The DOJ & FBI Are Proven Partisanly Weaponized Threats Continuously Interfering In US Elections


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Today Special Counsel John Durham released his official report on the investigation of Hillary's 'Russian Collusion' hoax and the FBI's proven election interference and treason.


The fact is former FBI Director James Comey and his FBI knew before his former Mentor Robert Mueller was assigned as Special Counsel to conduct the investigation that 'Russian Collusion' was a hoax.

Comey and his FBI still knowingly and willingly engaged in the hoax, conspiracy, and eventual TREASON against a sitting US President, Donald Trump.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation, the greatest investigative agency in the world, was not 'FOOLED' / 'DUPED'. The leaders of this federal agency CHOSE to not only PARTISANLY INTERFERE IN AN ELECTION but went as fas as COMMITTING TREASON.

In doing so the FBI has not only proven it is now a liberal partisaly weaponized federal law enforcement agency - it proved itself to be A VERY REAL THREAT to the US government and US ELECTIONS.

Witnesses have come forward to testify that former Biden campaign manager Blinken, now Sect of State, authored a fraudulent document described as an Intel Community-authored document, falsely claiming the contents of Hunter's laptop was 'Russian Disinformation'.

This letter was signed by 50 Intel Experts who knew the letter was a lie but who wanted Joe Biden to win the 2020 election. Joe Biden used the fake letter in a Presidential drbate against President Trump IOT deny allegations of criminal evidence found on Hunter's laptop.

It has been reported the FBI knew this letter was fraudulent and that one or more of its own Intel personnel knowingly signed the fake letter as well.

This was yet another casevof tbe FBI committing criminal election interference.

The DOJ under US AG Garland and the FBI, this time under the leadership of FBI Director WRAY, AGAIN injected itself into US elections, perpetrating criminal ELECTION INTERFERENCE.

Evidence revealed both Garland and the FBI knew PRIOR TO THE 2022 MID-TERM ELECTIONS about President Joe Biden's very serious, widespread TS/SCI classified information scandal but CHOSE TO HIDE IT UNTIL AFTER THE ELECTIONS TO PTOTRCT DEMOCRATS.

Potentially worse yet, Garland and Wray knowingly, intentionally left TS/SCI and other classified documents in known unsecure locations, unprotected.

The DOJ & FBI acted criminally, partisanly with the intent of having an effect on the 2022 US Midterm elections for tbe benefit of Democrats and the Democrat Party.

2023 - 2024:
The criminally partisan weaponized DOJ & FBI are criminally engaging in Election Intetference AGAIN to protect Joe Biden and his exposed criminal family,

Garland and Wray (DOJ/FBI)

- Have been hiding Hunter Biden's laptop and refusing to investigate

- Have known about the Biden money laundering of foreign cash (China, Russia, Romania, Ukraine, Burisma...) and sat on it until the GOP Oversight board axquired financial records from the US Treasury Department, IRS, and 12 seperate banks. Garland and Wray STILL REFUSE TO ACT / INVESTIGATE

- Wray acknowledged the existence of an FBI document an FBI whistleblower testified contains evidrnce of criminal activity by President Biden; however, FBI Director refuses to comply with a House Oversight Committee subpoena by turning the document over.

Action must be taken to end this partisanly criminal weaponization and crimes against our elections.

Both the DOJ and FBI leadership need to be gutted, cleaned out, starting with Garland and Wray.

Last edited:
Assuming you define

supporting Zionist Fascist takeover of America as partisan, you would be correct...


The worst traitor in American history


President Obama opens Smithsonian's African American museum | Daily ...

That the FBI did not stop homO because he was born in Kenya says much too.

They knew. They had access to the transcripts, the passport records etc...
Today Special Counsel John Durham released his official report on the investigation of Hillary's 'Russian Collusion' hoax and the FBI's proven election interference and treason.


The fact is former FBI Director James Comey and his FBI knew before his former Mentor Robert Mueller was assigned as Special Counsel to conduct the investigation that 'Russian Collusion' was a hoax.

Comey and his FBI still knowingly and willingly engaged in the hoax, conspiracy, and eventual TREASON against a sitting US President, Donald Trump.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation, the greatest investigative agency in the world, was not 'FOOLED' / 'DUPED'. The leaders of this federal agency CHOSE to not only PARTISANLY INTERFERE IN AN ELECTION but went as fas as COMMITTING TREASON.

