The Country is in a bad marriage.

Some of you have been in a bad marriage, and the rest have seen one. A marriage where all they do is argue, and blame. We are in that marriage right now. The Left won't get over it, and the right won't get over it.

The funny thing is I know when it started. I was there, and I watched it begin. Many of you did too.

Before the impeachment of Bill Clinton, we would compromise. We could work out our differences, and manage to move forward as a nation, slowly, along a more moderate approach, but there was some progress.

Bill Clinton was the turning point. The Right felt that Bill was after their guns, and he signed the Brady Bill and made it a law. In time, the most disturbing parts of the law fell away, but the Right was angry, and wanted revenge. The bad part for the left was that Bill Clinton was Bill Clinton. Not a bad guy, but a horn dog. He told misleading information during a deposition, and gave instructions to a friend who knew what was going on that appeared to expect that friend to lie under oath. So Bill was Impeached. Yes, he was impeached. Not removed from office, but impeached.

The left won in the Senate, and the narrative of Reprehensible but not impeachable carried the day. But the administration of Bill Clinton ended the era of compromise for our nation. After that, it was all about Revenge.

It's like a bad marriage. One spouse does something to hurt the other, and the other wants revenge and sets out to hurt the first. The divorce starts, and both are screaming at the children that the other is awful. The victory comes not in the separation, but by turning the kids against the other.

Back and forth it has gone, we'll get even for that, and they'll get even for this. We no longer want to compromise, we no longer want to find common ground, and we damn sure don't want to work out our differences. We aren't talking, we're shouting at each other.

If this was really a Marriage I'd tell the two sides to get a fucking divorce already. But we are a nation, and we have lost our ability to live together, work together, and talk with each other.

I had a friend who was in a marriage like this some time ago. He got divorced, and he said. "It is better to have loved and lost, than stay married to that bitch for the rest of my life."

The wife had a similar sentiment when I spoke with her.

But we are not in a marriage. We are a nation, and it is approaching the point of no return. We need to learn to set the past aside, and just start looking at the issues and finding common ground. Destroying the other side isn't going to work. You can't do it. Not without a massive civil war and millions of people dead. So everyone just calm down and let's learn to talk to one another again. We did it once. Why can't we do it again?

The Bad Marriage is with Globalists and Leftist, and right now, THEY ARE GETTING DUMPED. The Globalist Freedom Hating Left is like the crazy Bitch in Fatal Attraction, who just won't LET IT GO! You lost Lefties. America is not on board with being "FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGED IN TO A SOCIALIST TYRANNY"! Sign the Fucking Papers and get on with your LIFE!


Neoliberals are not socialists. Otherwise it would have been a great rant.
Some of you have been in a bad marriage, and the rest have seen one. A marriage where all they do is argue, and blame. We are in that marriage right now. The Left won't get over it, and the right won't get over it.

The funny thing is I know when it started. I was there, and I watched it begin. Many of you did too.

Before the impeachment of Bill Clinton, we would compromise. We could work out our differences, and manage to move forward as a nation, slowly, along a more moderate approach, but there was some progress.

Bill Clinton was the turning point. The Right felt that Bill was after their guns, and he signed the Brady Bill and made it a law. In time, the most disturbing parts of the law fell away, but the Right was angry, and wanted revenge. The bad part for the left was that Bill Clinton was Bill Clinton. Not a bad guy, but a horn dog. He told misleading information during a deposition, and gave instructions to a friend who knew what was going on that appeared to expect that friend to lie under oath. So Bill was Impeached. Yes, he was impeached. Not removed from office, but impeached.

The left won in the Senate, and the narrative of Reprehensible but not impeachable carried the day. But the administration of Bill Clinton ended the era of compromise for our nation. After that, it was all about Revenge.

It's like a bad marriage. One spouse does something to hurt the other, and the other wants revenge and sets out to hurt the first. The divorce starts, and both are screaming at the children that the other is awful. The victory comes not in the separation, but by turning the kids against the other.

