The Antique Airplane (Shiva/Saraswati)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a Hindu mythology revisionist courtship fable about the god of destruction (Shiva) seeking an alternative kind of heavenly romance with the younger goddess of learning (Saraswati), seeking willful bonds amidst all kinds of mundane intrigue. This was inspired by my love of history and mythology revisionism and films such as Excalibur and Malena.



SHIVA: I wish I had some World War antiques and toys, darling!
SARASWATI: Why, dear?
SHIVA: You and I've been together for 2 years, and you know how I love history and toys!
SARASWATI: Yes, I do, but when you left your two previous wives, I thought you'd become serious.
SHIVA: You make me feel young, my young goddess.
SARASWATI: Even gods are men, eh?
SHIVA: No, I don't follow legal customs when it comes to instincts and their strings.
SARASWATI: What're you saying, you find me a doll?
SHIVA: A porcelain doll.

Shiva was truly in love with his new girlfriend Saraswati. Shiva, god of destruction, and Saraswati, goddess of learning, were both intrigued by the alternatives in the heavens that would fertilize their non-standard romance. After all, the primary gods who were considered more 'normal' by mainstream standards, compared to the much more liberal Shiva and Saraswati, such as Durga, goddess of governance, Kali, goddess of anarchy, Brahma, god of creation, and Vishnu, god of protection, all favored strict legal codes and customs. However, it was Shiva who reinvented some nifty customs codes and matters of the heart codicils in the heavens when he discovered his two goddess wives Durga and Kali were unhappy and required some courthouse creativity to sanctify his separation from them as well as his imaginative bonding with his new companion, the younger goddess Saraswati.

BRAHMA: You follow your heart too liberally, Lord Shiva.
SHIVA: Lord Brahma, I respect your counsel in all matters regarding heavens!
BRAHMA: Then listen to my counsel and keep your new girlfriend hidden...and marry.

Shiva knew Brahma was wise in his stern advice. If he proudly kept the beautiful young Saraswati exposed and out in public instead of marrying her and making her his throne bride, the gods would claim that such a daring non-marriage behavior ill-suited his powerful office as destroyer of darkness. Meanwhile, they might gossip about why the young goddess Saraswati, goddess of learning, was so set apart as a very attractive and sensual 'girlfriend' rather than wife. It was only because Shiva had managed to separate indefinitely from Durga and Kali that he was permitted to court this heavenly romance with Saraswati. Shiva decided the best way to legitimize his otherwise pirate-like behaviors and exotic philosophies was to make Saraswati closer to his personal and divine activities regarding the praise and evaluation of civilization artifacts and ornaments. He needed to make her more his spiritual friend.

SHIVA: Perhaps my separation from Durga and Kali was too hasty!
SARASWATI: Do you doubt the solidity of our newfound bond, Lord Shiva?
SHIVA: Never, darling!
SARASWATI: Then, what's wrong?
SHIVA: I want you to know more about my hobbies and philosophical passions.
SHIVA: I got this line of new World War airplanes, miniatures, painted, that I want you to see!
SARASWATI: That sounds very...fair.
SHIVA: I'd like you to take a look at them and valuate them for my personal journals.
SARASWATI: What do you want me to see in them, Shiva?
SHIVA: I want you to see that I want you and I to converse more together about imagination!
SARASWATI: That sounds...mature.
SHIVA: Well, you'll love my special F-904; it's a real piece of wood.
SARASWATI: Let's toast to...designed courtship.
SHIVA: Lord Brahma will be pleased, my darling!


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)


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