In doing so the FBI has not only proven it is now a liberal partisaly weaponized federal law enforcement agency - it proved itself to be A VERY REAL THREAT to the US government and US ELECTIONS.

Witnesses have come forward to testify that former Biden campaign manager Blinken, now Sect of State, authored a fraudulent document described as an Intel Community-authored document, falsely claiming the contents of Hunter's laptop was 'Russian Disinformation'.

This letter was signed by 50 Intel Experts who knew the letter was a lie but who wanted Joe Biden to win the 2020 election. Joe Biden used the fake letter in a Presidential drbate against President Trump IOT deny allegations of criminal evidence found on Hunter's laptop.

It has been reported the FBI knew this letter was fraudulent and that one or more of its own Intel personnel knowingly signed the fake letter as well.

This was yet another casevof tbe FBI committing criminal election interference.

The DOJ under US AG Garland and the FBI, this time under the leadership of FBI Director WRAY, AGAIN injected itself into US elections, perpetrating criminal ELECTION INTERFERENCE.

Evidence revealed both Garland and the FBI knew PRIOR TO THE 2022 MID-TERM ELECTIONS about President Joe Biden's very serious, widespread TS/SCI classified information scandal but CHOSE TO HIDE IT UNTIL AFTER THE ELECTIONS TO PTOTRCT DEMOCRATS.

Potentially worse yet, Garland and Wray knowingly, intentionally left TS/SCI and other classified documents in known unsecure locations, unprotected.

The DOJ & FBI acted criminally, partisanly with the intent of having an effect on the 2022 US Midterm elections for tbe benefit of Democrats and the Democrat Party.

2023 - 2024:
The criminally partisan weaponized DOJ & FBI are criminally engaging in Election Intetference AGAIN to protect Joe Biden and his exposed criminal family,

Garland and Wray (DOJ/FBI)

- Have been hiding Hunter Biden's laptop and refusing to investigate

- Have known about the Biden money laundering of foreign cash (China, Russia, Romania, Ukraine, Burisma...) and sat on it until the GOP Oversight board axquired financial records from the US Treasury Department, IRS, and 12 seperate banks. Garland and Wray STILL REFUSE TO ACT / INVESTIGATE

- Wray acknowledged the existence of an FBI document an FBI whistleblower testified contains evidrnce of criminal activity by President Biden; however, FBI Director refuses to comply with a House Oversight Committee subpoena by turning the document over.

Action must be taken to end this partisanly criminal weaponization and crimes against our elections.

Both the DOJ and FBI leadership need to be gutted, cleaned out, starting with Garland and Wray.


So no charges for Comey, Clinton, Mueller, anyone in Durham's report.

What did Trump call it when the Mueller report had no charges against him in it?
Today Special Counsel John Durham released his official report
And boy howdy, are the fascist shitstains crying over it. For 4 solid years, they've been claiming it spelled DOOM for the Democrats. The result of it? Absolutely nothing. A complete humiliation for the Trump cult liars. It came up with zilch, demonstrating to the world that all the Trump cult fascists have been lying steadily for 4 years straight.

Yes, the Trump cult fascist traitors do understand the depth and the completeness of their humiliation, and they're not taking it well. Hence this thread.

Sucks hard to be you, fascists. Enjoy burning in Hell along with your fascist pals. We'll be snacking on popcorn in heaven.
So no charges for Comey, Clinton, Mueller, anyone in Durham's report.

What did Trump call it when the Mueller report had no charges against him in it?
Lol retard he doesn't have the power to do that. It's all corrupt. Is the doj and FBI going charge themselves?
Lol retard he doesn't have the power to do that. It's all corrupt. Is the doj and FBI going charge themselves?

Durham *absolutely* had the authority to call a grand jury and present evidence for additional charges.

He didn't.

Durham *absolutely* had the authority to recommend additional charges.

He didn't.

No charges for Comey, Clinton, Mueller, anyone in the FBI, no one else.

What did Trump call it when he wasn't charged in the Muller report?
Today Special Counsel John Durham released his official report on the investigation of Hillary's 'Russian Collusion' hoax and the FBI's proven election interference and treason.


