The Civil War brewing among Democrats

Would a far-left president sign into law a bill that allows loaded handguns on national parks?

Would a far-left president lift the moratorium on off-shore drilling?

Would a far-left president increase troop levels in Afghanistan?

Would a far-left president so easily drop the public-option from health insurance reform?

Would a far-left president keep Gitmo open half-way into his presidency?

Would a far-left president be this lethargic about DADT half-way into his presidency?

Would a far-left president have kept the Patriot Act intact?
1) What else was in that bill?...He has yet to sight anything that was a stand-alone.

2) When you understand that it's states which most stand in the way of offshore drilling, yes...Smoke and mirrors.

3) Yes...Far leftists are some of the greatest warmongers in American history.

4) He didn't drop the so-called "public option", congress did.

5) Certainly...He's shown on multiple occasions that he's not above lying out his ass.

6) After blowing just about all of his political capital on health care deform, he's next to powerless to do that one.

7) Absolutely...Democrats love the police/snoop state when they're in charge of it. As a matter of fact, the lion's share of the USAPATRIOT Act is a bunch of leftover stuff from Clinton/Reno's police state wish list. Besides that, it originally passed on a 98-1 vote in the Senate.

Any more questions you need answered?
I know how difficult it is for you guys to face the truth. But sometimes, if you keep facing the truth, it becomes less painful.

Me, I'm very proud of the diversity within the Democratic Party.

The Republican Party, 90% white and mostly Christian - 6% of scientists are Republican which demonstrates how they value "education". Difficulty in achieving a "consensus"? Near zero.

The Democratic Party: White, black, brown, asian, gay, straight, men, women, liberal, conservative, young, old. - the majority of scientists in this country identify as "Democrats", college professors voted Democrat 12 to 1. Difficulty in achieving a "consensus"? Very difficult.

:cuckoo: Oh proud of that far left whacko fringe your on dean.

People that believe in equal rights, civil rights, science, education and supporting the middle class have always been considered "left wing fringe" by those on the white.

I too, believe in equal rights as do most people do most liberals and arguement.
I too, believe in science as do most liberal and conservatives....real science and not biased science that you believe in, dean.
I too believe in education as do most liberals and conservatives, no arguement.
I'm not sure what you mean by supporting middle class, I am hoping your not talking about redistribution of wealth. Let's say your not....I'm for supporting all classes of our culture. I'm for all of us working to get ahead in life and not depend on our brothers to support the lazy asses in our culture.
You sound like a left wing whacko racist with that last comment, dean....sorry to hear about it, and it should give you something to work on.
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Would a far-left president sign into law a bill that allows loaded handguns on national parks?

Would a far-left president lift the moratorium on off-shore drilling?

Would a far-left president increase troop levels in Afghanistan?

Would a far-left president so easily drop the public-option from health insurance reform?

Would a far-left president keep Gitmo open half-way into his presidency?

Would a far-left president be this lethargic about DADT half-way into his presidency?

Would a far-left president have kept the Patriot Act intact?
1) What else was in that bill?...He has yet to sight anything that was a stand-alone.

2) When you understand that it's states which most stand in the way of offshore drilling, yes...Smoke and mirrors.

3) Yes...Far leftists are some of the greatest warmongers in American history.

4) He didn't drop the so-called "public option", congress did.

5) Certainly...He's shown on multiple occasions that he's not above lying out his ass.

6) After blowing just about all of his political capital on health care deform, he's next to powerless to do that one.

7) Absolutely...Democrats love the police/snoop state when they're in charge of it. As a matter of fact, the lion's share of the USAPATRIOT Act is a bunch of leftover stuff from Clinton/Reno's police state wish list. Besides that, it originally passed on a 98-1 vote in the Senate.

Any more questions you need answered?

I got one... Is there anything... anything at all that would convince you otherwise? You continue to insinuate he's some far-left radical, despite a record that clearly reveals a moderate Democrat.
Insane. You continually tell the republican party they need to open their tent and bring in people with far wider base of beliefs and then fail to see what that does within your own party. Obama is not centrist but your democrat controlled congress is all over the board from far far left to center. That is Obama's problem, he can't pass his agenda because the democrat party has very few ideal that it can actually agree on. He has to temper his policies to get his own damn party to sign off on them. Reach across the aisle! Hardly, he is reaching to the more central elements within his own party because he cannot muster the votes he needs without it.
I got one... Is there anything... anything at all that would convince you otherwise? You continue to insinuate he's some far-left radical, despite a record that clearly reveals a moderate Democrat.

