The commie government agency THE FDA, wants to regulate the cheese on a pizza.

Why does the right always disagree with something as basic as knowing what they eat and drink?

You can CHOOSE to change or not. You can CHOOSE to educate yourself or not. But, why shouldn't I have the right to know what I'm eating? Why are you so against that?

Because its a burden on Mr. Businessman who's barely eking out a living as it is.

To provide it to you in state-of-the-20th-century-art format when it's already available on the Internet from any smart phone? Yeah, that's a ridiculous burden to go through because you can't bear the "intolerable effort" necessary to open Google.

Not everyone can afford a smart phone, or a data plan. And they’re precisely the kind of people who need to be seeing this information.

It’s very elitist to think that everyone has access to the internet, orders online or is computer savvy or that the world should only cater to those who do.
How do you think people got along before that info was at their fingertips?
And we're simply saying that you're conflating "info should be available" and "therefore, the government must mandate it".

What is it with leftists that they can't stop doing this?

Do you think Red Lobster is going to voluntarily tell customers their dinner is 3,500 calories? Just being realistic.

- More than 40 percent of 16 to 19-year-olds are obese and 36% of adults are obese.

- Over 100 million Americans have diabetes or pre-diabetes. Diabetes was the seventh leading cause of death in the United States and cost us $327 billion in 2017 alone.

Only minor forms of diabetes are related to eating and can be controlled the same way. When I became diabetic I was in the best shape of my life. I was muscular and eating high protien foods night and day. I used to take handfuls of vitamins. Type one is just the luck of the draw.

Thank you.

My son is a Type-1 and was diagnosed at 8 years old. It had nothing to do with his diet or such and people that suggest such things piss me off greatly. I hate that Type-1 and Type-2 are both called diabetes as they are so different.

I know that we disagree on things, but you have my utmost respect living with Type-1. It is an insidious disease.

I see the daily struggle my teen is going though and it kills me to know it will be part of his life forever.

Thank you very much, and sorry about your son. At least when I got it, I was in my early 20's and didn't have the additional difficulty dealing with a changing body. That has to be hell.

Living alone with diabetes is rough. When I wake up on the floor because my body went into convulsions while I was asleep, there is nobody around to help me through it. I have to struggle to get to my headboard or lower dresser drawer to get to my emergency sugar items. At times it takes me hours just to do that because I have little control of my arms and hands. I've eaten Hostess cupcakes where I only got half because the other half went all over the floor and I rolled around in it. When I finally snap out of it, I make it to the kitchen to get something with more sugar in it to keep me going, then have to clean up all that mess.

It's too late for me, but hopefully with more technology and progress, your son will live a much less difficult life than I have. God bless him.
it works if you stay on it, and try not to be too far over on your weekly point allotment.

Down 21 lbs since january.

It also makes you want to work out as you "buy" more points via exercise.

Good healthy weight loss. Congratulations!

I lost a lot of weight when I retired, and I was eating whatever I wanted. I was also doing all my own cooking because I couldn’t afford to go out to lunch every day. A friend pointed out I was totally controlling how much fat and sugar I was eating. I’ve also completely eliminated pop from my diet, replacing it with ice tea.

I’ve read articles which say that processed foods are full of chemicals our bodies weren’t designed to digest. The foods bind with the chemicals and our bodies store them as fat because they can’t properly digest them. I know that when I changed over from processed foods to organic, I lost weight without making any other changes in what I was eating.

I rarely trust those holistic type sites because 1/2 the time the people running them are trying to sell something (and about the other 1/2 they have no real basis in science).

To me dieting is simple:

Step 1: Eat less you fat bastard
Step 2: Exercise you lazy bastard.

But if it works for you, go with it. I've had people say my methods are sub-optimal, but they work as long as I stick with them.

So true on the food websites. I’ve clicked on so many articles which look interesting only to have it turn out to be an ad for some new “miracle diet”.

