The Chicom Principle - How to Understand How Liberals Will React to Anything


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
In science we have the 'Anthropic Principle' which has value in anticipating things yet unmeasured in the following question, 'Which most benefits the likelihood of human life?'

In managerial/Corporate modeling we have the 'Peter Principle' that says that people rise to the level of their incompetence.' We all know how true that is.

Well, I think I may have found another principle that we can use to anticipate the reaction of the liberals in the press, in political positions of power, etc.

That principle I call the 'Chicom Principle' and it is simply this: "To anticipate correctly the reaction of any liberal today about any news event or change in policy just ask yourself, is it similar to or promoting/defending the interests of the Chinese Communist government?"

That is really all you have to do. Just ask yourself, 'What would the Chicoms do?'

Let's apply it for a few examples:

In the question of how long the lock downs should last, well what would the Chicoms do? They locked people down in their homes to the point of starving them in many cases. And of course liberals are all for it.

On the question of abortion, what would the Chicoms do? Well the Chicoms are so pro-abortion that they have unbalanced the sexual parity of their own nation for generations, and now Chinese human traffickers search abroad to bring wives in for their unpaired males. Liberals, of course just love abortion; it is their Cup of Communion.

Lets pick a more specific case; General Flynn was tricked out of having his lawyer at a criminal investigation interview, told it wasnt a criminal matter and he would not need his lawyer. The FBI then interviewed Flynn about phone calls they already knew all about to simply see if they could catch him in some inaccuracy that they could charge him with perjury on. It is called a 'perjury trap' and regarded as loathsome and lowdown as ambulance chacing tort lawyers.

But, What would the Chicoms do? Now that this is all coming out, a justice system run by honest men would drop charges against Flynn since they were not material (inadmissable, supposedly due to lack of Miranda rights and legal presence). Maybe honest men might drop the charges, but what would the Chicoms do? Well they would scream their lies louder and double down on keeping the trial going of course and make more high stake charges like Treason against their target.

And there you have it, a consistent Chicom Principle that explains and even anticipates the reaction of todays so-called Liberals.

Why that is, I leave to the reader.
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In science we have the 'Anthropic Principle' which has value in anticipating things yet unmeasured in the following question, 'Which most benefits the likelihood of human life?'

In managerial/Corporate modeling we have the 'Peter Principle' that says that people rise to the level of their incompetence.' We all know how true that is.

Well, I think I may have found another principle that we can use to anticipate the reaction of the liberals in the press, in political positions of power, etc.

That principle I call the 'Chicom Principle' and it is simply this: "To anticipate correctly the reaction of any liberal today about any news event or change in policy just ask yourself, is it similar to or promoting/defending the interests of the Chinese Communist government?"

That is really all you have to do. Just ask yourself, 'What would the Chicoms do?'

Let's apply it for a few examples:

In the question of how long the lock downs should last, well what would the Chicoms do? They locked people down in their homes to the point of starving them in many cases. And of course liberals are all for it.

On the question of abortion, what would t he Chicoms do? Well the Chicoms are so pro-abortion that they have unbalanced the sexual parity of their own nation for generations, and now Chinese human traffickers search abroad to bring wives in for their unpaired males. Liberals, of course just love abortion; it is their Cup of Communion.

Lets pick a more specific case; General Flynn was tricked out of having his lawyer at a criminal investigation interview, told it wasnt a criminal matter and he would not need his lawyer. The FBI then interviewed Flynn about phone calls they already knew all about to simply see if they could catch him in some inaccuracy that they could charge him with perjury on. It is called a 'perjury trap' and regarded as loathsome and lowdown as ambulance chacing tort lawyers.

But, What would the Chicoms do? Now that this is all coming out justice system run by hone3st men would drop charges against Flynn since they were not material (inadmissable, supposedly due to lack of Miranda rights and legal presence). Maybe honest men might drop the charges, but what would the Chicoms do? Well they would scream their lies louder and double down on keeping the trial going of course and make more high stake charges like Treason against their target.

And there you have it, a consistent Chicom Principle that explains and even anticipat3es the reaction of todays so-called Liberals.

Why that is, I leave to the reader.
Fantastic post. Thank you. It's ALL absolutely true. Look for a liberal lunatic on here attempt to derail your wonderful opening post and thread in 3, 2, 1..........
In science we have the 'Anthropic Principle' which has value in anticipating things yet unmeasured in the following question, 'Which most benefits the likelihood of human life?'

