The DNC should never have let Bernie run

I know a lot of "righties" that liked sanders. It wasn't his policies, but the fact he seemed to have integrity and focused on American advancement instead of foreign.
I liked Bernie. If he was the nom, I would vote for him over trump now. I would probably regret it in the long run, because now I know what a sell out he was/is.

What you didn't recognize is that
1. Socialists are not electable in this country.
2. Sanders is not a socialist but a communist.
3. When Sanders changed his party status to run on the Democrat ticket, he also agreed to all DNC rules and procedures, not only Nationally but in each and every state, & he also knew the role of the 714 Democrat Super Delegates that he agreed to also. (He then ran on a rigged election afterwards- which would have pissed anyone off at DNC headquarters.)

The OPT is right. The DNC should have never allowed Bernie Sanders a spot on their primary platform.
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Bernie is not now nor has he ever been a Democrat. But they decided to be nice; a dumb move when it comes to politics. The DNC should have known that allowing a socialist to run would end up making the party look stupid. Oh well hindsight is 20/20.

Also, I'm amused that republicans are showing such strong support for Bernie, who is an open communist. Almost as if they have no idea how much better he polls against Trump than Hillary.

This might be the dumbest Libtard post of the year.....and that's saying something. :lol:
I know a lot of "righties" that liked sanders. It wasn't his policies, but the fact he seemed to have integrity and focused on American advancement instead of foreign.
I liked Bernie. If he was the nom, I would vote for him over trump now. I would probably regret it in the long run, because now I know what a sell out he was/is.

What you didn't recognize is that
1. Socialists are not electable in this country.
2. Sanders is not a socialist but a communist.
3. When Sanders changed his party status to run on the Democrat ticket, he also agreed to all DNC rules and procedures, not only Nationally but in each and every state, & he also knew the role of the 714 Democrat Super Delegates that he agreed to also. (He then ran on a rigged election afterwards- which would have pissed anyone off at DNC headquarters.)

So there is no doubt that the DNC will never allow another Sanders candidate to crash their primary party again.

The OPT is right. The DNC should have never allowed Bernie Sanders a spot on their primary platform.
I already answered the first two questions. He's trying to soften his image by calling himself a Democratic Socialist.

Yes, you said that. And it's a cop-out. You can't define it because it doesn't fit your preconception.

--- which leads us directly to:

Second question, I have no proof that he called himself a Communist, but given his use of names and his policies, and the fact he was referred to as "Comrade from Vermont", it's pretty clear that he's a Communist.

So you made it up, and expect it to be taken as fact. Then you top it off with the old "Everybody Knows" Fallacy.
Swing and a miss.

Because you had Bernie as a Congressman~

Yes I was lucky. I know that he holds the highest approval rating among his constituents of anyone in the Senate, and that was the sentiment at that time as well.

Anyone who stands up to the Duopoly, and wins doing it, well that's the kind of representation I want.
Your mileage may vary. But it was a great place to live.

It's not that it can't be interpreted, just that such a government can't exist. Also that he's only claiming it to get more votes, since more people accept Socialism than Communism.

Don’t be fooled by Bernie Sanders — he’s a diehard communist | New York Post
It's not an "everyone knows fallacy", it's in his history, and photos were taken to prove it. He referred to it as the "People's Republic of Vermont", in reference to Soviet Russia. On the other hand, I'm wasting my time trying to explain that to a Bernie Sanders supporter, because they believe his every word. I don't completely fault them, because while delusional, he's got more integrity than any other Democrat, but you guys seem to think he's incapable of telling a lie, which is an illogical thing to think of any human being.

I'm sure he does have a high approval rating, and I do admire the fact that he fought against the duopoly and the establishment... until now.
Bernie is not now nor has he ever been a Democrat. But they decided to be nice; a dumb move when it comes to politics. The DNC should have known that allowing a socialist to run would end up making the party look stupid. Oh well hindsight is 20/20.