Poker teachers will tell you that the best poker level to play is the one you can win at. You’re winning. There may be more “optimal” systems out there but if you can’t stick with them, they’re not optimal at all.

I use the “Eat to Win” diet principles. High carbs, low fat, low sugar. I don’t own a car so I’m out every day, either walking or biking, weather permitting. In the summer I swim. I can feel the arthritis in my knees and hips, so I need to keep active to keep it at bay.

for me weight watchers makes me be a good little boy on normal days, and try to mitigate the damage on days I want to go out and have fun.

The funny thing is I use "gremlin rules" for tracking food, so after midnight anything eaten counts for the next day.

That leads to fun tracking logs with 3 whiskeys listed under "breakfast"

When I go to Toronto to hang out with my sports fan friends I fall right off the wagon, starting with the hot dog cart outside the subway station near my host’s downtown condo. There are six of us who go to live sports events and get together a couple of times a year to watch big events like Worlds or the Olympics, on TV. We call them “Not going to” parties. We eat and drink all day, with no thought to nutrition or calories. Good times.

Sunday baseball games are also a favourite starting with the all you can eat brunch at the Hot House before heading to the SkyDome. At most we do one or two baseball games per season, and two Not Going To parties.

At home, I behave myself. I eat whatever I want but I do have a few rules. No pies, cakes, cookies, brownies or muffins unless I bake them myself. The time and effort involved is usually enough to make decide to eat an apple instead.

Another rule is 2 1/2 cups of fruit and vegetables per day. This one’s easy to follow because I love me some salad, veggies and fresh fruit. Fruit in my oatmeal, a salad with lunch, veggies with supper and berries for dessert.

I don’t keep chips, candy, chocolate, or peanuts in the house. When I buy baking chocolate it’s cocoa powder or unsweetened squares. I have to work for my sweet treats. At the very least, I have to walk or bike to the store to get them.

I prefer to know how many calories I eat at each meal it's called weight control. I also like to know the ingredients I am purchasing along with fat content for any future strokes I'd like to avoid..
I'll lay it out for ya: eat pizza hamburgers fries and pop, you become fat pig. You are welcome to share this revelation.

Not necessarily. A properly made hamburger is a nutritious, low-fat, meal that hits the big three in the right proportions: four or five ounces of lean grilled beef for protein; a multigrain bun for complex carbohydrates (no butter necessary); a slice of onion, a fresh lettuce leaf or two, a slice of tomato, and some fresh for fruit and vegetables for simple carbohydrates. This burger clocks in around 500 calories. Add a fresh salad with vinegarette dressing and a banana for dessert and you have a very nutrious meal which provides about 1/3 of your daily energy requirements.

A double pattie pink slime fast food extravaganza with process cheese food and bacon, slathered in special sauce, on a white bread bun, slathered in margarine is not so healthy. Paired with extra sized fries, a deep fried apple pie and a large soft drink, yes this meal will make you fat.
Buffalo burgers are so dry from being so lean it's hard to swallow them...
If you don’t, buy a pocket calorie counter. They are usually just a few dollars and fit neatly in your pocket. Like in the olden days when we did it. I’ve seen them at the grocery check out for a couple of dollars.
Why does the right always disagree with something as basic as knowing what they eat and drink?

You can CHOOSE to change or not. You can CHOOSE to educate yourself or not. But, why shouldn't I have the right to know what I'm eating? Why are you so against that?

Because its a burden on Mr. Businessman who's barely eking out a living as it is.

To provide it to you in state-of-the-20th-century-art format when it's already available on the Internet from any smart phone? Yeah, that's a ridiculous burden to go through because you can't bear the "intolerable effort" necessary to open Google.

Not everyone can afford a smart phone, or a data plan. And they’re precisely the kind of people who need to be seeing this information.

It’s very elitist to think that everyone has access to the internet, orders online or is computer savvy or that the world should only cater to those who do.
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Not everyone can afford a smart phone, or a data plan. And they’re precisely the kind of people who need to be seeing this information.

