The debates

Not when Arab supremacists
"Peacefully" rape several continents
to force their hegemony on others by sword.

For the most part Islam was spread by marriage and commerce. The Arabs traded with Egypt, Persia, all of Mesopotamia, Yemen, East Africa, and the Indus Valley long before Islam..

Where does your hatred come from? Do you hate Europeans and Russians as well?
For the most part Islam was spread by marriage and commerce. The Arabs traded with Egypt, Persia, all of Mesopotamia, Yemen, East Africa, and the Indus Valley long before Islam..

Where does your hatred come from? Do you hate Europeans and Russians as well?

How is that different from Western imperialism?
Resorting to ad hominems means you can't refute my argument.
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How is that argument different from Western imperialism?
If you have to attack me personally, means you have nothing to refute what I say.

I didn't attack you personally. I asked you a question. Why do you demonize Arabs? Does it help the Jews?
Muslims didn't gain the majority by peaceful means.
Sovereignty is the result of taking responsibility for one's duties.

The problems of the 19th century were because the population of Palestine doubled in 15 years with Europeann refugees. They didn't speak Arabic or share Arab culture. They belittled the people who already lived there and looked down on them.

Imagine if the population of the US doubled in 15 years with foreigners.

Imagine if they forced Americans off the land or destroyed their homes, farms and orchards?
I didn't attack you personally. I asked you a question. Why do you demonize Arabs? Does it help the Jews?

Instead of addressing the question about
the difference between Arab supremacy and Western imperialism,
you rather prefer to frame me for asking, you can't refute the inconvenient fact.
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RE: The Debates
SUBTOPIC: Treaties and Conflicts
※→ P F Tinmore, el at,

There are two competing philosophies here:

◈ That a decisive victory on the battlefield determines the outcome (Win or lose).​
◈ That a successful post-War posture establishes a compatible nation with the community of nations.​

Now there is always a third possibility that a "third observer" (of an Allied Power 'vs' Opposing Power conflict). And this "third observer" has sympathetically sided with the Opposing Power. It is often the case that the "third observer" will continue to support conflict (armed struggle as opposed to Peace settlement). The "third observe" will not be satisfied until there is the destruction of the other. In the US we have (I use this only as an example) still fighting the civil war. And one side will not believe that the reasons for the conflict have been settled. One post-War aspect wants to remove the "States and Bars" teardown every commemorative statue to CSA Heroic Figures and change the name of every Army Fort named after CSA Person. They too, will not be satisfied until the other side is wiped away.

There will always be those that hold extremist attitudes. In the case of the Middle East, Israel and Jordan have closure on the issues. But the "third observer" has lost all sense of humanity. The third observer has passed down hatred from generation to generation. Even children are used as a propaganda prop to incite hatred. The "third observer" sees the other side as less than human. And the "third observer" will not be satisfied until they control all the territories from the river to the sea. It creates a paradox: How do you deal with a nation of psychopaths that refuse to adhere to the Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.


In order to be the victim of a crime (Theft), the Arab Palestinians had to actually have the territory in their possession. The Israeli's never took territory in the hands of the Arab Palestinians of the disputed territory. The West Bank and Jerusalem were occupied by the Arab Legion of Jordan - NOT the Arab Palestinians of the territory. And the Israelis pursued the Arab Legion across the Jordan River. It was not until 1988 that the Jordanians cut all ties with the West Bank and Jerusalem.

No matter what acreage (within the territories formerly under the Mandate) you believe that the Israelis took from the sovereign control of the Arab Palestinian sovereignty, that never happened.

To the best of my knowledge, Israel never acquired effective control of any territory that was first under the sovereign control and independence of the Arab Palestinians.


Most Respectfully,
The question of whether or not the"Arabs" lost the war (they did not) but why does Israel claim that they won territory that was not part of the warring parties.

Also, it is illegal for Israel to retain territory conquered by the threat or use of force.
The problems of the 19th century were because the population of Palestine doubled in 15 years with Europeann refugees. They didn't speak Arabic or share Arab culture. They belittled the people who already lived there and looked down on them.

Imagine if the population of the US doubled in 15 years with foreigners.

Imagine if they forced Americans off the land or destroyed their homes, farms and orchards?

The Arab supremacists who
impoverished the land to swamp and disease,
shouldn't have expected to keep forcing their language
in which the name of the land can't even be pronounced.

Imagine, someone rapes your daughter for decades, then claims he's the husband,
but can't even pronounce her name in court, what's the likely punishment?
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Maybe the Arab supremacists who
flooded the in much greater numbers,
impoverishing the land to swamp and disease,
shouldn't have expected to force their language,
in which the name of the land can't even be pronounced?

Imagine, someone rapes your daughter,
then claims he's the parent yet can't even pronounce her name, what's the punishment?

You still haven't looked at the population numbers.

I have, they're trully amazing,
don't you see the wonder in historic justice?

Despite all odds, a tiny minority of refugees and former dhimmis,
managed to reverse all odds against the masses of Arab supremacists.

Why do you call them Arab Supremacists?
The British Mandate gave the Jews Israel.

By the time of Christ most Jews lived outside of Palestine.. all over the Middle East, North Africa and around the Med Sea... Rome, Aleppo, Alexandria etc.
Why do you call them Arab Supremacists?

Because they demand exclusive Arab domination,
over the entire Middle East, at the expense of all involved.
Deeming criminal any compromise to that supremacist ideology.

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Because they demand exclusive Arab domination,
over the entire Middle East, at the expense of all involved.
Deeming criminal any compromise to that supremacist goal.

