The Bolton Bombshell (from his book)

Y’all love your corrupt prosecutors don’t ya.
"Corrupt", by investigating Hunter Biden and Burisma ?

As for Biden's corruption, it wouldn't matter who the prosecutor was. the mere fact that he demanded something from somebody under a threat is HIS corruption, which he publicized.

Gramps, the corrupt prosecutor he's talking about is Shokin.

You don't understand English. Doesn't matter who that prosecutor was. Biden proved his malice, but he's finished anyway.

Democrats were worried about his gaffes. Ha ha. I like the one where he offered condolences for the death of a prime Minister's wife. She was alive at the time. Sorry, idiots don't qualify to be POTUS. :rolleyes:

How could it possibly not matter who the prosecutor was?
Y’all love your corrupt prosecutors don’t ya.
"Corrupt", by investigating Hunter Biden and Burisma ?

As for Biden's corruption, it wouldn't matter who the prosecutor was. the mere fact that he demanded something from somebody under a threat is HIS corruption, which he publicized.

Gramps, the corrupt prosecutor he's talking about is Shokin.

You don't understand English. Doesn't matter who that prosecutor was. Biden proved his malice, but he's finished anyway.

Democrats were worried about his gaffes. Ha ha. I like the one where he offered condolences for the death of a prime Minister's wife. She was alive at the time. Sorry, idiots don't qualify to be POTUS. :rolleyes:

How could it possibly not matter who the prosecutor was?
That poster is a senile old coot who doesn't know what's going on. Of course it matters who the prosecutor was since it's the right claiming Biden committed quid pro quo for getting that prosecutor fired.
Y’all love your corrupt prosecutors don’t ya.
"Corrupt", by investigating Hunter Biden and Burisma ?

As for Biden's corruption, it wouldn't matter who the prosecutor was. the mere fact that he demanded something from somebody under a threat is HIS corruption, which he publicized.

Gramps, the corrupt prosecutor he's talking about is Shokin.

You don't understand English. Doesn't matter who that prosecutor was. Biden proved his malice, but he's finished anyway.

Democrats were worried about his gaffes. Ha ha. I like the one where he offered condolences for the death of a prime Minister's wife. She was alive at the time. Sorry, idiots don't qualify to be POTUS. :rolleyes:

How could it possibly not matter who the prosecutor was?
I've already stated the answer to that. Getting enough sleep ? :confused:
Y’all love your corrupt prosecutors don’t ya.
"Corrupt", by investigating Hunter Biden and Burisma ?

As for Biden's corruption, it wouldn't matter who the prosecutor was. the mere fact that he demanded something from somebody under a threat is HIS corruption, which he publicized.

Gramps, the corrupt prosecutor he's talking about is Shokin.

You don't understand English. Doesn't matter who that prosecutor was. Biden proved his malice, but he's finished anyway.

Democrats were worried about his gaffes. Ha ha. I like the one where he offered condolences for the death of a prime Minister's wife. She was alive at the time. Sorry, idiots don't qualify to be POTUS. :rolleyes:

How could it possibly not matter who the prosecutor was?
That poster is a senile old coot who doesn't know what's going on. Of course it matters who the prosecutor was since it's the right claiming Biden committed quid pro quo for getting that prosecutor fired.
Looks like you're not getting enough sleep either. :rolleyes:

Do we have to keep repeating ourselves to these dolts ?
Y’all love your corrupt prosecutors don’t ya.
"Corrupt", by investigating Hunter Biden and Burisma ?

As for Biden's corruption, it wouldn't matter who the prosecutor was. the mere fact that he demanded something from somebody under a threat is HIS corruption, which he publicized.

Gramps, the corrupt prosecutor he's talking about is Shokin.

You don't understand English. Doesn't matter who that prosecutor was. Biden proved his malice, but he's finished anyway.

Democrats were worried about his gaffes. Ha ha. I like the one where he offered condolences for the death of a prime Minister's wife. She was alive at the time. Sorry, idiots don't qualify to be POTUS. :rolleyes:

How could it possibly not matter who the prosecutor was?
That poster is a senile old coot who doesn't know what's going on. Of course it matters who the prosecutor was since it's the right claiming Biden committed quid pro quo for getting that prosecutor fired.
Biden didn't say fire the "CORRUPT" prosecutor or you won't get the money.

He said something that created a Quid-pro-quo.

See how easy this is ?
"Corrupt", by investigating Hunter Biden and Burisma ?

As for Biden's corruption, it wouldn't matter who the prosecutor was. the mere fact that he demanded something from somebody under a threat is HIS corruption, which he publicized.

