The decline of Christian America

If this nation has become non-Christian, I blame Christians for that. Instead of following the example of Jesus Christ, they have turned aside to seek political power and control over other people. Their message is one of hate and intolerance, not love.

They are no different from the Pharisees.

I would say you are half right and half wrong.

Yes, I blame the Christians, too, me included.

No, it is not because they have preached a message of hate and intolerance ---- even if a very small percentage of them have. That is a very naïve or demagogic response, imo.

The "Christians" are to blame because those who claim to be Christian are a decided majority in this nation. And it appears to me the majority have engaged in an inordinate amount of self-love, materialism, carnal desires, laziness in following the tenets of the faith even if they attend services,

Here is the end result ( I fear, I do not know of course) --- Those who claim to be Christians and act like secular materialistic lustful humanists may receive the harshest sentences. But those who stand in judgment calling us all hypocrites and consequently decide there is no good in our faith, I cannot think of one good reason why you should feel comfortable about your own destiny as well.

If you are Catholic, you are not a Christian, Turzovka. Your religion was founded on the Babylonian religion of Semiramis, Tammuz and Nimrod. The history of your religion is that of hunting down and putting to death the Christians and Jews and non - Catholics who refused to submit to your popes. Over a period of 605 years your religion put approximately 68 million Protestants (Christians), Jews, and non Catholics to death for refusing to submit to the false teachings of the Romanists (under the direction of a succession of 80 popes who created more torturous methods to persuade the "heretics" - history reveals this).

Now your religion is once again seeking world domination through the formation of a one world religion led by a Jesuit Pope. Jesus Christ is LORD. Not your Pope. Make your plans but know that God has already made His and it is found in the last book of the Bible. It's called the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

Believe the King James Bible - not the false religious leaders you've been deceived by.

Jeremiah-----I am not into fantastical conspiracy
theory------but any "DEAL" between the catholic church and Islamic leaders does make me feel uneasy. the CALIPHATE is, very simply, a notion that muhummad picked up from the ROMAN ------HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE. Shariah shit is based on CATHOLIC CANON LAW as was the Nuremburg code. But I do believe that catholics have rejected this idea via JOHN XXIII--------I am concerned a bit by FRANCIS

The Catholic people are the victims in all of this, Rosie. I feel very sad for them because they are under the false teaching that they must obey their priest no matter what the Bible would say - even if the Bible disagrees with their priest they must obey their priest. They are in as much bondage to fear in regards to obeying their priest (who takes orders from the Pope / Vatican) and false religion as Muslims are in fear of disobeying their religious leaders and false religion (of Islam). It is an awful thing.

I would be very concerned about Francis because he is an instrument of Satan and the Scriptures are clear that in the end times 2/3 of the Jews will be killed (many Christians will be killed also). I pray God's protection over my Jewish friends and believe God for Psalm 91 to cover them - I believe that when Christ returns every single Jew on the face of the earth at that time will be saved. That is my belief. Think of the faithfulness of God that Scripture tells us that Abraham,Isaac and Jacob and all of the prophets would be in heaven! ALL OF THE HEBREW PROPHETS WOULD BE IN HEAVEN. NOT ONE WAS LOST. NOT ONE.

God is faithful and keeps His promises. God always keeps his promises. I love many things about God but perhaps that is one of the greatest things I love about God. How faithful He is. He always sees us through, Rosie. He is so very faithful.

well----I am a simple child of democrat jews. ---quite secular in upbringing. I was somewhat "taken aback" by catholic kids in
my neighborhood who were "not permitted" to read the bible ---------really-----way back then in ancient times when I was a kid in my state-----we read a PSALM each morning -----along with the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ----like a little morning ritual Some of the catholic kids refused because they were not allowed to
"READ THE BIBLE" I was sorta horrified and amused. I was "allowed" to read anything.
(I read "Lolita" at about age 11------and had no idea why that silly book excited anyone) ----
What I also remember is that my mom had something against POPE PIUS----it was very vague for me--------over the years I began to understand

Rosie, had they been given the King James Bible they would have known they were under false teachers.

The Catholics were not the only ones forbidden to read the bible. The ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera received a King James Bible while in training from someone in secret because it was forbidden for any of them to read the Bible without permission granted. Even the priests! The only Bible they were permitted to read when granted permission was one that was created by Rome and had the seal of Rome on it - it was a false Bible and had additional books,etc. This was done to keep them in darkness. Think of how wicked that is. I feel great sadness for these people because there is nothing more difficult to get out of than a false religious system that has you bound by fear. What is true of Islam and the Muslims is just as true for the Catholics. I pray that the LORD sets them free!
If this nation has become non-Christian, I blame Christians for that. Instead of following the example of Jesus Christ, they have turned aside to seek political power and control over other people. Their message is one of hate and intolerance, not love.

They are no different from the Pharisees.

I would say you are half right and half wrong.

Yes, I blame the Christians, too, me included.

No, it is not because they have preached a message of hate and intolerance ---- even if a very small percentage of them have. That is a very naïve or demagogic response, imo.

The "Christians" are to blame because those who claim to be Christian are a decided majority in this nation. And it appears to me the majority have engaged in an inordinate amount of self-love, materialism, carnal desires, laziness in following the tenets of the faith even if they attend services,

Here is the end result ( I fear, I do not know of course) --- Those who claim to be Christians and act like secular materialistic lustful humanists may receive the harshest sentences. But those who stand in judgment calling us all hypocrites and consequently decide there is no good in our faith, I cannot think of one good reason why you should feel comfortable about your own destiny as well.

If you are Catholic, you are not a Christian, Turzovka. Your religion was founded on the Babylonian religion of Semiramis, Tammuz and Nimrod. The history of your religion is that of hunting down and putting to death the Christians and Jews and non - Catholics who refused to submit to your popes. Over a period of 605 years your religion put approximately 68 million Protestants (Christians), Jews, and non Catholics to death for refusing to submit to the false teachings of the Romanists (under the direction of a succession of 80 popes who created more torturous methods to persuade the "heretics" - history reveals this).

Now your religion is once again seeking world domination through the formation of a one world religion led by a Jesuit Pope. Jesus Christ is LORD. Not your Pope. Make your plans but know that God has already made His and it is found in the last book of the Bible. It's called the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

Believe the King James Bible - not the false religious leaders you've been deceived by.
Don't become angry with me. But I question your ability to reason. You know how those poor people become beholden to cult leaders and then we read about tragedies in the news? You strike me as someone who is incapable of understanding truth from fiction, right from wrong. I hope I am wrong but your vitriol tells me otherwise.
If this nation has become non-Christian, I blame Christians for that. Instead of following the example of Jesus Christ, they have turned aside to seek political power and control over other people. Their message is one of hate and intolerance, not love.

They are no different from the Pharisees.

I would say you are half right and half wrong.

Yes, I blame the Christians, too, me included.

No, it is not because they have preached a message of hate and intolerance ---- even if a very small percentage of them have. That is a very naïve or demagogic response, imo.

