The Dog and Pony show


Diamond Member
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Feb 22, 2004
We've been watching Congress with their efforts to defund ACORN. But does it really matter? ACORN has changed it's name to Community Organizers International (COI). Are they ending supporting for COI as well or will the pass bills immediately funding COI before the ink dries on the defunding for ACORN?

Why is no one asking this?
In reality, ACORN has registered close to 2 million low-income citizens across the country over the past five years -- a laudable record with a very low incidence of fraud of any kind
They had completed fewer than two dozen false registrations -- out of more than a million new voters registered by ACORN during that cycle. The mythology that suggests that thousands or even millions of illegal registrants voted is itself a fraud.
Very low? Does pot smoke blow on the wind where you live? Acorn has been busedt for voter fraud in almost every state they operate in. Probably why they changed the name.

We shall have to wait and see.Avatar but good catch.
It's been suspected that Acorn is operating under different names or has affiliates. Doesn't surprise me. They'll be back at all their underhanded practices within a few months under different names.
ACORN and its affiliates are not only reliable cheerleaders for higher taxes, but also longtime tax deadbeats. More than 200 federal, state, and local tax liens adding up to more than $3 million are associated with ACORN’s national headquarters in New Orleans. (See Foundation Watch, November 2008.)

The IRS won’t say what kinds of taxes are owed, but accounting experts say they’re probably payroll taxes. This means ACORN, while aggressively advocating social and wealth-redistribution programs, in practice has been undermining those programs by stiffing Uncle Sam.

ACORN uses a complex system of interlocking directorates to control its far-flung network of affiliates. Well, actually they’re not that far-flung. An intrepid blogger discovered that 294 ACORN affiliates operate out of ACORN’s building on Elysian Fields Avenue in New Orleans.

ACORN lawyer Elizabeth Kingsley raised the alarm about interlocking directorates and the dangerously close ties between ACORN and Project Vote in an internal report, the New York Times reported on October 22. There is so much overlap that “we may not be able to prove that 501(c)3 resources are not being directed to specific regions based on impermissible partisan considerations,” Kingsley wrote in a reference to the tax code provision regulating charities.

Capital Research Center discovered that ACORN moves money around its network with a boldness and agility that Pablo Escobar would have admired.

ACORN affiliate Project Vote paid ACORN $10,861,825 (2000–2006), Citizens Services Inc. (CSI) $1,206,942 (2005–2006), and $1,266,967 to ACORN affiliate Citizens Consulting Inc. (CCI) (2000–2004). Incidentally, Project Vote, ACORN, CSI, and CCI all share the same address in New Orleans.

Other ACORN affiliates with the same Big Easy address swap funds all the time.

Since 2000, the American Institute for Social Justice Inc. (AISJ) has paid ACORN at least $8,563,303. AISJ has paid CCI $362,464, and ACORN Associates Inc. $258,593. Since 2000, ACORN Housing Corp. Inc. paid its roommates, CCI and ACORN affiliate Peoples Equipment Resource Center $1,566,228 and (at least) $58,003, respectively.

In 2002, AISJ gave a $9,637 loan to ACORN affiliate SEIU Local 100. The same year, AISJ received a $50,000 interest-free loan from the Tides Foundation and a $4,000 interest-free loan from liberal mega-funder George Soros’s Open Society Institute.

These examples are just a few of ACORN’s unusual financial transactions. (More are listed in the Foundation Watch article mentioned to above.)

Don’t count on Barack Obama to investigate the ACORN network’s forensic accounting make-work project if he becomes our next president.

Obama’s ties to ACORN go back to at least 1992, when he ran a voter-registration drive for Project Vote. Obama helped train ACORN leaders, and he represented ACORN in a ballot-access case. The socialist “New Party,” which served as ACORN’s electoral arm, endorsed Obama, who was one of its members, when he ran for the Illinois state senate in the mid-1990s.

