The debt limit!

The whole "debt ceiling authorization" is just political theatre: Full of sound and fury and signifying nothing. It's just an excuse to make reasonable sounding speeches about the national debt and play politics but the real discussions about cutting spending never ever happen.

Budget talks come around and the Republicans ALWAYS want to increase spending, especially pork barrel for big corporatins, and for the military. Republicans never want to make any meaningful cuts, except for social spending, or ANYTHING which puts money in the pockets of low income Americans.

It's time to end pointless bullshit like the debt ceiling votes, and start looking at meaningful change to government finances, and that includes raising taxes to pay as you go instead of spending your great grandchildren's money, and giving tax cuts to billionaires.

One way to reduce the deficit is to increase revenues. Your tax codes need balancing. Reaganomics is destroying the middle class, more of whom are falling into poverty than are rising to wealth. 80% of the nation's wealth cannot continue to flow to the top, if your nation is to survive.

The USA continues to operate under the same tax, labour and social spending polices that turned all of South American into a continent of second and third world nations.
STFU and worry about your own shithole country.
What did Trump do to lose jobs, what did Biden do to create jobs? That is as stupid for saying Trump was responsible for low gas prices and Biden is responsible for the highest gas prices ever. P

What did Trump do to lose jobs???? The list is truly endless, but let's start with his failed covid response:

1. Trump glad handed all sorts of money to big corporations under the Payroll Protection Act, but NOTHING to people who didn't work for large corporations. If not for Nancy Pelosi refusing to give corporations any more money until American workers received assistance, people who work for small companies, got nothing.

2. When all of the business districts closed their office buildings and people started working from home, all of the small support services lost business. Coffee shops, courier services, dry cleaners, retail stores. The big chains had PPP. The independents had no assistance.

A cafe owner friend asked her landlord for a break on her rent since business was off by 70%, and he told her he had bills and a mortgage to pay too.

2. Without income, the 71% of American workers who had no PPP wages or enhanced unemployment benefits stopped spending money on non-essentials, and small mom and pop businesses closed, because they had no customers. Big corporations got themselves named "essential services" to stay open. Small businesses tried to hold on, but many closed and the jobs they provided were lost.

As a result, millions of Americans fell into poverty.

THAT'S how Trump killed jobs.

3. Biden put money in the hands of families with the American Rescue Plan, and lifted millions out of poverty, and the pent up demand in travel, leisure, live, in person shopping and events. When people returned to buying products and services because they were no longer in poverty and debt, it created jobs.

4. Then there are all the construction jobs rebuilding roads, bridges, and crumbling municipal infrastructure. All the things Trump promised to do but never ever started.
What did Trump do to lose jobs???? The list is truly endless, but let's start with his failed covid response:

1. Trump glad handed all sorts of money to big corporations under the Payroll Protection Act, but NOTHING to people who didn't work for large corporations. If not for Nancy Pelosi refusing to give corporations any more money until American workers received assistance, people who work for small companies, got nothing.

2. When all of the business districts closed their office buildings and people started working from home, all of the small support services lost business. Coffee shops, courier services, dry cleaners, retail stores. The big chains had PPP. The independents had no assistance.

A cafe owner friend asked her landlord for a break on her rent since business was off by 70%, and he told her he had bills and a mortgage to pay too.

2. Without income, the 71% of American workers who had no PPP wages or enhanced unemployment benefits stopped spending money on non-essentials, and small mom and pop businesses closed, because they had no customers. Big corporations got themselves named "essential services" to stay open. Small businesses tried to hold on, but many closed and the jobs they provided were lost.

As a result, millions of Americans fell into poverty.

THAT'S how Trump killed jobs.

3. Biden put money in the hands of families with the American Rescue Plan, and lifted millions out of poverty, and the pent up demand in travel, leisure, live, in person shopping and events. When people returned to buying products and services because they were no longer in poverty and debt, it created jobs.

