
Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Considering that:

A. The American people recognize Barack Obama as the worst president of the modern era


B. That Hitlery Clinton got her ass handed to her in a HUGE way by President Trump

one would think that the left would want to run someone that wasn't part of the failed Obama regime :dunno:

Biden expands lead over rivals for 2020 U.S. presidential nomination despite lack of support from millennials: Reuters/Ipsos poll - Reuters

Problem for them is the other democrats running are considerably worse than Biden
Problem for them is the other democrats running are considerably worse than Biden
You cannot be serious. Who is worse than drunk, crazy, Uncle Joe? With the exception of Hitlery, I can't think of a single worse candidate for the left. Seriously. Not even AOC.

Biden hasn’t endorsed the green new deal, reparations, single payer, free college, giving terrorists voting rights, etc.. He’s an idiot, but compared to the rest of the field he’s the most formidable candidate against Trump.
No, they still need to achieve their globalists goals, considering certain someone’s will only finance them, if they do.
Considering that:

A. The American people recognize Barack Obama as the worst president of the modern era


B. That Hitlery Clinton got her ass handed to her in a HUGE way by President Trump

one would think that the left would want to run someone that wasn't part of the failed Obama regime :dunno:

Biden expands lead over rivals for 2020 U.S. presidential nomination despite lack of support from millennials: Reuters/Ipsos poll - Reuters
Problem for them is the other democrats running are considerably worse than Biden
You cannot be serious. Who is worse than drunk, crazy, Uncle Joe? With the exception of Hitlery, I can't think of a single worse candidate for the left. Seriously. Not even AOC.

I disagree. I think Democrats are stupid enough to give more votes to Bidet than any of the other 21 candidates. Because:
  1. Name recognition and familiarity. Almost all the others are practically unknown and far less experienced.
  2. Money. Bidet will collect more funds for running than any of them.
Considering that:

A. The American people recognize Barack Obama as the worst president of the modern era


B. That Hitlery Clinton got her ass handed to her in a HUGE way by President Trump

one would think that the left would want to run someone that wasn't part of the failed Obama regime :dunno:

Biden expands lead over rivals for 2020 U.S. presidential nomination despite lack of support from millennials: Reuters/Ipsos poll - Reuters

Proverbs 26:11...

"As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly..."
Problem for them is the other democrats running are considerably worse than Biden
You cannot be serious. Who is worse than drunk, crazy, Uncle Joe? With the exception of Hitlery, I can't think of a single worse candidate for the left. Seriously. Not even AOC.

Biden hasn’t endorsed the green new deal, reparations, single payer, free college, giving terrorists voting rights, etc.. He’s an idiot, but compared to the rest of the field he’s the most formidable candidate against Trump.
Actually, Biden hasn't endorsed anything. His lead will vanish once people get to know who he is.
There isn’t a democrat who has a chance at beating Trump.

Democrats are currently looking like a crazy and dysfunctional group of idiots struggling to find a winning message that’ll beat what Trump has already been delivering.
Biden is a nice guy and loves young broads. Like any REAL uhmerrykin.
I wish he and Jay would get together and have a Sat. morning revival !
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm ?


  • joefrank.jpg
    29.9 KB · Views: 184
Problem for them is the other democrats running are considerably worse than Biden
You cannot be serious. Who is worse than drunk, crazy, Uncle Joe? With the exception of Hitlery, I can't think of a single worse candidate for the left. Seriously. Not even AOC.

Biden hasn’t endorsed the green new deal, reparations, single payer, free college, giving terrorists voting rights, etc.. He’s an idiot, but compared to the rest of the field he’s the most formidable candidate against Trump.
Actually, Biden hasn't endorsed anything. His lead will vanish once people get to know who he is.

People think they know who he is. He has the reputation of being a centrist, which is why he’s leading in the polls by a wide margin. He’s going to have to pander to progressives in the primaries a bit more if he wants to be the nominee, but in the general he’ll move back to the center. The hope for him is he can win over independents, and still have progressives vote for him because they hate Trump. I don’t think it will work, but time will tell.
If yall dont want this boob as pResident---you're crazy !


  • memixa.jpg
    68.7 KB · Views: 165
Well despite AOC doesn't want to endorse Joe "Bite Me", and that asked "Pocahontas" to team up. As well, as Bernie "Burn Me" and Biden are so far apart on some of the issues, it makes the rest of the party look like a freak accident ready to happen.

Plugs is a Democrat version of Jeb Bush; ultra-low energy.
It looks like age has caught up with Joe. And he will be the Dem nominee. This is a good thing as he will be flailing around like the old man he is; unable to decide if he is a moderate or a looney tune far leftist. He'll be the biggest confused flip-flopper evah.
Problem for them is the other democrats running are considerably worse than Biden
You cannot be serious. Who is worse than drunk, crazy, Uncle Joe? With the exception of Hitlery, I can't think of a single worse candidate for the left. Seriously. Not even AOC.

Biden hasn’t endorsed the green new deal, reparations, single payer, free college, giving terrorists voting rights, etc.. He’s an idiot, but compared to the rest of the field he’s the most formidable candidate against Trump.
Actually, Biden hasn't endorsed anything. His lead will vanish once people get to know who he is.

People think they know who he is. He has the reputation of being a centrist, which is why he’s leading in the polls by a wide margin. He’s going to have to pander to progressives in the primaries a bit more if he wants to be the nominee, but in the general he’ll move back to the center. The hope for him is he can win over independents, and still have progressives vote for him because they hate Trump. I don’t think it will work, but time will tell.
People think of him as a centrist, but he's always claimed to be a liberal, but he was a leader of the fight against school busing, a big advocate as chairman of the Senate judiciary committee of long sentences for a third felony conviction and he supported the banks against poor consumers in a bankruptcy bill. The truth is Joe Biden has always been just an opportunistic politician.
Considering that:

A. The American people recognize Barack Obama as the worst president of the modern era


B. That Hitlery Clinton got her ass handed to her in a HUGE way by President Trump

one would think that the left would want to run someone that wasn't part of the failed Obama regime :dunno:

Biden expands lead over rivals for 2020 U.S. presidential nomination despite lack of support from millennials: Reuters/Ipsos poll - Reuters

Biden is the next President of the United States. In the average of polls, he crushing his Democratic competition. BIDEN when all the polls are averaged is at about 40%, while Bernie is a distant second at 15%.

Biden has defeated Trump in EVERY poll that has been done on the two for a GENERAL ELECTION race. Biden beats Trump by double digits in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Trump. In less than 18 months, it will be over for Trump except for the packing.

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