The Country is in a bad marriage.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
Some of you have been in a bad marriage, and the rest have seen one. A marriage where all they do is argue, and blame. We are in that marriage right now. The Left won't get over it, and the right won't get over it.

The funny thing is I know when it started. I was there, and I watched it begin. Many of you did too.

Before the impeachment of Bill Clinton, we would compromise. We could work out our differences, and manage to move forward as a nation, slowly, along a more moderate approach, but there was some progress.

Bill Clinton was the turning point. The Right felt that Bill was after their guns, and he signed the Brady Bill and made it a law. In time, the most disturbing parts of the law fell away, but the Right was angry, and wanted revenge. The bad part for the left was that Bill Clinton was Bill Clinton. Not a bad guy, but a horn dog. He told misleading information during a deposition, and gave instructions to a friend who knew what was going on that appeared to expect that friend to lie under oath. So Bill was Impeached. Yes, he was impeached. Not removed from office, but impeached.

The left won in the Senate, and the narrative of Reprehensible but not impeachable carried the day. But the administration of Bill Clinton ended the era of compromise for our nation. After that, it was all about Revenge.

It's like a bad marriage. One spouse does something to hurt the other, and the other wants revenge and sets out to hurt the first. The divorce starts, and both are screaming at the children that the other is awful. The victory comes not in the separation, but by turning the kids against the other.

Back and forth it has gone, we'll get even for that, and they'll get even for this. We no longer want to compromise, we no longer want to find common ground, and we damn sure don't want to work out our differences. We aren't talking, we're shouting at each other.

If this was really a Marriage I'd tell the two sides to get a fucking divorce already. But we are a nation, and we have lost our ability to live together, work together, and talk with each other.

I had a friend who was in a marriage like this some time ago. He got divorced, and he said. "It is better to have loved and lost, than stay married to that bitch for the rest of my life."

The wife had a similar sentiment when I spoke with her.

But we are not in a marriage. We are a nation, and it is approaching the point of no return. We need to learn to set the past aside, and just start looking at the issues and finding common ground. Destroying the other side isn't going to work. You can't do it. Not without a massive civil war and millions of people dead. So everyone just calm down and let's learn to talk to one another again. We did it once. Why can't we do it again?
Some of you have been in a bad marriage, and the rest have seen one. A marriage where all they do is argue, and blame. We are in that marriage right now. The Left won't get over it, and the right won't get over it.

The funny thing is I know when it started. I was there, and I watched it begin. Many of you did too.

Before the impeachment of Bill Clinton, we would compromise. We could work out our differences, and manage to move forward as a nation, slowly, along a more moderate approach, but there was some progress.

Bill Clinton was the turning point. The Right felt that Bill was after their guns, and he signed the Brady Bill and made it a law. In time, the most disturbing parts of the law fell away, but the Right was angry, and wanted revenge. The bad part for the left was that Bill Clinton was Bill Clinton. Not a bad guy, but a horn dog. He told misleading information during a deposition, and gave instructions to a friend who knew what was going on that appeared to expect that friend to lie under oath. So Bill was Impeached. Yes, he was impeached. Not removed from office, but impeached.

The left won in the Senate, and the narrative of Reprehensible but not impeachable carried the day. But the administration of Bill Clinton ended the era of compromise for our nation. After that, it was all about Revenge.

It's like a bad marriage. One spouse does something to hurt the other, and the other wants revenge and sets out to hurt the first. The divorce starts, and both are screaming at the children that the other is awful. The victory comes not in the separation, but by turning the kids against the other.

Back and forth it has gone, we'll get even for that, and they'll get even for this. We no longer want to compromise, we no longer want to find common ground, and we damn sure don't want to work out our differences. We aren't talking, we're shouting at each other.

If this was really a Marriage I'd tell the two sides to get a fucking divorce already. But we are a nation, and we have lost our ability to live together, work together, and talk with each other.

I had a friend who was in a marriage like this some time ago. He got divorced, and he said. "It is better to have loved and lost, than stay married to that bitch for the rest of my life."

The wife had a similar sentiment when I spoke with her.

But we are not in a marriage. We are a nation, and it is approaching the point of no return. We need to learn to set the past aside, and just start looking at the issues and finding common ground. Destroying the other side isn't going to work. You can't do it. Not without a massive civil war and millions of people dead. So everyone just calm down and let's learn to talk to one another again. We did it once. Why can't we do it again?
The couple refuses to have a calm, honest conversation with each other.