The "Christians" are to blame because those who claim to be Christian are a decided majority in this nation. And it appears to me the majority have engaged in an inordinate amount of self-love, materialism, carnal desires, laziness in following the tenets of the faith even if they attend services,

Here is the end result ( I fear, I do not know of course) --- Those who claim to be Christians and act like secular materialistic lustful humanists may receive the harshest sentences. But those who stand in judgment calling us all hypocrites and consequently decide there is no good in our faith, I cannot think of one good reason why you should feel comfortable about your own destiny as well.

If you are Catholic, you are not a Christian, Turzovka. Your religion was founded on the Babylonian religion of Semiramis, Tammuz and Nimrod. The history of your religion is that of hunting down and putting to death the Christians and Jews and non - Catholics who refused to submit to your popes. Over a period of 605 years your religion put approximately 68 million Protestants (Christians), Jews, and non Catholics to death for refusing to submit to the false teachings of the Romanists (under the direction of a succession of 80 popes who created more torturous methods to persuade the "heretics" - history reveals this).

Now your religion is once again seeking world domination through the formation of a one world religion led by a Jesuit Pope. Jesus Christ is LORD. Not your Pope. Make your plans but know that God has already made His and it is found in the last book of the Bible. It's called the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

Believe the King James Bible - not the false religious leaders you've been deceived by.
Don't become angry with me. But I question your ability to reason. You know how those poor people become beholden to cult leaders and then we read about tragedies in the news? You strike me as someone who is incapable of understanding truth from fiction, right from wrong. I hope I am wrong but your vitriol tells me otherwise.

lets get down to brass tacks-----to just what "vitriol" do you refer?
If this nation has become non-Christian, I blame Christians for that. Instead of following the example of Jesus Christ, they have turned aside to seek political power and control over other people. Their message is one of hate and intolerance, not love.

They are no different from the Pharisees.

I would say you are half right and half wrong.

Yes, I blame the Christians, too, me included.

No, it is not because they have preached a message of hate and intolerance ---- even if a very small percentage of them have. That is a very naïve or demagogic response, imo.

The "Christians" are to blame because those who claim to be Christian are a decided majority in this nation. And it appears to me the majority have engaged in an inordinate amount of self-love, materialism, carnal desires, laziness in following the tenets of the faith even if they attend services,

Here is the end result ( I fear, I do not know of course) --- Those who claim to be Christians and act like secular materialistic lustful humanists may receive the harshest sentences. But those who stand in judgment calling us all hypocrites and consequently decide there is no good in our faith, I cannot think of one good reason why you should feel comfortable about your own destiny as well.

If you are Catholic, you are not a Christian, Turzovka. Your religion was founded on the Babylonian religion of Semiramis, Tammuz and Nimrod. The history of your religion is that of hunting down and putting to death the Christians and Jews and non - Catholics who refused to submit to your popes. Over a period of 605 years your religion put approximately 68 million Protestants (Christians), Jews, and non Catholics to death for refusing to submit to the false teachings of the Romanists (under the direction of a succession of 80 popes who created more torturous methods to persuade the "heretics" - history reveals this).

Now your religion is once again seeking world domination through the formation of a one world religion led by a Jesuit Pope. Jesus Christ is LORD. Not your Pope. Make your plans but know that God has already made His and it is found in the last book of the Bible. It's called the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

Believe the King James Bible - not the false religious leaders you've been deceived by.

Jeremiah-----I am not into fantastical conspiracy
theory------but any "DEAL" between the catholic church and Islamic leaders does make me feel uneasy. the CALIPHATE is, very simply, a notion that muhummad picked up from the ROMAN ------HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE. Shariah shit is based on CATHOLIC CANON LAW as was the Nuremburg code. But I do believe that catholics have rejected this idea via JOHN XXIII--------I am concerned a bit by FRANCIS

The Catholic people are the victims in all of this, Rosie. I feel very sad for them because they are under the false teaching that they must obey their priest no matter what the Bible would say - even if the Bible disagrees with their priest they must obey their priest. They are in as much bondage to fear in regards to obeying their priest (who takes orders from the Pope / Vatican) and false religion as Muslims are in fear of disobeying their religious leaders and false religion (of Islam). It is an awful thing.

I would be very concerned about Francis because he is an instrument of Satan and the Scriptures are clear that in the end times 2/3 of the Jews will be killed (many Christians will be killed also). I pray God's protection over my Jewish friends and believe God for Psalm 91 to cover them - I believe that when Christ returns every single Jew on the face of the earth at that time will be saved ( will go to heaven). That is my belief. Think of the faithfulness of God that Scripture tells us that Abraham,Isaac and Jacob and all of the prophets would be in heaven! ALL OF THE HEBREW PROPHETS WOULD BE IN HEAVEN. NOT ONE WAS LOST. NOT ONE.

God is faithful and keeps His promises. God always keeps his promises. I love many things about God but perhaps that is one of the greatest things I love about God. How faithful He is. He always sees us through, Rosie. He is so very faithful.

James 3:
8 but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.

Don't be a ankle biter and talk evil about Pope Francis because he is spreading love with his words and actions. Satan would never do such a thing.

Pope Francis is a false prophet and as a Christian who obeys the Bible and not man I am compelled to speak out against false prophets and false teachings, Lilah. I feel great compassion towards the Catholic people for having been deceived by such lies. As for Satan - Satan is the Father of lies and operates by deception. He comes as an angel of light. There is nothing holy or noble about this Pope and if you knew the Word of God you would realize that I am speaking the truth. He is a child of the devil. Speaking truth is what we are called to do.
If this nation has become non-Christian, I blame Christians for that. Instead of following the example of Jesus Christ, they have turned aside to seek political power and control over other people. Their message is one of hate and intolerance, not love.

They are no different from the Pharisees.

I would say you are half right and half wrong.

Yes, I blame the Christians, too, me included.

No, it is not because they have preached a message of hate and intolerance ---- even if a very small percentage of them have. That is a very naïve or demagogic response, imo.

The "Christians" are to blame because those who claim to be Christian are a decided majority in this nation. And it appears to me the majority have engaged in an inordinate amount of self-love, materialism, carnal desires, laziness in following the tenets of the faith even if they attend services,

Here is the end result ( I fear, I do not know of course) --- Those who claim to be Christians and act like secular materialistic lustful humanists may receive the harshest sentences. But those who stand in judgment calling us all hypocrites and consequently decide there is no good in our faith, I cannot think of one good reason why you should feel comfortable about your own destiny as well.

If you are Catholic, you are not a Christian, Turzovka. Your religion was founded on the Babylonian religion of Semiramis, Tammuz and Nimrod. The history of your religion is that of hunting down and putting to death the Christians and Jews and non - Catholics who refused to submit to your popes. Over a period of 605 years your religion put approximately 68 million Protestants (Christians), Jews, and non Catholics to death for refusing to submit to the false teachings of the Romanists (under the direction of a succession of 80 popes who created more torturous methods to persuade the "heretics" - history reveals this).

