The decline of Christian America

If this nation has become non-Christian, I blame Christians for that. Instead of following the example of Jesus Christ, they have turned aside to seek political power and control over other people. Their message is one of hate and intolerance, not love.

They are no different from the Pharisees.

I would say you are half right and half wrong.

Yes, I blame the Christians, too, me included.

No, it is not because they have preached a message of hate and intolerance ---- even if a very small percentage of them have. That is a very naïve or demagogic response, imo.

The "Christians" are to blame because those who claim to be Christian are a decided majority in this nation. And it appears to me the majority have engaged in an inordinate amount of self-love, materialism, carnal desires, laziness in following the tenets of the faith even if they attend services,

Here is the end result ( I fear, I do not know of course) --- Those who claim to be Christians and act like secular materialistic lustful humanists may receive the harshest sentences. But those who stand in judgment calling us all hypocrites and consequently decide there is no good in our faith, I cannot think of one good reason why you should feel comfortable about your own destiny as well.

If you are Catholic, you are not a Christian, Turzovka. Your religion was founded on the Babylonian religion of Semiramis, Tammuz and Nimrod. The history of your religion is that of hunting down and putting to death the Christians and Jews and non - Catholics who refused to submit to your popes. Over a period of 605 years your religion put approximately 68 million Protestants (Christians), Jews, and non Catholics to death for refusing to submit to the false teachings of the Romanists (under the direction of a succession of 80 popes who created more torturous methods to persuade the "heretics" - history reveals this).

Now your religion is once again seeking world domination through the formation of a one world religion led by a Jesuit Pope. Jesus Christ is LORD. Not your Pope. Make your plans but know that God has already made His and it is found in the last book of the Bible. It's called the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

Believe the King James Bible - not the false religious leaders you've been deceived by.

"If you are Catholic, you are not a Christian ..."

Robertson is a loon and a liar but this constant pissing contest between "christians" is asinine. You all say the same thing - your way is the only way, your god can beat up some other god and everyone else is goin' to hell.

Its delusional, phony and its empty. And now we see so-called christians defending the Duggar serial child molester and blaming little 4 year old girls for the crimes of adults.

No wonder people are turning their backs on religion. As I said elsewhere, I don't want any part of the god the phonies worship.

If there really are gods, they are all ashamed of their followers following "satan" - who also doesn't exist!
If this nation has become non-Christian, I blame Christians for that. Instead of following the example of Jesus Christ, they have turned aside to seek political power and control over other people. Their message is one of hate and intolerance, not love.

They are no different from the Pharisees.

I would say you are half right and half wrong.

Yes, I blame the Christians, too, me included.

No, it is not because they have preached a message of hate and intolerance ---- even if a very small percentage of them have. That is a very naïve or demagogic response, imo.

The "Christians" are to blame because those who claim to be Christian are a decided majority in this nation. And it appears to me the majority have engaged in an inordinate amount of self-love, materialism, carnal desires, laziness in following the tenets of the faith even if they attend services,

Here is the end result ( I fear, I do not know of course) --- Those who claim to be Christians and act like secular materialistic lustful humanists may receive the harshest sentences. But those who stand in judgment calling us all hypocrites and consequently decide there is no good in our faith, I cannot think of one good reason why you should feel comfortable about your own destiny as well.

If you are Catholic, you are not a Christian, Turzovka. Your religion was founded on the Babylonian religion of Semiramis, Tammuz and Nimrod. The history of your religion is that of hunting down and putting to death the Christians and Jews and non - Catholics who refused to submit to your popes. Over a period of 605 years your religion put approximately 68 million Protestants (Christians), Jews, and non Catholics to death for refusing to submit to the false teachings of the Romanists (under the direction of a succession of 80 popes who created more torturous methods to persuade the "heretics" - history reveals this).

Now your religion is once again seeking world domination through the formation of a one world religion led by a Jesuit Pope. Jesus Christ is LORD. Not your Pope. Make your plans but know that God has already made His and it is found in the last book of the Bible. It's called the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

Believe the King James Bible - not the false religious leaders you've been deceived by.

"If you are Catholic, you are not a Christian ..."

