The Clausewitz Failure


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2010
Reynoldsburg, OH
America has very little room to talk in terms of converting "military success" in to a "Political Achievement." In the case of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, the have had Palestinians no real "military successes;" --- but they have had some significant and very damaging "political successes."

In play are several "cognitive distortions" mounted by and successfully exploited by them.
• The Hostile Arab-Palestinians (HoAP) have successfully convinced the international that Jihadism, Deadly Fedayeen Action, Insurgency, Radicalized Islamic Behaviors, and Asymmetric Resistance Violence are entirely legal by distorting the intention and legality of these means.
• The HoAP have convinced the international community that it is the Israelis fault that peace initiatives have failed.
• The HoAP have convinced the international community that:

∆ Israel has been the invader from the very beginning.
∆ That all the land, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, was always Palestinian. Territory.
∆ That the Allied Powers, having by treaty, received the title and rights to the Mandate Territory, did not have the authority to set the conditions to recreate the Jewish National Home, that can preserve and protect the Jewish People from further exploitation and near annihilation under the false color of law.
• The HoAP and pro-Palestinian movement have somehow attached the tag of "apartheid" to Israel.
These are just among the many distortions put out in the virtual knowledge space that have politically injured Israel.

The Question becomes how does Israel convert its "military successes" into "political achievements." How does Israel unmask that hides the radicalized Jihadist and Fedayeen --- as well as --- the Islamic terrorist and false resistance fighters for what they are?

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America has very little room to talk in terms of converting "military success" in to a "Political Achievement." In the case of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, the have had Palestinians no real "military successes;" --- but they have had some significant and very damaging "political successes."

In play are several "cognitive distortions" mounted by and successfully exploited by them.
• The Hostile Arab-Palestinians (HoAP) have successfully convinced the international that Jihadism, Deadly Fedayeen Action, Insurgency, Radicalized Islamic Behaviors, and Asymmetric Resistance Violence are entirely legal by distorting the intention and legality of these means.
• The HoAP have convinced the international community that it is the Israelis fault that peace initiatives have failed.
• The HoAP have convinced the international community that:

∆ Israel has been the invader from the very beginning.
∆ That all the land, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, was always Palestinian. Territory.
∆ That the Allied Powers, having by treaty, received the title and rights to the Mandate Territory, did not have the authority to set the conditions to recreate the Jewish National Home, that can preserve and protect the Jewish People from further exploitation and near annihilation under the false color of law.
• The HoAP and pro-Palestinian movement have somehow attached the tag of "apartheid" to Israel.​
These are just among the many distortions put out in the virtual knowledge space that have politically injured Israel.

The Question becomes how does Israel convert its "military successes" into "political achievements." How does Israel unmask that hides the radicalized Jihadist and Fedayeen --- as well as --- the Islamic terrorist and false resistance fighters for what they are?

Biased. When the Zionists had no superior military they were rolling barrels full of nails and glass and explosives towards Palestinian civilians.
America has very little room to talk in terms of converting "military success" in to a "Political Achievement." In the case of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, the have had Palestinians no real "military successes;" --- but they have had some significant and very damaging "political successes."

In play are several "cognitive distortions" mounted by and successfully exploited by them.
• The Hostile Arab-Palestinians (HoAP) have successfully convinced the international that Jihadism, Deadly Fedayeen Action, Insurgency, Radicalized Islamic Behaviors, and Asymmetric Resistance Violence are entirely legal by distorting the intention and legality of these means.
• The HoAP have convinced the international community that it is the Israelis fault that peace initiatives have failed.
• The HoAP have convinced the international community that:

∆ Israel has been the invader from the very beginning.
∆ That all the land, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, was always Palestinian. Territory.
∆ That the Allied Powers, having by treaty, received the title and rights to the Mandate Territory, did not have the authority to set the conditions to recreate the Jewish National Home, that can preserve and protect the Jewish People from further exploitation and near annihilation under the false color of law.
• The HoAP and pro-Palestinian movement have somehow attached the tag of "apartheid" to Israel.​
These are just among the many distortions put out in the virtual knowledge space that have politically injured Israel.

