Trump Taps Former Soros Colleague as Treasury Secretary

Are you kidding? President Trump coopting George Soros from the left would the greatest coup de main in history, the American left would lose their minds.

George Soros in a MAGA Hat would be the death knell for the left.

There we go.
The problem is that that loyalty is going to come at the expense of competence.
The problem is that you confuse competence with your dembot views. Your sort of “competence” gave us / surge of 25.8 percent inflation on groceries the last four years, a senile president, that your leadership forced to step down after a debate, a billion dollar a spent in three months on a failed incoherent nominee, a border crisis, and taken us to a global crisis with WW3 looming
My question now........since he is gay, will he be allowed to use the men's room?
Yeah, he made ALL of his money with Soros. He kept in touch with George Soros on a regular basis after he left.

He is 100% for Wall Street.

You rubes have ZERO clue how this all works. Keep on whorin', theHawKKK


Will the real Toro ever come back?

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