Robertson is a loon and a liar but this constant pissing contest between "christians" is asinine. You all say the same thing - your way is the only way, your god can beat up some other god and everyone else is goin' to hell.

Its delusional, phony and its empty. And now we see so-called christians defending the Duggar serial child molester and blaming little 4 year old girls for the crimes of adults.

No wonder people are turning their backs on religion. As I said elsewhere, I don't want any part of the god the phonies worship.

If there really are gods, they are all ashamed of their followers following "satan" - who also doesn't exist!

There is no contest. You either follow Christ or you don't. Catholicism is based on the Babylonian religion. Not the King James Bible. It is important to defend the faith and expose false doctrine / false prophets because otherwise the people who are deceived by them could perish. Those who are unwilling to preach the truth do not understand Calvary Love, Luddly.
In reading this thread, I see that the decline of Christianity in America seems to be caused by pretty much everything except Christians.

Of course the church (which is the body of Christ not a denomination or organization set up by men) has a responsibility to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world, Vandal. The failure to do so has resulted in what we see now.
Pope Francis is a false prophet and as a Christian who obeys the Bible and not man I am compelled to speak out against false prophets and false teachings, Lilah. I feel great compassion towards the Catholic people for having been deceived by such lies. As for Satan - Satan is the Father of lies and operates by deception. He comes as an angel of light. There is nothing holy or noble about this Pope and if you knew the Word of God you would realize that I am speaking the truth. He is a child of the devil. Speaking truth is what we are called to do.

Your message appears to be filled with self-righteousness and anger, and you are quick to judge.
Be careful what you say because some people are intently listening to you besmirch a good man's reputation.
Pope Francis lives among the poor and serves them on a daily basis. He is not quick to judge, but he is quick to administer love and compassion.
The Bible says love should be our greatest aim.

Paul said take no thought for your life. I believe the Bible. I do not fear what man can do to me. I fear God who has the power to cast into hell. You should too. Christians are to warn others about false teachers and expose their false doctrines. Pope Francis is a false teacher and an enemy of Jesus Christ. He preaches a false gospel and denies the Word of God - he has attempted to twist the scriptures and turn the word of God. I defend the Truth. Not lies.

It is imperative that I take thought for my life. When I'm driving on the freeway, when I'm a guest in someone's home, when I give a speech before a group whom I'm soliciting for proceeds to my charities, I must hold myself in control enough to act in a manner so as not to make anyone feel embarrassed, belittled, betrayed, angry, or out of place.
It is not my station in life to judge others, and I find your judgment and harsh criticism of Pope Francis to be reprehensible.

Pope Francis is a wolf in sheep's clothing. I make no apologies for pointing it out. As for you taking thought for your own life? Why do you fear?

If you were a child of God you would rest in the knowledge that God is in complete control. Perfect love casts out all fear. In Christ is where we find perfect love. Jesus Christ is the Way, The Truth, and the Life.

Jeremiah, professing you are a devout Christian does not give you the right to degrade another human being, in particular, Pope Francis. Instead of always focusing on your negative thoughts, why don't you consider all the good he is doing.
I take thought for my life because I don't want to injure anyone, emotionally or physically.
The little voice inside me guides me and expects me to pay attention to my surroundings, and in particular, those around me who don't have love in their hearts.
I'm not sure if you have children, but if you do, do you expect them to be responsible?

Lilah, Francis is a Jesuit. Please examine this article and look at the history of the Jesuits please. Thank you.

The Hidden Causes Of World War I Are Finally Revealed The Millennium Report
Edward Mandell House totally controlled Woodrow Wilson. House was a Jesuit carrying out their every desire. He used Wilson as a puppet to create the League of Nations for the Jesuits. Wilson was nothing more than Rome’s tool to do their bidding.