Now your religion is once again seeking world domination through the formation of a one world religion led by a Jesuit Pope. Jesus Christ is LORD. Not your Pope. Make your plans but know that God has already made His and it is found in the last book of the Bible. It's called the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

Believe the King James Bible - not the false religious leaders you've been deceived by.
Don't become angry with me. But I question your ability to reason. You know how those poor people become beholden to cult leaders and then we read about tragedies in the news? You strike me as someone who is incapable of understanding truth from fiction, right from wrong. I hope I am wrong but your vitriol tells me otherwise.

Why would I be angry with you? I ask the LORD to forgive you because you do not know what you are doing. You are supporting a religion that denies Jesus Christ and is trying to lead others to hell, Turkova. You are lost. I find no evidence that you know Jesus. Your hatred of me is based upon your hatred of the truth. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Not Mary. Mary was not immaculate (sinless). Mary was a human being born into sin. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Including Mary. Had Jesus not went to Calvary Mary would have went to hell along with the rest of the world. There is no salvation outside of Jesus Christ. A denomination cannot save you. A religion cannot save you. Only Christ can save you. Any Catholic can be saved but they must leave the Roman Catholic Church - they can't stay there. Because it is a false religion.

You're problem is with the Word of God. Not me.
If this nation has become non-Christian, I blame Christians for that. Instead of following the example of Jesus Christ, they have turned aside to seek political power and control over other people. Their message is one of hate and intolerance, not love.

They are no different from the Pharisees.

I would say you are half right and half wrong.

Yes, I blame the Christians, too, me included.

No, it is not because they have preached a message of hate and intolerance ---- even if a very small percentage of them have. That is a very naïve or demagogic response, imo.

The "Christians" are to blame because those who claim to be Christian are a decided majority in this nation. And it appears to me the majority have engaged in an inordinate amount of self-love, materialism, carnal desires, laziness in following the tenets of the faith even if they attend services,

Here is the end result ( I fear, I do not know of course) --- Those who claim to be Christians and act like secular materialistic lustful humanists may receive the harshest sentences. But those who stand in judgment calling us all hypocrites and consequently decide there is no good in our faith, I cannot think of one good reason why you should feel comfortable about your own destiny as well.

If you are Catholic, you are not a Christian, Turzovka. Your religion was founded on the Babylonian religion of Semiramis, Tammuz and Nimrod. The history of your religion is that of hunting down and putting to death the Christians and Jews and non - Catholics who refused to submit to your popes. Over a period of 605 years your religion put approximately 68 million Protestants (Christians), Jews, and non Catholics to death for refusing to submit to the false teachings of the Romanists (under the direction of a succession of 80 popes who created more torturous methods to persuade the "heretics" - history reveals this).

Now your religion is once again seeking world domination through the formation of a one world religion led by a Jesuit Pope. Jesus Christ is LORD. Not your Pope. Make your plans but know that God has already made His and it is found in the last book of the Bible. It's called the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

Believe the King James Bible - not the false religious leaders you've been deceived by.
Don't become angry with me. But I question your ability to reason. You know how those poor people become beholden to cult leaders and then we read about tragedies in the news? You strike me as someone who is incapable of understanding truth from fiction, right from wrong. I hope I am wrong but your vitriol tells me otherwise.

lets get down to brass tacks-----to just what "vitriol" do you refer?

Oh, really? Historically, if not incessantly, Jeremiah has uttered some very vile things about and against the Catholic Church. Now you want me to do a search to confirm that?

Even in this thread the lady is off the rails. >> "The history of your religion is that of hunting down and putting to death the Christians and Jews and non - Catholics who refused to submit to your popes. Over a period of 605 years your religion put approximately 68 million Protestants (Christians), Jews, and non Catholics to death for refusing to submit to the false teachings of the Romanists (under the direction of a succession of 80 popes who created more torturous methods to persuade the "heretics" - history reveals this)." <<

Why should I bother trying to reason with that?
I would say you are half right and half wrong.

Yes, I blame the Christians, too, me included.

No, it is not because they have preached a message of hate and intolerance ---- even if a very small percentage of them have. That is a very naïve or demagogic response, imo.

The "Christians" are to blame because those who claim to be Christian are a decided majority in this nation. And it appears to me the majority have engaged in an inordinate amount of self-love, materialism, carnal desires, laziness in following the tenets of the faith even if they attend services,

Here is the end result ( I fear, I do not know of course) --- Those who claim to be Christians and act like secular materialistic lustful humanists may receive the harshest sentences. But those who stand in judgment calling us all hypocrites and consequently decide there is no good in our faith, I cannot think of one good reason why you should feel comfortable about your own destiny as well.

If you are Catholic, you are not a Christian, Turzovka. Your religion was founded on the Babylonian religion of Semiramis, Tammuz and Nimrod. The history of your religion is that of hunting down and putting to death the Christians and Jews and non - Catholics who refused to submit to your popes. Over a period of 605 years your religion put approximately 68 million Protestants (Christians), Jews, and non Catholics to death for refusing to submit to the false teachings of the Romanists (under the direction of a succession of 80 popes who created more torturous methods to persuade the "heretics" - history reveals this).

Now your religion is once again seeking world domination through the formation of a one world religion led by a Jesuit Pope. Jesus Christ is LORD. Not your Pope. Make your plans but know that God has already made His and it is found in the last book of the Bible. It's called the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

Believe the King James Bible - not the false religious leaders you've been deceived by.

Jeremiah-----I am not into fantastical conspiracy
theory------but any "DEAL" between the catholic church and Islamic leaders does make me feel uneasy. the CALIPHATE is, very simply, a notion that muhummad picked up from the ROMAN ------HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE. Shariah shit is based on CATHOLIC CANON LAW as was the Nuremburg code. But I do believe that catholics have rejected this idea via JOHN XXIII--------I am concerned a bit by FRANCIS

The Catholic people are the victims in all of this, Rosie. I feel very sad for them because they are under the false teaching that they must obey their priest no matter what the Bible would say - even if the Bible disagrees with their priest they must obey their priest. They are in as much bondage to fear in regards to obeying their priest (who takes orders from the Pope / Vatican) and false religion as Muslims are in fear of disobeying their religious leaders and false religion (of Islam). It is an awful thing.

I would be very concerned about Francis because he is an instrument of Satan and the Scriptures are clear that in the end times 2/3 of the Jews will be killed (many Christians will be killed also). I pray God's protection over my Jewish friends and believe God for Psalm 91 to cover them - I believe that when Christ returns every single Jew on the face of the earth at that time will be saved ( will go to heaven). That is my belief. Think of the faithfulness of God that Scripture tells us that Abraham,Isaac and Jacob and all of the prophets would be in heaven! ALL OF THE HEBREW PROPHETS WOULD BE IN HEAVEN. NOT ONE WAS LOST. NOT ONE.