The Question becomes how does Israel convert its "military successes" into "political achievements." How does Israel unmask that hides the radicalized Jihadist and Fedayeen --- as well as --- the Islamic terrorist and false resistance fighters for what they are?


I have often stated that I believe Israel must abandon their entire Zionist agenda toward the Palestinians with their damn peace offerings, security fence & land concessions keeping the Palestinians in Israel to provide for them while they thank Israel with jihads & rocket missiles. For Israel to achieve international political success, Israel must learn to treat the Palestinians like their own Arab brothers in surrounding Arab countries did & still do. Has anyone ever heard a Palestinian or Palestinian supporter complaint about that?
I have often stated that I believe Israel must abandon their entire Zionist agenda toward the Palestinians with their damn peace offerings, security fence & land concessions keeping the Palestinians in Israel to provide for them while they thank Israel with jihads & rocket missiles. For Israel to achieve international political success, Israel must learn to treat the Palestinians like their own Arab brothers in surrounding Arab countries did & still do. Has anyone ever heard a Palestinian or Palestinian supporter complaint about that?
America has very little room to talk in terms of converting "military success" in to a "Political Achievement." In the case of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, the have had Palestinians no real "military successes;" --- but they have had some significant and very damaging "political successes."

In play are several "cognitive distortions" mounted by and successfully exploited by them.
• The Hostile Arab-Palestinians (HoAP) have successfully convinced the international that Jihadism, Deadly Fedayeen Action, Insurgency, Radicalized Islamic Behaviors, and Asymmetric Resistance Violence are entirely legal by distorting the intention and legality of these means.
• The HoAP have convinced the international community that it is the Israelis fault that peace initiatives have failed.
• The HoAP have convinced the international community that:

∆ Israel has been the invader from the very beginning.
∆ That all the land, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, was always Palestinian. Territory.
∆ That the Allied Powers, having by treaty, received the title and rights to the Mandate Territory, did not have the authority to set the conditions to recreate the Jewish National Home, that can preserve and protect the Jewish People from further exploitation and near annihilation under the false color of law.
• The HoAP and pro-Palestinian movement have somehow attached the tag of "apartheid" to Israel.​
These are just among the many distortions put out in the virtual knowledge space that have politically injured Israel.

The Question becomes how does Israel convert its "military successes" into "political achievements." How does Israel unmask that hides the radicalized Jihadist and Fedayeen --- as well as --- the Islamic terrorist and false resistance fighters for what they are?

Palestinians no real "military successes;" --- but they have had some significant and very damaging "political successes."​

That is because the Palestinians hold the legal and moral high ground.

Israel cannot bomb it way to legitimacy. ~ Ali Abunimah
America has very little room to talk in terms of converting "military success" in to a "Political Achievement." In the case of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, the have had Palestinians no real "military successes;" --- but they have had some significant and very damaging "political successes."

In play are several "cognitive distortions" mounted by and successfully exploited by them.
• The Hostile Arab-Palestinians (HoAP) have successfully convinced the international that Jihadism, Deadly Fedayeen Action, Insurgency, Radicalized Islamic Behaviors, and Asymmetric Resistance Violence are entirely legal by distorting the intention and legality of these means.
• The HoAP have convinced the international community that it is the Israelis fault that peace initiatives have failed.
• The HoAP have convinced the international community that:

∆ Israel has been the invader from the very beginning.
∆ That all the land, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, was always Palestinian. Territory.
∆ That the Allied Powers, having by treaty, received the title and rights to the Mandate Territory, did not have the authority to set the conditions to recreate the Jewish National Home, that can preserve and protect the Jewish People from further exploitation and near annihilation under the false color of law.
• The HoAP and pro-Palestinian movement have somehow attached the tag of "apartheid" to Israel.​
These are just among the many distortions put out in the virtual knowledge space that have politically injured Israel.

