The Case for Killing Qassim Suleimani. The strike was justified and legally sound.


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Case for Killing Qassim Suleimani. The strike was justified and legally sound.

Opinion | The Case for Killing Qassim Suleimani - The New York Times
January 10, 2020 ~ By Tom Cotton
Last week, our military and intelligence services brought justice to Qassim Suleimani, Iran’s terror mastermind. President Trump ordered General Suleimani’s killing after months of attacks on Americans by Iran’s proxy forces in Iraq. These attacks culminated in a rocket strike that killed an American and wounded others, then the attempted storming of our embassy in Baghdad. The first attack crossed the red line drawn by the president last summer — that if Iran harmed an American, it would face severe consequences. The president meant what he said, as Mr. Suleimani learned the hard way. Mr. Suleimani’s killing was justified, legal and strategically sound. But the president’s critics swarmed as usual. After the embassy attack, a Democratic senator declared that the president had “rendered America impotent.” Some Democrats then pivoted after the Suleimani strike, calling him “reckless” and “dangerous.” Those are the words of Senator Elizabeth Warren, who also described Mr. Suleimani — the leader of a State Department-designated Foreign Terrorist Organization plotting to kill American troops — as a “senior foreign military official.” Senator Bernie Sanders likened America’s killing of a terrorist on the battlefield to Vladimir Putin’s assassination of Russian political dissidents.
Some Democrats seem to feel a strange regret for the killing of a monster who specialized in killing Americans. The linguist his proxies killed on Dec. 27, Nawres Hamid, was merely his last victim out of more than 600 in Iraq since 2003. His forces have instigated attacks against our troops in Afghanistan. He plotted a (foiled) bombing in Washington, D.C., and attempted attacks on the soil of our European allies. He armed the terrorist group Hezbollah in Lebanon with rockets to pummel the Jewish state of Israel.

The underlying reason for this article is because the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left in this country have sold out America and the people that elected them and are more interested in getting Donald Trump, or any Republican, rather than rejoicing in doing good by ridding the world of this evil.
We all know, the theme of PMS/DSA Democrats has been to sympathize with Iran rather than to rejoice with America. The Democrat Party is truly despicable.
I was completely surprised that the NY Times would publish this article. Surely it will soon be pulled.
The killing of Qassim Suleimani, Iran’s terror mastermind, was both necessary and an act for peace not a precursor to conflict with Iran. That he continued to kill and destroy for this length of time was an abomination. The efficiency and swiftness of the decision and tactics are laudable as it occurred in Iraq where Suleimani was set to inflict more death and mayhem. Removing this individual provides a better opportunity for negotiating arms and trade agreements as Iran now comprehends the intentions and tolerance of the U.S.
Although Congress has had twisted underwear about the fact that Trump did not notify them of the attempt and successful killing of Suleimani. It appears that Trump was and is correct that had he notified the "gang of eight", Suleimani would have been made aware of the drone attack by Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats.
Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi Mark Warner and Chuck Schumer... My money would be on Schiff that would have leaked the coming drone attack to the media and Suleimani...
Soleimani's supporters in all this forget that he's the terrorist who drilled holes into the skulls of Iraqi soldiers, tortured them for 24 hours using the brain's pain centers for maximum torture, then killed them, knowing their final hours on earth would be in total sheer agony and hurt.

We have a United Nations that prohibits the torture of captive enemy combatants. You can't starve them, you can't torture them, you may keep them locked up to prevent your side's casualties, but you don't torture them. It's against international guidelines and laws.

Thanks, Doc, for showing this board who Soleimani really was.
Some Democrats seem to feel a strange regret for the killing of a monster

Democrat Left in this country have sold out America and the people that elected them

We all know, the theme of PMS/DSA Democrats has been to sympathize with Iran

Trump was and is correct that had he notified the "gang of eight", Suleimani would have been made aware of the drone attack by Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats.

Good old Tom Cotton huh?

A Zebra can't change it's strips.
From the OP link to the NY Times:

Some of the president’s critics will concede that Mr. Suleimani was an evil man, but many complain his killing was unlawful. Wrong again.
He was a United States-designated terrorist commander. As I have been briefed, he was plotting further attacks against Americans at the
time of his death. The authority granted to the president under Article II of the Constitution provides ample legal basis for this strike.
Furthermore, those who accept the constitutionality of the War Powers Act should recall that Congress’s 2001 and 2002 Authorizations for
Use of Military Force very much remain in effect and clearly cover the Suleimani operation. This will be a relief to the Obama
administration, which ordered hundreds of drone strikes using such a legal rationale.

