Worry, Be Happy' President
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"Mailaise" X10? Misery Index?

yep our country is going down the tubes...

Obama thinks...
...the ACA is "working the way it should"....
...that America can "absorb" another terror attack...
...the taking of Crimea was just Russia "acting out of weakness"....

so don' happy....

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