The Clowns Investigating President Biden

The media is usually in the back pocket of the Biden criminal empire but there isn't much support for old Hunter out there in the "mainstream" media these days. Progressive news analyst Cohen is hardly unbiased and his "no lie" claim is pure Alinsky. Let Hunter go lefties, you are looking like fools.
Just listen to this guy. He gets caught and doesn't know what to say to get un-caught. These Republicans have zero evidence against President Biden, and beclown themselves every time they go to the microphone.

Another cherry pick by a desperate DemBot. Biden and his entire disgusting family is guilty, You just can't admit it to yourselves.
Biden is an obvious criminal. Why defend him? Why is this show even going on? It is going on to distract people. It is a uniparty production. Meanwhile the country dies a little more each day.
They defend him because his corruption means less to them than their politics. They would rather have a democrat president who is being blackmailed by China, than to have a republican president.
Just listen to this guy. He gets caught and doesn't know what to say to get un-caught. These Republicans have zero evidence against President Biden, and beclown themselves every time they go to the microphone.

Yes, clowns do have the so-called job as they will fail like they fail at everything else in their miserable Rhino lives.

We can agree on that, but the Biden clan is clearly guilty, any drug addicted, half retarded, mutant from the planet ignoramus can see that.