The Question becomes how does Israel convert its "military successes" into "political achievements." How does Israel unmask that hides the radicalized Jihadist and Fedayeen --- as well as --- the Islamic terrorist and false resistance fighters for what they are?

Palestinians no real "military successes;" --- but they have had some significant and very damaging "political successes."​

That is because the Palestinians hold the legal and moral high ground.

Israel cannot bomb it way to legitimacy. ~ Ali Abunimah

Do you agree with me that Israel's treatment of the Palestinians must end by Israel treating the Palestinians with the surrounding Arab country love, justice & respect the Palis are so accustomed to & so well deserve?
The Question becomes how does Israel convert its "military successes" into "political achievements." How does Israel unmask that hides the radicalized Jihadist and Fedayeen --- as well as --- the Islamic terrorist and false resistance fighters for what they are?

That is because the Palestinians hold the legal and moral high ground.

This would seem exactly the place to start -- to pull the mask off the idea that the Arab Muslim Palestinians have either the moral or legal high ground.

And it seems to me that the first step with this is to establish the EQUAL claims of both the Jewish people and the Arab Muslim/Christian Palestinian people.

You would think this would be easy enough to bring the international community on board with the simple idea that there are two peoples to be considered and that they should be considered equally. But ...
The Question becomes how does Israel convert its "military successes" into "political achievements." How does Israel unmask that hides the radicalized Jihadist and Fedayeen --- as well as --- the Islamic terrorist and false resistance fighters for what they are?

That is because the Palestinians hold the legal and moral high ground.

This would seem exactly the place to start -- to pull the mask off the idea that the Arab Muslim Palestinians have either the moral or legal high ground.

And it seems to me that the first step with this is to establish the EQUAL claims of both the Jewish people and the Arab Muslim/Christian Palestinian people.

You would think this would be easy enough to bring the international community on board with the simple idea that there are two peoples to be considered and that they should be considered equally. But ...
And it seems to me that the first step with this is to establish the EQUAL claims of both the Jewish people and the Arab Muslim/Christian Palestinian people.​

Interesting, that is what BDS is calling for.
And it seems to me that the first step with this is to establish the EQUAL claims of both the Jewish people and the Arab Muslim/Christian Palestinian people.​

Interesting, that is what BDS is calling for.

No, it is not. BDS is calling for three things (from their website):

1. Ending (Israel's) occupation and colonization of all Arab lands and dismantling the Wall
2. Recognizing the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality; and
3. Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN resolution 194.

IF BDS was actually to recognize the EQUAL claims of both the Jewish people and the Arab Muslim/Christian Palestinian people it would look more like this:

1. Establishing, through negotiation and treaty, two States -- one for the Jewish people and one for the Arab Palestinian people -- based on mutually agreed borders and a commitment to permanently end the conflict.

2. (this already exists in law)

3. Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian and Jewish refugees by committing to end their refugee status; ensure they find permanent homes and citizenship in a national homeland which is meaningful to them; provide compensation for their losses; while protecting the security and future of both the Jewish and the Arab Palestinian States.
And it seems to me that the first step with this is to establish the EQUAL claims of both the Jewish people and the Arab Muslim/Christian Palestinian people.​

Interesting, that is what BDS is calling for.

No, it is not. BDS is calling for three things (from their website):

1. Ending (Israel's) occupation and colonization of all Arab lands and dismantling the Wall
2. Recognizing the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality; and
3. Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN resolution 194.

IF BDS was actually to recognize the EQUAL claims of both the Jewish people and the Arab Muslim/Christian Palestinian people it would look more like this:

1. Establishing, through negotiation and treaty, two States -- one for the Jewish people and one for the Arab Palestinian people -- based on mutually agreed borders and a commitment to permanently end the conflict.

