The best thing libertarians can do right now is support Republicans


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2010
No, the Republican haven't done anything to merit support. I'm not even going to try. But:

Democrats are

- No longer just a lesser evil. They are actual evil. They have taken race whoring to epic proportions. Race relations have done nothing but go down and it's been a clear Democrat strategy to accomplish that to get blacks to the polls to vote blue. That while they ramp up the electronic lynching of any black who tries not to be a Democrat to send a message to the rest of the blacks what will happen to them if they do the same

- Pushing the green new deal to get Marxism. The reality is we aren't technologically advanced enough yet to get off fossil fuels. Yet they want to spend trillions. And it's just a shallow marketing cover for Marxism. They are seriously pushing things like minimum income as "green"

- Turning our inner cities into violent turf. You can't even walk the streets anymore. Note too how even though there are NO Republicans involved in these inner city issues, Democrats try to use their own failures to draw votes

- Are just pushing endless Marxism, and for real. Not like the old days where they just ran as Marxists. They want single payer and government control over energy, financial services just to start

That while the Libertarian Party is now just a gag party

- Bob Barr, Gary Johnson and Gary Johnson? Three candidates in a row that weren't even libertarian

- Finally in 2020, we got Jo Jorgensen who is at least libertarian, but the Libertarian Party again had to prove it's just a gag party by picking Spike Cohen, the anarchist running mate of Vermin, a performance artist who wears a shoe as a hat and isn't even libertarian. The party can't be taken seriously at this point

I argued since circa 1990 thirty years ago that it really didn't matter if you didn't listen to the words and just looked at what they actually did. Now it matters. Not because the Republican have gotten any better, they haven't. But the Democrats have gone off the deep end. No more sticking our heads in the sand and pretending the parties are the same, they are not. And Democrats are to a point like despots and dictators that the have to be stopped.

Frankly if you can't vote Republican, at least vote for another third party until the Libertarian Party pulls its head out of its ass. Gone were the days of Harry Browne where we could vote for an actual libertarian. Badnarik wasn't bad either. But since then, it's sad
Libertarians always support Republicans

Some do, some don't. There are many libertarians in the Republican Party. But to make the blanket statement you did is moronic and ignorant. Your usual fare.

I advocate anyone with any libertarian leaning now support Republicans as long as Democrats are going of the kooky cliff with your Marxist revolution shit
The best thing libertarians can do right now is support Republicans

It would save their party from ruination.....Pelosi and the other TDSers are killing off their own dem party.....using unemployed folks as pawns to get all of their widest commie dreams passed is not a way to influence and win over why would a so called small government party link up with her?....
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Libertarians always support Republicans
You ignorance is appalling. Hard core Libertarians sre mostly disgruntled Democrats.

I'd suggest you look before you leap when you're at a precipice.

Just to point out the error of your convoluted thinking- however, it illustrates where you get your knowledge from as the media is supportive of your lack of thought.
No, Libertarians nor libertarians don't need to support Republicans. They need to coalesce themselves to enter the fray as a viable alternative. But, in all honesty, the hard core are as idiotic as Democrats and Republicans when it comes to arguing amongst themselves- and, besides that Republicans haven't proven themselves any better at being less evil than Democrats- evil is evil, the degree is immaterial. Same destination, different rate of descent is still hitting a brick wall- 99 mph vs 100 mph is still devestating.

No, the Republican haven't done anything to merit support. I'm not even going to try. But:

Democrats are

- No longer just a lesser evil. They are actual evil. They have taken race whoring to epic proportions. Race relations have done nothing but go down and it's been a clear Democrat strategy to accomplish that to get blacks to the polls to vote blue. That while they ramp up the electronic lynching of any black who tries not to be a Democrat to send a message to the rest of the blacks what will happen to them if they do the same

- Pushing the green new deal to get Marxism. The reality is we aren't technologically advanced enough yet to get off fossil fuels. Yet they want to spend trillions. And it's just a shallow marketing cover for Marxism. They are seriously pushing things like minimum income as "green"

- Turning our inner cities into violent turf. You can't even walk the streets anymore. Note too how even though there are NO Republicans involved in these inner city issues, Democrats try to use their own failures to draw votes

- Are just pushing endless Marxism, and for real. Not like the old days where they just ran as Marxists. They want single payer and government control over energy, financial services just to start

That while the Libertarian Party is now just a gag party

- Bob Barr, Gary Johnson and Gary Johnson? Three candidates in a row that weren't even libertarian

- Finally in 2020, we got Jo Jorgensen who is at least libertarian, but the Libertarian Party again had to prove it's just a gag party by picking Spike Cohen, the anarchist running mate of Vermin, a performance artist who wears a shoe as a hat and isn't even libertarian. The party can't be taken seriously at this point

I argued since circa 1990 thirty years ago that it really didn't matter if you didn't listen to the words and just looked at what they actually did. Now it matters. Not because the Republican have gotten any better, they haven't. But the Democrats have gone off the deep end. No more sticking our heads in the sand and pretending the parties are the same, they are not. And Democrats are to a point like despots and dictators that the have to be stopped.