That's nonsense.. Jews lived all over the Middle East and North Africa until European Zionism.. They left in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973.. so it wasn't exactly a mad dash for the border.
That's nonsense.. Jews lived all over the Middle East and North Africa until European Zionism.. They left in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973.. so it wasn't exactly a mad dash for the border.

Zionism was initiated way earlier in response
to the Arab supremacist pogroms in the Middle East.

Look you might not have the moral courage to face these facts,
but evading them like that even more, suggests you admit to the guilt.

Arab pogroms and blood libels in the 19th century Middle East.
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And Zionism was organized in response
to the Arab supremacist pogroms in the Middle East.

Look you might not have the moral courage to face these facts,
but evading them suggests, even more, that you admit to the guilt.

You mean this from 1840?

Damascus Affair (1840) |
damascus affair (1840) Blood libel accusation leveled by Christians at the Jews of Damascus . On 5 February 1840 a Capuchin friar named Thomas disappeared from Damascus with his Muslim
You mean this from 1840?

Damascus Affair (1840) |
damascus affair (1840) Blood libel accusation leveled by Christians at the Jews of Damascus . On 5 February 1840 a Capuchin friar named Thomas disappeared from Damascus with his Muslim

Yes, Zionism was initiated in response to such and similar events,
following the Arab pogroms throughout the Caliphate.

Do you know why no Pal-Arab "historian" dares
even remotely address these facts?

Because they admit they
deserve the payback.
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RE: The Debates
SUBTOPIC: Treaties and Conflicts
※→ P F Tinmore, el at,

PREFACE: Surely you have much more interesting questions to these very simple questions or reservations. These require or involve little or no mental effort at all.

Why do you demonize Arabs? Does it help the Jews?

I do not believe that anyone in the discussion group is out on a limb and "demonizing" the Arabs. No, not at all. First off, the Israelis are NOT demonizing the Arab population which is not connected with the various anti-Israeli or antisemitic movements. I think the "evil demons" would consider that association as an insult." Secondly, about 20% or one-fifth of the population (a significant number) of Israel are Israeli Citizens.

Israel claims that the Arabs, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, lost the 1948 war (they didn't) that Israel won Palestinian land.

That is an interesting twist of International law. Only Israel's shysters can come up with a story like that.

Well, actually → you are missing the point. The Treaty of 1994 essentially ended the 1948 War (
as it pertained to Israeli and Jordan). It was a decisive military victory. And it is true, that when Jordan lost sovereign control, the West Bank territory fell into the hands of the State of Israel. So, to say it was a "win" in non-political and incorrect terminology → is NOT unreasonable. It does not convey any falsehoods. And once the Jordanians cut all ties with the West Bank and Jerusalem, all the civil governmental control was effectively passed to Israel from the Jordanians (and again, NOT the Arab Palestinians).

Politically speaking, to say that "Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, lost the 1948 war" → in simplified layman's terms, is essentially correct. But in the correct diplomatic speak would be phrased something like this; some territories (
the West Bank and Jerusalem) came under the effective control of Israel as a result of a "Decisive Military Victory." This was finalized by the Jordan-Israeli Peace Treaty 1994 - when the new International Boundaries was established as a matter of record...

Most people just say → Israel won the territorial control of the West Bank and Jerusalem.

But no matter how you phrase it (
call it what you will) → Israel still has control of Area "C" and Jerusalem.

Most Respectfully,
RE: The Debates
SUBTOPIC: Treaties and Conflicts
※→ P F Tinmore, el at,

PREFACE: Surely you have much more interesting questions to these very simple questions or reservations. These require or involve little or no mental effort at all.


I do not believe that anyone in the discussion group is out on a limb and "demonizing" the Arabs. No, not at all. First off, the Israelis are NOT demonizing the Arab population which is not connected with the various anti-Israeli or antisemitic movements. I think the "evil demons" would consider that association as an insult." Secondly, about 20% or one-fifth of the population (a significant number) of Israel are Israeli Citizens.


Well, actually → you are missing the point. The Treaty of 1994 essentially ended the 1948 War (
as it pertained to Israeli and Jordan). It was a decisive military victory. And it is true, that when Jordan lost sovereign control, the West Bank territory fell into the hands of the State of Israel. So, to say it was a "win" in non-political and incorrect terminology → is NOT unreasonable. It does not convey any falsehoods. And once the Jordanians cut all ties with the West Bank and Jerusalem, all the civil governmental control was effectively passed to Israel from the Jordanians (and again, NOT the Arab Palestinians).

Politically speaking, to say that "Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, lost the 1948 war" → in simplified layman's terms, is essentially correct. But in the correct diplomatic speak would be phrased something like this; some territories (
the West Bank and Jerusalem) came under the effective control of Israel as a result of a "Decisive Military Victory." This was finalized by the Jordan-Israeli Peace Treaty 1994 - when the new International Boundaries was established as a matter of record...

Most people just say → Israel won the territorial control of the West Bank and Jerusalem.

But no matter how you phrase it (
call it what you will) → Israel still has control of Area "C" and Jerusalem.

Most Respectfully,
It was Palestine then Jordan occupied the West Bank. Then Israel occupied the West Bank. It is still occupied Palestinian territory.

Jordan did not give the West Bank to Israel because it was not theirs to give away.
It was Palestine then Jordan occupied the West Bank. Then Israel occupied the West Bank. It is still occupied Palestinian territory.

Jordan did not give the West Bank to Israel because it was not theirs to give away.
Only occupied are the failing Arab-run autonomies.
And indeed Jordan was not in a position to give Israelis their land.

Remind us, what part of Palestinian territory wasn't titled for Jewish re-constitution?
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