Gramps, the corrupt prosecutor he's talking about is Shokin.

You don't understand English. Doesn't matter who that prosecutor was. Biden proved his malice, but he's finished anyway.

Democrats were worried about his gaffes. Ha ha. I like the one where he offered condolences for the death of a prime Minister's wife. She was alive at the time. Sorry, idiots don't qualify to be POTUS. :rolleyes:

How could it possibly not matter who the prosecutor was?
That poster is a senile old coot who doesn't know what's going on. Of course it matters who the prosecutor was since it's the right claiming Biden committed quid pro quo for getting that prosecutor fired.
Biden didn't say fire the "CORRUPT" prosecutor or you won't get the money.

He said something that created a Quid-pro-quo.

See how easy this is ?
How do you know? You only know they way Biden recalled the event years later. You don't know what he actually said to Poroshenko at that time. Plus, Biden had previous talked about the corruption of their Prosecutor General's office, headed by Shokin. Ukrainians had previously voiced their opinion in protest to the Shokin out. Ukraine's Rada wanted Shokin out because he was corrupt.
How do you know? You only know they way Biden recalled the event years later. You don't know what he actually said to Poroshenko at that time. Plus, Biden had previous talked about the corruption of their Prosecutor General's office, headed by Shokin. Ukrainians had previously voiced their opinion in protest to the Shokin out. Ukraine's Rada wanted Shokin out because he was corrupt.
He knows because Biden openly admitted it himself on video.
For the 10th time, these details are fluff. All that matters is Biden threatened the Ukranians with the withholding of a Billion dollars in aid, unless he got what he wanted (whatever it might have been). "If the prosecutor's not fired, you're not getting the money," said Biden.

biden threatens ukraine - Bing video

The taint of Impeachment never goes away.


I dislike Trump and totally disagree with his political views, but the impeachment was totally wrong.
You can not over ride an election without serious and specific actual criminal acts.
Impeached Trump solicited a foreign national to aid his own campaign. That's illegal and the Congress would have been malfeasant to ignore it.

Would it be illegal to investigate if Biden had robbed a bank in the Ukraine or raped someone?
Of course not.
It is NEVER illegal to investigate anyone, anywhere.
The only way it could have been illegal is if there were some indication that there was a conspiracy to commit purjury with false evidence.
That never happened, so there was absolutely no crime by Trump.
But we do not yet know if Biden committed a crime, because there still has been no investigation into that.
And by law, there should be.

Yes it’s illegal to pressure a foreign government to dig dirt against his political rival trying to cheat the next election.

Sad part of that is you don’t have a real evidence that the Biden committed any wrongdoing except conspiracy crap created by Solomon.

No its not.
Where did you get that crazy idea?
If a US citizen commits crimes in another country, then the US is required by law to get that country to investigate, so that the crimes can be prosecuted.
It would only be improper if the political rival had committed no crimes and there was a hint of a frame up.
But that is not the case at all, and it is clear Burisma Holdings is incredibly suspicious.

You claim the there is nothing suspicious about Hunter Biden getting $50k/month for doing nothing and not even being able to read Ukrainian law or travel to the Ukraine?

Yes it is.

You have no single drop of cow dung of evidence that the Biden committed any crime or corruption. This was debunked inside the Capitol Hill during the trial of this inept president. They also debunked Hannity conspiracies lying bullshit.

You have plenty of evidence Trump is corrupt. Why don’t you start with that?

Hunter? True he made $50k a month. how do you even know what he did at Burisma? Do you have any evidence of any wrongdoing at Burisma? Why is Ukrainian law matters when you are a board member of a company?

The taint of Impeachment never goes away.


I dislike Trump and totally disagree with his political views, but the impeachment was totally wrong.
You can not over ride an election without serious and specific actual criminal acts.
Impeached Trump solicited a foreign national to aid his own campaign. That's illegal and the Congress would have been malfeasant to ignore it.

Would it be illegal to investigate if Biden had robbed a bank in the Ukraine or raped someone?
Of course not.
It is NEVER illegal to investigate anyone, anywhere.
The only way it could have been illegal is if there were some indication that there was a conspiracy to commit purjury with false evidence.
That never happened, so there was absolutely no crime by Trump.
But we do not yet know if Biden committed a crime, because there still has been no investigation into that.
And by law, there should be.
It would have been illegal no matter what Biden had done had Impeached Trump solicited a foreign national to investigate him. There are legal avenues Impeached Trump could have taken to have Biden investigated. Doing it by soliciting a foreign national, however, is illegal; and he can't violate one law to enforce another.

