All of these women are highly educated and were successful in life before they were elected to the House.
At what age did you become a repulsive antisemite and what caused it? Was your entire family a bunch of disgusting antisemites or was it something else?

Opposing the Israeli government’s treatment of the Palestinians, does not make a person an “anti-Semite”. You cannot complete conflate the atrocities being committed by the Netanyahu’s government with hatred of Jews.

My Jewish friends who live in Israel are the ones who made me aware of the conditions under which Palestinians are living under in Israel.

A long time friend who used to live in Washington but moved back to Israel after she married an Israeli man, told me how shocked she was as the systemic discrimination and marginalization of Palestinians living in Israel.

You clowns are now conflating any criticism of The Israeli government’s policies, with antisemitism. I realize none of you ate that bright to begin with and I can understand how simple fools could conflate the two things but one of these things is not like the other.

Of course to you anyone who criticizes trump is an enemy so you live in a very black-and-white world where no one is allowed to disagree with extreme right wing totalitarianism.

You’re the same guy who is fine with separating children from their parents at the border and locking them in concentration camps.

Now that we can officially call Republicans racist you’re now trying to brand all left wingers as antisemites because we disagree with the Israeli government.

Tell me Patriot when did you stop beating your wife?
At what point do people stop listening to Prog Jewish men and women who influence all others? They know everything. Yet the suffering expands as the government budgets do also. But they get to pontificate and tell others about their flaws and faults without ever mentioning they have any. When the endgame arrives they will be part and parcel of many dying. Including many of them. So much smarter we are told. Leave everyone alone. Please. Stop it.
"But understand does it exist in the detriment of inequality for the Palestinian people? The detriment of not moving forward in a peaceful resolution," she continued. "We're never going to have peace, I truly believe, if separate but equal is the way they want to go.

I quite agree. She comes from a Palestinian family what the hell do you expect her to say, the Jews have a right to kill as many as the Palestinians as want and to steal all the land.

Is that it??

a practicing Jew and a Palestinian talking. He has the nerve to ask her those questions.
We expect her to represent the perspective of her constituency, not her own personal prejudices.

Of course, if the majority of her constituents are also anti-Semiters or anti-Israel scum, then they may be safely ridiculed and firmly refuted.

Lib-Prog-Dems can be every bit as obtuse and disingenuous in defense of their own as Rumpian scum - in ways both different AND similar.
Democrats have a lot of Jewish in Congress, more than republicans who have 1 or 2.

Some understand the existential fight for Eretz Yisrael and support it and denounce filth like Omar.

Others, content to live in the Diaspora and shielded from EuroTrash and MuzzieScum by the Atlantic Ocean, betray and abandon their co-religionists.

Lib-Prog-Dems, foolishly trying to be All Things To All People and lacking the ball$ to take a stand, throw Israel under the bus, every chance they get.

Not all... mind you... but enough to create and sustain the stereotype.

You sure are a hater.
Nope... I don't hate anyone... but I believe that the idiot Palestinians need to be forcibly relocated to the East Bank of the Jordan forevermore.

Hitler inspired?
yes-----it seems ALL muslims are adolf lovers, even the non-arabs and
EVEN including the Iranians who actually despise the arabs

She was calling for removal of all Palestiinians. So much for Judeo/Christian morals.
To hell with the so-called Palestinians... fools, idiots, whiners and losers... time to shove 'em across the Jordan... for keeps...

Have you ever been to Jordan or East Jerusalem or the West Bank? Christian and Muslim Palestinians are quite friendly and hospitable.
Doesn't make any difference... they cannot co-exist with the new Masters of that land... vae victus... time for the Palestinians to face reality and relocate.

The world is tired of listening to Palestinian bull$hit and excuses... and the Israelis aren't going anywhere... one of 'em has to go... it will be the Palestinians.

Might as well get it over with sooner rather than later and spare the world their whining and more pointless bloodshed... leave... and live.

The European Zionists were refugees. Now they have been on the dole for 70 years.
Rubbish. They came. They saw. They conquered. The Jews are now the Masters of the old Romano-Turkic province of 'Palestine', not your Muzzie pals.

Yes, but you seem to forget that is illegal to "Come, Saw, and Conqueror", a crime, immoral and unethical.
The Muslim Arabs are the indigenous natives and had the right to live there in peace.
The illegal European Jewish immigrants are in violation of the law originally, and have only compounded it with much greater violations of law, such as murder and home confiscations.
What you seem to forget is that the Romans and Turks were also criminals for their illegal invasion and conquest.
The Palestinians had earned independence through their assistance to the Allies in WWI, and are now required to have that independence upheld.
The Allies signed the treaties ensuring Palestinian independence.
They can't legally renege now.
The Holy Land has changed hands so many times that "indigenous" has very little meaning.

Rather like having your living room in the middle of a four-lane high-speed highway...

To the Devil with the idiot Palestinians...

Not at all true.