Back and forth it has gone, we'll get even for that, and they'll get even for this. We no longer want to compromise, we no longer want to find common ground, and we damn sure don't want to work out our differences. We aren't talking, we're shouting at each other.

If this was really a Marriage I'd tell the two sides to get a fucking divorce already. But we are a nation, and we have lost our ability to live together, work together, and talk with each other.

I had a friend who was in a marriage like this some time ago. He got divorced, and he said. "It is better to have loved and lost, than stay married to that bitch for the rest of my life."

The wife had a similar sentiment when I spoke with her.

But we are not in a marriage. We are a nation, and it is approaching the point of no return. We need to learn to set the past aside, and just start looking at the issues and finding common ground. Destroying the other side isn't going to work. You can't do it. Not without a massive civil war and millions of people dead. So everyone just calm down and let's learn to talk to one another again. We did it once. Why can't we do it again?

It's because of the two-party system and each one making power grabs. They don't WANT to get along. They want to win.
Some of you have been in a bad marriage, and the rest have seen one. A marriage where all they do is argue, and blame. We are in that marriage right now. The Left won't get over it, and the right won't get over it.

The funny thing is I know when it started. I was there, and I watched it begin. Many of you did too.

Before the impeachment of Bill Clinton, we would compromise. We could work out our differences, and manage to move forward as a nation, slowly, along a more moderate approach, but there was some progress.

Bill Clinton was the turning point. The Right felt that Bill was after their guns, and he signed the Brady Bill and made it a law. In time, the most disturbing parts of the law fell away, but the Right was angry, and wanted revenge. The bad part for the left was that Bill Clinton was Bill Clinton. Not a bad guy, but a horn dog. He told misleading information during a deposition, and gave instructions to a friend who knew what was going on that appeared to expect that friend to lie under oath. So Bill was Impeached. Yes, he was impeached. Not removed from office, but impeached.

The left won in the Senate, and the narrative of Reprehensible but not impeachable carried the day. But the administration of Bill Clinton ended the era of compromise for our nation. After that, it was all about Revenge.

It's like a bad marriage. One spouse does something to hurt the other, and the other wants revenge and sets out to hurt the first. The divorce starts, and both are screaming at the children that the other is awful. The victory comes not in the separation, but by turning the kids against the other.

Back and forth it has gone, we'll get even for that, and they'll get even for this. We no longer want to compromise, we no longer want to find common ground, and we damn sure don't want to work out our differences. We aren't talking, we're shouting at each other.

If this was really a Marriage I'd tell the two sides to get a fucking divorce already. But we are a nation, and we have lost our ability to live together, work together, and talk with each other.

I had a friend who was in a marriage like this some time ago. He got divorced, and he said. "It is better to have loved and lost, than stay married to that bitch for the rest of my life."

The wife had a similar sentiment when I spoke with her.

But we are not in a marriage. We are a nation, and it is approaching the point of no return. We need to learn to set the past aside, and just start looking at the issues and finding common ground. Destroying the other side isn't going to work. You can't do it. Not without a massive civil war and millions of people dead. So everyone just calm down and let's learn to talk to one another again. We did it once. Why can't we do it again?

Addiction to drama and laziness.
Nah I think its much worse than that after watching some dipstick try go after Rod on fb for something in her preconceived propagandized mind that appears to believe the lies being spewed about all conservatives at this point. Who in their right mind in a small community would post intimate details of their sexual life online and say that if something is good enough for you to eat 'what's your problem with shooting that into your system via a vaccine'? The stupidity and ignorance of some of these 20 to 40 year old's is truly mind boggling.
Some of you have been in a bad marriage, and the rest have seen one. A marriage where all they do is argue, and blame. We are in that marriage right now. The Left won't get over it, and the right won't get over it.

The funny thing is I know when it started. I was there, and I watched it begin. Many of you did too.