If they can't afford a phone or data time, WTF are they eating at a restaurant for?

It's funny as all hell. It reminds me of the lowlifes here in the fast food line. Their beat up car window doesn't' work, so they open the door for every transaction. First they open their car door to place the order. Then they pull up to the first window and try to hand money to the cashier. Of course, some change drops to the ground, and then they are moving their car forward and backward trying to pick it up. Then they proceed to the food window where they struggle to push the food through the car door opening. Sometimes I think they just do it for my entertainment.

Look....... go to the grocery store, get some spaghetti or ground meat for a huge meatloaf, and the money you save, get your Fn car window fixed. :21:
You don't need access to the internet if you have common sense. Most Republicans have it but only a few Democrats do.

I know what's in a pizza for crying out loud. I know the amount of calories they have and affects to the body. But for the life of me, I never heard one story about a fat person getting skinny because the government forced restaurants to post calorie count on their items. All it is is an expense to the businesses that they didn't need, and of course, what us consumers ultimately pay for. They have to change their wall menus, their table menus, have to hire labs or agencies to figure out what each item contains, and for what? Nothing.

Where the real money is spent is people still breast feeding off of the government because they can't feed themselves.

How do you get from restaurants posting ingredients or calorie counts on their menus to “the government is telling you what to eat”?

Then you say that you thought car dealers posted mileage on the windows as a sales gimmick. Bet yo thought they never rolled the mileage back either.

And it’s just common sense that pizza is bad for you. It’s not common sense at all. It’s based on knowledge of which foods are high in fat or sugar, which are highly processed and what the ratios are. There’s a fair amount of technical knowledge required.

As for the cost of restaurants providing the information, it’s very cheap for the chain to do that. They all have set menus and test kitchens. And they have a head chef who sets the menu. They know from the get go what the ingredients and caloric values are but they haven’t been publishing it. The only change is that they’re now putting it on the menus at the next printing.

Ray, you go on and on about common sense as it you had it. You don’t have the good sense God have a goose.

Oh please. You mean to tell me that you don't know a Whopper combo with onion rings is fattening?

You may like waking up in bed with government every day and going to sleep the same, but as for the rest of us, the less government in our lives, the better.

How is having nutritional information readily available on the food you’re buying “waking up in bed every day with the government”? If you aren’t interested in this information, ignore it.

I don’t eat crap from Burger King or McDonalds and I’m not overweight but I find the information posted in the stores very useful. Why does this piss you off so very much.

The US has the highest rate of obesity in the world. Children growing up in America are eating so poorly that their life expectancy is going down. So this information isn’t a matter of “common sense”. This will lead to increased medical costs, reduced productivity and a shortened working lives, all of which will have a huge impact on the economy.

It never ceases to amaze me how invested some right wingers are in hating on stupid shit that has no effect on their lives at all, while utterly ignoring The big stuff which will directly impact your wallet.
Socialism destroys everything it touch... fact
Including your ability to spell..
The fact remains socialism only appeals to control freaks, and destroys those who want nothing to do with it
And idiot RWNJs will celebrate that they no longer know what they're feeding their kids.

And libertarians will celebrate because government has better things to do than telling us how to eat.

You didn't read the OP.

That's not what the reg does.

Sheesh. You guys are really working hard. Desperate much?

No, I did read the OP. You are simply dodging. The entire point of these laws are to change our eating habits via the law. Do you deny that?

Why does the right always disagree with something as basic as knowing what they eat and drink?

You can CHOOSE to change or not. You can CHOOSE to educate yourself or not. But, why shouldn't I have the right to know what I'm eating? Why are you so against that?

Why does the left ALWAYS insist on pretending that nothing will ever get done if the government doesn't do it?

