The runaway train is gaining steam. Joe Rogan may ditch California

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City

But you know, the left will stick their heads in the sand and dig just a bit more. Too proud to see the writing on the wall.
Hell even Twitter is talking about not confining their business to California.
It's like a great big dam with a small crack and instead of figuring out how to fix it the left just continue to paint over it.
How long till it bursts?

But you know, the left will stick their heads in the sand and dig just a bit more. Too proud to see the writing on the wall.
Hell even Twitter is talking about not confining their business to California.
It's like a great big dam with a small crack and instead of figuring out how to fix it the left just continue to paint over it.
How long till it bursts?

He can go whoever he is.
Company from which I retired moved, several years ago, out of California entirely. Moved to Canada. Not many employees went along though there were invitations. Did it impact their business? Yes, it did. It increased because of simpler regulation concerning export of high-tech communications equipment. Jobs lost in California? About 800 which includes those few who moved with the company and those who had to start looking for work.
Gotta loveit when people who were openly endorsing Bernie Sanders start whining about high taxes and want to move out of the state THEY ruined voting in socialists. Stay there and fix your mess Joe. You asshole.
That’s a good point. Not sure I can sympathize with someone bitching about government that endorsed a communist.

But you know, the left will stick their heads in the sand and dig just a bit more. Too proud to see the writing on the wall.
Hell even Twitter is talking about not confining their business to California.
It's like a great big dam with a small crack and instead of figuring out how to fix it the left just continue to paint over it.
How long till it bursts?

His acting career is pretty much over. He can do his podcast from anywhere. The question is; will anyone miss him?
Gotta loveit when people who were openly endorsing Bernie Sanders start whining about high taxes and want to move out of the state THEY ruined voting in socialists. Stay there and fix your mess Joe. You asshole.
That’s a good point. Not sure I can sympathize with someone bitching about government that endorsed a communist.

You understand that "communist" has a specific meaning, and it's pretty dumb for you you use it to describe anything you don't like, don't you?
I don't have a problem with Joe Rogan, but if he's the best that crazy right wingers have got, they are worse off than I thought.
Right on cue lol

Can't see the forest right in front of you lol

Ok. Bow to the gospel of Joe Rogan. You have parroted a lot dumber people than him, and that is hard to do.
Too stupid to see the big picture I guess. That works for the right so I suppose I can't complain.
Gotta loveit when people who were openly endorsing Bernie Sanders start whining about high taxes and want to move out of the state THEY ruined voting in socialists. Stay there and fix your mess Joe. You asshole.
That’s a good point. Not sure I can sympathize with someone bitching about government that endorsed a communist.

You understand that "communist" has a specific meaning, and it's pretty dumb for you you use it to describe anything you don't like, don't you?
It fits everything I don’t like about democrats and it represents everything you push for.

Why do you get upset when I call your communist ideas and goals communist?

Do you just prefer another name?

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