Also, I'm amused that republicans are showing such strong support for Bernie, who is an open communist. Almost as if they have no idea how much better he polls against Trump than Hillary.

This might be the dumbest Libtard post of the year.....and that's saying something. :lol:

That's interesting, since you said pretty much the exact same thing here, post 49. And not a point brought in that time either.
Slow thinking day is it?
Bernie is not now nor has he ever been a Democrat. But they decided to be nice; a dumb move when it comes to politics. The DNC should have known that allowing a socialist to run would end up making the party look stupid. Oh well hindsight is 20/20.

Also, I'm amused that republicans are showing such strong support for Bernie, who is an open communist. Almost as if they have no idea how much better he polls against Trump than Hillary.

yes much better to "allow" a corporatist/elitist who is a Plutocrat.
Makes so much more sense.

Pumpkin, still waiting on those regressive policies I support.. Either that or admit you were talking out of your ass.
Honesty is a good quality. JS
Bernie is not now nor has he ever been a Democrat. But they decided to be nice; a dumb move when it comes to politics. The DNC should have known that allowing a socialist to run would end up making the party look stupid. Oh well hindsight is 20/20.

Also, I'm amused that republicans are showing such strong support for Bernie, who is an open communist. Almost as if they have no idea how much better he polls against Trump than Hillary.

yes much better to "allow" a corporatist/elitist who is a Plutocrat.
Makes so much more sense.


Corporations can also be spelled J.O.B.S. And really Bernie Sanders should have run on the Communist party ticket, not the Democrat ticket. I believe we still have a communist party in this country, and every now and then they put up a candidate?

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I already answered the first two questions. He's trying to soften his image by calling himself a Democratic Socialist.

Yes, you said that. And it's a cop-out. You can't define it because it doesn't fit your preconception.

--- which leads us directly to:

Second question, I have no proof that he called himself a Communist, but given his use of names and his policies, and the fact he was referred to as "Comrade from Vermont", it's pretty clear that he's a Communist.

So you made it up, and expect it to be taken as fact. Then you top it off with the old "Everybody Knows" Fallacy.
Swing and a miss.

Because you had Bernie as a Congressman~

Yes I was lucky. I know that he holds the highest approval rating among his constituents of anyone in the Senate, and that was the sentiment at that time as well.

Anyone who stands up to the Duopoly, and wins doing it, well that's the kind of representation I want.
Your mileage may vary. But it was a great place to live.

It's not that it can't be interpreted, just that such a government can't exist. Also that he's only claiming it to get more votes, since more people accept Socialism than Communism.

Don’t be fooled by Bernie Sanders — he’s a diehard communist | New York Post
It's not an "everyone knows fallacy", it's in his history, and photos were taken to prove it. He referred to it as the "People's Republic of Vermont", in reference to Soviet Russia.

This is right back to where we started --- I asked for a LINK, and you didn't have one and still don't.

And no, "People's Republic of ----- " is not necessarily a reference to "Soviet Russia" even if you could document it. It's often a mocking irony --- mocking the Red Scare bots such as you're emulating here.

On the other hand, I'm wasting my time trying to explain that to a Bernie Sanders supporter, because they believe his every word. I don't completely fault them, because while delusional, he's got more integrity than any other Democrat, but you guys seem to think he's incapable of telling a lie, which is an illogical thing to think of any human being.

No actually you're wasting my time if you're now moving on to declaring what my thinking is. Let's add Strawman to the list of ongoing fallacious arguments.

Don't you think fourteen years old --- if that's your real age --- is a bit young to be arrogantly sealing up your mind to any challenging information? What are you afraid of? That your preconceptions might be .............. wrong?

>> Socialists found themselves targeted during the Red Scares of the 1920s and 1950s right along with communists. In 1920, the New York State legislature expelled its last five legally-elected Socialist members and never allowed them to return. This move was denounced by the New York Bar Association, Republican presidential candidate and future Supreme Court Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes, and even Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer, author of the notorious anti-red Palmer raids.

