The Britons on Ukraine's frozen frontline, fighting Moscow oriental barbarism


Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2017

The Britons on Ukraine's frozen frontline, fighting Moscow oriental barbarism​

God bless Ukraine ! BIG BIG RESPECT to all British 🇬🇧 troops out there , More brilliant military photography in the snow !! still Moscow is along and without chances to win this war
You and I tend to hold similar views on Russia and the Ukraine situation. Most on this board think it is not worth considering, not important to them or Americans. This administration has made serveral mistakes in the past year and this is a right wing dominated message board. I came to my opinions from my background and times I have spent in Europe, in my military days. I found one person (obviously not on this board) that has opinions similar to mine, that being Retired General former NATO Supreme Allied Commander Wesley Clark. Go figure.
This isn't from that interview on 1/25/2022 but when I say this thread, I wanted you to know, there are people over here that get it. This is a piece from USA today from 1/21, though General Clark was better on Lemon tonight. On rare occasion even Lemon can ask the right questions and not get in the way.
The same fake news CNN, which described Kharkiv as already Russian city?

Ok, they had a good reason to say it, even Zelenskiy said, that Russia can take Russian-speaking Kharkiv.
Most on this board think it is not worth considering, not important to them or Americans. This administration has made serveral mistakes in the past year and this is a right wing dominated message board.

Gross oversimplification.

Myself, I have no problem sending any support they may want, but not one individual. And that is for the simple reason that for almost 30 years Ukraine has done nothing to try to foster any kind of defense or military relationships with other nations. What is happening to them is wrong and evil, but they have to be the ones to take the steps to actually foster assistance, and not just expect it to be given to them... because.

Defense treaties and military alliances are w two-way street. One can not expect to just be given "stuff", without being willing to put their own resources up in the event help is needed elsewhere. Almost a decade ago when Russia bit off Crimea, I thought that might have been a wake-up call to them. But for the past 8 years there was almost no change, they just kept acting like before and still made no effort to get other nations or organizations "on their side". So I largely brush my hands, as they are now in a mess that is largely of their own creation.
The same fake news CNN, which described Kharkiv as already Russian city?

Ok, they had a good reason to say it, even Zelenskiy said, that Russia can take Russian-speaking Kharkiv.

ivan, take it, whats problem ? i know, you can only talk ))

Screen shot 2017-04-02 at 3.14.03 PM.png
ivan, take it, whats problem ? i know, you can only talk ))

View attachment 593147
As far as I know, Putin is going to take whole Ukraine, or, at least, keep it in the position of harmless "Wild Steppe".

And yes, mayors of Ukrainian cities don't want to raise panic or prepare to decisive battle against their "eastern friends".

"Be calm, and welcome the new government."
Gross oversimplification.

Myself, I have no problem sending any support they may want, but not one individual. And that is for the simple reason that for almost 30 years Ukraine has done nothing to try to foster any kind of defense or military relationships with other nations. What is happening to them is wrong and evil, but they have to be the ones to take the steps to actually foster assistance, and not just expect it to be given to them... because.

Defense treaties and military alliances are w two-way street. One can not expect to just be given "stuff", without being willing to put their own resources up in the event help is needed elsewhere. Almost a decade ago when Russia bit off Crimea, I thought that might have been a wake-up call to them. But for the past 8 years there was almost no change, they just kept acting like before and still made no effort to get other nations or organizations "on their side". So I largely brush my hands, as they are now in a mess that is largely of their own creation.
Man, it's Ukraine, "Borderland". They don't want to _buy_ Western or Eastern military support (because they have almost nothing to defend). They want to _sell_ their services in deterring or supporting Russian, Polish, Turkish aggression against Turkey, Poland, Russia or anybody else.
Man, it's Ukraine, "Borderland". They don't want to _buy_ Western or Eastern military support (because they have almost nothing to defend). They want to _sell_ their services in deterring or supporting Russian, Polish, Turkish aggression against Turkey, Poland, Russia or anybody else.
your fav. writer about you

«Вечно пьяный, до оскотинения, завистлив, жаден, злобен, туп. Миф о русской бане мгновенно рассеивается после того как пройдёшь мимо типичного русского. Запах перегара и давно не стираных порток отвратителен сам по себе, но к нему примешивается ещё и запах кислой капусты и прокисших щей, до которых он, русский человек, большой охотник. Любимое занятие - лежание на печи и мечты о лучшей жизни. Эти мечты постоянно подогреваются правящей верхушкой. К наукам не склонен, по причине своего отупения в следствии неумеренного потребления браги. Брагу потребляет по причине того, что не может выгнать самогона. Не хватает терпения. Из разнообразия языков, на матушке Земля, в совершенстве владеет одним - матерным. Физически вроде и здоров, но в то же время страдает манией величия и шовинизма. Причисляет себя к третьему Риму, а являет собой вторую Содом и Гоморру. Агрессивен. Очень агрессивен. Что подтверждается его постоянным захватом чужих земель, при этом утверждается там как хозяин и всё вокруг считает своим. Описание портрета русского можно дополнять бесконечно, однако это будет не столько утомительно читателям сколь противно. Увы».

Максим Горький, «Собирательный образ русского человека»

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