Another reason for World War One was to pay back Germany for its opposition to the papacy and the Jesuits in the 1860s and 1870s. Germany was the birthplace of the hated Lutherans. Twice during this time, Chancellor Otto von Bismarck led Germany (known as Prussia ) to military victories over the Jesuit-controlled countries of Austria in 1866 and France in 1870. Bismarck also outlawed the Jesuit order with the Kulturkampf law in 1872. These ‘crimes’ against Rome and the Jesuits had to be repaid in kind. Hence, many thousands of Germans were slain in the bloodbath of World War One.

read the article, sources, footnotes and note that Jacob Schiff was a Jesuit also. It's all tied up in the Vatican - very, very wicked. You need to know the truth, Lilah.
Your message appears to be filled with self-righteousness and anger, and you are quick to judge.
Be careful what you say because some people are intently listening to you besmirch a good man's reputation.
Pope Francis lives among the poor and serves them on a daily basis. He is not quick to judge, but he is quick to administer love and compassion.
The Bible says love should be our greatest aim.

Paul said take no thought for your life. I believe the Bible. I do not fear what man can do to me. I fear God who has the power to cast into hell. You should too. Christians are to warn others about false teachers and expose their false doctrines. Pope Francis is a false teacher and an enemy of Jesus Christ. He preaches a false gospel and denies the Word of God - he has attempted to twist the scriptures and turn the word of God. I defend the Truth. Not lies.

It is imperative that I take thought for my life. When I'm driving on the freeway, when I'm a guest in someone's home, when I give a speech before a group whom I'm soliciting for proceeds to my charities, I must hold myself in control enough to act in a manner so as not to make anyone feel embarrassed, belittled, betrayed, angry, or out of place.
It is not my station in life to judge others, and I find your judgment and harsh criticism of Pope Francis to be reprehensible.

Pope Francis is a wolf in sheep's clothing. I make no apologies for pointing it out. As for you taking thought for your own life? Why do you fear?

If you were a child of God you would rest in the knowledge that God is in complete control. Perfect love casts out all fear. In Christ is where we find perfect love. Jesus Christ is the Way, The Truth, and the Life.

Jeremiah, professing you are a devout Christian does not give you the right to degrade another human being, in particular, Pope Francis. Instead of always focusing on your negative thoughts, why don't you consider all the good he is doing.
I take thought for my life because I don't want to injure anyone, emotionally or physically.
The little voice inside me guides me and expects me to pay attention to my surroundings, and in particular, those around me who don't have love in their hearts.
I'm not sure if you have children, but if you do, do you expect them to be responsible?

I'm telling you that he is a false teacher because he is. When he chose to go down the wrong path (years ago) - he degraded himself. I'm telling you the truth. He is a false prophet. Do not listen to a word he says.

It is written:
Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
Galatians 4:16

Jeremiah, you lack a sense of propriety, and utter harsh words that can do great harm.
Who among is attracted so someone who is always telling them they are in the wrong.
You need to heed your own advice regarding Galatians.
Paul said take no thought for your life. I believe the Bible. I do not fear what man can do to me. I fear God who has the power to cast into hell. You should too. Christians are to warn others about false teachers and expose their false doctrines. Pope Francis is a false teacher and an enemy of Jesus Christ. He preaches a false gospel and denies the Word of God - he has attempted to twist the scriptures and turn the word of God. I defend the Truth. Not lies.

It is imperative that I take thought for my life. When I'm driving on the freeway, when I'm a guest in someone's home, when I give a speech before a group whom I'm soliciting for proceeds to my charities, I must hold myself in control enough to act in a manner so as not to make anyone feel embarrassed, belittled, betrayed, angry, or out of place.
It is not my station in life to judge others, and I find your judgment and harsh criticism of Pope Francis to be reprehensible.

Pope Francis is a wolf in sheep's clothing. I make no apologies for pointing it out. As for you taking thought for your own life? Why do you fear?

If you were a child of God you would rest in the knowledge that God is in complete control. Perfect love casts out all fear. In Christ is where we find perfect love. Jesus Christ is the Way, The Truth, and the Life.

Jeremiah, professing you are a devout Christian does not give you the right to degrade another human being, in particular, Pope Francis. Instead of always focusing on your negative thoughts, why don't you consider all the good he is doing.
I take thought for my life because I don't want to injure anyone, emotionally or physically.
The little voice inside me guides me and expects me to pay attention to my surroundings, and in particular, those around me who don't have love in their hearts.
I'm not sure if you have children, but if you do, do you expect them to be responsible?

