The Democrat (Communist) Party - the party of takeaway.


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
If you love God, America, the Constitution, freedom, liberty and self-reliance, you can't vote for a Democrat - Democrats are the #1 enemy of all of these. While John F. Kennedy met his unfortunate fate in 1963. which is long before I was a part of this planet, let's just say, long gone are the days of the JFK Democrat. If JFK were alive today and to run for office, today's Democrats and their sluts in the media would call him a racist, homophobic nazi, I mean seriously, the Democrats would probably try to impeach JFK even at an earlier stage than they are trying to impeach Donald Trump. Ok, enough on that, let' get to the hate America party, the party of takeaway, that is the the #1 enemy of America - the Democratic Party.

Yes, the Democrats are the party of takeaway. They want to revoke:

The 2016 election - no explanation needed here.

Your 1st Amendment rights - hey, who is it that wants conservative voices silenced, whether it be conservative talk shows, TV, or social media - it is Democrats. The scum who run social media are Democrats, and vote Democrat, and the Democrat Party is just as dedicated to eliminating all opposing views as their whores in the media and that run social media. Oh there are few exception such as Bill Maher, Alan Dershowitz and a select 2 or 3 other Democrats that will stand up for freedom of speech for those with opposing points of views, but those select few out of 10s of millions of Democrats is not even good enough to be pathetic at best.

2nd Amendment - there is no greater enemy to this than a Democrat. Every time there is some lunatic who commits a mass shooting, the corpses of the dead haven't even cooled down yet and Democrats are already playing on the blood of the victims to ban all firearms ownership. What a fucking sick bunch of piles of shit. Democrats are the enemy of law abiding citizens right to defend themselves. And look here, click the link I am going to provide, this is what happens when you give Democrats unchecked power. This being in Virginia, where they have a hardcore racist for governor, not only do they want to ban firearm ownership, they want to ban martial arts as well. What the fuck! All the more proof a vote for a Democrat is a vote against God, America, the Constitution, freedom and liberty

TYRANNY ALERT: Virginia to OUTLAW Krav Maga, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, kickboxing, Tai Chi, firearms instruction and self-defense training under proposed law SB64

America's border - while the RINOs in the GOP are no better than the Democrats on this one, the Democrats know that real Americans will never vote for them. So much so, the Democrats want to import large amounts of 3rd world trash with IQs lower than a grapefruit in order to get enough votes to turn America into their dream - the former Soviet Union.

Kobach: Dems 'Say Out Loud' Intent to Turn U.S. Blue via Immigration

Which party is that wants to take away America's traditions and values? None other than the Democrat party.

Then of course, the party of takeaway want to rob you of your income. With Democrats always comes increases in taxes.

Which party is that has declared war on law abiding American citizens, but is completely in the corner of criminals and illegal aliens? The Democrat Party.

Which party is that tries to silence the opposition by labeling them racist, homophobic, sexist, etc.? None other than the Democrat Party.

Which party is it that sides with isis and other such terrorists over our brave men and women serving this country? The Democrat Party

Which party is that hates law enforcement officers, but loves violent criminals? The Democrat Party.

I can keep going on and on: on to the point where this can turn into a book, not a post. So I am going to cut it off here.

I will conclude this by stating this was not posted by a registered Republican. This was posted by a me, a person who originally registered as Libertarian, then later changed party affiliation to American Independent. While I have a lot of disdain for the GOP, make no mistake about it, I'd rather drink turpentine and piss on a forest fire before voting for a Democrat. The only way I will be voting Democrat is after I am dead. The Democrat party is a greater threat to America than any other enemy America has ever faced. Fuck the Democrat party.
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If you love God, America, the Constitution, freedom, liberty and self-reliance, you can't vote for a Democrat - Democrats are the #1 enemy of all of these. While John F. Kennedy met his unfortunate fate in 1963. which is long before a part of this planet, let's just say, long gone are the days of the JFK Democrat. If JFK were alive today and to run for office, today's Democrats and their sluts in the media would call him a racist, homophobic nazi, I mean seriously, the Democrats would probably try to impeach JFK even at an earlier stage than they are trying to impeach Donald Trump. Ok, enough on that, let' get to the hate America party, the party of takeaway, that is the the #1 enemy of America - the Democratic Party.

Yes, the Democrats are the party of takeaway. They want to revoke:

The 2016 election - no explanation needed here.

Your 1st Amendment rights - hey, who is it that wants conservative voices silenced, whether it be conservative talk shows, TV, or social media - it is Democrats. The scum who run social media are Democrats, and vote Democrat, and the Democrat Party is just as dedicated to eliminating all opposing views as their whores in the media and that run social media. Oh there are few exception such as Bill Maher, Alan Dershowitz and a select 2 or 3 other Democrats that will stand up for freedom of speech for those with opposing points of views, but those select few out of 10s of millions of Democrats is not even good enough to be pathetic at best.

2nd Amendment - there is no greater enemy to this than a Democrat. Every time there is some lunatic who commits a mass shooting, the corpses of the dead haven't even cooled down yet and Democrats are already playing on the blood of the victims to ban all firearms ownership. What fucking sick bunch of piles of shit. Democrats are the enemy of law abiding citizens right to defend themselves. And look here, click the link I am going to provide, this is what happens when you give Democrats unchecked power. This being in Virginia, where they have a hardcore racist for governor, not only do they want to ban firearm ownership, they want to ban martial arts as well. What the fuck! All the more proof a vote for a Democrat is a vote against God, America, the Constitution, freedom and liberty

TYRANNY ALERT: Virginia to OUTLAW Krav Maga, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, kickboxing, Tai Chi, firearms instruction and self-defense training under proposed law SB64

America's border - while the RINOs in the GOP are no better than the Democrats on this one, the Democrats know that real Americans will never vote for them. So much so, the Democrats want to import large amounts of 3rd world trash with IQs lower than a grapefruit in order to get enough votes to turn America into their dream - the former Soviet Union.

Kobach: Dems 'Say Out Loud' Intent to Turn U.S. Blue via Immigration

Which party is that wants to take away America's traditions and values? None other than the Democrat party.

Then of course, the party of takeaway want to rob you of your income. With Democrats always comes increases in taxes.

Which party is that has declared war on law abiding American citizens, but is completely in the corner of criminals and illegal aliens? The Democrat Party.

Which party is that tries to silence the opposition by labeling them racist, homophobic, sexist, etc.? None other than the Democrat Party.

Which party is it that sides with isis and other such terrorists over our brave men and women serving this country? The Democrat Party

Which party is that hates law enforcement officers, but loves violent criminals? The Democrat Party.

I can keep going on and on: on to the point where this can turn into a book, not a post. So I am going to cut it off here.

I will conclude this by stating this was not posted by a registered Republican. This was posted by a me, a person who originally registered as Libertarian, then later changed party affiliation to American Independent. While I have a lot of disdain for the GOP, make no mistake about it, I'd rather drink turpentine and piss on a forest fire before voting for a Democrat. The only way I will be voting Democrat is after I am dead. The Democrat party is a greater threat to America than any other enemy America has ever face. Fuck the Democrat party.
Let's face it, the Dim Dems are LOSERS in every way, shape and form. It's incredible that they're STILL throwing a temper tantrum, for OVER THREE YEARS now, since their beloved Killery LOST in historic fashion in 2016. Can you IMAGINE what these iidiots will be like next year when President Trump gets re-elected? It's sure to be both horrific AND hilarious to observe!

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