All they will do is scream and point the accusatory finger at the other.

I don't know how that gets fixed. Without communication, this only continues to decay.
Some of you have been in a bad marriage, and the rest have seen one. A marriage where all they do is argue, and blame. We are in that marriage right now. The Left won't get over it, and the right won't get over it.

The funny thing is I know when it started. I was there, and I watched it begin. Many of you did too.

Before the impeachment of Bill Clinton, we would compromise. We could work out our differences, and manage to move forward as a nation, slowly, along a more moderate approach, but there was some progress.

Bill Clinton was the turning point. The Right felt that Bill was after their guns, and he signed the Brady Bill and made it a law. In time, the most disturbing parts of the law fell away, but the Right was angry, and wanted revenge. The bad part for the left was that Bill Clinton was Bill Clinton. Not a bad guy, but a horn dog. He told misleading information during a deposition, and gave instructions to a friend who knew what was going on that appeared to expect that friend to lie under oath. So Bill was Impeached. Yes, he was impeached. Not removed from office, but impeached.

The left won in the Senate, and the narrative of Reprehensible but not impeachable carried the day. But the administration of Bill Clinton ended the era of compromise for our nation. After that, it was all about Revenge.

It's like a bad marriage. One spouse does something to hurt the other, and the other wants revenge and sets out to hurt the first. The divorce starts, and both are screaming at the children that the other is awful. The victory comes not in the separation, but by turning the kids against the other.

Back and forth it has gone, we'll get even for that, and they'll get even for this. We no longer want to compromise, we no longer want to find common ground, and we damn sure don't want to work out our differences. We aren't talking, we're shouting at each other.

If this was really a Marriage I'd tell the two sides to get a fucking divorce already. But we are a nation, and we have lost our ability to live together, work together, and talk with each other.

I had a friend who was in a marriage like this some time ago. He got divorced, and he said. "It is better to have loved and lost, than stay married to that bitch for the rest of my life."

The wife had a similar sentiment when I spoke with her.

But we are not in a marriage. We are a nation, and it is approaching the point of no return. We need to learn to set the past aside, and just start looking at the issues and finding common ground. Destroying the other side isn't going to work. You can't do it. Not without a massive civil war and millions of people dead. So everyone just calm down and let's learn to talk to one another again. We did it once. Why can't we do it again?
/----/ Thank God for Bill Clinton. He got the ball rolling for the ultimate destruction of the Democrat party we see today. Obozo and Hildabeast drove in the final coffin nails.
Government run by corrupt elites clearly doesn't work. Time to eliminate it.
Some of you have been in a bad marriage, and the rest have seen one. A marriage where all they do is argue, and blame. We are in that marriage right now. The Left won't get over it, and the right won't get over it.

The funny thing is I know when it started. I was there, and I watched it begin. Many of you did too.

Before the impeachment of Bill Clinton, we would compromise. We could work out our differences, and manage to move forward as a nation, slowly, along a more moderate approach, but there was some progress.

Bill Clinton was the turning point. The Right felt that Bill was after their guns, and he signed the Brady Bill and made it a law. In time, the most disturbing parts of the law fell away, but the Right was angry, and wanted revenge. The bad part for the left was that Bill Clinton was Bill Clinton. Not a bad guy, but a horn dog. He told misleading information during a deposition, and gave instructions to a friend who knew what was going on that appeared to expect that friend to lie under oath. So Bill was Impeached. Yes, he was impeached. Not removed from office, but impeached.

The left won in the Senate, and the narrative of Reprehensible but not impeachable carried the day. But the administration of Bill Clinton ended the era of compromise for our nation. After that, it was all about Revenge.

It's like a bad marriage. One spouse does something to hurt the other, and the other wants revenge and sets out to hurt the first. The divorce starts, and both are screaming at the children that the other is awful. The victory comes not in the separation, but by turning the kids against the other.

Back and forth it has gone, we'll get even for that, and they'll get even for this. We no longer want to compromise, we no longer want to find common ground, and we damn sure don't want to work out our differences. We aren't talking, we're shouting at each other.

If this was really a Marriage I'd tell the two sides to get a fucking divorce already. But we are a nation, and we have lost our ability to live together, work together, and talk with each other.

I had a friend who was in a marriage like this some time ago. He got divorced, and he said. "It is better to have loved and lost, than stay married to that bitch for the rest of my life."

The wife had a similar sentiment when I spoke with her.

