The doctrine of the Democrats disintegrates right before our eyes


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
The left would have you believe they are committed to "diversity". The force institutions to implement "Diversity Officers". They force corporations to meet a certain level of minority interviews and hires.

And yet...when given the golden opportunity to nominate a minority to run against President Trump, what does the left do? They whittle it down to two old, lily white, millionaires.

But...but...but....Patriot, the left will cry. Our goal is to beat President Trump and none of our minority candidates can do that.

So? The goal of a corporation is to make money (especially for their shareholders if they are publicly traded). The goal of a think tank is to study policy. The goal of a university is to educate students. And yet all of those institutions (and more) have the left's "diversity" ideology shoved down their throats to the detriment of their stated goal. They are forced to hire the least qualified for the position, dragging down their organization. They are forced to spend money that would be better allocated to other resources. They are forced to waste time. All of which contributes to the failure of the organization in achieving their goal.

If the left were actually committed to diversity, Kamala Harris would have won in a landslide. A bi-racial female? That's diversity gold. Instead, she was one of the first to drop out due to the left rejecting her.
*YAWN* How many of these threads will we be subjected to? The Killer Bs(Bernie & Biden) must be gaining some traction and it's showing in the desperation of the Trumpkins. :04:
Ever notice every time the left is forced to confront the fact that the world notes their repugnant hypocrisy, they usually cry “yawn”?

When defeated in a debate, they cry “racist”. When humiliated by facts, they cry “yawn”. :laugh:
It's smart for the Democrats to run white people for the same reason it would be smart for Republicans to run black people. If the Republicans found themselves a fiery freedom loving black woman the Democrats would be up shit creek.
*YAWN* How many of these threads will we be subjected to? The Killer Bs(Bernie & Biden) must be gaining some traction and it's showing in the desperation of the Trumpkins. :04:

Trump will dismantle Biden. Bernie is the only one that even stands a chance. It's worth noting that Michael Moore (the lefty that predicted Trump's win before ANYBODY else) thinks if the Democrats vote with fear and go with what they think is safe they will definitely lose to Donald Trump.
The left would have you believe they are committed to "diversity". The force institutions to implement "Diversity Officers". They force corporations to meet a certain level of minority interviews and hires.

And yet...when given the golden opportunity to nominate a minority to run against President Trump, what does the left do? They whittle it down to two old, lily white, millionaires.

But...but...but....Patriot, the left will cry. Our goal is to beat President Trump and none of our minority candidates can do that.

So? The goal of a corporation is to make money (especially for their shareholders if they are publicly traded). The goal of a think tank is to study policy. The goal of a university is to educate students. And yet all of those institutions (and more) have the left's "diversity" ideology shoved down their throats to the detriment of their stated goal. They are forced to hire the least qualified for the position, dragging down their organization. They are forced to spend money that would be better allocated to other resources. They are forced to waste time. All of which contributes to the failure of the organization in achieving their goal.

If the left were actually committed to diversity, Kamala Harris would have won in a landslide. A bi-racial female? That's diversity gold. Instead, she was one of the first to drop out due to the left rejecting her.
Last 2 nominees, a black guy and a woman
It's smart for the Democrats to run white people for the same reason it would be smart for Republicans to run black people. If the Republicans found themselves a fiery freedom loving black woman the Democrats would be up shit creek.

Please meet Ms. Candace Owens:

Candace Owens - Wikipedia
The left would have you believe they are committed to "diversity". The force institutions to implement "Diversity Officers". They force corporations to meet a certain level of minority interviews and hires.

And yet...when given the golden opportunity to nominate a minority to run against President Trump, what does the left do? They whittle it down to two old, lily white, millionaires.

But...but...but....Patriot, the left will cry. Our goal is to beat President Trump and none of our minority candidates can do that.

So? The goal of a corporation is to make money (especially for their shareholders if they are publicly traded). The goal of a think tank is to study policy. The goal of a university is to educate students. And yet all of those institutions (and more) have the left's "diversity" ideology shoved down their throats to the detriment of their stated goal. They are forced to hire the least qualified for the position, dragging down their organization. They are forced to spend money that would be better allocated to other resources. They are forced to waste time. All of which contributes to the failure of the organization in achieving their goal.

If the left were actually committed to diversity, Kamala Harris would have won in a landslide. A bi-racial female? That's diversity gold. Instead, she was one of the first to drop out due to the left rejecting her.
The last time I checked, the last democratic president was an African American.
It's smart for the Democrats to run white people for the same reason it would be smart for Republicans to run black people. If the Republicans found themselves a fiery freedom loving black woman the Democrats would be up shit creek.

Much smarter, for either side, would be to ignore identity politics, in choosing candidates, and just choose who is objectively most qualified for the position. Barack Obama is a perfect example of what you get when you put minority status above qualifications. We got a lot of excitement over our first “black” President (even though he had no part in the heritage of most black Americans, and was half-white) who hated everything that this country is supposed to stand for, and who was, by skill, knowledge and experience, nowhere close to qualified for the job.
Then why did Al Gore lose? Then why did John Kerry lose? Then why did Hitlery Clinton lose? All of them are white.

Perhaps it's about qualification, after all.

In 2016, we had just come off from eight years of a corrupt, arrogant, incompetent President who was elected because of his race rather than his qualifications. Perhaps, for the time being, the public has learned the important lesson from that.
The last time I checked, the last democratic president was an African American.
That was 2008 chief. It’s more than a decade later. The party that screams about “diversity” just fucked all minorities because they want to beat Trump. Oops.

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