Before the impeachment of Bill Clinton, we would compromise. We could work out our differences, and manage to move forward as a nation, slowly, along a more moderate approach, but there was some progress.

Bill Clinton was the turning point. The Right felt that Bill was after their guns, and he signed the Brady Bill and made it a law. In time, the most disturbing parts of the law fell away, but the Right was angry, and wanted revenge. The bad part for the left was that Bill Clinton was Bill Clinton. Not a bad guy, but a horn dog. He told misleading information during a deposition, and gave instructions to a friend who knew what was going on that appeared to expect that friend to lie under oath. So Bill was Impeached. Yes, he was impeached. Not removed from office, but impeached.

The left won in the Senate, and the narrative of Reprehensible but not impeachable carried the day. But the administration of Bill Clinton ended the era of compromise for our nation. After that, it was all about Revenge.

It's like a bad marriage. One spouse does something to hurt the other, and the other wants revenge and sets out to hurt the first. The divorce starts, and both are screaming at the children that the other is awful. The victory comes not in the separation, but by turning the kids against the other.

Back and forth it has gone, we'll get even for that, and they'll get even for this. We no longer want to compromise, we no longer want to find common ground, and we damn sure don't want to work out our differences. We aren't talking, we're shouting at each other.

If this was really a Marriage I'd tell the two sides to get a fucking divorce already. But we are a nation, and we have lost our ability to live together, work together, and talk with each other.

I had a friend who was in a marriage like this some time ago. He got divorced, and he said. "It is better to have loved and lost, than stay married to that bitch for the rest of my life."

The wife had a similar sentiment when I spoke with her.

But we are not in a marriage. We are a nation, and it is approaching the point of no return. We need to learn to set the past aside, and just start looking at the issues and finding common ground. Destroying the other side isn't going to work. You can't do it. Not without a massive civil war and millions of people dead. So everyone just calm down and let's learn to talk to one another again. We did it once. Why can't we do it again?

Addiction to drama and laziness.
Nah I think its much worse than that after watching some dipstick try go after Rod on fb for something in her preconceived propagandized mind that appears to believe the lies being spewed about all conservatives at this point. Who in their right mind in a small community would post intimate details of their sexual life online and say that if something is good enough for you to eat 'what's your problem with shooting that into your system via a vaccine'? The stupidity and ignorance of some of these 20 to 40 year old's is truly mind boggling.

Well, weirdos come in all age groups. Lol. ;)
Some of you have been in a bad marriage, and the rest have seen one. A marriage where all they do is argue, and blame. We are in that marriage right now. The Left won't get over it, and the right won't get over it.

The funny thing is I know when it started. I was there, and I watched it begin. Many of you did too.

Before the impeachment of Bill Clinton, we would compromise. We could work out our differences, and manage to move forward as a nation, slowly, along a more moderate approach, but there was some progress.

Bill Clinton was the turning point. The Right felt that Bill was after their guns, and he signed the Brady Bill and made it a law. In time, the most disturbing parts of the law fell away, but the Right was angry, and wanted revenge. The bad part for the left was that Bill Clinton was Bill Clinton. Not a bad guy, but a horn dog. He told misleading information during a deposition, and gave instructions to a friend who knew what was going on that appeared to expect that friend to lie under oath. So Bill was Impeached. Yes, he was impeached. Not removed from office, but impeached.

The left won in the Senate, and the narrative of Reprehensible but not impeachable carried the day. But the administration of Bill Clinton ended the era of compromise for our nation. After that, it was all about Revenge.

It's like a bad marriage. One spouse does something to hurt the other, and the other wants revenge and sets out to hurt the first. The divorce starts, and both are screaming at the children that the other is awful. The victory comes not in the separation, but by turning the kids against the other.

Back and forth it has gone, we'll get even for that, and they'll get even for this. We no longer want to compromise, we no longer want to find common ground, and we damn sure don't want to work out our differences. We aren't talking, we're shouting at each other.