Cracking ACORN by Matthew Vadum on National Review Online
The Many Faces Of ACORN

Among ACORN’s many affiliates and subsidiaries are:

385 Palmetto Street Housing Fund Corp.
4415 San Jacinto Street Corp.
Acorn 2004 Housing Development Fund Corp.
Acorn 2005 Housing Development Fund Corp.
ACORN Associates
ACORN Benefi cial Association
ACORN Campaign Services
ACORN Campaign To Raise The Minimum Wage
ACORN Center for Housing, Inc.
ACORN Children’s Benefi cial Association
ACORN Community Land Association
ACORN Community Land Association of IL
ACORN Community Land Association of LA
ACORN Community Land Association of PA
ACORN Community Labor Organizing Center
ACORN Cultural Trust
Fund Corp.
ACORN Fair Housing
ACORN Housing Corp.
ACORN Housing Corp. of IL
ACORN Housing Corp. of MO
ACORN Housing Corp. of PA
ACORN Institute
ACORN Law For Education, Representation,
And Training
ACORN Management Corp.
ACORN National Broadcasting Network
ACORN Services
ACORN Television In Action For Communities
ACORN Tenant Union Training And Organizing
ACORN Tenants Union
Affi liated Media Foundation Movement
Agape Broadcasting Foundation Inc
The Many Faces of ACORN
American Environmental Justice Project Inc.
American Home Childcare Providers Association
American Institute for Social Justice
Arizona ACORN Housing Corp.
Arkansas Broadcasting Foundation
Association for the Rights of Citizens Inc.
Associated Regional Maintenance Systems
Austin Organizing and Support Center
Baltimore Organizing and Support Center
Boston Organizing and Support Center
Broad Street Corp.
California Community Network
Chicago Organizing and Support Center
Chief Organizer Fund
Child Care Providers for Action Franklin
Citizens Action Research Project
Citizens Campaign for Work, Living Wage &
Labor Peace
Citizens Consulting, Inc.
Citizens Campaign for Finance Reform
Citizens for Future Progress
Colorado ACORN Housing Corp.
Crescent City Broadcasting Corp.
Desert Rose Homes LLC
Dumont Avenue Housing Development Fund
Elysian Fields Corp., Inc
Elysian Fields Partnership
Fifteenth Street Corp.
Floridians For All PAC
Franklin ACORN Housing
Greenville Community Charter School Inc.
Greenwell Springs Corp.
Hospitality Hotel and Restaurant Organizing
Council (HOTROC)
Houston Organizing And Support Center
KABF Radio
KNON Radio
Labor Neighbor Research and Training Center Inc.
Living Wage Resource Center
Louisiana ACORN Fair Housing
Massachusetts ACORN Housing Corp.
Metro Technical Institute
Missouri Tax Justice Research Project
Montana Radio Network
Mott Haven ACORN Housing Development Fund Corp.
Mutual Housing Association of New York Inc.
National Center for Jobs & Justice
New Mexico Organizing and Support Center
New Orleans Community Housing Organization
New York ACORN Housing Company Inc.
New York Agency for Community Affairs Inc.
New York Organizing and Support Center
Organizers Forum
Pennsylvania Institute for Community Affairs
People’s Equipment Resource Corp.
Phoenix Organizing And Support Center
Project Vote
SEIU Local 100
SEIU Local 880
Service Workers Action Team
Shreveport Community Television
Site Fighters
Sixth Avenue Corp.
Social Policy
Southern Training Center
St. Louis Organizing And Support Center
St. Louis Tax Reform Group
Student Minimum Wage Action Campaign
Texas ACORN Housing Corp. Inc.
Wal-Mart Workers Association
Wal-Mart Association for Reform Now
Working Families Association
source: Employment Policies Institute report, “Rotten
ACORN: America’s Bad Seed,” July 2006, see PDF fi le at
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They had completed fewer than two dozen false registrations -- out of more than a million new voters registered by ACORN during that cycle. The mythology that suggests that thousands or even millions of illegal registrants voted is itself a fraud.

libtards are born with lies rolling off their tongues!
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I guess no one else is concerned

I am concerned, but at last check, ACORN has something in the neighborhood of 40 or 50 subunit "organizations". How the hell can we defend against shit like that?