In managerial/Corporate modeling we have the 'Peter Principle' that says that people rise to the level of their incompetence.' We all know how true that is.

Well, I think I may have found another principle that we can use to anticipate the reaction of the liberals in the press, in political positions of power, etc.

That principle I call the 'Chicom Principle' and it is simply this: "To anticipate correctly the reaction of any liberal today about any news event or change in policy just ask yourself, is it similar to or promoting/defending the interests of the Chinese Communist government?"

That is really all you have to do. Just ask yourself, 'What would the Chicoms do?'

Let's apply it for a few examples:

In the question of how long the lock downs should last, well what would the Chicoms do? They locked people down in their homes to the point of starving them in many cases. And of course liberals are all for it.

On the question of abortion, what would t he Chicoms do? Well the Chicoms are so pro-abortion that they have unbalanced the sexual parity of their own nation for generations, and now Chinese human traffickers search abroad to bring wives in for their unpaired males. Liberals, of course just love abortion; it is their Cup of Communion.

Lets pick a more specific case; General Flynn was tricked out of having his lawyer at a criminal investigation interview, told it wasnt a criminal matter and he would not need his lawyer. The FBI then interviewed Flynn about phone calls they already knew all about to simply see if they could catch him in some inaccuracy that they could charge him with perjury on. It is called a 'perjury trap' and regarded as loathsome and lowdown as ambulance chacing tort lawyers.

But, What would the Chicoms do? Now that this is all coming out justice system run by hone3st men would drop charges against Flynn since they were not material (inadmissable, supposedly due to lack of Miranda rights and legal presence). Maybe honest men might drop the charges, but what would the Chicoms do? Well they would scream their lies louder and double down on keeping the trial going of course and make more high stake charges like Treason against their target.

And there you have it, a consistent Chicom Principle that explains and even anticipat3es the reaction of todays so-called Liberals.

Why that is, I leave to the reader.
Fantastic post. Thank you. It's ALL absolutely true. Look for a liberal lunatic on here attempt to derail your wonderful opening post and thread in 3, 2, 1..........
Lol, so far it is simply being ignored.

I guess there are a lot of thread fights going on tonight.

Dude. It’s the conservatives who created the china we have today . They take every opportunity to sell Americans out in order to benefit big biz at the expense of the working man .
Well, maybe. As opposed to liberals that create sanctuary cities without our consent and take away jobs calling it...humanitarian. Really? Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
Well, maybe. As opposed to liberals that create sanctuary cities without our consent and take away jobs calling it...humanitarian. Really? Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
The current progressive movement is not only venile, evil, dishonest and contemptable, they are also stupid as hell, letting their ideology defeat their politics every single time, with rare exceptions.

Their time is coming to an end though, as Americans do not want to trade the Constitutional Republic for the tyranny of the Chicoms.
Well, maybe. As opposed to liberals that create sanctuary cities without our consent and take away jobs calling it...humanitarian. Really? Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
The current progressive movement is not only venile, evil, dishonest and contemptable, they are also stupid as hell, letting their ideology defeat their politics every single time, with rare exceptions.

Their time is coming to an end though, as Americans do not want to trade the Constitutional Republic for the tyranny of the Chicoms.
These collaborators, those sellout pandering sell out carpetbaggers they realize their time has come. I think oddly enough, the lock down has sent them a message.
These collaborators, those sellout pandering sell out carpetbaggers they realize their time has come. I think oddly enough, the lock down has sent them a message.
The lock down will prove to be their high water mark in our nation, methinks.
In science we have the 'Anthropic Principle' which has value in anticipating things yet unmeasured in the following question, 'Which most benefits the likelihood of human life?'

In managerial/Corporate modeling we have the 'Peter Principle' that says that people rise to the level of their incompetence.' We all know how true that is.

Well, I think I may have found another principle that we can use to anticipate the reaction of the liberals in the press, in political positions of power, etc.

That principle I call the 'Chicom Principle' and it is simply this: "To anticipate correctly the reaction of any liberal today about any news event or change in policy just ask yourself, is it similar to or promoting/defending the interests of the Chinese Communist government?"

That is really all you have to do. Just ask yourself, 'What would the Chicoms do?'

Let's apply it for a few examples:

In the question of how long the lock downs should last, well what would the Chicoms do? They locked people down in their homes to the point of starving them in many cases. And of course liberals are all for it.