No one is disagreeing with knowing what one is eating or drinking. You know why no one is disagreeing with that? BECAUSE THAT'S NOT THE TOPIC. The topic is whether or not the government should be mandating the exchange of information.

Whenever your cheeseball ass wants to stop being afraid to address the actual topic, let me know.

Its run-of-the-mill demagoguery. If you're opposed to state welfare, you hate the poor. If you oppose nationalizing health care, you want to 'let people die'. If you defend the rights of bigots, it can only be because you are a bigot. Any opposition to their ambitions for government is painted as anti-social.
YOU should also have the same choice. So, don't read. Don't educate yourself. Problem solved.

I have a better idea: federal government don't get involved in anything that doesn't need governing.

That get's right to the problem. From a libertarian perspective, the government is there to protect our rights. But we see leaders, from both the left and the right, who promote the idea of government as the 'manager' of society. And they're eager to use the power of law to mold society according to their preferences. Ultimately, it's in inversion of the role of government, from servant to master.
YOU should also have the same choice. So, don't read. Don't educate yourself. Problem solved.

I have a better idea: federal government don't get involved in anything that doesn't need governing.

That get's right to the problem. From a libertarian perspective, the government is there to protect our rights. But we see leaders, from both the left and the right, who promote the idea of government as the 'manager' of society. And they're eager to use the power of law to mold society according to their preferences. Ultimately, it's in inversion of the role of government, from servant to master.

I know this is true of the left, but how is that true of the right?

When do Republicans use law to promote social rule of society? That's not to say we don't have a different idea of how society should conduct itself, but not make laws to do so.
Good healthy weight loss. Congratulations!

I lost a lot of weight when I retired, and I was eating whatever I wanted. I was also doing all my own cooking because I couldn’t afford to go out to lunch every day. A friend pointed out I was totally controlling how much fat and sugar I was eating. I’ve also completely eliminated pop from my diet, replacing it with ice tea.

I’ve read articles which say that processed foods are full of chemicals our bodies weren’t designed to digest. The foods bind with the chemicals and our bodies store them as fat because they can’t properly digest them. I know that when I changed over from processed foods to organic, I lost weight without making any other changes in what I was eating.

I rarely trust those holistic type sites because 1/2 the time the people running them are trying to sell something (and about the other 1/2 they have no real basis in science).

To me dieting is simple:

Step 1: Eat less you fat bastard
Step 2: Exercise you lazy bastard.

But if it works for you, go with it. I've had people say my methods are sub-optimal, but they work as long as I stick with them.

So true on the food websites. I’ve clicked on so many articles which look interesting only to have it turn out to be an ad for some new “miracle diet”.

Poker teachers will tell you that the best poker level to play is the one you can win at. You’re winning. There may be more “optimal” systems out there but if you can’t stick with them, they’re not optimal at all.

I use the “Eat to Win” diet principles. High carbs, low fat, low sugar. I don’t own a car so I’m out every day, either walking or biking, weather permitting. In the summer I swim. I can feel the arthritis in my knees and hips, so I need to keep active to keep it at bay.

for me weight watchers makes me be a good little boy on normal days, and try to mitigate the damage on days I want to go out and have fun.

The funny thing is I use "gremlin rules" for tracking food, so after midnight anything eaten counts for the next day.

That leads to fun tracking logs with 3 whiskeys listed under "breakfast"

When I go to Toronto to hang out with my sports fan friends I fall right off the wagon, starting with the hot dog cart outside the subway station near my host’s downtown condo. There are six of us who go to live sports events and get together a couple of times a year to watch big events like Worlds or the Olympics, on TV. We call them “Not going to” parties. We eat and drink all day, with no thought to nutrition or calories. Good times.

Sunday baseball games are also a favourite starting with the all you can eat brunch at the Hot House before heading to the SkyDome. At most we do one or two baseball games per season, and two Not Going To parties.

At home, I behave myself. I eat whatever I want but I do have a few rules. No pies, cakes, cookies, brownies or muffins unless I bake them myself. The time and effort involved is usually enough to make decide to eat an apple instead.