But we are not in a marriage. We are a nation, and it is approaching the point of no return. We need to learn to set the past aside, and just start looking at the issues and finding common ground. Destroying the other side isn't going to work. You can't do it. Not without a massive civil war and millions of people dead. So everyone just calm down and let's learn to talk to one another again. We did it once. Why can't we do it again?
The couple refuses to have a calm, honest conversation with each other.

All they will do is scream and point the accusatory finger at the other.

I don't know how that gets fixed. Without communication, this only continues to decay.
This sums up what we're all feeling
Maybe we could cheat with Japan?

Some of you have been in a bad marriage, and the rest have seen one. A marriage where all they do is argue, and blame. We are in that marriage right now. The Left won't get over it, and the right won't get over it.

The funny thing is I know when it started. I was there, and I watched it begin. Many of you did too.

Before the impeachment of Bill Clinton, we would compromise. We could work out our differences, and manage to move forward as a nation, slowly, along a more moderate approach, but there was some progress.

Bill Clinton was the turning point. The Right felt that Bill was after their guns, and he signed the Brady Bill and made it a law. In time, the most disturbing parts of the law fell away, but the Right was angry, and wanted revenge. The bad part for the left was that Bill Clinton was Bill Clinton. Not a bad guy, but a horn dog. He told misleading information during a deposition, and gave instructions to a friend who knew what was going on that appeared to expect that friend to lie under oath. So Bill was Impeached. Yes, he was impeached. Not removed from office, but impeached.

The left won in the Senate, and the narrative of Reprehensible but not impeachable carried the day. But the administration of Bill Clinton ended the era of compromise for our nation. After that, it was all about Revenge.

It's like a bad marriage. One spouse does something to hurt the other, and the other wants revenge and sets out to hurt the first. The divorce starts, and both are screaming at the children that the other is awful. The victory comes not in the separation, but by turning the kids against the other.

Back and forth it has gone, we'll get even for that, and they'll get even for this. We no longer want to compromise, we no longer want to find common ground, and we damn sure don't want to work out our differences. We aren't talking, we're shouting at each other.

If this was really a Marriage I'd tell the two sides to get a fucking divorce already. But we are a nation, and we have lost our ability to live together, work together, and talk with each other.

I had a friend who was in a marriage like this some time ago. He got divorced, and he said. "It is better to have loved and lost, than stay married to that bitch for the rest of my life."

The wife had a similar sentiment when I spoke with her.

But we are not in a marriage. We are a nation, and it is approaching the point of no return. We need to learn to set the past aside, and just start looking at the issues and finding common ground. Destroying the other side isn't going to work. You can't do it. Not without a massive civil war and millions of people dead. So everyone just calm down and let's learn to talk to one another again. We did it once. Why can't we do it again?
The couple refuses to have a calm, honest conversation with each other.

All they will do is scream and point the accusatory finger at the other.

I don't know how that gets fixed. Without communication, this only continues to decay.
This sums up what we're all feeling

Yeah. If you support Trump, you are a racist.

The left has lost their minds and they have a long history of violence.

They are like the crazed physically abusive husband.
Some of you have been in a bad marriage, and the rest have seen one. A marriage where all they do is argue, and blame. We are in that marriage right now. The Left won't get over it, and the right won't get over it.

The funny thing is I know when it started. I was there, and I watched it begin. Many of you did too.

Before the impeachment of Bill Clinton, we would compromise. We could work out our differences, and manage to move forward as a nation, slowly, along a more moderate approach, but there was some progress.

Bill Clinton was the turning point. The Right felt that Bill was after their guns, and he signed the Brady Bill and made it a law. In time, the most disturbing parts of the law fell away, but the Right was angry, and wanted revenge. The bad part for the left was that Bill Clinton was Bill Clinton. Not a bad guy, but a horn dog. He told misleading information during a deposition, and gave instructions to a friend who knew what was going on that appeared to expect that friend to lie under oath. So Bill was Impeached. Yes, he was impeached. Not removed from office, but impeached.

The left won in the Senate, and the narrative of Reprehensible but not impeachable carried the day. But the administration of Bill Clinton ended the era of compromise for our nation. After that, it was all about Revenge.

It's like a bad marriage. One spouse does something to hurt the other, and the other wants revenge and sets out to hurt the first. The divorce starts, and both are screaming at the children that the other is awful. The victory comes not in the separation, but by turning the kids against the other.

Back and forth it has gone, we'll get even for that, and they'll get even for this. We no longer want to compromise, we no longer want to find common ground, and we damn sure don't want to work out our differences. We aren't talking, we're shouting at each other.