4. Then there are all the construction jobs rebuilding roads, bridges, and crumbling municipal infrastructure. All the things Trump promised to do but never ever started.
As a small biz owner my opinion is

Trump can k*ss my a**
Biden can k*ss my a**
Obama can k*iss my a**
Bush can k*ss my a**
Clinton can k*ss my a**

and yes, i've been in biz for ALL of them

The $4 plus trillion was pushed into the economy by both sides, not just Biden, add to that millions of renters not having to pay rent, unemployment for all, factories closing to kill the supply, it all contributed to inflation.
The freebies like free rent, unemployment for graffiti artists and street mimes, food stamps etc were just a GIFT FROM THE DEEP STATE thanking all of their Corporate controlled leftists for handing all 3 branches of power to them. The NETWORK ( Deep State) can now proceed with their Great Reset in earnest now that Trump is out of their way. Dont believe they exist,,,,Read Tragedy and Hope by Quigley.
What did Trump do to lose jobs???? The list is truly endless, but let's start with his failed covid response:

1. Trump glad handed all sorts of money to big corporations under the Payroll Protection Act, but NOTHING to people who didn't work for large corporations. If not for Nancy Pelosi refusing to give corporations any more money until American workers received assistance, people who work for small companies, got nothing.

2. When all of the business districts closed their office buildings and people started working from home, all of the small support services lost business. Coffee shops, courier services, dry cleaners, retail stores. The big chains had PPP. The independents had no assistance.

A cafe owner friend asked her landlord for a break on her rent since business was off by 70%, and he told her he had bills and a mortgage to pay too.

2. Without income, the 71% of American workers who had no PPP wages or enhanced unemployment benefits stopped spending money on non-essentials, and small mom and pop businesses closed, because they had no customers. Big corporations got themselves named "essential services" to stay open. Small businesses tried to hold on, but many closed and the jobs they provided were lost.

As a result, millions of Americans fell into poverty.

THAT'S how Trump killed jobs.

3. Biden put money in the hands of families with the American Rescue Plan, and lifted millions out of poverty, and the pent up demand in travel, leisure, live, in person shopping and events. When people returned to buying products and services because they were no longer in poverty and debt, it created jobs.

4. Then there are all the construction jobs rebuilding roads, bridges, and crumbling municipal infrastructure. All the things Trump promised to do but never ever started.
The brief span Trump was in gave people the ability to get a FACTORY JOB WITHOUT HAVING TO KNOW SOMEBODY ! You did not have to have a friend or family to get you an application to get in .. The last time you could walk into a plant and get hired was before Vietnam war ended. But no problem as most young people today are too important to waste their lives as a "WAGE SLAVE".

The Left stopped Trump vetting Chinese coming in from Wuhan, they called him a xenophobe.

Covid is a Deep State ( The Nework) operation and Trump was in their way. Trump said that "They are not after Me, they are After You,,,Im just in their way"

Joe Biden is your GOD,,,,,,who else is trying to stop a war in Ukraine That TRUMP obviously started. Who else FORGAVE your student loan debt ???? Who else doubled gasoline prices in order to save the Tsetse fly in the Amazon ? BIDEN Who else has the best economy during the last 40 years ??? Joe our Savior ! Yay joe, you got my vote in 2024.
Democrat marxism is financial cannibalism.

That reads like you're trying for "profound", and landed on "meaningless". Democrats are in no way "marxists", and it's a bald faced lie to try to label them as such. They believe in both private ownership, and individual rights.

There is no such thing as "financial cannibalism". I even googled it and came up empty. How does money eat itself?

Thank you for the dumbest post of the day.
^ assumes a “fact”‘which isn’t true.

Assumes a fact that is most definitely true. Where were all of these "concerned Republicans" when Trump was cutting taxes for billionaires, and putting it on the national credit card?

NO taxes should ever be cut when the nation is booming, unless the budget is balanced. The Republican Party since Ronald Reagan has been the most fiscally irrespnsible political party in world history, crashing the American economy 3 times. All of the tax cuts were paid for with ever increasing federal deficits, and every one of them ended with an economic crash.

Yet to hear Republicans talk, they're the party of fiscal responsibility. And fools like you parrot that lie.
Assumes a fact that is most definitely true. Where were all of these "concerned Republicans" when Trump was cutting taxes for billionaires, and putting it on the national credit card?