Frankly if you can't vote Republican, at least vote for another third party until the Libertarian Party pulls its head out of its ass. Gone were the days of Harry Browne where we could vote for an actual libertarian. Badnarik wasn't bad either. But since then, it's sad
And, it turns out Jo Jorgenson is a commie leftist plant, so I REALLY have no choice but to vote for dog shit Republitards.
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There has never been a clearer choice in a Presidential election. The GOP for all it's flaws stands for American values and the Democrats stand for Marxist transformation of America. They embrace the fraudulent Black Lives Matter movement and Open borders since that will accelerate their voting advantage. This is not the election to take a pseudo-intellectual stand and throw your vote away on someone named Jo Jurgeson :confused-84:.
No, Libertarians nor libertarians don't need to support Republicans. They need to coalesce themselves to enter the fray as a viable alternative. But, in all honesty, the hard core are as idiotic as Democrats and Republicans when it comes to arguing amongst themselves- and, besides that Republicans haven't proven themselves any better at being less evil than Democrats- evil is evil, the degree is immaterial. Same destination, different rate of descent is still hitting a brick wall- 99 mph vs 100 mph is still devestating.

Right you are sir.

Lord Bless Spooner, greatest thinker this nation ever produced.

No, the Republican haven't done anything to merit support. I'm not even going to try. But:

Democrats are

- No longer just a lesser evil. They are actual evil. They have taken race whoring to epic proportions. Race relations have done nothing but go down and it's been a clear Democrat strategy to accomplish that to get blacks to the polls to vote blue. That while they ramp up the electronic lynching of any black who tries not to be a Democrat to send a message to the rest of the blacks what will happen to them if they do the same

- Pushing the green new deal to get Marxism. The reality is we aren't technologically advanced enough yet to get off fossil fuels. Yet they want to spend trillions. And it's just a shallow marketing cover for Marxism. They are seriously pushing things like minimum income as "green"

- Turning our inner cities into violent turf. You can't even walk the streets anymore. Note too how even though there are NO Republicans involved in these inner city issues, Democrats try to use their own failures to draw votes

- Are just pushing endless Marxism, and for real. Not like the old days where they just ran as Marxists. They want single payer and government control over energy, financial services just to start

That while the Libertarian Party is now just a gag party

- Bob Barr, Gary Johnson and Gary Johnson? Three candidates in a row that weren't even libertarian

- Finally in 2020, we got Jo Jorgensen who is at least libertarian, but the Libertarian Party again had to prove it's just a gag party by picking Spike Cohen, the anarchist running mate of Vermin, a performance artist who wears a shoe as a hat and isn't even libertarian. The party can't be taken seriously at this point

I argued since circa 1990 thirty years ago that it really didn't matter if you didn't listen to the words and just looked at what they actually did. Now it matters. Not because the Republican have gotten any better, they haven't. But the Democrats have gone off the deep end. No more sticking our heads in the sand and pretending the parties are the same, they are not. And Democrats are to a point like despots and dictators that the have to be stopped.

Frankly if you can't vote Republican, at least vote for another third party until the Libertarian Party pulls its head out of its ass. Gone were the days of Harry Browne where we could vote for an actual libertarian. Badnarik wasn't bad either. But since then, it's sad

What is a Libertarian?

Do they (libertarians) agree that a child's Constitutional rights should begin when their life does?
No, Libertarians nor libertarians don't need to support Republicans. They need to coalesce themselves to enter the fray as a viable alternative. But, in all honesty, the hard core are as idiotic as Democrats and Republicans when it comes to arguing amongst themselves- and, besides that Republicans haven't proven themselves any better at being less evil than Democrats- evil is evil, the degree is immaterial. Same destination, different rate of descent is still hitting a brick wall- 99 mph vs 100 mph is still devestating.