God is faithful and keeps His promises. God always keeps his promises. I love many things about God but perhaps that is one of the greatest things I love about God. How faithful He is. He always sees us through, Rosie. He is so very faithful.

James 3:
8 but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.

Don't be a ankle biter and talk evil about Pope Francis because he is spreading love with his words and actions. Satan would never do such a thing.

Pope Francis is a false prophet and as a Christian who obeys the Bible and not man I am compelled to speak out against false prophets and false teachings, Lilah. I feel great compassion towards the Catholic people for having been deceived by such lies. As for Satan - Satan is the Father of lies and operates by deception. He comes as an angel of light. There is nothing holy or noble about this Pope and if you knew the Word of God you would realize that I am speaking the truth. He is a child of the devil. Speaking truth is what we are called to do.

Your message appears to be filled with self-righteousness and anger, and you are quick to judge.
Be careful what you say because some people are intently listening to you besmirch a good man's reputation.
Pope Francis lives among the poor and serves them on a daily basis. He is not quick to judge, but he is quick to administer love and compassion.
The Bible says love should be our greatest aim.
If this nation has become non-Christian, I blame Christians for that. Instead of following the example of Jesus Christ, they have turned aside to seek political power and control over other people. Their message is one of hate and intolerance, not love.

They are no different from the Pharisees.

I would say you are half right and half wrong.

Yes, I blame the Christians, too, me included.

No, it is not because they have preached a message of hate and intolerance ---- even if a very small percentage of them have. That is a very naïve or demagogic response, imo.

The "Christians" are to blame because those who claim to be Christian are a decided majority in this nation. And it appears to me the majority have engaged in an inordinate amount of self-love, materialism, carnal desires, laziness in following the tenets of the faith even if they attend services,

Here is the end result ( I fear, I do not know of course) --- Those who claim to be Christians and act like secular materialistic lustful humanists may receive the harshest sentences. But those who stand in judgment calling us all hypocrites and consequently decide there is no good in our faith, I cannot think of one good reason why you should feel comfortable about your own destiny as well.

If you are Catholic, you are not a Christian, Turzovka. Your religion was founded on the Babylonian religion of Semiramis, Tammuz and Nimrod. The history of your religion is that of hunting down and putting to death the Christians and Jews and non - Catholics who refused to submit to your popes. Over a period of 605 years your religion put approximately 68 million Protestants (Christians), Jews, and non Catholics to death for refusing to submit to the false teachings of the Romanists (under the direction of a succession of 80 popes who created more torturous methods to persuade the "heretics" - history reveals this).

Now your religion is once again seeking world domination through the formation of a one world religion led by a Jesuit Pope. Jesus Christ is LORD. Not your Pope. Make your plans but know that God has already made His and it is found in the last book of the Bible. It's called the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

Believe the King James Bible - not the false religious leaders you've been deceived by.
Don't become angry with me. But I question your ability to reason. You know how those poor people become beholden to cult leaders and then we read about tragedies in the news? You strike me as someone who is incapable of understanding truth from fiction, right from wrong. I hope I am wrong but your vitriol tells me otherwise.

lets get down to brass tacks-----to just what "vitriol" do you refer?

Oh, really? Historically, if not incessantly, Jeremiah has uttered some very vile things about and against the Catholic Church. Now you want me to do a search to confirm that?

Even in this thread the lady is off the rails. >> "The history of your religion is that of hunting down and putting to death the Christians and Jews and non - Catholics who refused to submit to your popes. Over a period of 605 years your religion put approximately 68 million Protestants (Christians), Jews, and non Catholics to death for refusing to submit to the false teachings of the Romanists (under the direction of a succession of 80 popes who created more torturous methods to persuade the "heretics" - history reveals this)." <<

Why should I bother trying to reason with that?

Because I am telling you the truth about the false religion you cling to, Turzovka. It's not of God! It is a Babylonian religion that originated with Semiramis, Tammuz and Nimrod. You need to read the book, The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop. Read the testimony of ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera and learn the truth from one who learned it first hand and examined the documents that are kept by the Vatican revealing their history. An ex-Jesuit is going to know much more than the average Catholic that is in the dark concerning the truth of the history behind Catholicism.

It is love that compels me to tell others the truth about Catholicism. Not hatred. You are confused, Turzovka. I pray that Jesus Christ opens your eyes.
If you are Catholic, you are not a Christian, Turzovka. Your religion was founded on the Babylonian religion of Semiramis, Tammuz and Nimrod. The history of your religion is that of hunting down and putting to death the Christians and Jews and non - Catholics who refused to submit to your popes. Over a period of 605 years your religion put approximately 68 million Protestants (Christians), Jews, and non Catholics to death for refusing to submit to the false teachings of the Romanists (under the direction of a succession of 80 popes who created more torturous methods to persuade the "heretics" - history reveals this).

Now your religion is once again seeking world domination through the formation of a one world religion led by a Jesuit Pope. Jesus Christ is LORD. Not your Pope. Make your plans but know that God has already made His and it is found in the last book of the Bible. It's called the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

Believe the King James Bible - not the false religious leaders you've been deceived by.

Jeremiah-----I am not into fantastical conspiracy
theory------but any "DEAL" between the catholic church and Islamic leaders does make me feel uneasy. the CALIPHATE is, very simply, a notion that muhummad picked up from the ROMAN ------HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE. Shariah shit is based on CATHOLIC CANON LAW as was the Nuremburg code. But I do believe that catholics have rejected this idea via JOHN XXIII--------I am concerned a bit by FRANCIS

The Catholic people are the victims in all of this, Rosie. I feel very sad for them because they are under the false teaching that they must obey their priest no matter what the Bible would say - even if the Bible disagrees with their priest they must obey their priest. They are in as much bondage to fear in regards to obeying their priest (who takes orders from the Pope / Vatican) and false religion as Muslims are in fear of disobeying their religious leaders and false religion (of Islam). It is an awful thing.

I would be very concerned about Francis because he is an instrument of Satan and the Scriptures are clear that in the end times 2/3 of the Jews will be killed (many Christians will be killed also). I pray God's protection over my Jewish friends and believe God for Psalm 91 to cover them - I believe that when Christ returns every single Jew on the face of the earth at that time will be saved ( will go to heaven). That is my belief. Think of the faithfulness of God that Scripture tells us that Abraham,Isaac and Jacob and all of the prophets would be in heaven! ALL OF THE HEBREW PROPHETS WOULD BE IN HEAVEN. NOT ONE WAS LOST. NOT ONE.

God is faithful and keeps His promises. God always keeps his promises. I love many things about God but perhaps that is one of the greatest things I love about God. How faithful He is. He always sees us through, Rosie. He is so very faithful.

James 3:
8 but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.

Don't be a ankle biter and talk evil about Pope Francis because he is spreading love with his words and actions. Satan would never do such a thing.