NO taxes should ever be cut when the nation is booming, unless the budget is balanced. The Republican Party since Ronald Reagan has been the most fiscally irrespnsible political party in world history, crashing the American economy 3 times. All of the tax cuts were paid for with ever increasing federal deficits, and every one of them ended with an economic crash.

Yet to hear Republicans talk, they're the party of fiscal responsibility. And fools like you parrot that lie.

No, taxes should always be cut. Its our worthless govt that needs to do without. Screw them.

Preparing to ‘play chicken’ with default: Understanding Republicans’ ‘debt limit terror’​

The United States is the only major industrial nation with a debt ceiling. America’s debt ceiling, moreover, applies only to budgetary appropriations that have already been made; it has no impact on future spending or borrowing. Indeed, as one legal scholar has argued, since legislation passed by Congress and signed by the president implicitly authorizes the U.S. Treasury to spend the money necessary to implement it, a separate requirement to increase the accrued debt creates the possibility of default, and may therefore be unconstitutional.

In any event, although debates about the national debt have become increasingly partisan, Congress and the president have agreed to increase the debt ceiling over 100 times since World War II. The debt limit has also been “suspended” — a distinction, made for political reasons, without a substantive difference — seven times. The debt ceiling was raised three times while Donald Trump was President. In 2019, when Congress suspended the debt ceiling until July 2021, Trump exulted that the agreement was “phenomenal.” The ceiling has been raised twice with Joe Biden in the White House.

We can't worry about the debt, Biden has one more time to raise the debt. If if's good for tramp why not make it good for Biden.
Balance the budget....Problem solved.
Assumes a fact that is most definitely true.

Where were all of these "concerned Republicans" when Trump was cutting taxes for billionaires, and putting it on the national credit card?
He wasn’t cutting taxes for billionaire. Your trite claims aren’t persuasive when based on your lies. And it was Congress that authorized spending and more debt. Not Trump.
NO taxes should ever be cut when the nation is booming, unless the budget is balanced.
No taxes should exist at all except as necessary for the limited purposes of our Constitutional republic. Refer to the enumerated powers found in our Constitution.
The Republican Party since Ronald Reagan has been the most fiscally irrespnsible political party in world history, crashing the American economy 3 times.

Nonsense. You persist in confusing cause and effect. You never have proved your claim and you never will.
All of the tax cuts were paid for with ever increasing federal deficits, and every one of them ended with an economic crash.
Your confusion is not buttressed by repeating yourself.
Yet to hear Republicans talk, they're the party of fiscal responsibility. And fools like you parrot that lie.

Fools and tools like you deny it. The only times you turds pay even lip-service to our debt and deficit problems is when you are feebly trying to defend Dim behavior which has come under scrutiny or when the GOP is in power.

Let me give you a little tip to help start the process of educating you:

If you’ve come around to accepting the proposition that our debt and deficit and addiction to spending is a major problem (which, of course, it is), then stop pointing YOUR finger only at the GOP.

Instead, contact your Dim representatives and leaders and tell THEM that as a liberal or progressive Dim, you demand that they start behaving responsibly. (I already avoid supporting GOP reps who don’t place stock on the seriousness of the problem.)
We are working towards the fiscal madness of Japan... whose debt/GDP is more than double ours.
Japan almost exclusively depends on China for investment profits, otherwise no one in Japan would have any money.
The problem is not the debt limit. The problem is members of McCarthy's toddler caucus who don't understand it, don't know what it's for or the repurcussions of what will happen if it's not raised. This is what happens when a bunch of jerkoffs are elected to Congress & a Speaker who grabbed his ankles for a slew of halfwits.
The problem is not the debt limit. The problem is members of McCarthy's toddler caucus who don't understand it, don't know what it's for or the repurcussions of what will happen if it's not raised. This is what happens when a bunch of jerkoffs are elected to Congress & a Speaker who grabbed his ankles for a slew of halfwits.

Who ran congress and controlled the spending from 2019 to 2021? Yeah, you don't have to answer. Weird how you love you some spending then.

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