If this was really a Marriage I'd tell the two sides to get a fucking divorce already. But we are a nation, and we have lost our ability to live together, work together, and talk with each other.

I had a friend who was in a marriage like this some time ago. He got divorced, and he said. "It is better to have loved and lost, than stay married to that bitch for the rest of my life."

The wife had a similar sentiment when I spoke with her.

But we are not in a marriage. We are a nation, and it is approaching the point of no return. We need to learn to set the past aside, and just start looking at the issues and finding common ground. Destroying the other side isn't going to work. You can't do it. Not without a massive civil war and millions of people dead. So everyone just calm down and let's learn to talk to one another again. We did it once. Why can't we do it again?

Addiction to drama and laziness.
Nah I think its much worse than that after watching some dipstick try go after Rod on fb for something in her preconceived propagandized mind that appears to believe the lies being spewed about all conservatives at this point. Who in their right mind in a small community would post intimate details of their sexual life online and say that if something is good enough for you to eat 'what's your problem with shooting that into your system via a vaccine'? The stupidity and ignorance of some of these 20 to 40 year old's is truly mind boggling.

Well, weirdos come in all age groups. Lol. ;)
Yes but these ones have government/tax-payer supported jobs/paychecks and I see that as a long term problem as they are not intelligent enough to be making decisions that affect other peoples lives.
Government run by corrupt elites clearly doesn't work. Time to eliminate it.

End corruption. Defend the Republic. - Represent.Us
Good luck with your political movement...... You're gonna need all the luck you can muster and then some.
Yes we are dreaming of the day when government for and by the elite, is terminated.

The only problem is that you kind of have to be "elite" to run for any high office. It is just too expensive for an average person to afford, and you know the parties won't back you unless you can do "favors" for them too. It's like a lose-lose situation for the average person.
Some of you have been in a bad marriage, and the rest have seen one. A marriage where all they do is argue, and blame. We are in that marriage right now. The Left won't get over it, and the right won't get over it.

The funny thing is I know when it started. I was there, and I watched it begin. Many of you did too.

Before the impeachment of Bill Clinton, we would compromise. We could work out our differences, and manage to move forward as a nation, slowly, along a more moderate approach, but there was some progress.

Bill Clinton was the turning point. The Right felt that Bill was after their guns, and he signed the Brady Bill and made it a law. In time, the most disturbing parts of the law fell away, but the Right was angry, and wanted revenge. The bad part for the left was that Bill Clinton was Bill Clinton. Not a bad guy, but a horn dog. He told misleading information during a deposition, and gave instructions to a friend who knew what was going on that appeared to expect that friend to lie under oath. So Bill was Impeached. Yes, he was impeached. Not removed from office, but impeached.

The left won in the Senate, and the narrative of Reprehensible but not impeachable carried the day. But the administration of Bill Clinton ended the era of compromise for our nation. After that, it was all about Revenge.

It's like a bad marriage. One spouse does something to hurt the other, and the other wants revenge and sets out to hurt the first. The divorce starts, and both are screaming at the children that the other is awful. The victory comes not in the separation, but by turning the kids against the other.

Back and forth it has gone, we'll get even for that, and they'll get even for this. We no longer want to compromise, we no longer want to find common ground, and we damn sure don't want to work out our differences. We aren't talking, we're shouting at each other.

If this was really a Marriage I'd tell the two sides to get a fucking divorce already. But we are a nation, and we have lost our ability to live together, work together, and talk with each other.

I had a friend who was in a marriage like this some time ago. He got divorced, and he said. "It is better to have loved and lost, than stay married to that bitch for the rest of my life."

The wife had a similar sentiment when I spoke with her.

But we are not in a marriage. We are a nation, and it is approaching the point of no return. We need to learn to set the past aside, and just start looking at the issues and finding common ground. Destroying the other side isn't going to work. You can't do it. Not without a massive civil war and millions of people dead. So everyone just calm down and let's learn to talk to one another again. We did it once. Why can't we do it again?

