The Arizona Teachers Strike of 2020

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Its great that teachers are putting the welfare of the kids before their own careers. If schools have insufficient funding to even get clean then its time for the picket lines.
The chances of any child getting seriously sick or - God forbid - dying from Covid 19 are LITERALLY less than the chances of them dying in a traffic accident on the way to school. To claim that these teachers are staying home for the safety of the children is either a manifestation of incredible ignorance or simply a political lie.

The chances of any adult teacher getting sick is almost as slight, especially considering that most teachers retire in their early 50's, before they are even marginally susceptible to the disease. Teachers who are medically vulnerable have options to protect themselves without throwing out the entire school year in the pretense that on-line learning is any more valuable than watching video games.

None of this is to minimize the possibility that OTHER HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS may be put at risk by an infected child, and both the schools and the households should take appropriate precautions, up to and including re-locating elderly family members for the duration, but these considerations are NOT SUFFICIENT to warrant keeping the kids home or teachers refusing to work.

Were these teachers taken off the payroll for the duration, we would see exactly what their motivations are. In my own school district, teachers who refuse to go to work are considered AWOL. Subject to termination. We are not ALL bozos on this bus.

Its great that teachers are putting the welfare of the kids before their own careers. If schools have insufficient funding to even get clean then its time for the picket lines.

...against a virus with a 99.7% survival rate and that does not harm kids. Yeah, you go girls!
Tommy, are you stupid or just a troll? Inquiring minds want to know.

Who, exactly, doesn't believe that the virus is real? What did Our Beloved President ever say that gave you that impression? Please use quotation marks, if that is within your skills.

Can you comprehend the difference between saying: (a) This is a deadly virus that will KILL YOU if you leave your basement, and (b) This is a virus that is very dangerous to very old people and others with serious medical conditions; but for everyone else, the risks are rather manageable?

Put yourself to the test.
What matters is the education and welfare of the students. Whatever serves that end is what should happen. If I get sick, I get sick. My students matter first and foremost. I went out of my way to secure a position in one of the most challenging and dangerous districts in the country because that is where students need the most and the best support they can get.

Its great that teachers are putting the welfare of the kids before their own careers. If schools have insufficient funding to even get clean then its time for the picket lines.
Why don't you tell me about what's going on in MY STATE. That is one teeny little district in Arizona with a teeny little group of teachers who are getting GLOBAL PRESS for their hissy fit. This is yet another example of the media creating a crisis. Hundreds of thousands of Arizona students are headed back to the classroom where they should be.
Tommy, are you stupid or just a troll? Inquiring minds want to know.

Who, exactly, doesn't believe that the virus is real? What did Our Beloved President ever say that gave you that impression? Please use quotation marks, if that is within your skills.

Can you comprehend the difference between saying: (a) This is a deadly virus that will KILL YOU if you leave your basement, and (b) This is a virus that is very dangerous to very old people and others with serious medical conditions; but for everyone else, the risks are rather manageable?

Put yourself to the test.

Yeah, tell my friend who just lost his otherwise perfectly healthy wife to COVID-19. Your lack of sympathy will be appreciated.
I'm so proud of our parents here. Our district gave a parent survey. Parents had the choice of full bore back, hybrid, or virtual. As of now almost half of parents have requested FULL virtual. So the district is full bore for the rest. Average class sizes are 8 kids as so many are staying home to avoid the virus. This IS a parental choice. I suppose many wackos here are going to call this a cowardly choice as the virus isn't all that bad right?
Its great that teachers are putting the welfare of the kids before their own careers
Kids are playing hooky,and all the COVID-19 nonsense is an excuse cocked up by adults.
If schools have insufficient funding to even get clean then its time for the picket lines
What? The kids are just supposed to skip fall classes like they skipped spring, and just lag behind a grade or two when they eventually have to go back?
Average class sizes are 8 kids as so many are staying home to avoid the virus. This IS a parental choice.
Some form of home schooling may be necessary when the kids can't attend public schools anymore, but that "parental choice" stuff needs to be held in check. Planned Parenthood is fucking up kids all the way from the womb till they go to college. When kids go to school, they need to learn along with other kids without excessive parental meddling and coddling.
Donald Trump has also declared teachers "essential workers," making them exempt from military conscription, and subject to being ordered back to work in case of war or national disaster.
Donald Trump has also declared teachers "essential workers," making them exempt from military conscription, and subject to being ordered back to work in case of war or national disaster.
Sounds like communism to me. The right to strike is a western value.
In the middle of a pandemic a huge percentage of our parents are deciding they don't want their kid bringing the virus home. I fully support their reasoning. Why take the risk?

Its great that teachers are putting the welfare of the kids before their own careers. If schools have insufficient funding to even get clean then its time for the picket lines.
Why don't you tell me about what's going on in MY STATE. That is one teeny little district in Arizona with a teeny little group of teachers who are getting GLOBAL PRESS for their hissy fit. This is yet another example of the media creating a crisis. Hundreds of thousands of Arizona students are headed back to the classroom where they should be.
Yup. When I drove past the local high school yesterday I saw their football team on the field practicing.
I'm so proud of our parents here. Our district gave a parent survey. Parents had the choice of full bore back, hybrid, or virtual. As of now almost half of parents have requested FULL virtual. So the district is full bore for the rest. Average class sizes are 8 kids as so many are staying home to avoid the virus. This IS a parental choice. I suppose many wackos here are going to call this a cowardly choice as the virus isn't all that bad right?
I’m all for choice. In fact I hope most parents figure out its best to just homeschool their children. They will get far better results in most cases.

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