The fact is former FBI Director James Comey and his FBI knew before his former Mentor Robert Mueller was assigned as Special Counsel to conduct the investigation that 'Russian Collusion' was a hoax.

Comey and his FBI still knowingly and willingly engaged in the hoax, conspiracy, and eventual TREASON against a sitting US President, Donald Trump.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation, the greatest investigative agency in the world, was not 'FOOLED' / 'DUPED'. The leaders of this federal agency CHOSE to not only PARTISANLY INTERFERE IN AN ELECTION but went as fas as COMMITTING TREASON.

In doing so the FBI has not only proven it is now a liberal partisaly weaponized federal law enforcement agency - it proved itself to be A VERY REAL THREAT to the US government and US ELECTIONS.

Witnesses have come forward to testify that former Biden campaign manager Blinken, now Sect of State, authored a fraudulent document described as an Intel Community-authored document, falsely claiming the contents of Hunter's laptop was 'Russian Disinformation'.

This letter was signed by 50 Intel Experts who knew the letter was a lie but who wanted Joe Biden to win the 2020 election. Joe Biden used the fake letter in a Presidential drbate against President Trump IOT deny allegations of criminal evidence found on Hunter's laptop.

It has been reported the FBI knew this letter was fraudulent and that one or more of its own Intel personnel knowingly signed the fake letter as well.

This was yet another casevof tbe FBI committing criminal election interference.

The DOJ under US AG Garland and the FBI, this time under the leadership of FBI Director WRAY, AGAIN injected itself into US elections, perpetrating criminal ELECTION INTERFERENCE.

Evidence revealed both Garland and the FBI knew PRIOR TO THE 2022 MID-TERM ELECTIONS about President Joe Biden's very serious, widespread TS/SCI classified information scandal but CHOSE TO HIDE IT UNTIL AFTER THE ELECTIONS TO PTOTRCT DEMOCRATS.

Potentially worse yet, Garland and Wray knowingly, intentionally left TS/SCI and other classified documents in known unsecure locations, unprotected.

The DOJ & FBI acted criminally, partisanly with the intent of having an effect on the 2022 US Midterm elections for tbe benefit of Democrats and the Democrat Party.

2023 - 2024:
The criminally partisan weaponized DOJ & FBI are criminally engaging in Election Intetference AGAIN to protect Joe Biden and his exposed criminal family,

Garland and Wray (DOJ/FBI)

- Have been hiding Hunter Biden's laptop and refusing to investigate

- Have known about the Biden money laundering of foreign cash (China, Russia, Romania, Ukraine, Burisma...) and sat on it until the GOP Oversight board axquired financial records from the US Treasury Department, IRS, and 12 seperate banks. Garland and Wray STILL REFUSE TO ACT / INVESTIGATE

- Wray acknowledged the existence of an FBI document an FBI whistleblower testified contains evidrnce of criminal activity by President Biden; however, FBI Director refuses to comply with a House Oversight Committee subpoena by turning the document over.

Action must be taken to end this partisanly criminal weaponization and crimes against our elections.

Both the DOJ and FBI leadership need to be gutted, cleaned out, starting with Garland and Wray.

So, after four long years and millions of dollars, we get what? Two charges that were both acquitted.

Heck, all them accusations against the FBI and yet…”Mr. Durham said he was not recommending any “wholesale changes” to F.B.I. rules for politically sensitive investigations and for national-security wiretaps…”

Money well spent, indeed.
We have to face the fact that the DOJ, FBI, TV and Social Media are all corrupted and actively working for the Democratic Party. That is not America. That is Venezuela, China, North Korea but it is not America.
Yeah, cause FOX News used yous guys to make billions and lied to yous the whole time...
Today Special Counsel John Durham released his official report on the investigation of Hillary's 'Russian Collusion' hoax and the FBI's proven election interference and treason.


The fact is former FBI Director James Comey and his FBI knew before his former Mentor Robert Mueller was assigned as Special Counsel to conduct the investigation that 'Russian Collusion' was a hoax.

Comey and his FBI still knowingly and willingly engaged in the hoax, conspiracy, and eventual TREASON against a sitting US President, Donald Trump.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation, the greatest investigative agency in the world, was not 'FOOLED' / 'DUPED'. The leaders of this federal agency CHOSE to not only PARTISANLY INTERFERE IN AN ELECTION but went as fas as COMMITTING TREASON.

