The Biden administration has no choice but to pursue accountability for Trump and all his associates

We'll, in a little while he'll be handing out vaccines where Trump failed. Lol! Trump, what a loser.
WTF are you babbling about? 12 million vaccines have already been shipped.........................and Pedo Joe spent the last year telling morons like you he would never get it done by the end of the year.

You really should tap out of this thread, Buttercup.
We'll, in a little while he'll be handing out vaccines where Trump failed. Lol! Trump, what a loser.
WTF are you babbling about? 12 million vaccines have already been shipped.........................and Pedo Joe spent the last year telling morons like you he would never get it done by the end of the year.

You really should tap out of this thread, Buttercup.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
When it doesn't happen will you condemn the Biden administration as corrupt?
The Biden administration aren't the one's who are going to be investigated for crimes Trump has already committed. Stupid question! Trump is going to be investigated and charged. We already know about his tax liability of $400 plus million. We already know about the court filing for campaign finance crimes.
1. Any tax issue would be handled by the IRS.

2. Any campaign finance violations are dealt with by fines, not jail time, Dummy. See Barry Hussein’s record fines for reference.
Tell that to Michael Cohen. They committed the crime together at Trumps direction. Next?
He pled to several offenses, Dummy. Jail was for real crimes, the fine was for campaign finance violations, Idiot.
Do you lie most of the time, or all of the time? Cohen made an emotional apology to U.S. District Judge William H. Pauley III, taking responsibility for what the judge called a “veritable smorgasbord of criminal conduct” — crimes that included tax violations, lying to a bank and, during the 2016 campaign, buying the silence of women who claimed that they once had affairs with the future president.
Nothing you posted changes the facts in my post.

Man, you just keep losing in your own thread.

Must suck.
You have to present facts for them to be facts. Shit that comes out of your ass are not facts. My link specifically explains what Cohen went to jail for. Your non-existent link does not. You lose again. You just continue to make a fool of yourself. But ha, keep going. We are loving every minute, watching you make an idiot of yourself by showing us nothing.

You have to present facts for them to be facts. Shit that comes out of your ass are not facts.

Sez the clown who started a thread claiming all kinds of criminal acts by Trump and ALL OF HIS ASSOCIATES.

And yet, you have failed to bring ANY evidence of ANY crime by Trump, much less ALL OF HIS ASSOCIATES.

Man, you really stepped in it with this clusterfuck thread, Fuckwit. :banana: :laughing0301: :banana: :laughing0301:
You better be worried about your boy January 20th; Donny Deutsch: Donald Trump is nothing more than the ‘chief crime boss’

It's going to go RICO.
Blowing smoke is worth nothing
That is literally all she did for FOUR YEARS. She could be the biggest fake news source on tv.

Either way I'm done with this. She is a political hack and you're clearly too blind to see it so there's nothing else to say.
You are weak, a loser, a coward, and a quitter. You never had any skin in this game to begin with.
Oh look, he has switched to personal insults.
Everyone pat him on the head so he will feel better. Poor guy

Maybe get him some cookies and milk?
You are what you have proven to be. And thanks, I already had my cookies and milk before we found out how impossible it is for you to debate. That's not an insult, it's just telling the truth.
There's nothing worthy of debate. She's a hack and apparently you are too
We'll, in a little while he'll be handing out vaccines where Trump failed. Lol! Trump, what a loser.
WTF are you babbling about? 12 million vaccines have already been shipped.........................and Pedo Joe spent the last year telling morons like you he would never get it done by the end of the year.

You really should tap out of this thread, Buttercup.
Links like that is why you always look like the blithering idiot you are.

The number of those being vaccinated in the early stages are growing by about 1 million per day. So, at "the current rate" it would take under a year.

But only a complete idiot like you source, and brain dead morons like you, think the rate will not increase. The vaccine was just approved. Manufacturing will increase exponentially in the next few weeks/months.

But nobody here expects you to understand such things cuz you are a moron.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
When it doesn't happen will you condemn the Biden administration as corrupt?
The Biden administration aren't the one's who are going to be investigated for crimes Trump has already committed. Stupid question! Trump is going to be investigated and charged. We already know about his tax liability of $400 plus million. We already know about the court filing for campaign finance crimes.
1. Any tax issue would be handled by the IRS.