I'm telling you that he is a false teacher because he is. When he chose to go down the wrong path (years ago) - he degraded himself. I'm telling you the truth. He is a false prophet. Do not listen to a word he says.

It is written:
Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
Galatians 4:16

Jeremiah, you lack a sense of propriety, and utter harsh words that can do great harm.
Who among is attracted so someone who is always telling them they are in the wrong.
You need to heed your own advice regarding Galatians.

Lilah, I need to heed the Word of God which tells me to defend the faith. How can you see the truth while you sit in darkness? Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Do not be a follower of men. Be a follower of Christ. You must be born again. Read Romans 10:9,10.
Regarding the decline of Christianity, everyone here who would leave their 11 year old boy with a Catholic priest without a chaperone for 4 hours, please raise your hand.....
Regarding the decline of Christianity, everyone here who would leave their 11 year old boy with a Catholic priest without a chaperone for 4 hours, please raise your hand.....
The One World Order - One World Religion the Jesuit inspired U.N. is pushing for is the solution for the decline of Catholicism - note I said Catholicism. NOT CHRISTIANITY. Now is there a falling away from the faith which is in Christ? Yes. I see the wide road Gospel and the many Protestants who are following it (and Rome) to be evidence of it indeed.
Lilah please examine this commentary by Gill that explains the Scripture I gave you.
Galatians 4 16 Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth

Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible

Am I therefore become your enemy,.... Not that he was an enemy to them, he had the same cordial affection for them as ever; he had their true interest at heart, and was diligently pursuing it; but they, through the insinuations of the false teachers, had entertained an ill opinion of him, and an aversion to him, and treated him as if he had been an enemy to them, and as if they had a real hatred of him: and that for no other reason, as he observes, but because I tell you the truth; the Gospel so called, because it comes from the God of truth, is concerned with Christ, who is truth itself, and is dictated, revealed, and blessed by the Spirit of truth; and is opposed unto, and is distinct from the law, which is only an image and shadow, and not truth itself: it chiefly respects the great truths of salvation alone by Christ, and justification by his righteousness; and may also regard what he had said concerning the abrogation of the law, blaming them for the observance of it, and calling its institutions weak and beggarly elements; all which he told or spoke publicly, plainly, honestly, fully, and faithfully, boldly, constantly, and with all assurance, consistently, and in pure love to their souls; and yet it brought on him their anger and resentment. Telling the truth in such a manner often brings many enemies to the ministers of Christ; not only the men of the world, profane sinners, but professors of religion, and sometimes such who once loved and admired them.

Do you see what is happening? I hope so.
Regarding the decline of Christianity, everyone here who would leave their 11 year old boy with a Catholic priest without a chaperone for 4 hours, please raise your hand.....

Or their 4-5 year old daughter alone with an evangelical?

My point being that I had no idea how really vile and dangerous some of these cults are until that story hit the news.
Quiverfull may be a cult. I have no idea as I do not know what they teach, Luddly. What has that got to do with the Gospel of Jesus Christ or Christians? Nothing.
It is imperative that I take thought for my life. When I'm driving on the freeway, when I'm a guest in someone's home, when I give a speech before a group whom I'm soliciting for proceeds to my charities, I must hold myself in control enough to act in a manner so as not to make anyone feel embarrassed, belittled, betrayed, angry, or out of place.
It is not my station in life to judge others, and I find your judgment and harsh criticism of Pope Francis to be reprehensible.

Pope Francis is a wolf in sheep's clothing. I make no apologies for pointing it out. As for you taking thought for your own life? Why do you fear?

If you were a child of God you would rest in the knowledge that God is in complete control. Perfect love casts out all fear. In Christ is where we find perfect love. Jesus Christ is the Way, The Truth, and the Life.

Jeremiah, professing you are a devout Christian does not give you the right to degrade another human being, in particular, Pope Francis. Instead of always focusing on your negative thoughts, why don't you consider all the good he is doing.
I take thought for my life because I don't want to injure anyone, emotionally or physically.
The little voice inside me guides me and expects me to pay attention to my surroundings, and in particular, those around me who don't have love in their hearts.
I'm not sure if you have children, but if you do, do you expect them to be responsible?

