Vegas Knights (Kerouac Fan-Fiction*)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's an Americana dish, inspired by one of my favorite books from high-school, Kerouac's On the Road. Thanks for reading,


Sal and his brother Dean were separated step-brothers who got back together to form a real meaningful family bond after their shared mother passed away. The two brooding brothers decided to drive cross-country across America. This was after the Coronavirus quarantine tribulation of 2020. Sal and Dean met various people on the road, talked about American evolution, encountered strange clans and bike-gangs, learned some interesting things from shamans with alternative medicines, and discovered that America had always been a morally challenged nation. They learned that their experience in America would be one of philosophical outreach if not social outreach. Sal and Dean had become traveling idealists, but they had to confront the possibility that all this lofty philosophy would turn them into unattainable diviners.


SAL: It seems we should think ourselves objectified theologians.
DEAN: Well, we're still in grief over the loss of mom, brother.
SAL: Sure, but traveling and thinking deeply is what she'd want for us.
DEAN: I agree, and you're guessing right we've become faraway thinkers.
SAL: What's wrong with that?
DEAN: Nothing really, as long as we have no one to reach out to in the end.
SAL: Do you think such a conjecture would be way off, brother?
DEAN: I suppose there's freedom of thought that would facilitate private meditation.
SAL: We'd meditate together and hence never consider ourselves snobs.
DEAN: That's very clever but also true.
SAL: Well then, we should just avoid people who need charity or help!
DEAN: No, you're right, that's too cynical and destructive.
SAL: So what do you think is our happy balance?
DEAN: I have a plan.
SAL: Let's hear it!
DEAN: We'll move to Vegas.
SAL: And?
DEAN: We'll meet showgirls and female tourists who are attractive.
SAL: And?
DEAN: Those beautiful women we deem as reaching out for love, we'll reciprocate.
SAL: Why?
DEAN: Because we're something like wandering romantics!
SAL: So this isn't charity?
DEAN: Not in any way.
SAL: What would you call it?
DEAN: I'd call it a means towards a good end.
SAL: What's that end?
DEAN: That end my brother is the thought of connected love.
SAL: So, like, we'd be like a more sensual version of Siddhartha?
DEAN: No, we wouldn't be teachers or religious figures.
SAL: What then?
DEAN: We'd simply be available to Vegas women who're interested in momentary beauty.
SAL: What's the goal for this momentary fortune, if our connections are merely always surfacing.
DEAN: Yes, our links would always be surfacing and never surfaced!
SAL: We'd come off not as snobs, but perhaps as...just boyfriends?
DEAN: We wouldn't be prostitutes!
SAL: No, haha.
DEAN: That's what we'll do, man; we'll be Vegas knights of a wandering optimism.
SAL: We'd have to think about safe-sex measures and all that.
DEAN: Of course, we'd be thinking, since we'd be thinking about the conditions of fortune.
SAL: When we're not 'in' love, we'd be tinkering with the fates of wheels perhaps in the casinos.
DEAN: Yeah, why not --- since, after all, we'd be like Vegas diviners!
SAL: I'm suddenly very eager to discover all kinds of daytime Vegas girls.
DEAN: Me too.


That's just what these two wandering philosopher brothers did in Vegas. They became something like characters out of a Kerouac novel. They reasoned and prayed and decided their mother was happy. They decided the girls they'd meet in Vegas would be like angels from eternity, offering them flowers of momentary virtue. This was their peculiar American destiny, and they wanted to live it out in peace and daydreams, now that the Coronavirus tribulation was finally over. Now, all Sal and Dean needed, arguably, was an appropriate daylight journal...for dreamcatching!



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