Socialists maintained their anti-communism all through the following decades.
Much of their early platform — the social safety net, financial regulation, workplace safety, school lunches, and the rest — ultimately was adopted by mainstream political parties and enacted into law, particularly during the New Deal of the 1930s. Today, we take much of it for granted as essential parts of American life.

Bernie Sanders’ version of Democratic Socialism fits easily in this long moderate tradition. Those who try to stigmatize him by shouting “Communist!” are engaging in scare tactics and nothing more. Sanders is no communist, and in America, we have all been socialists for years. << -- History Lesson: Bernie Sanders is no ‘Communist,’ and ‘Democratic Socialists’ are as American as Apple Pie
Pumpkin, still waiting on those regressive policies I support.. Either that or admit you were talking out of your ass.
Honesty is a good quality. JS

I baited her into this hole she's digging but I didn't expect it to pay off this big. :eusa_dance:

That's it, time for beisbol.
Sanders is a dope and wasn't going to win the nomination BUT the party fucked him over which should not have happened. I'd love to see the RNC's emails. I'm sure they were exactly the same in regards to trying to run Trump out of town.
What Nina Turner is telling us: We want them to beg. We want them to grovel. We want them punished. Feel our pain. Now beg more.
I already answered the first two questions. He's trying to soften his image by calling himself a Democratic Socialist.

Yes, you said that. And it's a cop-out. You can't define it because it doesn't fit your preconception.

--- which leads us directly to:

Second question, I have no proof that he called himself a Communist, but given his use of names and his policies, and the fact he was referred to as "Comrade from Vermont", it's pretty clear that he's a Communist.

So you made it up, and expect it to be taken as fact. Then you top it off with the old "Everybody Knows" Fallacy.
Swing and a miss.

Because you had Bernie as a Congressman~

Yes I was lucky. I know that he holds the highest approval rating among his constituents of anyone in the Senate, and that was the sentiment at that time as well.

Anyone who stands up to the Duopoly, and wins doing it, well that's the kind of representation I want.
Your mileage may vary. But it was a great place to live.

It's not that it can't be interpreted, just that such a government can't exist. Also that he's only claiming it to get more votes, since more people accept Socialism than Communism.

Don’t be fooled by Bernie Sanders — he’s a diehard communist | New York Post
It's not an "everyone knows fallacy", it's in his history, and photos were taken to prove it. He referred to it as the "People's Republic of Vermont", in reference to Soviet Russia.

This is right back to where we started --- I asked for a LINK, and you didn't have one and still don't.

And no, "People's Republic of ----- " is not necessarily a reference to "Soviet Russia" even if you could document it. It's often a mocking irony --- mocking the Red Scare bots such as you're emulating here.

On the other hand, I'm wasting my time trying to explain that to a Bernie Sanders supporter, because they believe his every word. I don't completely fault them, because while delusional, he's got more integrity than any other Democrat, but you guys seem to think he's incapable of telling a lie, which is an illogical thing to think of any human being.

No actually you're wasting my time if you're now moving on to declaring what my thinking is. Let's add Strawman to the list of ongoing fallacious arguments.

Don't you think fourteen years old --- if that's your real age --- is a bit young to be arrogantly sealing up your mind to any challenging information? What are you afraid of? That your preconceptions might be .............. wrong?

>> Socialists found themselves targeted during the Red Scares of the 1920s and 1950s right along with communists. In 1920, the New York State legislature expelled its last five legally-elected Socialist members and never allowed them to return. This move was denounced by the New York Bar Association, Republican presidential candidate and future Supreme Court Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes, and even Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer, author of the notorious anti-red Palmer raids.

Socialists maintained their anti-communism all through the following decades.
Much of their early platform — the social safety net, financial regulation, workplace safety, school lunches, and the rest — ultimately was adopted by mainstream political parties and enacted into law, particularly during the New Deal of the 1930s. Today, we take much of it for granted as essential parts of American life.