Was there an act of Congress that terminated the authority under the AUMF, or did it have a sunset clause of some kind? Or was it ever declared unconstitutional by the courts? Seems to me that Obama used this same authorization hundreds on times to kill somebody, even American citizens abroad, so did it suddenly become unlawful to kill an enemy combatant who was responsible for hundreds of American deaths and surely would have been responsible for many more?

The argument as I see it seems to center around the word 'imminent', but what does that mean. 30 days? What is it? So if he has planned an attack in 31 days against Americans then he can't be attacked? That's kinda bullshit, ya know? Does anyone want to contend this guy wasn't in the process of attacking Americans in the future? Does it really matter how much into the future it was?

I am damn sick and tired of one set of rules for Trump and another for everyone else. That's bullshit, I don't want my president restrained by minutia (31 days instead of 30) when it comes to protecting American lives. Stop trying to obstruct every fucking thing he's doing unless you've got a more compelling reason than what I've heard so far.
Rotten Cotton is a pathological liar just like Tramp!
obama took out bin laden -

did anyone actually think trump would allow that without whacking a raghead too ?
The Case for Killing Qassim Suleimani. The strike was justified and legally sound.

Opinion | The Case for Killing Qassim Suleimani - The New York Times
January 10, 2020 ~ By Tom Cotton
Last week, our military and intelligence services brought justice to Qassim Suleimani, Iran’s terror mastermind. President Trump ordered General Suleimani’s killing after months of attacks on Americans by Iran’s proxy forces in Iraq. These attacks culminated in a rocket strike that killed an American and wounded others, then the attempted storming of our embassy in Baghdad. The first attack crossed the red line drawn by the president last summer — that if Iran harmed an American, it would face severe consequences. The president meant what he said, as Mr. Suleimani learned the hard way. Mr. Suleimani’s killing was justified, legal and strategically sound. But the president’s critics swarmed as usual. After the embassy attack, a Democratic senator declared that the president had “rendered America impotent.” Some Democrats then pivoted after the Suleimani strike, calling him “reckless” and “dangerous.” Those are the words of Senator Elizabeth Warren, who also described Mr. Suleimani — the leader of a State Department-designated Foreign Terrorist Organization plotting to kill American troops — as a “senior foreign military official.” Senator Bernie Sanders likened America’s killing of a terrorist on the battlefield to Vladimir Putin’s assassination of Russian political dissidents.
Some Democrats seem to feel a strange regret for the killing of a monster who specialized in killing Americans. The linguist his proxies killed on Dec. 27, Nawres Hamid, was merely his last victim out of more than 600 in Iraq since 2003. His forces have instigated attacks against our troops in Afghanistan. He plotted a (foiled) bombing in Washington, D.C., and attempted attacks on the soil of our European allies. He armed the terrorist group Hezbollah in Lebanon with rockets to pummel the Jewish state of Israel.

The underlying reason for this article is because the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left in this country have sold out America and the people that elected them and are more interested in getting Donald Trump, or any Republican, rather than rejoicing in doing good by ridding the world of this evil.
We all know, the theme of PMS/DSA Democrats has been to sympathize with Iran rather than to rejoice with America. The Democrat Party is truly despicable.
I was completely surprised that the NY Times would publish this article. Surely it will soon be pulled.
The killing of Qassim Suleimani, Iran’s terror mastermind, was both necessary and an act for peace not a precursor to conflict with Iran. That he continued to kill and destroy for this length of time was an abomination. The efficiency and swiftness of the decision and tactics are laudable as it occurred in Iraq where Suleimani was set to inflict more death and mayhem. Removing this individual provides a better opportunity for negotiating arms and trade agreements as Iran now comprehends the intentions and tolerance of the U.S.
Although Congress has had twisted underwear about the fact that Trump did not notify them of the attempt and successful killing of Suleimani. It appears that Trump was and is correct that had he notified the "gang of eight", Suleimani would have been made aware of the drone attack by Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats.
Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi Mark Warner and Chuck Schumer... My money would be on Schiff that would have leaked the coming drone attack to the media and Suleimani...


The Power To Declare War Vests With The Congress.

Article I, Section 8, Clause 11 of the U.S. Constitution, sometimes referred to as the War Powers Clause, vests in the Congress the power to declare war, in the following wording: ... To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water ..

Fuck Wad 45 does not the power under the Constitution to commit such an act without Congressional Approval. Which he did not have.

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