Pope Francis is a false prophet and as a Christian who obeys the Bible and not man I am compelled to speak out against false prophets and false teachings, Lilah. I feel great compassion towards the Catholic people for having been deceived by such lies. As for Satan - Satan is the Father of lies and operates by deception. He comes as an angel of light. There is nothing holy or noble about this Pope and if you knew the Word of God you would realize that I am speaking the truth. He is a child of the devil. Speaking truth is what we are called to do.

Your message appears to be filled with self-righteousness and anger, and you are quick to judge.
Be careful what you say because some people are intently listening to you besmirch a good man's reputation.
Pope Francis lives among the poor and serves them on a daily basis. He is not quick to judge, but he is quick to administer love and compassion.
The Bible says love should be our greatest aim.

Paul said take no thought for your life. I believe the Bible. I do not fear what man can do to me. I fear God who has the power to cast into hell. You should too. Christians are to warn others about false teachers and expose their false doctrines. Pope Francis is a false teacher and an enemy of Jesus Christ. He preaches a false gospel and denies the Word of God - he has attempted to twist the scriptures and turn the word of God. I defend the Truth. Not lies.
If you are Catholic, you are not a Christian, Turzovka. Your religion was founded on the Babylonian religion of Semiramis, Tammuz and Nimrod. The history of your religion is that of hunting down and putting to death the Christians and Jews and non - Catholics who refused to submit to your popes. Over a period of 605 years your religion put approximately 68 million Protestants (Christians), Jews, and non Catholics to death for refusing to submit to the false teachings of the Romanists (under the direction of a succession of 80 popes who created more torturous methods to persuade the "heretics" - history reveals this).

Now your religion is once again seeking world domination through the formation of a one world religion led by a Jesuit Pope. Jesus Christ is LORD. Not your Pope. Make your plans but know that God has already made His and it is found in the last book of the Bible. It's called the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

Believe the King James Bible - not the false religious leaders you've been deceived by.

Jeremiah-----I am not into fantastical conspiracy
theory------but any "DEAL" between the catholic church and Islamic leaders does make me feel uneasy. the CALIPHATE is, very simply, a notion that muhummad picked up from the ROMAN ------HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE. Shariah shit is based on CATHOLIC CANON LAW as was the Nuremburg code. But I do believe that catholics have rejected this idea via JOHN XXIII--------I am concerned a bit by FRANCIS

The Catholic people are the victims in all of this, Rosie. I feel very sad for them because they are under the false teaching that they must obey their priest no matter what the Bible would say - even if the Bible disagrees with their priest they must obey their priest. They are in as much bondage to fear in regards to obeying their priest (who takes orders from the Pope / Vatican) and false religion as Muslims are in fear of disobeying their religious leaders and false religion (of Islam). It is an awful thing.

I would be very concerned about Francis because he is an instrument of Satan and the Scriptures are clear that in the end times 2/3 of the Jews will be killed (many Christians will be killed also). I pray God's protection over my Jewish friends and believe God for Psalm 91 to cover them - I believe that when Christ returns every single Jew on the face of the earth at that time will be saved ( will go to heaven). That is my belief. Think of the faithfulness of God that Scripture tells us that Abraham,Isaac and Jacob and all of the prophets would be in heaven! ALL OF THE HEBREW PROPHETS WOULD BE IN HEAVEN. NOT ONE WAS LOST. NOT ONE.

God is faithful and keeps His promises. God always keeps his promises. I love many things about God but perhaps that is one of the greatest things I love about God. How faithful He is. He always sees us through, Rosie. He is so very faithful.

James 3:
8 but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.

Don't be a ankle biter and talk evil about Pope Francis because he is spreading love with his words and actions. Satan would never do such a thing.

Pope Francis is a false prophet and as a Christian who obeys the Bible and not man I am compelled to speak out against false prophets and false teachings, Lilah. I feel great compassion towards the Catholic people for having been deceived by such lies. As for Satan - Satan is the Father of lies and operates by deception. He comes as an angel of light. There is nothing holy or noble about this Pope and if you knew the Word of God you would realize that I am speaking the truth. He is a child of the devil. Speaking truth is what we are called to do.

Your message appears to be filled with self-righteousness and anger, and you are quick to judge.
Be careful what you say because some people are intently listening to you besmirch a good man's reputation.
Pope Francis lives among the poor and serves them on a daily basis. He is not quick to judge, but he is quick to administer love and compassion.
The Bible says love should be our greatest aim.

yeah he plays a good game. I have a sense of distrust for him
If this nation has become non-Christian, I blame Christians for that. Instead of following the example of Jesus Christ, they have turned aside to seek political power and control over other people. Their message is one of hate and intolerance, not love.

They are no different from the Pharisees.

I would say you are half right and half wrong.

Yes, I blame the Christians, too, me included.

No, it is not because they have preached a message of hate and intolerance ---- even if a very small percentage of them have. That is a very naïve or demagogic response, imo.

The "Christians" are to blame because those who claim to be Christian are a decided majority in this nation. And it appears to me the majority have engaged in an inordinate amount of self-love, materialism, carnal desires, laziness in following the tenets of the faith even if they attend services,

Here is the end result ( I fear, I do not know of course) --- Those who claim to be Christians and act like secular materialistic lustful humanists may receive the harshest sentences. But those who stand in judgment calling us all hypocrites and consequently decide there is no good in our faith, I cannot think of one good reason why you should feel comfortable about your own destiny as well.

If you are Catholic, you are not a Christian, Turzovka. Your religion was founded on the Babylonian religion of Semiramis, Tammuz and Nimrod. The history of your religion is that of hunting down and putting to death the Christians and Jews and non - Catholics who refused to submit to your popes. Over a period of 605 years your religion put approximately 68 million Protestants (Christians), Jews, and non Catholics to death for refusing to submit to the false teachings of the Romanists (under the direction of a succession of 80 popes who created more torturous methods to persuade the "heretics" - history reveals this).

Now your religion is once again seeking world domination through the formation of a one world religion led by a Jesuit Pope. Jesus Christ is LORD. Not your Pope. Make your plans but know that God has already made His and it is found in the last book of the Bible. It's called the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

Believe the King James Bible - not the false religious leaders you've been deceived by.
Don't become angry with me. But I question your ability to reason. You know how those poor people become beholden to cult leaders and then we read about tragedies in the news? You strike me as someone who is incapable of understanding truth from fiction, right from wrong. I hope I am wrong but your vitriol tells me otherwise.

Why would I be angry with you? I ask the LORD to forgive you because you do not know what you are doing. You are supporting a religion that denies Jesus Christ and is trying to lead others to hell, Turkova. You are lost. I find no evidence that you know Jesus. Your hatred of me is based upon your hatred of the truth. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Not Mary. Mary was not immaculate (sinless). Mary was a human being born into sin. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Including Mary. Had Jesus not went to Calvary Mary would have went to hell along with the rest of the world. There is no salvation outside of Jesus Christ. A denomination cannot save you. A religion cannot save you. Only Christ can save you. Any Catholic can be saved but they must leave the Roman Catholic Church - they can't stay there. Because it is a false religion.

