The Democratic Party Has Metastasized Into A Cancer On The Body Of America


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
The Democrats have grown into a body of domestic terrorists now surpassing ISIS as the top threat to our Republic. They have gone absolutely insane with anti-Trump, anti-tolerant, anti-free-speech, anti-liberty mentality!

Obama and Holder fomented racial division and rioting in the streets of many cities under the guise of police brutality and hatred, claiming police unfairly targeted blacks, using career criminals as their role models!

The Democrats are tearing this country apart with endless post hoc litigation in search of crimes to justify their unfounded charges, tying up Washington DC in an endless search of innuendo-driven charges to where DC cannot get anything done. They block the president from protecting our shores. Now 200 democrats are filing suit to attack Trump on the Emoluments Clause which has nothing to do with his businesses!

They use the media to write article after article with vile, unfounded, hate-filled rhetoric trying to paint THE ONE PERSON RUNNING FOR OFFICE WHO DIDN'T EVEN NEED THE JOB as if he were the Beelzebub himself!

They have their comedians on late night attacking the highest officer in the land with contempt, disrespect, and vile slurs of hatred. Trying to join in, Kathy Griffin thought she could be funny by creating an ISIS like picture of her holding the BLOOD-SOAKED head of the President!

The Democratic Party has gone insane and can no longer even have enough self-awareness of itself. They will paint all of this as Trump's doing, as HIS fault, just for living and breathing. They have become a real danger.

Now, at a simple ball-game, one of the few places where Republicans and Democrats could get together and put their party politics aside and just enjoy friendship together, a Democratic Operative has tried to assassinate several GOP congressmen. You will see this is a democrat, liberal, Obama supporter.

WE are now ONE STEP AWAY from Civil War brought on by the Democrats Party. With that will be marshal law and utter chaos. All of this whipped up by the dangerous faction of the radicals within the Democratic Party, and those at the top will be smiling all the way through it, as good little Soros-driven Alinsky Communists they know that the only way left for them to regain power isn't via legal electoral process but to plunge the country into total anarchy and try to come out of it retaking control of the country by coup with them back in power. You've been warned. Make no mistake, all of this is a coup by the Democrats on several simultaneous levels at once to retake control of the country via legislative and militant fiat under the guise of fighting a supposed unjust threat (President Trump). You know, a threat to the country and the WORLD.

THEY HAVE BEEN TELLING YOU THIS ALL ALONG! You just don't want to listen.

They thought they could accomplish this simply and quietly by putting Hillary into office but the people of the country got in their way. Now they have no choice, but to start an outright civil war, they can't wait four years, by then, Trump will have done too much damage to their plans. Don't say you weren't warned. ISIS is no longer the great threat to this country, Democrats, Progressives and Liberals are, especially those in office fomenting hatred and violence and their useful minions on the streets as part of their "Resistance." Watch out.
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ISIS is no longer the great threat to this country, Democrats, Progressives and Liberals are, especially those in office fomenting hatred and violence and their useful minions on the streets as part of their "Resistance." Watch out.

And who created ISIS? Dems "leaders" and sponsors.

Thread summary:

Most conservatives on this board have lost their minds, and aren't even bothering to pretend to be loyal Americans. They want the brownshirts out implementing a one-party dictatorship right now, and to hell with democracy and the Constitution.
The Democrats are actively subverting our Constitution. Maybe ISIS is just a JV team when compared with them. But both are enemies of the United States, one foreign and the other domestic.

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