You seem to think that in order to be centrist, he simply has to do stuff that is less far less than the radical revolutionaries want. But that's just not the case. Just because he isn't extreme as the most extreme leftists who want a communist government, doesn't mean he isn't extreme left.

A centrist wouldn't have passed this Obama care bill against the people's desires
A centrist wouldn't be seizing control of companies.
A centrist wouldn't be pushing for cap and trade.

The Center isn't that far left.

You may think that's moderate, but it speaks much more to how extreme you are then to the reality of what's going on in this nation and the world at large.

I am confident if we were in 1940s-1950s China we would be hearing from you that Mao was a centrist too since his policies didn't go far enough to the left.
Truth time!

A centrist would pass the health care reform bill against the special interests' and far right desires.

A centrist would bail out companies who needed it, and who are paying it back so they can become completely private again.

A centrist would be pushing for cap and trade.
Truth time!

A centrist would pass the health care reform bill against the special interests' and far right desires.
Against special interests like not giving the insurance companies a captive audience?!?! Ypu mean one without 1600 pages of special interest?!?!?

A centrist would bail out companies who needed it, and who are paying it back so they can become completely private again.
You mean like tarp!?!?! Oops....
A centrist would be pushing for cap and trade.

Umm, what planet are you from. Cap in trade is nowhere near centrist. More special interest tax hiking without real impact. Where is the center in that?!
See, FA_Q2 is merely a simple tool, spouting but not understanding. Go back and read.
Democrats' Civil War: The Fight Within the Party - The Daily Beast

Yes, the GOP is certainly seeing grand divides among its ranks, with Tea Party supporters pulling in different directions, but now the liberal wing of the Democrats are beginning to show intolerance for the centrist direction of this administration....????? HUH?

obama is quite centrist. the left wanted single payer, he settled for a muddled private/public insurance deal. the left wanted gitmo closed, patrito act repealed, and iraq war ended pronto. none of that happened. left wanted prosecution of bush/cheney. that didn't even come close to happening. there are tons more examples, but Obama is quite centrist, he just looks far left after having GW around for 8 years.

I know there's a lot of folks that don't understand this, but to the HuffingtonPost/Move-On crowd Obama is quite a disapointment because he's seen as too far to the Right.

So yeah, I can believe that a civil war is brewing in the DNC. That kind of thing would happen eventually. It always does happen to the party in power.
Truth time!

A centrist would pass the health care reform bill against the special interests' and far right desires.

A centrist would bail out companies who needed it, and who are paying it back so they can become completely private again.

A centrist would be pushing for cap and trade.


That's worth repeating.

I will certainly agree with you on the war with drugs. However, to get The Rabbi to agree with that would be remarkable. He is against regulation until he is for it. The original flip flop here on the board.

Yes, you are consistent, Dude, more than most in your philosophy.
Democrats' Civil War: The Fight Within the Party - The Daily Beast

Yes, the GOP is certainly seeing grand divides among its ranks, with Tea Party supporters pulling in different directions, but now the liberal wing of the Democrats are beginning to show intolerance for the centrist direction of this administration....????? HUH?

I've been seeing this for a while. We have 1-party rule in America, yet Obama continues to blame the Republicans for blocking anything he's for. It's :cuckoo:.
That's because the republicans do block everything. Every time they demand a 60% vote, that's a filibuster.
Democrats' Civil War: The Fight Within the Party - The Daily Beast

Yes, the GOP is certainly seeing grand divides among its ranks, with Tea Party supporters pulling in different directions, but now the liberal wing of the Democrats are beginning to show intolerance for the centrist direction of this administration....????? HUH?

I've been seeing this for a while. We have 1-party rule in America, yet Obama continues to blame the Republicans for blocking anything he's for. It's :cuckoo:.
That's because the republicans do block everything. Every time they demand a 60% vote, that's a filibuster.

So you think the Republicans should just go eat worms and not try to block legislation that they honestly believe is bad legislation? Did you feel that way when the Democrats were in the minority and were frequently billed as the "party of no"?
I've been seeing this for a while. We have 1-party rule in America, yet Obama continues to blame the Republicans for blocking anything he's for. It's :cuckoo:.
That's because the republicans do block everything. Every time they demand a 60% vote, that's a filibuster.

So you think the Republicans should just go eat worms and not try to block legislation that they honestly believe is bad legislation? Did you feel that way when the Democrats were in the minority and were frequently billed as the "party of no"?

I think most of us wanted the Democratic Party to come up with good alternatives to what the GOP was doing in Congress. They didn't and paid the price. The same thing is happening here with the GOP. The cannot regain Congress this way.

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