You're problem is with the Word of God. Not me.
Like I said... I do not think one can reason with you. So allow me to try and simplify this.

Proverbs 6:16-19 There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among the brethren.

I fear, Jeremiah, what that last abomination noted may be referring to. You spend too much time telling others they are not Christian because they do not love Jesus exactly the same way you do. And what did Jesus say to His apostles when they complained about the same thing? --- "Leave them alone. If they are not against us they are for us."
Jeremiah-----I am not into fantastical conspiracy
theory------but any "DEAL" between the catholic church and Islamic leaders does make me feel uneasy. the CALIPHATE is, very simply, a notion that muhummad picked up from the ROMAN ------HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE. Shariah shit is based on CATHOLIC CANON LAW as was the Nuremburg code. But I do believe that catholics have rejected this idea via JOHN XXIII--------I am concerned a bit by FRANCIS

The Catholic people are the victims in all of this, Rosie. I feel very sad for them because they are under the false teaching that they must obey their priest no matter what the Bible would say - even if the Bible disagrees with their priest they must obey their priest. They are in as much bondage to fear in regards to obeying their priest (who takes orders from the Pope / Vatican) and false religion as Muslims are in fear of disobeying their religious leaders and false religion (of Islam). It is an awful thing.

I would be very concerned about Francis because he is an instrument of Satan and the Scriptures are clear that in the end times 2/3 of the Jews will be killed (many Christians will be killed also). I pray God's protection over my Jewish friends and believe God for Psalm 91 to cover them - I believe that when Christ returns every single Jew on the face of the earth at that time will be saved ( will go to heaven). That is my belief. Think of the faithfulness of God that Scripture tells us that Abraham,Isaac and Jacob and all of the prophets would be in heaven! ALL OF THE HEBREW PROPHETS WOULD BE IN HEAVEN. NOT ONE WAS LOST. NOT ONE.

God is faithful and keeps His promises. God always keeps his promises. I love many things about God but perhaps that is one of the greatest things I love about God. How faithful He is. He always sees us through, Rosie. He is so very faithful.

James 3:
8 but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.

Don't be a ankle biter and talk evil about Pope Francis because he is spreading love with his words and actions. Satan would never do such a thing.

Pope Francis is a false prophet and as a Christian who obeys the Bible and not man I am compelled to speak out against false prophets and false teachings, Lilah. I feel great compassion towards the Catholic people for having been deceived by such lies. As for Satan - Satan is the Father of lies and operates by deception. He comes as an angel of light. There is nothing holy or noble about this Pope and if you knew the Word of God you would realize that I am speaking the truth. He is a child of the devil. Speaking truth is what we are called to do.

Your message appears to be filled with self-righteousness and anger, and you are quick to judge.
Be careful what you say because some people are intently listening to you besmirch a good man's reputation.
Pope Francis lives among the poor and serves them on a daily basis. He is not quick to judge, but he is quick to administer love and compassion.
The Bible says love should be our greatest aim.

Paul said take no thought for your life. I believe the Bible. I do not fear what man can do to me. I fear God who has the power to cast into hell. You should too. Christians are to warn others about false teachers and expose their false doctrines. Pope Francis is a false teacher and an enemy of Jesus Christ. He preaches a false gospel and denies the Word of God - he has attempted to twist the scriptures and turn the word of God. I defend the Truth. Not lies.

It is imperative that I take thought for my life. When I'm driving on the freeway, when I'm a guest in someone's home, when I give a speech before a group whom I'm soliciting for proceeds to my charities, I must hold myself in control enough to act in a manner so as not to make anyone feel embarrassed, belittled, betrayed, angry, or out of place.
It is not my station in life to judge others, and I find your judgment and harsh criticism of Pope Francis to be reprehensible.
If this nation has become non-Christian, I blame Christians for that. Instead of following the example of Jesus Christ, they have turned aside to seek political power and control over other people. Their message is one of hate and intolerance, not love.

They are no different from the Pharisees.

I would say you are half right and half wrong.

Yes, I blame the Christians, too, me included.

No, it is not because they have preached a message of hate and intolerance ---- even if a very small percentage of them have. That is a very naïve or demagogic response, imo.

The "Christians" are to blame because those who claim to be Christian are a decided majority in this nation. And it appears to me the majority have engaged in an inordinate amount of self-love, materialism, carnal desires, laziness in following the tenets of the faith even if they attend services,

Here is the end result ( I fear, I do not know of course) --- Those who claim to be Christians and act like secular materialistic lustful humanists may receive the harshest sentences. But those who stand in judgment calling us all hypocrites and consequently decide there is no good in our faith, I cannot think of one good reason why you should feel comfortable about your own destiny as well.

If you are Catholic, you are not a Christian, Turzovka. Your religion was founded on the Babylonian religion of Semiramis, Tammuz and Nimrod. The history of your religion is that of hunting down and putting to death the Christians and Jews and non - Catholics who refused to submit to your popes. Over a period of 605 years your religion put approximately 68 million Protestants (Christians), Jews, and non Catholics to death for refusing to submit to the false teachings of the Romanists (under the direction of a succession of 80 popes who created more torturous methods to persuade the "heretics" - history reveals this).

Now your religion is once again seeking world domination through the formation of a one world religion led by a Jesuit Pope. Jesus Christ is LORD. Not your Pope. Make your plans but know that God has already made His and it is found in the last book of the Bible. It's called the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

Believe the King James Bible - not the false religious leaders you've been deceived by.
Don't become angry with me. But I question your ability to reason. You know how those poor people become beholden to cult leaders and then we read about tragedies in the news? You strike me as someone who is incapable of understanding truth from fiction, right from wrong. I hope I am wrong but your vitriol tells me otherwise.

Why would I be angry with you? I ask the LORD to forgive you because you do not know what you are doing. You are supporting a religion that denies Jesus Christ and is trying to lead others to hell, Turkova. You are lost. I find no evidence that you know Jesus. Your hatred of me is based upon your hatred of the truth. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Not Mary. Mary was not immaculate (sinless). Mary was a human being born into sin. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Including Mary. Had Jesus not went to Calvary Mary would have went to hell along with the rest of the world. There is no salvation outside of Jesus Christ. A denomination cannot save you. A religion cannot save you. Only Christ can save you. Any Catholic can be saved but they must leave the Roman Catholic Church - they can't stay there. Because it is a false religion.

You're problem is with the Word of God. Not me.
Like I said... I do not think one can reason with you. So allow me to try and simplify this.

Proverbs 6:16-19 There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among the brethren.

I fear, Jeremiah, what that last abomination noted may be referring to. You spend too much time telling others they are not Christian because they do not love Jesus exactly the same way you do. And what did Jesus say to His apostles when they complained about the same thing? --- "Leave them alone. If they are not against us they are for us."