On the question of abortion, what would the Chicoms do? Well the Chicoms are so pro-abortion that they have unbalanced the sexual parity of their own nation for generations, and now Chinese human traffickers search abroad to bring wives in for their unpaired males. Liberals, of course just love abortion; it is their Cup of Communion.

Lets pick a more specific case; General Flynn was tricked out of having his lawyer at a criminal investigation interview, told it wasnt a criminal matter and he would not need his lawyer. The FBI then interviewed Flynn about phone calls they already knew all about to simply see if they could catch him in some inaccuracy that they could charge him with perjury on. It is called a 'perjury trap' and regarded as loathsome and lowdown as ambulance chacing tort lawyers.

But, What would the Chicoms do? Now that this is all coming out, a justice system run by honest men would drop charges against Flynn since they were not material (inadmissable, supposedly due to lack of Miranda rights and legal presence). Maybe honest men might drop the charges, but what would the Chicoms do? Well they would scream their lies louder and double down on keeping the trial going of course and make more high stake charges like Treason against their target.

And there you have it, a consistent Chicom Principle that explains and even anticipates the reaction of todays so-called Liberals.

Why that is, I leave to the reader.

Makes you wonder why the blob had his cheap crap made in China if they are so bad. He could have had them made in America...but chose not to. Therefore he's a chicom sympathizer.
I drive past Mexican taco vendors no masked required, not to mention their minions. My neck cracked as try to figure this one out, I am supposed to call 311, wait, them wait some more then leave message. It kinda why we get get fed up guys with shotguns riding around in trucks because of this Democratic ineptitude.

Hawley's rhetoric against the Chinese government dates back to long before the coronavirus outbreak. In an interview with Fox News last year about the National Basketball Association (NBA) kowtowing to China, the former state attorney general accused Beijing of using high-pressure tactics to bend people to its will.
"This is how Beijing plays ball. They tighten the screws," he said at the time. "Now they want to censor Americans. The thing about the NBA is, they're trying to tell Americans what we can and cannot say. My word to the NBA is, don't become part of the Chinese Communist Party's propaganda arm."
He also introduced legislation last month entitled the Justice for Victims of COVID-19 Act, which would allow U.S. citizens affected by the coronavirus to sue the CPC directly.

Pelosi claimed on Thursday that Trump’s recent antagonism toward China merely serves as a diversion from his coronavirus response.
“What the president is saying about China is interesting — it’s an interesting diversion,” Pelosi said during a briefing on Thursday.
Cheney said that it is a “disgrace” for Pelosi to diminish the role China’s failure to contain the coronavirus has had on the tens of thousands of Americans that have died during the coronavirus outbreak.

Wow, Chcoms poison more baby food, but yes, somehow it must be Trumps fault.


Authorities in central China’s Hunan province are investigating a store for selling fake baby formula, state-run Shanghai news outlet Sixth Tone reported.
At least five infants were diagnosed with rickets after drinking a protein drink “passed off” as baby formula by the store, parents allege.
In Chenzhou’s Yongxing county, government officials have launched an investigation into the alleged sale of a protein drink known as “Bei An Min,” falsely advertised as milk formula by staff at a store called Love Baby’s Workshop, according to local parents, who say their babies developed swollen heads after drinking the protein beverage. All five babies have been diagnosed with rickets, a children’s disease caused by Vitamin D deficiency that leads to bone deformations.
The parents of the five babies filed a complaint with Yongxing county’s market supervision authorities, state broadcaster China Central Television (CCTV) reported on Wednesday.
“When we heard the truth, I almost collapsed. The whole time we thought it was milk formula like the shop assistant said,” one of the parents, a mother named Zhu, told Sixth Tone. “But it turned out to be just a powdered beverage — meaning my daughter was drinking [this instead of infant formula] for two years!”
According to the report, the five babies were diagnosed as allergic to dairy by their doctors at a local hospital. The doctors then recommended the babies’ parents purchase an “amino acid-based formula” instead of traditional dairy milk formula. All parents of the five babies went to the same baby products store to buy the special formula — a local branch of the national chain Love Baby’s Workshop — where “Bei An Min” was recommended to them by staff.

Lying scumbag fascists dont care if little babies die, hell, a few y ears ago they were drowning them in ponds and tossing them around on bayonettes, like the commies did the beautiful daughters of the Czar.

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