Bernie Sanders’ version of Democratic Socialism fits easily in this long moderate tradition. Those who try to stigmatize him by shouting “Communist!” are engaging in scare tactics and nothing more. Sanders is no communist, and in America, we have all been socialists for years. << -- History Lesson: Bernie Sanders is no ‘Communist,’ and ‘Democratic Socialists’ are as American as Apple Pie

There is no candidate alive that would have praised one of the most brutal murderous dictators to come out of the 20th century. Bernie Sanders did.
Bernie Sanders heaped praise on Fidel Castro in 1985 interview

Now if JFK were alive & in the Oval office when he did that, he would have had Sanders up in front of a congressional hearing in a New York minute to discuss his loyalty to this country, and his opinion of Democracy.

Bernie Sanders reflects his opinion in this statement he made recently. This is when he refused to drop out--and when he was booed by house Democrats over this comment:

"Sanders told the group "the goal is not to win elections" and took a dramatic pause, before adding that the aim was to win the battle of ideas, according to multiple sources in the room."
House Democrats boo Bernie Sanders in contentious meeting -

Obviously in a Democracy if you don't win the election, you don't win the battle of ideas. In his statement he is basically saying "I don't care if Democrats win this election, this is about my revolution."

In this statement he is NOT willing to abide by the will of the people (democracy) meaning he is a communist and would have no trouble using force to win his battle of ideas. That is what Fidel Castro did.

It's clear that Bernie Sanders is a communist. It's unfortunate that he was allowed to run on the Democrat party platform.

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Also, I'm amused that republicans are showing such strong support for Bernie, who is an open communist.

Actually, he's a socialist. I keep pointing out the disturbing fact that Trump believes he's the guy for Sanders supporters, which makes Trump a literal national socialist.
This is right back to where we started --- I asked for a LINK, and you didn't have one and still don't.
And no, "People's Republic of ----- " is not necessarily a reference to "Soviet Russia" even if you could document it. It's often a mocking irony --- mocking the Red Scare bots such as you're emulating here.

No actually you're wasting my time if you're now moving on to declaring what my thinking is. Let's add Strawman to the list of ongoing fallacious arguments.

Don't you think fourteen years old --- if that's your real age --- is a bit young to be arrogantly sealing up your mind to any challenging information? What are you afraid of?
That your preconceptions might be .............. wrong?

>> Socialists found themselves targeted during the Red Scares of the 1920s and 1950s right along with communists. In 1920, the New York State legislature expelled its last five legally-elected Socialist members and never allowed them to return. This move was denounced by the New York Bar Association, Republican presidential candidate and future Supreme Court Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes, and even Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer, author of the notorious anti-red Palmer raids.

Socialists maintained their anti-communism all through the following decades.
Much of their early platform — the social safety net, financial regulation, workplace safety, school lunches, and the rest — ultimately was adopted by mainstream political parties and enacted into law, particularly during the New Deal of the 1930s. Today, we take much of it for granted as essential parts of American life.

Bernie Sanders’ version of Democratic Socialism fits easily in this long moderate tradition. Those who try to stigmatize him by shouting “Communist!” are engaging in scare tactics and nothing more. Sanders is no communist, and in America, we have all been socialists for years. << -- History Lesson: Bernie Sanders is no ‘Communist,’ and ‘Democratic Socialists’ are as American as Apple Pie
It's a reference to Soviet Russia, the term was popularized by Soviet Russia, and the amount of Marxist Nations that have used that title are more than double the non-Marxist Nations that don't. It's no mocking irony, just reference to his stance on policies. If it's some sort of mocking Irony, it's up to you to prove that claim.

More like you're wasting my time with your bogus claims, and this (Long) bogus article. It's no "scare", just a logical reaction to varying degrees of Socialism, and its destructive consequences.