That is totally untrue.
There is no other possible avenue to investigate a crime by a US citizen in a foreign country except by asking that country to investigate.
Not only would the FBI or CIA have no authority or ability to investigate, but it would be illegal.
No US personnel can legally conduct official business in a foreign country without registering with that country and getting their permission, which typically is not given.
The last thing any country wants or allows is a bunch of US spies potentially stealing, extorting, bribing, murdering, or anything else.

Wrong very wrong there Bud. Where did you get that idea?

FBI or CIA can investigate in foreign countries with the approval of the hosting government especially when you have extradition treaty. In Ukraine which relies heavily on US foreign aid. Why do you think that is a problem?

But you don’t have a problem sending this henchmen Trump personal attorney Guilliani doing a fraudulent investigation.

If FBI will investigate it’s not what this moron POTUS wants to hear because you have no iota of evidence the Biden did anything wrong. Except a conspiracy crap cooked by Solomon.

This been debunked many times over.
Of course it's illegal to solicit a foreign national to help with a campaign.

Then why wasn't that one of the arcticles??


It is because you SPIN and LIE.

The request by Trump was to investigate WHERE our foreign aid to Ukraine actually went.

Some of it went into HUNTER BIDEN's pocket.

You loved it. You cheered it. And you HATE IT when someone wants to INVESTIGATE IT....

Hunter Biden pocket? Do you have any evidence of that?

I blasted you several times for lying over and over.

You are lying hypocrite bastard. I’m so sick of your repeated bullshit. People should ignore you Dude.
Yes it is.

You have no single drop of cow dung of evidence that the Biden committed any crime or corruption. This was debunked inside the Capitol Hill during the trial of this inept president. They also debunked Hannity conspiracies lying bullshit.

You have plenty of evidence Trump is corrupt. Why don’t you start with that?

Hunter? True he made $50k a month. how do you even know what he did at Burisma? Do you have any evidence of any wrongdoing at Burisma? Why is Ukrainian law matters when you are a board member of a company?
You have no evidence of Trump committing any crime. You have a video of Biden doing extortion to the Ukranians. Hardly matters. Biden is a washed up gaffe machine.
How do you know? You only know they way Biden recalled the event years later. You don't know what he actually said to Poroshenko at that time. Plus, Biden had previous talked about the corruption of their Prosecutor General's office, headed by Shokin. Ukrainians had previously voiced their opinion in protest to the Shokin out. Ukraine's Rada wanted Shokin out because he was corrupt.
He knows because Biden openly admitted it himself on video.
For the 10th time, these details are fluff. All that matters is Biden threatened the Ukranians with the withholding of a Billion dollars in aid, unless he got what he wanted (whatever it might have been). "If the prosecutor's not fired, you're not getting the money," said Biden.

biden threatens ukraine - Bing video
Biden didn't recall his conversation with Poroshenko verbatim, gramps.
I dislike Trump and totally disagree with his political views, but the impeachment was totally wrong.
You can not over ride an election without serious and specific actual criminal acts.
Impeached Trump solicited a foreign national to aid his own campaign. That's illegal and the Congress would have been malfeasant to ignore it.

Would it be illegal to investigate if Biden had robbed a bank in the Ukraine or raped someone?
Of course not.
It is NEVER illegal to investigate anyone, anywhere.
The only way it could have been illegal is if there were some indication that there was a conspiracy to commit purjury with false evidence.
That never happened, so there was absolutely no crime by Trump.
But we do not yet know if Biden committed a crime, because there still has been no investigation into that.
And by law, there should be.
It would have been illegal no matter what Biden had done had Impeached Trump solicited a foreign national to investigate him. There are legal avenues Impeached Trump could have taken to have Biden investigated. Doing it by soliciting a foreign national, however, is illegal; and he can't violate one law to enforce another.

That is totally untrue.
There is no other possible avenue to investigate a crime by a US citizen in a foreign country except by asking that country to investigate.
Not only would the FBI or CIA have no authority or ability to investigate, but it would be illegal.
No US personnel can legally conduct official business in a foreign country without registering with that country and getting their permission, which typically is not given.
The last thing any country wants or allows is a bunch of US spies potentially stealing, extorting, bribing, murdering, or anything else.

Wrong very wrong there Bud. Where did you get that idea?

FBI or CIA can investigate in foreign countries with the approval of the hosting government especially when you have extradition treaty. In Ukraine which relies heavily on US foreign aid. Why do you think that is a problem?

But you don’t have a problem sending this henchmen Trump personal attorney Guilliani doing a fraudulent investigation.

