The Danish embassy in Syria is burning


Active Member
Jul 15, 2004
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The United States could have not hoped for a better development.

This should wake up even the most die hard socialist government in Europe
to the fact that a new crusade is needed. We might not fight under the cross
but the enemy has not changed.,1518,399159,00.html

only a German link currently , give it an hour
Terrible for the Danes, but you are correct sarcasm. It sucks that it takes something like this to wake up some people to what evil is capable of.
insein said:
Terrible for the Danes, but you are correct sarcasm. It sucks that it takes something like this to wake up some people to what evil is capable of.

WHO exactly is going to wake up? No doubt this is well-deserved retaliation for Denmark daring to allow criticism of the "religion of peace."
"The right to freedom of thought and expression ... cannot entail the right to offend the religious sentiment of believers," the Vatican said in a statement.
Then it ain't freedom is it. The Vatican needs to shut their doors and pray they can be saved from these people, and stay TF out of politics..IMO

How far will this go before the Pope picks up the sword?
From Hobbits link: "In London, several hundred demonstrators gathered under heavy police security outside Denmark's embassy, shouting slogans to protest the publication of the drawings."

On another thread there is Ted Rall. Maybe, since he speaks a language these folk understand we should commission him to do some cartoons on Islam. After publishing his name, address, and real phone number of course. Any bets that none of the basic left of the aisle will equate this with suppression of free speech? Instead it will spin as "inflammatory".
I do believe the pot is about to boil over.

I just can't figure out why our official postion on this is bent over at the waist holding our ankles.
Democrat4Bush said:
I do believe the pot is about to boil over.

I just can't figure out why our official postion on this is bent over at the waist holding our ankles.

Perhaps we are holding back to give Europe a chance to see what we are really up against.
I can't understand the US response either. Luckily for me, I got a request in the mail yesterday, asking me to be a monitor in March's elections. I replied that unfortunately, due to the State Department response on this vital issue, I will be spending my time researching who I may be voting for in 2008.
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