I'm telling you that he is a false teacher because he is. When he chose to go down the wrong path (years ago) - he degraded himself. I'm telling you the truth. He is a false prophet. Do not listen to a word he says.

It is written:
Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
Galatians 4:16

Jeremiah, you lack a sense of propriety, and utter harsh words that can do great harm.
Who among is attracted so someone who is always telling them they are in the wrong.
You need to heed your own advice regarding Galatians.

Lilah, I need to heed the Word of God which tells me to defend the faith. How can you see the truth while you sit in darkness? Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Do not be a follower of men. Be a follower of Christ. You must be born again. Read Romans 10:9,10.

Madame, I'm not sitting in darkness. I've been taught not to sit in judgment of others; however that does not mean that I should be deaf and mute when it comes to injustices perpetrated against others, in particular, children.
Because I find Pope Francis to be a loving, kind, and devout man, you say I'm going to hell.
Well, let me tell you something that comes to my mind from a book I read, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Huck, in a moment of true moral courage, listens to the little voice inside him, and decides it would be better to go to hell than turn Jim, the runaway slave, back over to the slave holders. After all, the Bible says in Ephesians 6:5 "Slaves obey your earthy masters with respect and fear.
Perhaps a religious culture that asks its followers to silence their conscience is just the kind of religious culture that endorses slavery.
Quiverfull may be a cult. I have no idea as I do not know what they teach, Luddly. What has that got to do with the Gospel of Jesus Christ or Christians? Nothing.

It has everything to with Christians who are following their doctrine and spreading their propaganda to weak-minded people.
Luddly Neddite I need to go off topic here for a minute - we are getting ready to go pick up the cat. The doctor says she can come home now and I'm going to put her in a baby playpen with soft mattress and blanket next to my bed and put her food and water in there. I will be watching over her to keep a close eye on her progress. They said she took the intravenous fluids - but but has not eaten. I just asked the nurse over the phone if she is sure she can come home and she said yes. I'm hoping she will eat something tonight. I'll let you know when she eats and if she doesn't eat I'm going to need to talk to you again. Thank you for all your help with this cat. I'm very grateful for all the information you've given me. I'm going now. See you later - God willing.
Quiverfull may be a cult. I have no idea as I do not know what they teach, Luddly. What has that got to do with the Gospel of Jesus Christ or Christians? Nothing.

Sane people don't want or need to be involved in the mythology of evangelical cults, born again, excuses that only serve to put the blame anyplace else but where it belongs.

If you don't know what they teach, then why are you so quick to speak in their defense? And why rattle off the religious double talk about forgiveness?

The basic belief of many religions is that you don't have take responsibility. All you have to do is say you "repent". You can go out tomorrow and do it again, repent again, wrr.
Quiverfull may be a cult. I have no idea as I do not know what they teach, Luddly. What has that got to do with the Gospel of Jesus Christ or Christians? Nothing.

Sane people don't want or need to be involved in the mythology of evangelical cults, born again, excuses that only serve to put the blame anyplace else but where it belongs.

If you don't know what they teach, then why are you so quick to speak in their defense? And why rattle off the religious double talk about forgiveness?

The basic belief of many religions is that you don't have take responsibility. All you have to do is say you "repent". You can go out tomorrow and do it again, repent again, wrr.

If this family had not said they were Christians would you still be this upset over it? Don't answer that. I just want you to think about it and realize that there are many stories out there and this is not the only one. It is just the only one getting this much attention. One must wonder why. While there are cults out there - not all Christians are part of a cult. I'm not. Many more are not. It is the exception. Not the rule so let's have balance in this.

How do I know Josh Duggar repented? I know he repented because he never repeated the crime and paedophiles are supposedly people who have a very low success rate of not being repeat offenders. It would take God to deliver him of such a thing imo. He was 14 yrs. old and so that means the crimes took place over a decade ago. No further offenses after that. Right?

