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Ken Adelman is one of my favorite writers.
The Debate Begins
By Ken Adelman Published 06/28/2004
Last Armistice Day, I was on a panel to debate George Soros at Boston University. There was no Armistice, between us at least, and there wasn't much debate.
Sure, Soros defended or even regurgitated his despicable comparison of Bush policy to the Nazis. And his I-blame-America-for-terrorism pitch. And, sure, I vehemently disagreed, and countered with facts, figures, and (I hope) some logical coherence.
But George Soros wasn't debating. He was asserting, then smirking.
Part of his "here's the truth, so just take it" stance is due to the arrogance of affluence: Hey, if I'd made billions, I'd probably be that way, too. And part to the arrogance of liberalism, which prompts liberals to smirk on what troglodytes these conservatives be!
But the biggest part, I surmised afterwards, was because Soros wasn't used to debating. He didn't have to. So why debate?
George Soros, and his friends, had given $25 million to fund their so-called "527 political organizations" --, the Media Fund, and ACT -- which spew hatred of Bush policies. And those pitches have gone unanswered.
Now, at long last, the Progress for America (PFA) has come on-stream as a counter-Soros, pro-President Bush "527 political organization." And with PFA, there could be a real debate over national security. There must be, since security has become more critical than in any election since Reagan won in 1980.-SNIP-