Let me give you one final warning. The Bible warns not once but twice :

"Touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm".

Your assignment, Turzovka, is not only going to bring the judgment of God down upon your own head but could very well bring the judgment of God down upon your household as well.

Do not be a fool. Walk away now. Tell those who are with you to do the same. You're in over your head. WAY OVER.
The Catholic people are the victims in all of this, Rosie. I feel very sad for them because they are under the false teaching that they must obey their priest no matter what the Bible would say - even if the Bible disagrees with their priest they must obey their priest. They are in as much bondage to fear in regards to obeying their priest (who takes orders from the Pope / Vatican) and false religion as Muslims are in fear of disobeying their religious leaders and false religion (of Islam). It is an awful thing.

I would be very concerned about Francis because he is an instrument of Satan and the Scriptures are clear that in the end times 2/3 of the Jews will be killed (many Christians will be killed also). I pray God's protection over my Jewish friends and believe God for Psalm 91 to cover them - I believe that when Christ returns every single Jew on the face of the earth at that time will be saved ( will go to heaven). That is my belief. Think of the faithfulness of God that Scripture tells us that Abraham,Isaac and Jacob and all of the prophets would be in heaven! ALL OF THE HEBREW PROPHETS WOULD BE IN HEAVEN. NOT ONE WAS LOST. NOT ONE.

God is faithful and keeps His promises. God always keeps his promises. I love many things about God but perhaps that is one of the greatest things I love about God. How faithful He is. He always sees us through, Rosie. He is so very faithful.

James 3:
8 but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.

Don't be a ankle biter and talk evil about Pope Francis because he is spreading love with his words and actions. Satan would never do such a thing.

Pope Francis is a false prophet and as a Christian who obeys the Bible and not man I am compelled to speak out against false prophets and false teachings, Lilah. I feel great compassion towards the Catholic people for having been deceived by such lies. As for Satan - Satan is the Father of lies and operates by deception. He comes as an angel of light. There is nothing holy or noble about this Pope and if you knew the Word of God you would realize that I am speaking the truth. He is a child of the devil. Speaking truth is what we are called to do.

Your message appears to be filled with self-righteousness and anger, and you are quick to judge.
Be careful what you say because some people are intently listening to you besmirch a good man's reputation.
Pope Francis lives among the poor and serves them on a daily basis. He is not quick to judge, but he is quick to administer love and compassion.
The Bible says love should be our greatest aim.

Paul said take no thought for your life. I believe the Bible. I do not fear what man can do to me. I fear God who has the power to cast into hell. You should too. Christians are to warn others about false teachers and expose their false doctrines. Pope Francis is a false teacher and an enemy of Jesus Christ. He preaches a false gospel and denies the Word of God - he has attempted to twist the scriptures and turn the word of God. I defend the Truth. Not lies.

It is imperative that I take thought for my life. When I'm driving on the freeway, when I'm a guest in someone's home, when I give a speech before a group whom I'm soliciting for proceeds to my charities, I must hold myself in control enough to act in a manner so as not to make anyone feel embarrassed, belittled, betrayed, angry, or out of place.
It is not my station in life to judge others, and I find your judgment and harsh criticism of Pope Francis to be reprehensible.

Pope Francis is a wolf in sheep's clothing. I make no apologies for pointing it out. As for you taking thought for your own life? Why do you fear?

If you were a child of God you would rest in the knowledge that God is in complete control. Perfect love casts out all fear. In Christ is where we find perfect love. Jesus Christ is the Way, The Truth, and the Life.
If this nation has become non-Christian, I blame Christians for that. Instead of following the example of Jesus Christ, they have turned aside to seek political power and control over other people. Their message is one of hate and intolerance, not love.

They are no different from the Pharisees.

I would say you are half right and half wrong.

Yes, I blame the Christians, too, me included.

No, it is not because they have preached a message of hate and intolerance ---- even if a very small percentage of them have. That is a very naïve or demagogic response, imo.

The "Christians" are to blame because those who claim to be Christian are a decided majority in this nation. And it appears to me the majority have engaged in an inordinate amount of self-love, materialism, carnal desires, laziness in following the tenets of the faith even if they attend services,

Here is the end result ( I fear, I do not know of course) --- Those who claim to be Christians and act like secular materialistic lustful humanists may receive the harshest sentences. But those who stand in judgment calling us all hypocrites and consequently decide there is no good in our faith, I cannot think of one good reason why you should feel comfortable about your own destiny as well.

If you are Catholic, you are not a Christian, Turzovka. Your religion was founded on the Babylonian religion of Semiramis, Tammuz and Nimrod. The history of your religion is that of hunting down and putting to death the Christians and Jews and non - Catholics who refused to submit to your popes. Over a period of 605 years your religion put approximately 68 million Protestants (Christians), Jews, and non Catholics to death for refusing to submit to the false teachings of the Romanists (under the direction of a succession of 80 popes who created more torturous methods to persuade the "heretics" - history reveals this).

Now your religion is once again seeking world domination through the formation of a one world religion led by a Jesuit Pope. Jesus Christ is LORD. Not your Pope. Make your plans but know that God has already made His and it is found in the last book of the Bible. It's called the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

Believe the King James Bible - not the false religious leaders you've been deceived by.

Jeremiah-----I am not into fantastical conspiracy
theory------but any "DEAL" between the catholic church and Islamic leaders does make me feel uneasy. the CALIPHATE is, very simply, a notion that muhummad picked up from the ROMAN ------HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE. Shariah shit is based on CATHOLIC CANON LAW as was the Nuremburg code. But I do believe that catholics have rejected this idea via JOHN XXIII--------I am concerned a bit by FRANCIS

I found you rather harsh with your rival in this thread, yet, I had to agree with you on the Jewish world. (so no negative comment coming from me)

But now you are going to rely on Jeremiah to explain Christian theology to you and think that she and Jack Chick are the least bit honest in all this? Jeremiah runs away as fast as she can from all the Scripture verses that lay waste to her cherished dogmas. (and that's only the beginning)

Do yourself a favor and rethink your sources.

You need to take your own advice. Your sources are not reliable and if you continue to listen to them rather than the Word of God found in the King James Bible you will find yourself in hell one day.
the decline is most likely because people that pretend to be christian don't care about what J.C. said anymore.

for example
MATTHEW 19 : 21
Jesus said unto him ...go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor...

That's very clear, nothing ambiguous about that statement.
But do people that claim to be christian do that ?
...NOPE !

and that's just one of many examples from the bible regarding instructions directly from Jesus that are completely ignored
the decline is most likely because people that pretend to be christian don't care about what J.C. said anymore.

for example
MATTHEW 19 : 21
Jesus said unto him ...go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor...