Communists were rightly targeted, they have no business in politics, with their regressive ideas. Our free-market economy runs FAR better without regulations, and their ideals only damage it.

The policies listed in the article, while a few are helpful, the rest are part of problems we're facing today.

  • Limits on child labor;Children can't get a head start in life, to pay for college, or to add to life savings anymore.
  • A right to strike for workers;Workers don't need help oppressing their employers, Unions do it well enough
  • Regulation of financial markets;Regulating businesses only damages the economy, Private Industry works the best unregulated.
  • Public works jobs for the unemployed;There never would have been a need for this if the government would stay out of the private sector to start with.
  • A minimum wage and limited work week; Only 3% of people work for minimum wage, this was pointless, and longer work weeks helps people make more money.
  • Public ownership of local industries like street cars and subway;"Public ownership" is an abomination to start with.
The New Deal is actually a great example of how destructive those policies are. Franklin Roosevelt's regulation of businesses brought us into the Great Depression, from a recession, and extended it by seven years.
Bernie is not now nor has he ever been a Democrat. But they decided to be nice; a dumb move when it comes to politics. The DNC should have known that allowing a socialist to run would end up making the party look stupid. Oh well hindsight is 20/20.

Also, I'm amused that republicans are showing such strong support for Bernie, who is an open communist. Almost as if they have no idea how much better he polls against Trump than Hillary.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
There is no candidate alive that would have praised one of the most brutal murderous dictators to come out of the 20th century. Bernie Sanders did.
Bernie Sanders heaped praise on Fidel Castro in 1985 interview

Now if JFK were alive & in the Oval office when he did that, he would have had Sanders up in front of a congressional hearing in a New York minute to discuss his loyalty to this country, and his opinion of Democracy.

Bernie Sanders reflects his opinion in this statement he made recently. This is when he refused to drop out--and when he was booed by house Democrats over this comment:

"Sanders told the group "the goal is not to win elections" and took a dramatic pause, before adding that the aim was to win the battle of ideas, according to multiple sources in the room."
House Democrats boo Bernie Sanders in contentious meeting -

Obviously in a Democracy if you don't win the election, you don't win the battle of ideas. In his statement he is basically saying "I don't care if Democrats win this election, this is about my revolution."

In this statement he is NOT willing to abide by the will of the people (democracy) meaning he is a communist and would have no trouble using force to win his battle of ideas. That is what Fidel Castro did.

It's clear that Bernie Sanders is a communist. It's unfortunate that he was allowed to run on the Democrat party platform.
What would some DNC groupie know about democracy?
This is right back to where we started --- I asked for a LINK, and you didn't have one and still don't.
And no, "People's Republic of ----- " is not necessarily a reference to "Soviet Russia" even if you could document it. It's often a mocking irony --- mocking the Red Scare bots such as you're emulating here.

No actually you're wasting my time if you're now moving on to declaring what my thinking is. Let's add Strawman to the list of ongoing fallacious arguments.

Don't you think fourteen years old --- if that's your real age --- is a bit young to be arrogantly sealing up your mind to any challenging information? What are you afraid of?
That your preconceptions might be .............. wrong?

>> Socialists found themselves targeted during the Red Scares of the 1920s and 1950s right along with communists. In 1920, the New York State legislature expelled its last five legally-elected Socialist members and never allowed them to return. This move was denounced by the New York Bar Association, Republican presidential candidate and future Supreme Court Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes, and even Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer, author of the notorious anti-red Palmer raids.

Socialists maintained their anti-communism all through the following decades.
Much of their early platform — the social safety net, financial regulation, workplace safety, school lunches, and the rest — ultimately was adopted by mainstream political parties and enacted into law, particularly during the New Deal of the 1930s. Today, we take much of it for granted as essential parts of American life.

