The Brian Williams LIARS page....


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Just a small thread to immortalize the truly GREAT STANDARD of EXCELLENCE, Mr. Williams, MSNBC, NBC, and the DemocRATS hold the truth in NEWS to....


Feel free to add any significant posters or Meme's that you may think we will appreciate!
Funny......all conservatives getting their panties all in a wad over Brian Williams lies........but they suck up Billo's lies......OMG....that's what you call a hypocrite!

"I tell you what, I've been in combat. I've seen it. I've been close to it. And if my unit is in danger and I got a captured guy and the guy knows where the enemy is and I'm looking him in the eye, the guy better tell me. That's all I'm gonna tell you. If it's life or death, he's going first."

As noted above, and contrary to his statement, O'Reilly has never been in combat. Consequently, he has never commanded a unit or had to contemplate how he would deal with an enemy prisoner. His pretend bluster and machismo is all just a bunch of fantasizing of himself as a hero. So how is that any different than the offenses for which Williams is being pilloried?

There are, however, some very real differences between Williams and O'Reilly. Williams has been found to be less than truthful on this one occasion. O'Reilly has lied repeatedly over his career at Fox News with plenty of documentation to prove it. What's more O'Reilly has demonstrated himself to be an arrogant, rude, bully who shoves his usually inane opinion down the throats of his guests and his viewers. That's something that cannot be attributed to Williams.

When Will Fox News Fire Bill O Reilly For Lying About Combat Duty
Brian Williams' Seal Team Six Tale Falling Apart

NewsBusters ^
Uh-oh! Could this be one serial fabulism too far for Brian Williams? The tall tale that converts his six month suspension into a permanent expulsion from NBC News? We've the tales of Brian about his helicopter being hit by an RPG, Hurricane Katrina fantasies, and even a supposed encounter with the Pope himself during his very brief stint as a college student before he dropped out to work for Jimmy Carter. According to a report at Page Six of the New York Post, a former Navy SEAL is casting aspersions upon the veracity of Williams story about flying into Baghdad...
Reminder from Oct, 2008 - original article unchanged, text added now is signaled.
Illuminati media: From Karl Marx to [Brian Williams and Jon Stewart at] the end of the show
Illuminati theater at the begin of the age of mass media.

"Karl Marx quit the NY Herald Tribune because he didn't get a small pay increase"
Goal of this staged story: truth in plain sight, more precisely: Marx did nothing but to execute orders from the Illuminati Grand Master.

1961 - JFK speech warns journalists about the illuminati secret society, as THE challenge.
"Coincidentally" JFK introduces his speech with the "Karl Marx quit" story.
No doubt that JFK was aware what the real story was (JFK: "we are told").
At a time when the illuminati secret society already controlled almost all of the media, JFK started by naming it as close as it gets: "illuminate that challenge".
He then stated the number one tactic of the illuminati: "infiltration instead of invasion".

1968 - the need for the illuminati to infiltrate the media is reduced to ZERO
Shortly after the illuminati murdered Robert F. Kennedy they reached the point of TOTAL control of the mass media.

2008 Oct - suicide Obomber is about to detonate
No wonder that 40 years later there's nobody in the media who will explain how the first "black" president is used to mock true prophet Robert F. Kennedy.

2015 - the end of the show on the media stage:
One of the celebrations is the parallel and reversed script "Brian Williams and Jon Stewart quit the scene".
Fake jew Jon Stewart supposedly mocking the media quits in glory, icon of "serious" media Brian Williams quits in disgrace.

JFK Secret Societies Speech (full version), transcription
President John F. Kennedy at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel on April 27, 1961, entitled: "The President and the Press".
1:08 "we are told" Karl Marx quit the NY Herald Tribune.
5:20 starts exposng the illuminati.
5:30 illuminate that challenge (the illuminati)

Marx and Lenin were BOTH german illuminazi agents.
FOUR Key dates of Illuminati End Times - Google Search
History of End Times 1918 1945 2004 NOW what did do the illuminati control FOUR Key dates of Illuminati End Times

Parallel and reversed Illuminati scripts
parallel and reversed Illuminati scripts - Google Search
Illuminati parallel and reversed scripts

Talk of fake jews quitting the scene at the end of the show:
Evil jews take over Federal Reserve Bank script: Janet Yellen is Martha Stewart, Ben Shalom Bernanke is Paul Krugman without toupee. Best joke: Stan Fischer is governor of Bank of Israel.
How it ends:
What follows Obama Bin Laden s resurrection - Google Search
Big Bang is NOW - from annihilation of pensions and savings to race war BIG BANG 2015 for dummies

True Prophet Robert F. Kennedy and the End of the United States Illuminati media From Karl Marx to Brian Williams and Jon Stewart at the end of the show

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