CDZ The Distinction Between Kneeling TO as Opposed to Kneeling With


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Back when Colon Crapperneck was kneeling during the National Anthem, conservatives were rightly enraged, IMO, for the disrespect being shown.

But now, if cops kneel with demonstrators, it is seen as a sign of submission to instead of contempt of the demonstrators.

OK, so which is it? Does kneeling show disrespect or submission?

Well of course it depends entirely on the context of the situation. There are proscribed ways of showing respect to our flag that are simply conventions, vrs kneeling with or to a movement.

I think the key difference between kneeling to or in submission to a group vrs kneeling with a group, is that the opposition is KNEELING TOO ALONG WITH THE OFFICERS.

When the mayor of Los Angeles knelt in front of demonstrators in LA, only one other demonstrator knelt with him, and that was an after thought and he knelt way later than the mayor did.

The BLM jack asses humiliated him, and I think Hispanics will remember this and he may have just torpedoed his own re-election later.

This media drive hysteria of cops comitting genocide on blacks is just ludicrous and an entirely cycnical attempt to get those with authority to submit to a new regime of Obama's new Army, a new authority structure that is entirely unelected and a complete anti-democratic sham.

General Matthis made a similar blunder by criticizing Trump for '3 years of dividing our nation' which he assthinks is why we now have these riots. A more stupid thing cannot be said, and he has revealed himself to be an empty suit with medals that were handed out to him like candy, apparently. He does not have the mental capacity to grasp what is actually going on and he has sided with Antifa instead of the duly elected President of the USA.

Matthis, who I will never again address as a a General, has submitted himself to the Mob without touching his knee to the ground whatsoever.

When we see some of our leaders kneeling with demonstrators, I think we should not judge them too harshly. At least they have not betrayed our Republic like Matthis has.

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