2. (this already exists in law)

3. Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian and Jewish refugees by committing to end their refugee status; ensure they find permanent homes and citizenship in a national homeland which is meaningful to them; provide compensation for their losses; while protecting the security and future of both the Jewish and the Arab Palestinian States.
No, it is not. BDS is calling for three things (from their website):

1. Ending (Israel's) occupation and colonization of all Arab lands and dismantling the Wall
2. Recognizing the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality; and
3. Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN resolution 194.​

What is not equal about that?
1. Ending (Israel's) occupation and colonization of all Arab lands and dismantling the Wall
2. Recognizing the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality; and
3. Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN resolution 194.​

What is not equal about that?

You're kidding, right? Let's start by replacing every instance of a demand to satisfy only Palestinian rights with a demand to satisfy BOTH Jewish and Palestinian rights.

SO, to simplify, since you had so much trouble with my last comment:

1. Ending the occupation and colonization of all Jewish lands and all Arab lands.
2. Recognizing the fundamental rights of Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality and the fundamental rights of Jewish citizens of Gaza and the West Bank to full equality.
3. Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Jewish and Arab Palestinian refugees.
America has very little room to talk in terms of converting "military success" in to a "Political Achievement." In the case of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, the have had Palestinians no real "military successes;" --- but they have had some significant and very damaging "political successes."

In play are several "cognitive distortions" mounted by and successfully exploited by them.
• The Hostile Arab-Palestinians (HoAP) have successfully convinced the international that Jihadism, Deadly Fedayeen Action, Insurgency, Radicalized Islamic Behaviors, and Asymmetric Resistance Violence are entirely legal by distorting the intention and legality of these means.
• The HoAP have convinced the international community that it is the Israelis fault that peace initiatives have failed.
• The HoAP have convinced the international community that:

∆ Israel has been the invader from the very beginning.
∆ That all the land, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, was always Palestinian. Territory.
∆ That the Allied Powers, having by treaty, received the title and rights to the Mandate Territory, did not have the authority to set the conditions to recreate the Jewish National Home, that can preserve and protect the Jewish People from further exploitation and near annihilation under the false color of law.
• The HoAP and pro-Palestinian movement have somehow attached the tag of "apartheid" to Israel.​
These are just among the many distortions put out in the virtual knowledge space that have politically injured Israel.

The Question becomes how does Israel convert its "military successes" into "political achievements." How does Israel unmask that hides the radicalized Jihadist and Fedayeen --- as well as --- the Islamic terrorist and false resistance fighters for what they are?

Palestinians no real "military successes;" --- but they have had some significant and very damaging "political successes."​

That is because the Palestinians hold the legal and moral high ground.

Israel cannot bomb it way to legitimacy. ~ Ali Abunimah
America has very little room to talk in terms of converting "military success" in to a "Political Achievement." In the case of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, the have had Palestinians no real "military successes;" --- but they have had some significant and very damaging "political successes."

In play are several "cognitive distortions" mounted by and successfully exploited by them.
• The Hostile Arab-Palestinians (HoAP) have successfully convinced the international that Jihadism, Deadly Fedayeen Action, Insurgency, Radicalized Islamic Behaviors, and Asymmetric Resistance Violence are entirely legal by distorting the intention and legality of these means.
• The HoAP have convinced the international community that it is the Israelis fault that peace initiatives have failed.
• The HoAP have convinced the international community that:

∆ Israel has been the invader from the very beginning.
∆ That all the land, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, was always Palestinian. Territory.
∆ That the Allied Powers, having by treaty, received the title and rights to the Mandate Territory, did not have the authority to set the conditions to recreate the Jewish National Home, that can preserve and protect the Jewish People from further exploitation and near annihilation under the false color of law.
• The HoAP and pro-Palestinian movement have somehow attached the tag of "apartheid" to Israel.​
These are just among the many distortions put out in the virtual knowledge space that have politically injured Israel.