That little difference may bring some wisdom from somewhere and change the course we are taking.
No, the Republican haven't done anything to merit support. I'm not even going to try. But:

Democrats are

- No longer just a lesser evil. They are actual evil. They have taken race whoring to epic proportions. Race relations have done nothing but go down and it's been a clear Democrat strategy to accomplish that to get blacks to the polls to vote blue. That while they ramp up the electronic lynching of any black who tries not to be a Democrat to send a message to the rest of the blacks what will happen to them if they do the same

- Pushing the green new deal to get Marxism. The reality is we aren't technologically advanced enough yet to get off fossil fuels. Yet they want to spend trillions. And it's just a shallow marketing cover for Marxism. They are seriously pushing things like minimum income as "green"

- Turning our inner cities into violent turf. You can't even walk the streets anymore. Note too how even though there are NO Republicans involved in these inner city issues, Democrats try to use their own failures to draw votes

- Are just pushing endless Marxism, and for real. Not like the old days where they just ran as Marxists. They want single payer and government control over energy, financial services just to start

That while the Libertarian Party is now just a gag party

- Bob Barr, Gary Johnson and Gary Johnson? Three candidates in a row that weren't even libertarian

- Finally in 2020, we got Jo Jorgensen who is at least libertarian, but the Libertarian Party again had to prove it's just a gag party by picking Spike Cohen, the anarchist running mate of Vermin, a performance artist who wears a shoe as a hat and isn't even libertarian. The party can't be taken seriously at this point

I argued since circa 1990 thirty years ago that it really didn't matter if you didn't listen to the words and just looked at what they actually did. Now it matters. Not because the Republican have gotten any better, they haven't. But the Democrats have gone off the deep end. No more sticking our heads in the sand and pretending the parties are the same, they are not. And Democrats are to a point like despots and dictators that the have to be stopped.

Frankly if you can't vote Republican, at least vote for another third party until the Libertarian Party pulls its head out of its ass. Gone were the days of Harry Browne where we could vote for an actual libertarian. Badnarik wasn't bad either. But since then, it's sad

I have been saying this for a long time......we need to vote out every democrat from office and get it to the point where the two parties are Republicans and Libertarians...that would be the rational party system here in the U.S......the democrats truly are the evil party....willing to use violence, and murder to get power.
No, the Republican haven't done anything to merit support. I'm not even going to try. But:

Democrats are

- No longer just a lesser evil. They are actual evil. They have taken race whoring to epic proportions. Race relations have done nothing but go down and it's been a clear Democrat strategy to accomplish that to get blacks to the polls to vote blue. That while they ramp up the electronic lynching of any black who tries not to be a Democrat to send a message to the rest of the blacks what will happen to them if they do the same

- Pushing the green new deal to get Marxism. The reality is we aren't technologically advanced enough yet to get off fossil fuels. Yet they want to spend trillions. And it's just a shallow marketing cover for Marxism. They are seriously pushing things like minimum income as "green"

- Turning our inner cities into violent turf. You can't even walk the streets anymore. Note too how even though there are NO Republicans involved in these inner city issues, Democrats try to use their own failures to draw votes

- Are just pushing endless Marxism, and for real. Not like the old days where they just ran as Marxists. They want single payer and government control over energy, financial services just to start

That while the Libertarian Party is now just a gag party

- Bob Barr, Gary Johnson and Gary Johnson? Three candidates in a row that weren't even libertarian

- Finally in 2020, we got Jo Jorgensen who is at least libertarian, but the Libertarian Party again had to prove it's just a gag party by picking Spike Cohen, the anarchist running mate of Vermin, a performance artist who wears a shoe as a hat and isn't even libertarian. The party can't be taken seriously at this point

I argued since circa 1990 thirty years ago that it really didn't matter if you didn't listen to the words and just looked at what they actually did. Now it matters. Not because the Republican have gotten any better, they haven't. But the Democrats have gone off the deep end. No more sticking our heads in the sand and pretending the parties are the same, they are not. And Democrats are to a point like despots and dictators that the have to be stopped.

Frankly if you can't vote Republican, at least vote for another third party until the Libertarian Party pulls its head out of its ass. Gone were the days of Harry Browne where we could vote for an actual libertarian. Badnarik wasn't bad either. But since then, it's sad
C'mon, you can beg me better than that. And put some real BEG! into it. :biggrin:
Libertarians always support Republicans
and marxist like you always support democrats.


I see Commies EVERYWHERE!
I don’t think he knows what the Difference between a liberal democrat and a communist.

God I would love to know what each of these republicans do for a living. If they are middle class, especially struggling middle class, What makes them think republican policies are good for them?

Like, anyone who is in a two income home making under $100k combined with one or two kids.

I think they are financially comfortable enough that they are voting more because of social wedge issues. Most of them love god and guns and a lot of them are white and republicans tell whites that liberals hate them.

Meanwhile stupid ass white women benefitted most from affirmative action but they turned their back on Hillary. That’s why I’m glad women make only 70 cents for every dollar us dudes make. They deserve less.

For example, women don’t support the WNBA like us guys support the nba.

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