In doing so the FBI has not only proven it is now a liberal partisaly weaponized federal law enforcement agency - it proved itself to be A VERY REAL THREAT to the US government and US ELECTIONS.

Witnesses have come forward to testify that former Biden campaign manager Blinken, now Sect of State, authored a fraudulent document described as an Intel Community-authored document, falsely claiming the contents of Hunter's laptop was 'Russian Disinformation'.

This letter was signed by 50 Intel Experts who knew the letter was a lie but who wanted Joe Biden to win the 2020 election. Joe Biden used the fake letter in a Presidential drbate against President Trump IOT deny allegations of criminal evidence found on Hunter's laptop.

It has been reported the FBI knew this letter was fraudulent and that one or more of its own Intel personnel knowingly signed the fake letter as well.

This was yet another casevof tbe FBI committing criminal election interference.

The DOJ under US AG Garland and the FBI, this time under the leadership of FBI Director WRAY, AGAIN injected itself into US elections, perpetrating criminal ELECTION INTERFERENCE.

Evidence revealed both Garland and the FBI knew PRIOR TO THE 2022 MID-TERM ELECTIONS about President Joe Biden's very serious, widespread TS/SCI classified information scandal but CHOSE TO HIDE IT UNTIL AFTER THE ELECTIONS TO PTOTRCT DEMOCRATS.

Potentially worse yet, Garland and Wray knowingly, intentionally left TS/SCI and other classified documents in known unsecure locations, unprotected.

The DOJ & FBI acted criminally, partisanly with the intent of having an effect on the 2022 US Midterm elections for tbe benefit of Democrats and the Democrat Party.

2023 - 2024:
The criminally partisan weaponized DOJ & FBI are criminally engaging in Election Intetference AGAIN to protect Joe Biden and his exposed criminal family,

Garland and Wray (DOJ/FBI)

- Have been hiding Hunter Biden's laptop and refusing to investigate

- Have known about the Biden money laundering of foreign cash (China, Russia, Romania, Ukraine, Burisma...) and sat on it until the GOP Oversight board axquired financial records from the US Treasury Department, IRS, and 12 seperate banks. Garland and Wray STILL REFUSE TO ACT / INVESTIGATE

- Wray acknowledged the existence of an FBI document an FBI whistleblower testified contains evidrnce of criminal activity by President Biden; however, FBI Director refuses to comply with a House Oversight Committee subpoena by turning the document over.

Action must be taken to end this partisanly criminal weaponization and crimes against our elections.

Both the DOJ and FBI leadership need to be gutted, cleaned out, starting with Garland and Wray.

Wow, thats gotta be frustrating. Too bad Spanky didn't clean house. LOL
And boy howdy, are the fascist shitstains crying over it. For 4 solid years, they've been claiming it spelled DOOM for the Democrats. The result of it? Absolutely nothing. A complete humiliation for the Trump cult liars. It came up with zilch, demonstrating to the world that all the Trump cult fascists have been lying steadily for 4 years straight.

Yes, the Trump cult fascist traitors do understand the depth and the completeness of their humiliation, and they're not taking it well. Hence this thread.

Sucks hard to be you, fascists. Enjoy burning in Hell along with your fascist pals. We'll be snacking on popcorn in heaven.
Money well spent, indeed.

After 7 years of you snowflakes parroting lying, treasonous, conmen Democrats, them telling you what awesome 'superheroes' you were for pushing the biggest criminal political scandal in US history without hesitation, this has ALMOST been made worthwhile by getting to watch you finally see what you have looked like this whole time pushing their lies...


'Russia, Russia, Russia!'


Durham *absolutely* had the authority to call a grand jury and present evidence for additional charges.

He didn't.

Durham *absolutely* had the authority to recommend additional charges.

He didn't.

No charges for Comey, Clinton, Mueller, anyone in the FBI, no one else.

What did Trump call it when he wasn't charged in the Muller report?
So, after four long years and millions of dollars, we get what? Two charges that were both acquitted.

Heck, all them accusations against the FBI and yet…”Mr. Durham said he was not recommending any “wholesale changes” to F.B.I. rules for politically sensitive investigations and for national-security wiretaps…”

Money well spent, indeed.
Three charges. One guilty plea resulting in 400 hours of community service.

And two acquittals. One taking the jury less than 6 hours.

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