If this was really a Marriage I'd tell the two sides to get a fucking divorce already. But we are a nation, and we have lost our ability to live together, work together, and talk with each other.

I had a friend who was in a marriage like this some time ago. He got divorced, and he said. "It is better to have loved and lost, than stay married to that bitch for the rest of my life."

The wife had a similar sentiment when I spoke with her.

But we are not in a marriage. We are a nation, and it is approaching the point of no return. We need to learn to set the past aside, and just start looking at the issues and finding common ground. Destroying the other side isn't going to work. You can't do it. Not without a massive civil war and millions of people dead. So everyone just calm down and let's learn to talk to one another again. We did it once. Why can't we do it again?
The couple refuses to have a calm, honest conversation with each other.

All they will do is scream and point the accusatory finger at the other.

I don't know how that gets fixed. Without communication, this only continues to decay.

it can be fixed, but people have to stop using government to run other people's lives.

1. Embrace federalism, stop trying to make laws one size fit all for the nation.
2. Follow the constitution explicitly, if you want to change it, get an amendment passed, stop using courts to create law
3. Use your State governments to form the "country" you want. No one says a State can't have single payer.
4. Stop believing your viewpoint is the only viewpoint. Even if you detest the view stop imprinting evil intentions on the people who hold them

I know I am guilty of some of the bad things going on in the political debate in this country, and on this board. However at least on this board I can express them. If I tried to do it with some of my friends, I would be without some of them quickly, because they can't deal with differing opinions.
Some of you have been in a bad marriage, and the rest have seen one. A marriage where all they do is argue, and blame. We are in that marriage right now. The Left won't get over it, and the right won't get over it.

The funny thing is I know when it started. I was there, and I watched it begin. Many of you did too.

Before the impeachment of Bill Clinton, we would compromise. We could work out our differences, and manage to move forward as a nation, slowly, along a more moderate approach, but there was some progress.

Bill Clinton was the turning point. The Right felt that Bill was after their guns, and he signed the Brady Bill and made it a law. In time, the most disturbing parts of the law fell away, but the Right was angry, and wanted revenge. The bad part for the left was that Bill Clinton was Bill Clinton. Not a bad guy, but a horn dog. He told misleading information during a deposition, and gave instructions to a friend who knew what was going on that appeared to expect that friend to lie under oath. So Bill was Impeached. Yes, he was impeached. Not removed from office, but impeached.

The left won in the Senate, and the narrative of Reprehensible but not impeachable carried the day. But the administration of Bill Clinton ended the era of compromise for our nation. After that, it was all about Revenge.

It's like a bad marriage. One spouse does something to hurt the other, and the other wants revenge and sets out to hurt the first. The divorce starts, and both are screaming at the children that the other is awful. The victory comes not in the separation, but by turning the kids against the other.

Back and forth it has gone, we'll get even for that, and they'll get even for this. We no longer want to compromise, we no longer want to find common ground, and we damn sure don't want to work out our differences. We aren't talking, we're shouting at each other.

If this was really a Marriage I'd tell the two sides to get a fucking divorce already. But we are a nation, and we have lost our ability to live together, work together, and talk with each other.

I had a friend who was in a marriage like this some time ago. He got divorced, and he said. "It is better to have loved and lost, than stay married to that bitch for the rest of my life."

The wife had a similar sentiment when I spoke with her.

But we are not in a marriage. We are a nation, and it is approaching the point of no return. We need to learn to set the past aside, and just start looking at the issues and finding common ground. Destroying the other side isn't going to work. You can't do it. Not without a massive civil war and millions of people dead. So everyone just calm down and let's learn to talk to one another again. We did it once. Why can't we do it again?
The couple refuses to have a calm, honest conversation with each other.

All they will do is scream and point the accusatory finger at the other.

I don't know how that gets fixed. Without communication, this only continues to decay.
By 3rd party intervention. In other words an attack on our homeland by an enemy we can all agree needs destroying. Yeah... It'll take something of that magnitude.
Some of you have been in a bad marriage, and the rest have seen one. A marriage where all they do is argue, and blame. We are in that marriage right now. The Left won't get over it, and the right won't get over it.

The funny thing is I know when it started. I was there, and I watched it begin. Many of you did too.

Before the impeachment of Bill Clinton, we would compromise. We could work out our differences, and manage to move forward as a nation, slowly, along a more moderate approach, but there was some progress.