Another rule is 2 1/2 cups of fruit and vegetables per day. This one’s easy to follow because I love me some salad, veggies and fresh fruit. Fruit in my oatmeal, a salad with lunch, veggies with supper and berries for dessert.

I don’t keep chips, candy, chocolate, or peanuts in the house. When I buy baking chocolate it’s cocoa powder or unsweetened squares. I have to work for my sweet treats. At the very least, I have to walk or bike to the store to get them.

I prefer to know how many calories I eat at each meal it's called weight control. I also like to know the ingredients I am purchasing along with fat content for any future strokes I'd like to avoid..
I'll lay it out for ya: eat pizza hamburgers fries and pop, you become fat pig. You are welcome to share this revelation.

Not necessarily. A properly made hamburger is a nutritious, low-fat, meal that hits the big three in the right proportions: four or five ounces of lean grilled beef for protein; a multigrain bun for complex carbohydrates (no butter necessary); a slice of onion, a fresh lettuce leaf or two, a slice of tomato, and some fresh for fruit and vegetables for simple carbohydrates. This burger clocks in around 500 calories. Add a fresh salad with vinegarette dressing and a banana for dessert and you have a very nutrious meal which provides about 1/3 of your daily energy requirements.

A double pattie pink slime fast food extravaganza with process cheese food and bacon, slathered in special sauce, on a white bread bun, slathered in margarine is not so healthy. Paired with extra sized fries, a deep fried apple pie and a large soft drink, yes this meal will make you fat.
Buffalo burgers are so dry from being so lean it's hard to swallow them...

That's what the cheese is for. and the sauce.
Why does the right always disagree with something as basic as knowing what they eat and drink?

You can CHOOSE to change or not. You can CHOOSE to educate yourself or not. But, why shouldn't I have the right to know what I'm eating? Why are you so against that?

Because its a burden on Mr. Businessman who's barely eking out a living as it is.

To provide it to you in state-of-the-20th-century-art format when it's already available on the Internet from any smart phone? Yeah, that's a ridiculous burden to go through because you can't bear the "intolerable effort" necessary to open Google.

Not everyone can afford a smart phone, or a data plan. And they’re precisely the kind of people who need to be seeing this information.

It’s very elitist to think that everyone has access to the internet, orders online or is computer savvy or that the world should only cater to those who do.

Bullshit. You can access the Internet from any number of public locations for free. You can buy cheap burner phones with Internet access capabilities at every supermarket, Walmart, and gas station in the country. Hell, the government GIVES away phones to poor people. The going rate for crappy, no-contract cell phone services runs between $15-$25 a month.

If that's still too "elitist" for you, how in the holy hell are you buying Domino's in the first damned place?!
Not everyone can afford a smart phone, or a data plan. And they’re precisely the kind of people who need to be seeing this information.

If they can't afford a phone or data time, WTF are they eating at a restaurant for?

It's funny as all hell. It reminds me of the lowlifes here in the fast food line. Their beat up car window doesn't' work, so they open the door for every transaction. First they open their car door to place the order. Then they pull up to the first window and try to hand money to the cashier. Of course, some change drops to the ground, and then they are moving their car forward and backward trying to pick it up. Then they proceed to the food window where they struggle to push the food through the car door opening. Sometimes I think they just do it for my entertainment.

Look....... go to the grocery store, get some spaghetti or ground meat for a huge meatloaf, and the money you save, get your Fn car window fixed. :21:

And if you're really that pathetic and helpless and unable to manage the most basic aspects of life in 2018, I'm pretty sure the restaurant will give you a printout of the nutrition page on their website, if you ask nicely. It's a pain in the ass, but far less so than this government-sponsored farrago of a "solution".
And libertarians will celebrate because government has better things to do than telling us how to eat.

You didn't read the OP.