The Question becomes how does Israel convert its "military successes" into "political achievements." How does Israel unmask that hides the radicalized Jihadist and Fedayeen --- as well as --- the Islamic terrorist and false resistance fighters for what they are?

Palestinians no real "military successes;" --- but they have had some significant and very damaging "political successes."​

That is because the Palestinians hold the legal and moral high ground.

Israel cannot bomb it way to legitimacy. ~ Ali Abunimah

"That is because the Palestinians hold the legal and moral high ground."

It's a truly distorted worldview to suggest that Islamic terrorists hold any legal or moral high ground.
The more Israel gives, the more the Palestinians demand. And what have the Palestinians given to Israel but terrorism. Enough is enough. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
America has very little room to talk in terms of converting "military success" in to a "Political Achievement." In the case of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, the have had Palestinians no real "military successes;" --- but they have had some significant and very damaging "political successes."

In play are several "cognitive distortions" mounted by and successfully exploited by them.
• The Hostile Arab-Palestinians (HoAP) have successfully convinced the international that Jihadism, Deadly Fedayeen Action, Insurgency, Radicalized Islamic Behaviors, and Asymmetric Resistance Violence are entirely legal by distorting the intention and legality of these means.
• The HoAP have convinced the international community that it is the Israelis fault that peace initiatives have failed.
• The HoAP have convinced the international community that:

∆ Israel has been the invader from the very beginning.
∆ That all the land, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, was always Palestinian. Territory.
∆ That the Allied Powers, having by treaty, received the title and rights to the Mandate Territory, did not have the authority to set the conditions to recreate the Jewish National Home, that can preserve and protect the Jewish People from further exploitation and near annihilation under the false color of law.
• The HoAP and pro-Palestinian movement have somehow attached the tag of "apartheid" to Israel.​
These are just among the many distortions put out in the virtual knowledge space that have politically injured Israel.

The Question becomes how does Israel convert its "military successes" into "political achievements." How does Israel unmask that hides the radicalized Jihadist and Fedayeen --- as well as --- the Islamic terrorist and false resistance fighters for what they are?

Biased. When the Zionists had no superior military they were rolling barrels full of nails and glass and explosives towards Palestinian civilians.

LINKS, or is this from the hate sites you frequent and so wont produce the evidence
America has very little room to talk in terms of converting "military success" in to a "Political Achievement." In the case of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, the have had Palestinians no real "military successes;" --- but they have had some significant and very damaging "political successes."

In play are several "cognitive distortions" mounted by and successfully exploited by them.
• The Hostile Arab-Palestinians (HoAP) have successfully convinced the international that Jihadism, Deadly Fedayeen Action, Insurgency, Radicalized Islamic Behaviors, and Asymmetric Resistance Violence are entirely legal by distorting the intention and legality of these means.
• The HoAP have convinced the international community that it is the Israelis fault that peace initiatives have failed.
• The HoAP have convinced the international community that:

∆ Israel has been the invader from the very beginning.
∆ That all the land, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, was always Palestinian. Territory.
∆ That the Allied Powers, having by treaty, received the title and rights to the Mandate Territory, did not have the authority to set the conditions to recreate the Jewish National Home, that can preserve and protect the Jewish People from further exploitation and near annihilation under the false color of law.
• The HoAP and pro-Palestinian movement have somehow attached the tag of "apartheid" to Israel.​
These are just among the many distortions put out in the virtual knowledge space that have politically injured Israel.

The Question becomes how does Israel convert its "military successes" into "political achievements." How does Israel unmask that hides the radicalized Jihadist and Fedayeen --- as well as --- the Islamic terrorist and false resistance fighters for what they are?

Palestinians no real "military successes;" --- but they have had some significant and very damaging "political successes."​

That is because the Palestinians hold the legal and moral high ground.