Bill Clinton was the turning point. The Right felt that Bill was after their guns, and he signed the Brady Bill and made it a law. In time, the most disturbing parts of the law fell away, but the Right was angry, and wanted revenge. The bad part for the left was that Bill Clinton was Bill Clinton. Not a bad guy, but a horn dog. He told misleading information during a deposition, and gave instructions to a friend who knew what was going on that appeared to expect that friend to lie under oath. So Bill was Impeached. Yes, he was impeached. Not removed from office, but impeached.

The left won in the Senate, and the narrative of Reprehensible but not impeachable carried the day. But the administration of Bill Clinton ended the era of compromise for our nation. After that, it was all about Revenge.

It's like a bad marriage. One spouse does something to hurt the other, and the other wants revenge and sets out to hurt the first. The divorce starts, and both are screaming at the children that the other is awful. The victory comes not in the separation, but by turning the kids against the other.

Back and forth it has gone, we'll get even for that, and they'll get even for this. We no longer want to compromise, we no longer want to find common ground, and we damn sure don't want to work out our differences. We aren't talking, we're shouting at each other.

If this was really a Marriage I'd tell the two sides to get a fucking divorce already. But we are a nation, and we have lost our ability to live together, work together, and talk with each other.

I had a friend who was in a marriage like this some time ago. He got divorced, and he said. "It is better to have loved and lost, than stay married to that bitch for the rest of my life."

The wife had a similar sentiment when I spoke with her.

But we are not in a marriage. We are a nation, and it is approaching the point of no return. We need to learn to set the past aside, and just start looking at the issues and finding common ground. Destroying the other side isn't going to work. You can't do it. Not without a massive civil war and millions of people dead. So everyone just calm down and let's learn to talk to one another again. We did it once. Why can't we do it again?

Addiction to drama and laziness. If someone's IDENTITY is a political party then they are all screwed up. Rage in an of itself is addicting. It can be brought about very easily.
Some of you have been in a bad marriage, and the rest have seen one. A marriage where all they do is argue, and blame. We are in that marriage right now. The Left won't get over it, and the right won't get over it.

The funny thing is I know when it started. I was there, and I watched it begin. Many of you did too.

Before the impeachment of Bill Clinton, we would compromise. We could work out our differences, and manage to move forward as a nation, slowly, along a more moderate approach, but there was some progress.

Bill Clinton was the turning point. The Right felt that Bill was after their guns, and he signed the Brady Bill and made it a law. In time, the most disturbing parts of the law fell away, but the Right was angry, and wanted revenge. The bad part for the left was that Bill Clinton was Bill Clinton. Not a bad guy, but a horn dog. He told misleading information during a deposition, and gave instructions to a friend who knew what was going on that appeared to expect that friend to lie under oath. So Bill was Impeached. Yes, he was impeached. Not removed from office, but impeached.

The left won in the Senate, and the narrative of Reprehensible but not impeachable carried the day. But the administration of Bill Clinton ended the era of compromise for our nation. After that, it was all about Revenge.

It's like a bad marriage. One spouse does something to hurt the other, and the other wants revenge and sets out to hurt the first. The divorce starts, and both are screaming at the children that the other is awful. The victory comes not in the separation, but by turning the kids against the other.

Back and forth it has gone, we'll get even for that, and they'll get even for this. We no longer want to compromise, we no longer want to find common ground, and we damn sure don't want to work out our differences. We aren't talking, we're shouting at each other.

If this was really a Marriage I'd tell the two sides to get a fucking divorce already. But we are a nation, and we have lost our ability to live together, work together, and talk with each other.

I had a friend who was in a marriage like this some time ago. He got divorced, and he said. "It is better to have loved and lost, than stay married to that bitch for the rest of my life."

The wife had a similar sentiment when I spoke with her.

But we are not in a marriage. We are a nation, and it is approaching the point of no return. We need to learn to set the past aside, and just start looking at the issues and finding common ground. Destroying the other side isn't going to work. You can't do it. Not without a massive civil war and millions of people dead. So everyone just calm down and let's learn to talk to one another again. We did it once. Why can't we do it again?

The Bad Marriage is with Globalists and Leftist, and right now, THEY ARE GETTING DUMPED. The Globalist Freedom Hating Left is like the crazy Bitch in Fatal Attraction, who just won't LET IT GO! You lost Lefties. America is not on board with being "FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGED IN TO A SOCIALIST TYRANNY"! Sign the Fucking Papers and get on with your LIFE!


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