Addiction to drama and laziness.
Nah I think its much worse than that after watching some dipstick try go after Rod on fb for something in her preconceived propagandized mind that appears to believe the lies being spewed about all conservatives at this point. Who in their right mind in a small community would post intimate details of their sexual life online and say that if something is good enough for you to eat 'what's your problem with shooting that into your system via a vaccine'? The stupidity and ignorance of some of these 20 to 40 year old's is truly mind boggling.

Addiction to drama. You remember that television drama Dallas? A lot like that.

You have to be really emotional.

The focus is on the drama but not content.

Look, I listen to all kinds of nitwits accuse "liberals" of all kinds of things. Damn good thing I have other interests. I would be crushed.


People like to talk a lot about things that need to be done but they don't want to do the work. It's easier to be in the throes of a shit fest.
Government run by corrupt elites clearly doesn't work. Time to eliminate it.

End corruption. Defend the Republic. - Represent.Us
Good luck with your political movement...... You're gonna need all the luck you can muster and then some.
Yes we are dreaming of the day when government for and by the elite, is terminated.

The only problem is that you kind of have to be "elite" to run for any high office. It is just too expensive for an average person to afford, and you know the parties won't back you unless you can do "favors" for them too. It's like a lose-lose situation for the average person.
Just another reason among many, to terminate the criminal State.
Some of you have been in a bad marriage, and the rest have seen one. A marriage where all they do is argue, and blame. We are in that marriage right now. The Left won't get over it, and the right won't get over it.

The funny thing is I know when it started. I was there, and I watched it begin. Many of you did too.

Before the impeachment of Bill Clinton, we would compromise. We could work out our differences, and manage to move forward as a nation, slowly, along a more moderate approach, but there was some progress.

Bill Clinton was the turning point. The Right felt that Bill was after their guns, and he signed the Brady Bill and made it a law. In time, the most disturbing parts of the law fell away, but the Right was angry, and wanted revenge. The bad part for the left was that Bill Clinton was Bill Clinton. Not a bad guy, but a horn dog. He told misleading information during a deposition, and gave instructions to a friend who knew what was going on that appeared to expect that friend to lie under oath. So Bill was Impeached. Yes, he was impeached. Not removed from office, but impeached.

The left won in the Senate, and the narrative of Reprehensible but not impeachable carried the day. But the administration of Bill Clinton ended the era of compromise for our nation. After that, it was all about Revenge.

It's like a bad marriage. One spouse does something to hurt the other, and the other wants revenge and sets out to hurt the first. The divorce starts, and both are screaming at the children that the other is awful. The victory comes not in the separation, but by turning the kids against the other.

Back and forth it has gone, we'll get even for that, and they'll get even for this. We no longer want to compromise, we no longer want to find common ground, and we damn sure don't want to work out our differences. We aren't talking, we're shouting at each other.

If this was really a Marriage I'd tell the two sides to get a fucking divorce already. But we are a nation, and we have lost our ability to live together, work together, and talk with each other.

I had a friend who was in a marriage like this some time ago. He got divorced, and he said. "It is better to have loved and lost, than stay married to that bitch for the rest of my life."

The wife had a similar sentiment when I spoke with her.

But we are not in a marriage. We are a nation, and it is approaching the point of no return. We need to learn to set the past aside, and just start looking at the issues and finding common ground. Destroying the other side isn't going to work. You can't do it. Not without a massive civil war and millions of people dead. So everyone just calm down and let's learn to talk to one another again. We did it once. Why can't we do it again?

Addiction to drama and laziness.
Nah I think its much worse than that after watching some dipstick try go after Rod on fb for something in her preconceived propagandized mind that appears to believe the lies being spewed about all conservatives at this point. Who in their right mind in a small community would post intimate details of their sexual life online and say that if something is good enough for you to eat 'what's your problem with shooting that into your system via a vaccine'? The stupidity and ignorance of some of these 20 to 40 year old's is truly mind boggling.