On a side note - I'm glad to see that you and Vandal and others are outraged by sin because now you can relate to how God feels about it and understand why hell is a real place and those who refuse to repent and continue on in such sins shall also have a day of judgment and a punishment- with no appeals court to turn to. Once we leave this earth? That's it. Time's up. We stand where we stood our last day on earth. Saved or unsaved. Living holy or living in rebellion & backsliding. God is not grading on a curve. Let's prepare ourselves in light of that fact and live each day on earth as if it were our last.
If this nation has become non-Christian, I blame Christians for that. Instead of following the example of Jesus Christ, they have turned aside to seek political power and control over other people. Their message is one of hate and intolerance, not love.

They are no different from the Pharisees.

I would say you are half right and half wrong.

Yes, I blame the Christians, too, me included.

No, it is not because they have preached a message of hate and intolerance ---- even if a very small percentage of them have. That is a very naïve or demagogic response, imo.

The "Christians" are to blame because those who claim to be Christian are a decided majority in this nation. And it appears to me the majority have engaged in an inordinate amount of self-love, materialism, carnal desires, laziness in following the tenets of the faith even if they attend services,

Here is the end result ( I fear, I do not know of course) --- Those who claim to be Christians and act like secular materialistic lustful humanists may receive the harshest sentences. But those who stand in judgment calling us all hypocrites and consequently decide there is no good in our faith, I cannot think of one good reason why you should feel comfortable about your own destiny as well.

If you are Catholic, you are not a Christian, Turzovka. Your religion was founded on the Babylonian religion of Semiramis, Tammuz and Nimrod. The history of your religion is that of hunting down and putting to death the Christians and Jews and non - Catholics who refused to submit to your popes. Over a period of 605 years your religion put approximately 68 million Protestants (Christians), Jews, and non Catholics to death for refusing to submit to the false teachings of the Romanists (under the direction of a succession of 80 popes who created more torturous methods to persuade the "heretics" - history reveals this).

Now your religion is once again seeking world domination through the formation of a one world religion led by a Jesuit Pope. Jesus Christ is LORD. Not your Pope. Make your plans but know that God has already made His and it is found in the last book of the Bible. It's called the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

Believe the King James Bible - not the false religious leaders you've been deceived by.
Don't become angry with me. But I question your ability to reason. You know how those poor people become beholden to cult leaders and then we read about tragedies in the news? You strike me as someone who is incapable of understanding truth from fiction, right from wrong. I hope I am wrong but your vitriol tells me otherwise.

lets get down to brass tacks-----to just what "vitriol" do you refer?

Oh, really? Historically, if not incessantly, Jeremiah has uttered some very vile things about and against the Catholic Church. Now you want me to do a search to confirm that?

Even in this thread the lady is off the rails. >> "The history of your religion is that of hunting down and putting to death the Christians and Jews and non - Catholics who refused to submit to your popes. Over a period of 605 years your religion put approximately 68 million Protestants (Christians), Jews, and non Catholics to death for refusing to submit to the false teachings of the Romanists (under the direction of a succession of 80 popes who created more torturous methods to persuade the "heretics" - history reveals this)." <<

Why should I bother trying to reason with that?

Because it is the factual history of your Catholic religion! Have you no shame at all?! You are speaking to a Jew! The very ones your Doctrine of Lea refer to as "pestilence"! That Doctrine is still on the books to this day! WAKE UP!
I would say you are half right and half wrong.

Yes, I blame the Christians, too, me included.

No, it is not because they have preached a message of hate and intolerance ---- even if a very small percentage of them have. That is a very naïve or demagogic response, imo.

The "Christians" are to blame because those who claim to be Christian are a decided majority in this nation. And it appears to me the majority have engaged in an inordinate amount of self-love, materialism, carnal desires, laziness in following the tenets of the faith even if they attend services,

Here is the end result ( I fear, I do not know of course) --- Those who claim to be Christians and act like secular materialistic lustful humanists may receive the harshest sentences. But those who stand in judgment calling us all hypocrites and consequently decide there is no good in our faith, I cannot think of one good reason why you should feel comfortable about your own destiny as well.

If you are Catholic, you are not a Christian, Turzovka. Your religion was founded on the Babylonian religion of Semiramis, Tammuz and Nimrod. The history of your religion is that of hunting down and putting to death the Christians and Jews and non - Catholics who refused to submit to your popes. Over a period of 605 years your religion put approximately 68 million Protestants (Christians), Jews, and non Catholics to death for refusing to submit to the false teachings of the Romanists (under the direction of a succession of 80 popes who created more torturous methods to persuade the "heretics" - history reveals this).