By making sure bills are actually read and making sure we have people in office, or in the media or online exposing them.
I guess no one else is concerned

I am concerned, but at last check, ACORN has something in the neighborhood of 40 or 50 subunit "organizations". How the hell can we defend against shit like that?

By making sure bills are actually read and making sure we have people in office, or in the media or online exposing them.

This won't do it. According to the appropriations bill, all any organization has to do to apply for such funding is to prove their organization is legal?
I guess no one else is concerned

I am concerned, but at last check, ACORN has something in the neighborhood of 40 or 50 subunit "organizations". How the hell can we defend against shit like that?

RICO, if the Justice Dept would only apply it.

This came from Wiki on RICO:

Hells Angels Motorcycle Club
In 1979, the United States federal government went after Sonny Barger and several members and associates of the Oakland chapter of the Hells Angels using RICO. In United States v. Barger, the prosecution team attempted to demonstrate a pattern of behavior to convict Barger and other members of the club of RICO offenses related to guns and illegal drugs. The jury acquitted Barger on the RICO charges with a hung jury on the predicate acts: "There was no proof it was part of club policy, and as much as they tried, the government could not come up with any incriminating minutes from any of our meetings mentioning drugs and guns".[5][6].

I have a hunch we would have just as much luck going after any individuals in ACORN...
I am concerned, but at last check, ACORN has something in the neighborhood of 40 or 50 subunit "organizations". How the hell can we defend against shit like that?

RICO, if the Justice Dept would only apply it.

This came from Wiki on RICO:

Hells Angels Motorcycle Club
In 1979, the United States federal government went after Sonny Barger and several members and associates of the Oakland chapter of the Hells Angels using RICO. In United States v. Barger, the prosecution team attempted to demonstrate a pattern of behavior to convict Barger and other members of the club of RICO offenses related to guns and illegal drugs. The jury acquitted Barger on the RICO charges with a hung jury on the predicate acts: "There was no proof it was part of club policy, and as much as they tried, the government could not come up with any incriminating minutes from any of our meetings mentioning drugs and guns".[5][6].

I have a hunch we would have just as much luck going after any individuals in ACORN...

The problem was they weren't able to get a couple of key people on the inside to turn. I don't think that would be a problem with ACORN. Of course Obama might be waiting for the right moment to pull his version of the Night of the Long Knives on them. :eek: :lol:
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RICO, if the Justice Dept would only apply it.

This came from Wiki on RICO:

Hells Angels Motorcycle Club
In 1979, the United States federal government went after Sonny Barger and several members and associates of the Oakland chapter of the Hells Angels using RICO. In United States v. Barger, the prosecution team attempted to demonstrate a pattern of behavior to convict Barger and other members of the club of RICO offenses related to guns and illegal drugs. The jury acquitted Barger on the RICO charges with a hung jury on the predicate acts: "There was no proof it was part of club policy, and as much as they tried, the government could not come up with any incriminating minutes from any of our meetings mentioning drugs and guns".[5][6].

I have a hunch we would have just as much luck going after any individuals in ACORN...

The problem was they weren't able to get a couple of key people on the inside to turn. I don't think that would be a problem with ACORN. Of course Obama might be waiting for the right moment to pull his version of the Night of the Long Knives on them. :eek: :lol:

Obama has two plays with this one as I see it. Either COMPLETELY distance himself from the situation, or aggressively pursue ACORN with an investigation. Personally, I would prefer to see the latter.
Wha??? Turn on his fellow community organizers. That'd piss every air head leftist in the country.

I disagree. ACORN has now dug their own grave. Everyone knows it and would completely understand, hell most would demand, action from the POTUS.
Been to huff and puff lately or DU? Hell there mostly still convinced it all an evil right wing plot.

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