Well, weirdos come in all age groups. Lol. ;)
Yes but these ones have government/tax-payer supported jobs/paychecks and I see that as a long term problem as they are not intelligent enough to be making decisions that affect other peoples lives.

Are you stating that you were accosted on FB by someone that works for the government?
Some of you have been in a bad marriage, and the rest have seen one. A marriage where all they do is argue, and blame. We are in that marriage right now. The Left won't get over it, and the right won't get over it.

The funny thing is I know when it started. I was there, and I watched it begin. Many of you did too.

Before the impeachment of Bill Clinton, we would compromise. We could work out our differences, and manage to move forward as a nation, slowly, along a more moderate approach, but there was some progress.

Bill Clinton was the turning point. The Right felt that Bill was after their guns, and he signed the Brady Bill and made it a law. In time, the most disturbing parts of the law fell away, but the Right was angry, and wanted revenge. The bad part for the left was that Bill Clinton was Bill Clinton. Not a bad guy, but a horn dog. He told misleading information during a deposition, and gave instructions to a friend who knew what was going on that appeared to expect that friend to lie under oath. So Bill was Impeached. Yes, he was impeached. Not removed from office, but impeached.

The left won in the Senate, and the narrative of Reprehensible but not impeachable carried the day. But the administration of Bill Clinton ended the era of compromise for our nation. After that, it was all about Revenge.

It's like a bad marriage. One spouse does something to hurt the other, and the other wants revenge and sets out to hurt the first. The divorce starts, and both are screaming at the children that the other is awful. The victory comes not in the separation, but by turning the kids against the other.

Back and forth it has gone, we'll get even for that, and they'll get even for this. We no longer want to compromise, we no longer want to find common ground, and we damn sure don't want to work out our differences. We aren't talking, we're shouting at each other.

If this was really a Marriage I'd tell the two sides to get a fucking divorce already. But we are a nation, and we have lost our ability to live together, work together, and talk with each other.

I had a friend who was in a marriage like this some time ago. He got divorced, and he said. "It is better to have loved and lost, than stay married to that bitch for the rest of my life."

The wife had a similar sentiment when I spoke with her.

But we are not in a marriage. We are a nation, and it is approaching the point of no return. We need to learn to set the past aside, and just start looking at the issues and finding common ground. Destroying the other side isn't going to work. You can't do it. Not without a massive civil war and millions of people dead. So everyone just calm down and let's learn to talk to one another again. We did it once. Why can't we do it again?

Addiction to drama and laziness.
Nah I think its much worse than that after watching some dipstick try go after Rod on fb for something in her preconceived propagandized mind that appears to believe the lies being spewed about all conservatives at this point. Who in their right mind in a small community would post intimate details of their sexual life online and say that if something is good enough for you to eat 'what's your problem with shooting that into your system via a vaccine'? The stupidity and ignorance of some of these 20 to 40 year old's is truly mind boggling.

Addiction to drama. You remember that television drama Dallas? A lot like that.

You have to be really emotional.

The focus is on the drama but not content.

Look, I listen to all kinds of nitwits accuse "liberals" of all kinds of things. Damn good thing I have other interests. I would be crushed.


People like to talk a lot about things that need to be done but they don't want to do the work. It's easier to be in the throes of a shit fest.

Well, some liberals are more reasonable and logical than others. :D
Maybe we could cheat with Japan?


kimi no kangaekata wa ii kamoshiranai

kodomo ga kawaii deshoo

Hai, wakarimashita. Kodomo de wanai

sore wa soo desu ga, hafu no kodomo ga kawaii.

What are the two of you talking about that you have to speak in Japanese? I hope you aren't talking sexual about that child in the picture. That is sick.

Actually, not a child. Mid-20s. My Japanese isn't good enough to speak sukebe.
Maybe we could cheat with Japan?


kimi no kangaekata wa ii kamoshiranai

kodomo ga kawaii deshoo

Hai, wakarimashita. Kodomo de wanai

sore wa soo desu ga, hafu no kodomo ga kawaii.