That's not what the reg does.

Sheesh. You guys are really working hard. Desperate much?

No, I did read the OP. You are simply dodging. The entire point of these laws are to change our eating habits via the law. Do you deny that?

Why does the right always disagree with something as basic as knowing what they eat and drink?

You can CHOOSE to change or not. You can CHOOSE to educate yourself or not. But, why shouldn't I have the right to know what I'm eating? Why are you so against that?

Why does the left ALWAYS insist on pretending that nothing will ever get done if the government doesn't do it?

No one is disagreeing with knowing what one is eating or drinking. You know why no one is disagreeing with that? BECAUSE THAT'S NOT THE TOPIC. The topic is whether or not the government should be mandating the exchange of information.

Whenever your cheeseball ass wants to stop being afraid to address the actual topic, let me know.

Its run-of-the-mill demagoguery. If you're opposed to state welfare, you hate the poor. If you oppose nationalizing health care, you want to 'let people die'. If you defend the rights of bigots, it can only be because you are a bigot. Any opposition to their ambitions for government is painted as anti-social.

You're not wrong there.
YOU should also have the same choice. So, don't read. Don't educate yourself. Problem solved.

I have a better idea: federal government don't get involved in anything that doesn't need governing.

That get's right to the problem. From a libertarian perspective, the government is there to protect our rights. But we see leaders, from both the left and the right, who promote the idea of government as the 'manager' of society. And they're eager to use the power of law to mold society according to their preferences. Ultimately, it's in inversion of the role of government, from servant to master.

I know this is true of the left, but how is that true of the right?

When do Republicans use law to promote social rule of society? That's not to say we don't have a different idea of how society should conduct itself, but not make laws to do so.

Sadly, libthink is a contagious disease, and it has infiltrated a shocking amount into the minds of people who are nominally conservative. And many Republicans aren't even that.
It was Upton Sinclair's book "The Jungle" that started this government food regulation thing. Had that not motivated the government who knows what we would be eating today.
It was Upton Sinclair's book "The Jungle" that started this government food regulation thing. Had that not motivated the government who knows what we would be eating today.

I'm sure it would be dead stray animals off of garbage dumpsters, because God knows we're all MUCH too stupid to feed ourselves appropriately without the government to tie on our bibs and hand us a safety spork.
It was Upton Sinclair's book "The Jungle" that started this government food regulation thing. Had that not motivated the government who knows what we would be eating today.

I'm sure it would be dead stray animals off of garbage dumpsters, because God knows we're all MUCH too stupid to feed ourselves appropriately without the government to tie on our bibs and hand us a safety spork.
Never read "The Jungle" eh? The book is about the stock yards in Chicago and the products, they and others, sold to the public as pure food. The food that came out of the Yards and other plants at the time was meant for those that believed they could tell pure food from contaminated food, and they could not.
It was Upton Sinclair's book "The Jungle" that started this government food regulation thing. Had that not motivated the government who knows what we would be eating today.

I have no problem with regulations design to keep our food and drug supply safe.

However Dominos knows exactly how much goes into each pizza on it's menu. They can easily provide the standard information. Forcing them to do it goes beyond food safety and I don't agree with forcing them to comply.
It was Upton Sinclair's book "The Jungle" that started this government food regulation thing. Had that not motivated the government who knows what we would be eating today.

I'm sure it would be dead stray animals off of garbage dumpsters, because God knows we're all MUCH too stupid to feed ourselves appropriately without the government to tie on our bibs and hand us a safety spork.
Never read "The Jungle" eh? The book is about the stock yards in Chicago and the products, they and others, sold to the public as pure food. The food that came out of the Yards and other plants at the time was meant for those that believed they could tell pure food from contaminated food, and they could not.

Yes, the only POSSIBLE reason that anyone could avoid thinking you're the most brilliant star in the heavens is OBVIOUSLY that they just don't understand.

We need a "get over yourself" emoji.

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