If FBI will investigate it’s not what this moron POTUS wants to hear because you have no iota of evidence the Biden did anything wrong. Except a conspiracy crap cooked by Solomon.

This been debunked many times over.
They make their shit up as they go along.
Yes it is.

You have no single drop of cow dung of evidence that the Biden committed any crime or corruption. This was debunked inside the Capitol Hill during the trial of this inept president. They also debunked Hannity conspiracies lying bullshit.

You have plenty of evidence Trump is corrupt. Why don’t you start with that?

Hunter? True he made $50k a month. how do you even know what he did at Burisma? Do you have any evidence of any wrongdoing at Burisma? Why is Ukrainian law matters when you are a board member of a company?
You have no evidence of Trump committing any crime. You have a video of Biden doing extortion to the Ukranians. Hardly matters. Biden is a washed up gaffe machine.
Actually, it shows Impeached Trump's scheme to eliminate his competition is working.
Why shouldn't Democrats avoid a candidate who has been involved in corruption, and then brags about it on video. Amazing that anyone is even talking about Biden for any job other than riding on the back of a garbage truck.

And your evidence of Biden corruption is where?
So far I have not seen any of you or any one a solid evidence of Biden corruption.

Trump corruption that you admired a lying hypocrite asshole is well documented. And proven.
That is correct. Illegals don’t vote.

Well you have not proven anything Dude. Few maybe like the republicans that get caught. But millions?

I gave you real facts and reality you post conspiracy.

You posted links and many studies? Coming from a group that are anti immigrants. Do you expect me to believe that kind of study?
Well who do you think studies showing illegal aliens would be coming from ? La Raza ?

What real facts did you give ? I don't remember that..

In 2020, only a laughingstock fool would go around trying to claim that illegal aliens don't vote. And you didn't answer my question. >> "why do you think Democrats go to great lengths to have these Invaders here ? Because they like the sound of Spanish being spoken ?"

Texas Democrats ask noncitizens to register to vote

Poll: 13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote - California Political Review

Finally Proof of Illegal Alien Voting

Noncitizens, Voting Violations and U.S. Elections | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Illegal Aliens Really Do Vote – a Lot

Exclusive: Florida Investigating Potential Non-Citizen Voters


Yes I answered your question but you didn’t like my answer.

Am I supposed to believe your links coming from an unknown bias media. CBS4 reports is the only one credible but no hard facts of what is being reported.

If there’s any truthfulness of your links don’t you think Kobach and Pence could have used those as evidence?

Go get me something more credible. Look at the name of your links. Those are just unverifiable an anti immigrants group.

Illegals don’t vote that is a fact. Just imagine an illegals waking to a booth. Yo quiero dos tacos. Don’t you think these republicans watchdog that works at voting centers don’t question that?
You are talking by the thousands or millions.
Yes it’s illegal to pressure a foreign government to dig dirt against his political rival trying to cheat the next election.

Sad part of that is you don’t have a real evidence that the Biden committed any wrongdoing except conspiracy crap created by Solomon.
1. Their is nothing to conclude that Trump tried to "dig dirt against his political rival" There is proof that he tried to check up on corruption committed by the Bidens ( which Joe openly bragged about on video)

2. Of course there's evidence that Biden committed wrongdoing. Mid February 2020, and you still haven't seen the video ?

biden video on ukraine prosecutor - Bing video

Wrong again dude. Very wrong. Coming from Absolutely. That is very funny dude.

Yes Trump is rigging the election a well known corrupted person. Why is that a surprise to you? Dig dirt of a political rival with the help of foreign countries. That is pure corruption/
Yes it’s illegal to pressure a foreign government to dig dirt against his political rival trying to cheat the next election.

Sad part of that is you don’t have a real evidence that the Biden committed any wrongdoing except conspiracy crap created by Solomon.
1. Their is nothing to conclude that Trump tried to "dig dirt against his political rival" There is proof that he tried to check up on corruption committed by the Bidens ( which Joe openly bragged about on video)

2. Of course there's evidence that Biden committed wrongdoing. Mid February 2020, and you still haven't seen the video ?

biden video on ukraine prosecutor - Bing video

There’s nothing on that video that Biden committed any wrong doing.

There’s nothing on that video mentioned of Hunter.

There’s evidence from congress with the republicans, IMF, EU and anti corruption groups in Ukraine that wants to fire corrupted prosecutor general Shokin. That’s a fact.

All these garbage and lies that you and your buddies keep repeating of money laundering by the Biden...... Where is the evidence?

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