What are the two of you talking about that you have to speak in Japanese? I hope you aren't talking sexual about that child in the picture. That is sick.

Actually, not a child. Mid-20s.

Well it LOOKS like a child.
kimi no kangaekata wa ii kamoshiranai

kodomo ga kawaii deshoo

Hai, wakarimashita. Kodomo de wanai

sore wa soo desu ga, hafu no kodomo ga kawaii.

What are the two of you talking about that you have to speak in Japanese? I hope you aren't talking sexual about that child in the picture. That is sick.

Actually, not a child. Mid-20s.

Well it LOOKS like a child.

Looks are deceiving. My young daughter, being Caucasian in Japan, was often thought to be much older than you teen years appear.
Some of you have been in a bad marriage, and the rest have seen one. A marriage where all they do is argue, and blame. We are in that marriage right now. The Left won't get over it, and the right won't get over it.

The funny thing is I know when it started. I was there, and I watched it begin. Many of you did too.

Before the impeachment of Bill Clinton, we would compromise. We could work out our differences, and manage to move forward as a nation, slowly, along a more moderate approach, but there was some progress.

Bill Clinton was the turning point. The Right felt that Bill was after their guns, and he signed the Brady Bill and made it a law. In time, the most disturbing parts of the law fell away, but the Right was angry, and wanted revenge. The bad part for the left was that Bill Clinton was Bill Clinton. Not a bad guy, but a horn dog. He told misleading information during a deposition, and gave instructions to a friend who knew what was going on that appeared to expect that friend to lie under oath. So Bill was Impeached. Yes, he was impeached. Not removed from office, but impeached.

The left won in the Senate, and the narrative of Reprehensible but not impeachable carried the day. But the administration of Bill Clinton ended the era of compromise for our nation. After that, it was all about Revenge.

It's like a bad marriage. One spouse does something to hurt the other, and the other wants revenge and sets out to hurt the first. The divorce starts, and both are screaming at the children that the other is awful. The victory comes not in the separation, but by turning the kids against the other.

Back and forth it has gone, we'll get even for that, and they'll get even for this. We no longer want to compromise, we no longer want to find common ground, and we damn sure don't want to work out our differences. We aren't talking, we're shouting at each other.

If this was really a Marriage I'd tell the two sides to get a fucking divorce already. But we are a nation, and we have lost our ability to live together, work together, and talk with each other.

I had a friend who was in a marriage like this some time ago. He got divorced, and he said. "It is better to have loved and lost, than stay married to that bitch for the rest of my life."

The wife had a similar sentiment when I spoke with her.

But we are not in a marriage. We are a nation, and it is approaching the point of no return. We need to learn to set the past aside, and just start looking at the issues and finding common ground. Destroying the other side isn't going to work. You can't do it. Not without a massive civil war and millions of people dead. So everyone just calm down and let's learn to talk to one another again. We did it once. Why can't we do it again?

Don't fool yourself. This dichotomy has always existed. It ebbs and flows and comes to a head from time to time. It only seems worse now because we all have access to instant information and communication. Those on the margins were only as effective as their newsletters or writings could be distributed. Now it's everywhere, all the time.

We're sorting it out. It's an often painful and disturbing process but progress is happening. Those determined to live in the past and even attempt to restore the past are being swept away. Thankfully their own actions make that a much easier task.
Hai, wakarimashita. Kodomo de wanai

sore wa soo desu ga, hafu no kodomo ga kawaii.

What are the two of you talking about that you have to speak in Japanese? I hope you aren't talking sexual about that child in the picture. That is sick.

Actually, not a child. Mid-20s.

Well it LOOKS like a child.

Looks are deceiving. My young daughter, being Caucasian in Japan, was often thought to be much older than you teen years appear.

So? What does that have to do with a couple of old men drooling over a person who looks like she is 10 years old?

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