The college admissions scandal is a perfect example of how deeply corrupt America has become


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
By now you have probably heard that dozens of people have been arrested for participating in a multi-million dollar college admissions scam. Enormous amounts of money were paid out in order to ensure that children from very wealthy families were able to get into top schools such as Yale University, Stanford University, the University of Texas and the University of Southern California. And as The Economic Collapse blog's Michael Snyder writes, we should certainly be disgusted by these revelations, but we shouldn’t be surprised. Such corruption happens every single day on every single level of society in America. At this point our nation is so far gone that it is shocking when you run into someone that actually still has some integrity.

The College Admissions Scandal Is A Perfect Example Of How Deeply Corrupt America Has Become

What is so funny are the civilian idiots who live their lives off of Hollywood stars. These idiots will parrot whatever these actors/actresses say and the Elites/Gov/Leftist/Hollywood all knon this they know you fkrs are morons and OBEY THEM just as you do your gov. Why do you think they send c...ts like Samuel Jackson to round up more of you dumbass c...ts so the race war can continue ot build off false bs as they stand back protected with their armed body guards and you asshole are killing each other in the streets ( all races) because you believe the PYSCH warfare begin used against you weak mind dumbasses.

Dumbasses never see :

1. Muslims infiltrating from within
2. destruction nof the family
3. hate whitey
.............................. be gay or your a phobe........... love a tran or your a tranphobe omfg will all of you snowflake fks just fk off.

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