2. Any campaign finance violations are dealt with by fines, not jail time, Dummy. See Barry Hussein’s record fines for reference.
Tell that to Michael Cohen. They committed the crime together at Trumps direction. Next?
He pled to several offenses, Dummy. Jail was for real crimes, the fine was for campaign finance violations, Idiot.
Do you lie most of the time, or all of the time? Cohen made an emotional apology to U.S. District Judge William H. Pauley III, taking responsibility for what the judge called a “veritable smorgasbord of criminal conduct” — crimes that included tax violations, lying to a bank and, during the 2016 campaign, buying the silence of women who claimed that they once had affairs with the future president.
Nothing you posted changes the facts in my post.

Man, you just keep losing in your own thread.

Must suck.
You have to present facts for them to be facts. Shit that comes out of your ass are not facts. My link specifically explains what Cohen went to jail for. Your non-existent link does not. You lose again. You just continue to make a fool of yourself. But ha, keep going. We are loving every minute, watching you make an idiot of yourself by showing us nothing.

You have to present facts for them to be facts. Shit that comes out of your ass are not facts.

Sez the clown who started a thread claiming all kinds of criminal acts by Trump and ALL OF HIS ASSOCIATES.

And yet, you have failed to bring ANY evidence of ANY crime by Trump, much less ALL OF HIS ASSOCIATES.

Man, you really stepped in it with this clusterfuck thread, Fuckwit. :banana: :laughing0301: :banana: :laughing0301:
You better be worried about your boy January 20th; Donny Deutsch: Donald Trump is nothing more than the ‘chief crime boss’

It's going to go RICO.
Donnie Douche? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :cuckoo: :laugh2: :banana: :laughing0301: :laugh2: :iyfyus.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :laughing0301: :banana: :itsok: :cuckoo: :laugh2: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :itsok: :laughing0301: :laugh2:
Wow! This thread has been the biggest beatdown and clusterfuck for any OP I have ever witnessed on the world wide web. :itsok:

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.

So a constitutional scholar wants to ignore the constitution?

Typical prog.
Prog? Try typical Lib bitch.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
When it doesn't happen will you condemn the Biden administration as corrupt?
The Biden administration aren't the one's who are going to be investigated for crimes Trump has already committed. Stupid question! Trump is going to be investigated and charged. We already know about his tax liability of $400 plus million. We already know about the court filing for campaign finance crimes.
1. Any tax issue would be handled by the IRS.

2. Any campaign finance violations are dealt with by fines, not jail time, Dummy. See Barry Hussein’s record fines for reference.
Tell that to Michael Cohen. They committed the crime together at Trumps direction. Next?
He pled to several offenses, Dummy. Jail was for real crimes, the fine was for campaign finance violations, Idiot.
Do you lie most of the time, or all of the time? Cohen made an emotional apology to U.S. District Judge William H. Pauley III, taking responsibility for what the judge called a “veritable smorgasbord of criminal conduct” — crimes that included tax violations, lying to a bank and, during the 2016 campaign, buying the silence of women who claimed that they once had affairs with the future president.
Nothing you posted changes the facts in my post.

Man, you just keep losing in your own thread.

Must suck.
You have to present facts for them to be facts. Shit that comes out of your ass are not facts. My link specifically explains what Cohen went to jail for. Your non-existent link does not. You lose again. You just continue to make a fool of yourself. But ha, keep going. We are loving every minute, watching you make an idiot of yourself by showing us nothing.

You have to present facts for them to be facts. Shit that comes out of your ass are not facts.

Sez the clown who started a thread claiming all kinds of criminal acts by Trump and ALL OF HIS ASSOCIATES.

And yet, you have failed to bring ANY evidence of ANY crime by Trump, much less ALL OF HIS ASSOCIATES.