Now your religion is once again seeking world domination through the formation of a one world religion led by a Jesuit Pope. Jesus Christ is LORD. Not your Pope. Make your plans but know that God has already made His and it is found in the last book of the Bible. It's called the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

Believe the King James Bible - not the false religious leaders you've been deceived by.
Don't become angry with me. But I question your ability to reason. You know how those poor people become beholden to cult leaders and then we read about tragedies in the news? You strike me as someone who is incapable of understanding truth from fiction, right from wrong. I hope I am wrong but your vitriol tells me otherwise.

lets get down to brass tacks-----to just what "vitriol" do you refer?

Oh, really? Historically, if not incessantly, Jeremiah has uttered some very vile things about and against the Catholic Church. Now you want me to do a search to confirm that?

Even in this thread the lady is off the rails. >> "The history of your religion is that of hunting down and putting to death the Christians and Jews and non - Catholics who refused to submit to your popes. Over a period of 605 years your religion put approximately 68 million Protestants (Christians), Jews, and non Catholics to death for refusing to submit to the false teachings of the Romanists (under the direction of a succession of 80 popes who created more torturous methods to persuade the "heretics" - history reveals this)." <<

Why should I bother trying to reason with that?

Because it is the factual history of your Catholic religion! Have you no shame at all?! You are speaking to a Jew! The very ones your Doctrine of Lea refer to as "pestilence"! That Doctrine is still on the books to this day! WAKE UP!

the catholic church did----kinda ----back away from the Doctrine of Lea with reference to jews and Christian dogma-------it is very difficult for a pope to say------"those other infallible guys were idiots"
Not according to E. it isn't. In the book he wrote, he makes clear the Doctrine of Lea is still intact to this very day and is not going to be surprised if it one day becomes enforced again. He was utterly appalled at the arrogance of the Roman Catholic System and brought up the story about Galileo being jailed because he dared to try to know God apart from them.. They warned Galileo unless you come through us and our religion (The Roman Catholic Church) You cannot have anything to do with God. You must come through us. He was arrested over it from what I understand. This is the kind of return of power and authority the Vatican has been vying for ever since which is why they sent their Jesuits to infiltrate and start the League of Nations and later on the U.N. - so they could have their One World Order. They are liars and will promise whoever whatever until they get what they want. It is part of their doctrine that telling a lie is acceptable if it protects Catholicism and their secrets. So is murder if the person isn't a Catholic. Look at how many times they tried to murder Alberto Rivera the ex-Jesuit for exposing the secrets of the Jesuits and the Black Pope! Five times! He said they tried to murder him 5 times. Why would a man who had turned to Christ in his heart - who left the RCC as a very, very high ranking Jesuit who answered to the pope directly and barely escaped with his life from them lie about such a thing? He wouldn't. I thank God for the testimony of Alberto Rivera because it exposes the depth of their evil actions, plans, intentions and their own archives have exposed what they really did to the Jews and to those who chose to follow Jesus Christ and depart from Catholicism. (they murdered them too) The real doctrine of Catholicism is no different from Islam. Kill the heretics. Kill them all. That isn't Christianity, Rosie. That is Satanic.

You know, Rosie, this Jesuit Pope's acceptance speech opened with his reminding the world of his "temporal powers" as I recall. It was quite chilling because I have some news about his latest comments concerning fundamentalist Christians and it is clear to see he is plotting something very evil. It isn't the first time he has hinted at it either. I do not trust this pope and am warning my Jewish brethren and Protestant brethren to beware of him. I believe he is going to prove to be as dangerous as he looks. Other Jews are seeing it and speaking out as well as some people I know that are true followers of Jesus Christ. As for people such as Joel Osteen and Rick Warren's and their churches - those men are hirelings and will not protect their own flocks from wolves. (both are false teachers and do not even preach the Gospel) They won't warn them about this Pope. The Bible is clear that hirelings do not love their own sheep. It is a dark day for the church. Very dark indeed.
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