Bernie Sanders’ version of Democratic Socialism fits easily in this long moderate tradition. Those who try to stigmatize him by shouting “Communist!” are engaging in scare tactics and nothing more. Sanders is no communist, and in America, we have all been socialists for years. << -- History Lesson: Bernie Sanders is no ‘Communist,’ and ‘Democratic Socialists’ are as American as Apple Pie
It's a reference to Soviet Russia, the term was popularized by Soviet Russia, and the amount of Marxist Nations that have used that title are more than double the non-Marxist Nations that don't. It's no mocking irony, just reference to his stance on policies. If it's some sort of mocking Irony, it's up to you to prove that claim.

More like you're wasting my time with your bogus claims, and this (Long) bogus article. It's no "scare", just a logical reaction to varying degrees of Socialism, and its destructive consequences.

Communists were rightly targeted, they have no business in politics, with their regressive ideas. Our free-market economy runs FAR better without regulations, and their ideals only damage it.

The policies listed in the article, while a few are helpful, the rest are part of problems we're facing today.

  • Limits on child labor;Children can't get a head start in life, to pay for college, or to add to life savings anymore.
  • A right to strike for workers;Workers don't need help oppressing their employers, Unions do it well enough
  • Regulation of financial markets;Regulating businesses only damages the economy, Private Industry works the best unregulated.
  • Public works jobs for the unemployed;There never would have been a need for this if the government would stay out of the private sector to start with.
  • A minimum wage and limited work week; Only 3% of people work for minimum wage, this was pointless, and longer work weeks helps people make more money.
  • Public ownership of local industries like street cars and subway;"Public ownership" is an abomination to start with.
The New Deal is actually a great example of how destructive those policies are. Franklin Roosevelt's regulation of businesses brought us into the Great Depression, from a recession, and extended it by seven years.


I take it back; you must indeed be fourteen years old if you think that's the way the world works.

There is no candidate alive that would have praised one of the most brutal murderous dictators to come out of the 20th century. Bernie Sanders did.
Bernie Sanders heaped praise on Fidel Castro in 1985 interview

Oh poster please. Spare us your lame Collective Responsibility Fallacy. Sanders, whose immediate forebears were slaughtered by the Nazis, obviously did not in any way praise that aspect, and you're a flamiing dishonest hack for trying to make that argument. Your own link cites education and health care as the basis of that assessment, and you want to stuff your own twisted freako perversion into that? You insult the intelligence of this board with that kind of bullshit, and that's a damn low bar to get under.

That's like saying you don't like Bill Clinton's Lewinskygate thing, therefore his SCOTUS nominations sucked -- two things that have nothing to do with each other.

Take a hike. :eusa_hand:
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There is no candidate alive that would have praised one of the most brutal murderous dictators to come out of the 20th century. Bernie Sanders did.
Bernie Sanders heaped praise on Fidel Castro in 1985 interview

Now if JFK were alive & in the Oval office when he did that, he would have had Sanders up in front of a congressional hearing in a New York minute to discuss his loyalty to this country, and his opinion of Democracy.

Bernie Sanders reflects his opinion in this statement he made recently. This is when he refused to drop out--and when he was booed by house Democrats over this comment:

"Sanders told the group "the goal is not to win elections" and took a dramatic pause, before adding that the aim was to win the battle of ideas, according to multiple sources in the room."
House Democrats boo Bernie Sanders in contentious meeting -

Obviously in a Democracy if you don't win the election, you don't win the battle of ideas. In his statement he is basically saying "I don't care if Democrats win this election, this is about my revolution."

In this statement he is NOT willing to abide by the will of the people (democracy) meaning he is a communist and would have no trouble using force to win his battle of ideas. That is what Fidel Castro did.

It's clear that Bernie Sanders is a communist. It's unfortunate that he was allowed to run on the Democrat party platform.
What would some DNC groupie know about democracy?

Even Democrats believe in a democracy, the problem starts when you put a Communist on the Democrat ticket--and call him a Democrat.

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