Man, you really stepped in it with this clusterfuck thread, Fuckwit. :banana: :laughing0301: :banana: :laughing0301:
You better be worried about your boy January 20th; Donny Deutsch: Donald Trump is nothing more than the ‘chief crime boss’

It's going to go RICO.
Donnie Douche? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :cuckoo: :laugh2: :banana: :laughing0301: :laugh2: :iyfyus.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :laughing0301: :banana: :itsok: :cuckoo: :laugh2: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :itsok: :laughing0301: :laugh2:
Joe Tse-Tung Biden.
We'll, in a little while he'll be handing out vaccines where Trump failed. Lol! Trump, what a loser.
WTF are you babbling about? 12 million vaccines have already been shipped.........................and Pedo Joe spent the last year telling morons like you he would never get it done by the end of the year.

You really should tap out of this thread, Buttercup.
Links like that is why you always look like the blithering idiot you are.

The number of those being vaccinated in the early stages are growing by about 1 million per day. So, at "the current rate" it would take under a year.

But only a complete idiot like you source, and brain dead morons like you, think the rate will not increase. The vaccine was just approved. Manufacturing will increase exponentially in the next few weeks/months.

But nobody here expects you to understand such things cuz you are a moron.
And posts like this prove Democrats suck donkey pud.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
He is a Bolshevik hack and clown attorney
Harvard attorneys?? Just far more crooked and sly than the other “sewer rats “
They’re the biggest crooks and most unscrupulous frauds of them all

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.

So a constitutional scholar wants to ignore the constitution?

Typical prog.
Prog? Try typical Lib bitch.

There is nothing "liberal" about the modern SJW type progressive.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
Trump did nothing but Biden got rich using his son through China.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
What crimes idiot?

You are simply advocating abusing the governments power again to harass political enemies including railroading Trumps people on trumped on charges. It's immoral and destructive.
Not at all. All the one's Trump pardoned were those who kept quiet about Trumps own obstruction of justice activities while interfering in the Mueller investigation, while Russia was getting Trump elected.

Trump is also on the hook for campaign finance violations in the 2016 election.

As for crimes already committed, he paid fines for illegally stealing money from charities that were supposed to go to children with cancer and creating a bogus university, stealing millions of dollars there.

So there, those are the crimes.

He is also on the hook for tax crimes of over 400 million dollars in tax evasion charges waiting for him, along with investigations into bank fraud and money laundering.

Trump is a career criminal.
Mueller proved you wrong.
You better be worried about your boy January 20th; Donny Deutsch: Donald Trump is nothing more than the ‘chief crime boss’

It's going to go RICO.

You commie piles of shit are already abusing power.

Potentate Obamugabe used the FBI to spy on the opposition candidate in a presidential election and then used what they heard to tamper with the election.

We know what corrupt vermin you Maoists are. We know this is a cultural revolution just like your mentor and the founder of your party (as it currently is) Mao Tse Tung did. Now Mao murdered 65 million people during his cultural revolution. How many do you pigs intend to slaughter? 63% of the nation, right?

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.

So a constitutional scholar wants to ignore the constitution?

Typical prog.
What's being ignored?

If Ford was able to Pardon Nixon out of being prosecuted, a Pardon can be pretty much be given for any reason.

Making up some "obstruction of justice" excuse is just that, an excuse for what progs like you really want to do, punish ThoughtCrime.
If it were given for any reason, any president could do the same for one's self, therefore making him or her above the law. If, for example, which is likely the case with Trump, he pardoned his buddies to stay quiet about him, and they lost their fifth amendment rights after words, told on Trump to save their own skins, and you still couldn't prosecute Trump, them Trump is immune to the law. You can't have it both ways. Get a clue.
lol. How naive.

Lets take a look.

Nixon resigned before he was removed from office. Therefore Ford had to pardon him.

Trump was impeached and not removed from office, he did not resign, he had no charges levied against him....just accusations.

If he needed to be pardoned he would have resigned and have pence pardon him.

You are naive and acting silly with this thread.
Your post has nothing to do with me being naive, because your post has nothing to do with my post. My post concerns itself with a potential crime by Trump for pardoning criminals who kept their mouths shut.

Here's how all this is going to play out sonny boy. Trumps butt boys who he pardoned, no longer have fifth amendment rights. And when Trump is investigated, while his butt boys go on trial in front of a grand jury, they will either tell the truth and stay out of jail, or go back to jail for perjuring themselves. Where in they go back to jail, and Trump will join them for the criminal evidence they have on him.