That's very clear, nothing ambiguous about that statement.
But do people that claim to be christian do that ?
...NOPE !

and that's just one of many examples from the bible regarding instructions directly from Jesus that are completely ignored

You've misinterpreted Scripture but I will say that it could be used as evidence that the Roman Catholic Empire is not of God. I believe through deception, theft,criminal activities, bilking their own members through false teachings such as ransoming the dead out of "purgatory" and add to this the wars they have created such as WWII - they have accumulated more wealth than any other organization on earth. They should give the money back from those they stole it from - distribute the rest to the poor and shut it down.
James 3:
8 but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.

Don't be a ankle biter and talk evil about Pope Francis because he is spreading love with his words and actions. Satan would never do such a thing.

Pope Francis is a false prophet and as a Christian who obeys the Bible and not man I am compelled to speak out against false prophets and false teachings, Lilah. I feel great compassion towards the Catholic people for having been deceived by such lies. As for Satan - Satan is the Father of lies and operates by deception. He comes as an angel of light. There is nothing holy or noble about this Pope and if you knew the Word of God you would realize that I am speaking the truth. He is a child of the devil. Speaking truth is what we are called to do.

Your message appears to be filled with self-righteousness and anger, and you are quick to judge.
Be careful what you say because some people are intently listening to you besmirch a good man's reputation.
Pope Francis lives among the poor and serves them on a daily basis. He is not quick to judge, but he is quick to administer love and compassion.
The Bible says love should be our greatest aim.

Paul said take no thought for your life. I believe the Bible. I do not fear what man can do to me. I fear God who has the power to cast into hell. You should too. Christians are to warn others about false teachers and expose their false doctrines. Pope Francis is a false teacher and an enemy of Jesus Christ. He preaches a false gospel and denies the Word of God - he has attempted to twist the scriptures and turn the word of God. I defend the Truth. Not lies.

It is imperative that I take thought for my life. When I'm driving on the freeway, when I'm a guest in someone's home, when I give a speech before a group whom I'm soliciting for proceeds to my charities, I must hold myself in control enough to act in a manner so as not to make anyone feel embarrassed, belittled, betrayed, angry, or out of place.
It is not my station in life to judge others, and I find your judgment and harsh criticism of Pope Francis to be reprehensible.

Pope Francis is a wolf in sheep's clothing. I make no apologies for pointing it out. As for you taking thought for your own life? Why do you fear?

If you were a child of God you would rest in the knowledge that God is in complete control. Perfect love casts out all fear. In Christ is where we find perfect love. Jesus Christ is the Way, The Truth, and the Life.

Jeremiah, professing you are a devout Christian does not give you the right to degrade another human being, in particular, Pope Francis. Instead of always focusing on your negative thoughts, why don't you consider all the good he is doing.
I take thought for my life because I don't want to injure anyone, emotionally or physically.
The little voice inside me guides me and expects me to pay attention to my surroundings, and in particular, those around me who don't have love in their hearts.
I'm not sure if you have children, but if you do, do you expect them to be responsible?
the decline is most likely because people that pretend to be christian don't care about what J.C. said anymore.

for example
MATTHEW 19 : 21
Jesus said unto him ...go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor...

That's very clear, nothing ambiguous about that statement.
But do people that claim to be christian do that ?
...NOPE !

and that's just one of many examples from the bible regarding instructions directly from Jesus that are completely ignored

You've misinterpreted Scripture but I will say that it could be used as evidence that the Roman Catholic Empire is not of God. I believe through deception, theft,criminal activities, bilking their own members through false teachings such as ransoming the dead out of "purgatory" and add to this the wars they have created such as WWII - they have accumulated more wealth than any other organization on earth. They should give the money back from those they stole it from - distribute the rest to the poor and shut it down.
the decline is most likely because people that pretend to be christian don't care about what J.C. said anymore.

for example
MATTHEW 19 : 21
Jesus said unto him ...go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor...

That's very clear, nothing ambiguous about that statement.
But do people that claim to be christian do that ?
...NOPE !

and that's just one of many examples from the bible regarding instructions directly from Jesus that are completely ignored

You've misinterpreted Scripture but I will say that it could be used as evidence that the Roman Catholic Empire is not of God. I believe through deception, theft,criminal activities, bilking their own members through false teachings such as ransoming the dead out of "purgatory" and add to this the wars they have created such as WWII - they have accumulated more wealth than any other organization on earth. They should give the money back from those they stole it from - distribute the rest to the poor and shut it down.

Nope, I did not misinterpret that scripture
start reading at MATTHEW 19 : 16

you however deceiveth your own heart.
JAMES 1 : 26

and you have turned from the holy commandment delivered unto you.
The Second Epistle General of PETER 2 : 21
Pope Francis is a false prophet and as a Christian who obeys the Bible and not man I am compelled to speak out against false prophets and false teachings, Lilah. I feel great compassion towards the Catholic people for having been deceived by such lies. As for Satan - Satan is the Father of lies and operates by deception. He comes as an angel of light. There is nothing holy or noble about this Pope and if you knew the Word of God you would realize that I am speaking the truth. He is a child of the devil. Speaking truth is what we are called to do.

Your message appears to be filled with self-righteousness and anger, and you are quick to judge.
Be careful what you say because some people are intently listening to you besmirch a good man's reputation.
Pope Francis lives among the poor and serves them on a daily basis. He is not quick to judge, but he is quick to administer love and compassion.
The Bible says love should be our greatest aim.

Paul said take no thought for your life. I believe the Bible. I do not fear what man can do to me. I fear God who has the power to cast into hell. You should too. Christians are to warn others about false teachers and expose their false doctrines. Pope Francis is a false teacher and an enemy of Jesus Christ. He preaches a false gospel and denies the Word of God - he has attempted to twist the scriptures and turn the word of God. I defend the Truth. Not lies.

It is imperative that I take thought for my life. When I'm driving on the freeway, when I'm a guest in someone's home, when I give a speech before a group whom I'm soliciting for proceeds to my charities, I must hold myself in control enough to act in a manner so as not to make anyone feel embarrassed, belittled, betrayed, angry, or out of place.
It is not my station in life to judge others, and I find your judgment and harsh criticism of Pope Francis to be reprehensible.

Pope Francis is a wolf in sheep's clothing. I make no apologies for pointing it out. As for you taking thought for your own life? Why do you fear?

If you were a child of God you would rest in the knowledge that God is in complete control. Perfect love casts out all fear. In Christ is where we find perfect love. Jesus Christ is the Way, The Truth, and the Life.

Jeremiah, professing you are a devout Christian does not give you the right to degrade another human being, in particular, Pope Francis. Instead of always focusing on your negative thoughts, why don't you consider all the good he is doing.
I take thought for my life because I don't want to injure anyone, emotionally or physically.
The little voice inside me guides me and expects me to pay attention to my surroundings, and in particular, those around me who don't have love in their hearts.
I'm not sure if you have children, but if you do, do you expect them to be responsible?

I'm telling you that he is a false teacher because he is. When he chose to go down the wrong path (years ago) - he degraded himself. I'm telling you the truth. He is a false prophet. Do not listen to a word he says.

It is written:
Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
Galatians 4:16

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