Israel cannot bomb it way to legitimacy. ~ Ali Abunimah

They have no legal and/or moral high ground while they fire illegal weapons at Israeli children that are seen as war crimes. Like you all they have is islamonazo propaganda and blood libels
The Question becomes how does Israel convert its "military successes" into "political achievements." How does Israel unmask that hides the radicalized Jihadist and Fedayeen --- as well as --- the Islamic terrorist and false resistance fighters for what they are?

That is because the Palestinians hold the legal and moral high ground.

This would seem exactly the place to start -- to pull the mask off the idea that the Arab Muslim Palestinians have either the moral or legal high ground.

And it seems to me that the first step with this is to establish the EQUAL claims of both the Jewish people and the Arab Muslim/Christian Palestinian people.

You would think this would be easy enough to bring the international community on board with the simple idea that there are two peoples to be considered and that they should be considered equally. But ...
And it seems to me that the first step with this is to establish the EQUAL claims of both the Jewish people and the Arab Muslim/Christian Palestinian people.​

Interesting, that is what BDS is calling for.

As an afterthought, the real remit is the genocide of the Jews and the destruction of Israel

You do realise this means the arab muslims will lose all rights to any land if Israel and the Jews are given the same legal and moral rights that the arab muslims are demanding. It would mean an in depth scrutiny of the claims that will result in the arab muslims being told to go back home
And it seems to me that the first step with this is to establish the EQUAL claims of both the Jewish people and the Arab Muslim/Christian Palestinian people.​

Interesting, that is what BDS is calling for.

No, it is not. BDS is calling for three things (from their website):

1. Ending (Israel's) occupation and colonization of all Arab lands and dismantling the Wall
2. Recognizing the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality; and
3. Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN resolution 194.

IF BDS was actually to recognize the EQUAL claims of both the Jewish people and the Arab Muslim/Christian Palestinian people it would look more like this:

1. Establishing, through negotiation and treaty, two States -- one for the Jewish people and one for the Arab Palestinian people -- based on mutually agreed borders and a commitment to permanently end the conflict.

2. (this already exists in law)

3. Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian and Jewish refugees by committing to end their refugee status; ensure they find permanent homes and citizenship in a national homeland which is meaningful to them; provide compensation for their losses; while protecting the security and future of both the Jewish and the Arab Palestinian States.
No, it is not. BDS is calling for three things (from their website):

1. Ending (Israel's) occupation and colonization of all Arab lands and dismantling the Wall
2. Recognizing the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality; and
3. Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN resolution 194.​

What is not equal about that?

It is one sided in the favour of islam, and is not based on international laws or charters. It is just calling for the genocide of the Jews and the destruction of Israel

And it seems to me that the first step with this is to establish the EQUAL claims of both the Jewish people and the Arab Muslim/Christian Palestinian people.​

Interesting, that is what BDS is calling for.

No, it is not. BDS is calling for three things (from their website):

1. Ending (Israel's) occupation and colonization of all Arab lands and dismantling the Wall
2. Recognizing the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality; and
3. Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN resolution 194.

IF BDS was actually to recognize the EQUAL claims of both the Jewish people and the Arab Muslim/Christian Palestinian people it would look more like this:

1. Establishing, through negotiation and treaty, two States -- one for the Jewish people and one for the Arab Palestinian people -- based on mutually agreed borders and a commitment to permanently end the conflict.

2. (this already exists in law)

3. Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian and Jewish refugees by committing to end their refugee status; ensure they find permanent homes and citizenship in a national homeland which is meaningful to them; provide compensation for their losses; while protecting the security and future of both the Jewish and the Arab Palestinian States.
No, it is not. BDS is calling for three things (from their website):

1. Ending (Israel's) occupation and colonization of all Arab lands and dismantling the Wall
2. Recognizing the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality; and
3. Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN resolution 194.​

What is not equal about that?

It is one sided in the favour of islam, and is not based on international laws or charters. It is just calling for the genocide of the Jews and the destruction of Israel

Where does it Mention Islam? It applies to all religions equally.

What part violates international law?

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