And another thing, the fact that Trump pardoned his buddies, did prove one very important thing, so remember this later on. Pardoning is admission of guilt.

So, who's the one being naive and silly? Take a wild guess.
Didnt waste my time reading your entire post. No offense. But your your first line mentions "potential crimes"....and that is the point. I can say my mother committed potential crimes. I can say you did.

To me that is nothing more than posting to hear yourself and feel good.

Go for it.
You didn't waste your time, because you have no counter argument. You keep shifting the argument to something unrelated. "Potential crimes" does not change the fact that your post before this one, still has nothing to do with mine. You are running from the argument when you said you "didn't waste time."

This is what you ran to; If he needed to be pardoned he would have resigned and have pence pardon him. This has nothing to do with anything, and certainly has no relationship with my argument. You are a coward who runs from the real fight. Again, the real fight is the fact that Trump's butt boys are going to be up in front of a jury, and everything is going to get out about Trump, or his butt boys go back to jail.

If Trump had resigned and Pence pardoned him, Trump would be admitting guilt. But here's the thing, pardoned for what? He hasn't been charged and found guilty of anything yet. By that time, Pence would be out of office. Your argument is littered in nonsense once again, just so you can run from the real argument.
No. I didn't waste my time because the first line of your post referred to "potential crimes".

There isnt an American who can not be accused of potential crimes.

For me to address potential crimes is like me addressing the potential crime you committed when you were seen by an unnamed source jerking off while viewing the gorilla cage at the zoo..

Potential crimes. Give me a break.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
The President has the power to pardon as set forth in the Constitution.

It can't be a crime for a President to exercise a power set forth in the Constitution.

This Tribe guy is a fucking moron.

You're a moron too for posing this.
You are wrong. It can be a crime if the pardons were used to protect Trump from his own criminal liability. We are going to find that out real soon.

Yeah, I also hear Clinton is going to jail any day! LOL!!!
Heard from who? Your own echoes? Lol!

I noticed you presented no intelligent counter rebuttal to my argument. How come? Because you have no argument. That's why you ran like a coward to some Clinton nonsense.

Because your argument is based on feelings and not facts. Nothing will come of this, just as nothing has become of any other administration and their crimes. Biden is not going to pursue anything that will rock future presidencies.

From Reagan to Trump and every President in between, the hammer was going to drop on a president and never did. Until it actually happens, this is a big nothing. You go on on how it will work, in the end, it won't work.
You are wrong. It can be a crime if the pardons were used to protect Trump from his own criminal liability. We are going to find that out real soon. Explain to me exactly in legal terms, why this fact is not a fact. I know of no statute that protects any president from pardoning criminals just to protect yourself against your own criminal liability. Show us where that exists.
As for it not working, it has to work. Democracy depends on it working, or we will have presidents who are above the law, who will be able to do anything they want, with no consequence. That is your argument.

Lots of things can be crimes and lots of things you can investigate, hell how many years have they been after Clinton and nothing. Democrats said Scott Walker would be arrested and we have not seen that either.

You can claim there is a crime, you can claim whatever you want however until someone is prosecuted you have nothing. Biden is not going to push it and neither will any other federal Democrat, the best chance would be the state of New York and that could be tied up for many many years to come.
There you go again. You are running. "Clinton?" Lol! You just can't keep it in the road can you?

It is public knowledge that Trump has avoided paying taxes. He owes in excess of over $400 million dollars, which he tried to hide from the public until he couldn't. I would be in jail right now if I owed that much money to the IRS.

Biden might not push it, but the country has to. We lose our Democracy if we don't. Every president is above the law if it isn't pursued. We have no other choice.
Wait a minute....
It is Public knowledge that Trump avoided paying taxes?

The most scrutinized man in America and the IRS did not notice that?

It is public knowledge that he owes 400 million and the IRS is not aware of such public knowledge?

You mean, the IRS puts a lien on a house of a family with 75K a year in income due to owed taxes but they ignore the fact that a billionaire owes 400 Million in taxes?

A man who has had half of congress search for dirt on him for 4 years owes 400 million in taxes but the IRS doesnt know?

Are you sure of that?


Are you really sure of that?

Grow up skippy.

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