The Canaanites were the first to prosper in the Levant we now call Palestine, and it still is largely inhabited by Canaanite Palestinians.
The Egyptians invaded a few times, but they did nothing to change the population or have much effect.
Same with the Hittites, Mitanni, Assyrians, Babylonians, Hebrew, Greeks, Romans, Parthians, etc.
The invaders did not stay or change the demographics significantly.

The people who are indigenous natives and did stay, are the Palestinians.
They are the Canaanites, Chaldeans. Akkadians, Phoenicians, Philistines, Amorites, Urites, Nabatians, etc.

The Hebrew were not native, and did not stay.
The Israelis are attempting to implement a myth that was never true.
There likely was no King David, there is no Chosen People or Promised Land.
"But understand does it exist in the detriment of inequality for the Palestinian people? The detriment of not moving forward in a peaceful resolution," she continued. "We're never going to have peace, I truly believe, if separate but equal is the way they want to go.

I quite agree. She comes from a Palestinian family what the hell do you expect her to say, the Jews have a right to kill as many as the Palestinians as want and to steal all the land.

Is that it??

a practicing Jew and a Palestinian talking. He has the nerve to ask her those questions.
We expect her to represent the perspective of her constituency, not her own personal prejudices.

Of course, if the majority of her constituents are also anti-Semiters or anti-Israel scum, then they may be safely ridiculed and firmly refuted.

Lib-Prog-Dems can be every bit as obtuse and disingenuous in defense of their own as Rumpian scum - in ways both different AND similar.
Democrats have a lot of Jewish in Congress, more than republicans who have 1 or 2.

Some understand the existential fight for Eretz Yisrael and support it and denounce filth like Omar.

Others, content to live in the Diaspora and shielded from EuroTrash and MuzzieScum by the Atlantic Ocean, betray and abandon their co-religionists.

Lib-Prog-Dems, foolishly trying to be All Things To All People and lacking the ball$ to take a stand, throw Israel under the bus, every chance they get.

Not all... mind you... but enough to create and sustain the stereotype.

You sure are a hater.
Nope... I don't hate anyone... but I believe that the idiot Palestinians need to be forcibly relocated to the East Bank of the Jordan forevermore.

Hitler inspired?
yes-----it seems ALL muslims are adolf lovers, even the non-arabs and
EVEN including the Iranians who actually despise the arabs

She was calling for removal of all Palestiinians. So much for Judeo/Christian morals.
To hell with the so-called Palestinians... fools, idiots, whiners and losers... time to shove 'em across the Jordan... for keeps...

Have you ever been to Jordan or East Jerusalem or the West Bank? Christian and Muslim Palestinians are quite friendly and hospitable.
Doesn't make any difference... they cannot co-exist with the new Masters of that land... vae victus... time for the Palestinians to face reality and relocate.

The world is tired of listening to Palestinian bull$hit and excuses... and the Israelis aren't going anywhere... one of 'em has to go... it will be the Palestinians.

Might as well get it over with sooner rather than later and spare the world their whining and more pointless bloodshed... leave... and live.

The European Zionists were refugees. Now they have been on the dole for 70 years.
Rubbish. They came. They saw. They conquered. The Jews are now the Masters of the old Romano-Turkic province of 'Palestine', not your Muzzie pals.

Yes, but you seem to forget that is illegal to "Come, Saw, and Conqueror", a crime, immoral and unethical.
The Muslim Arabs are the indigenous natives and had the right to live there in peace.
The illegal European Jewish immigrants are in violation of the law originally, and have only compounded it with much greater violations of law, such as murder and home confiscations.
What you seem to forget is that the Romans and Turks were also criminals for their illegal invasion and conquest.
The Palestinians had earned independence through their assistance to the Allies in WWI, and are now required to have that independence upheld.
The Allies signed the treaties ensuring Palestinian independence.
They can't legally renege now.
The Holy Land has changed hands so many times that "indigenous" has very little meaning.

Rather like having your living room in the middle of a four-lane high-speed highway...

To the Devil with the idiot Palestinians...

Not at all true.

The Canaanites were the first to prosper in the Levant we now call Palestine, and it still is largely inhabited by Canaanite Palestinians.
The Egyptians invaded a few times, but they did nothing to change the population or have much effect.
Same with the Hittites, Mitanni, Assyrians, Babylonians, Hebrew, Greeks, Romans, Parthians, etc.
The invaders did not stay or change the demographics significantly.

The people who are indigenous natives and did stay, are the Palestinians.
They are the Canaanites, Chaldeans. Akkadians, Phoenicians, Philistines, Amorites, Urites, Nabatians, etc.

The Hebrew were not native, and did not stay.
The Israelis are attempting to implement a myth that was never true.
There likely was no King David, there is no Chosen People or Promised Land.

Rigby you weren’t there, you don’t know. Yes or no?
for those who do not know---ALL OF THE INDIAN SUBCONTINENT IS MUSLIM LAND-----
ALL OF IBERIA IS MUSLIM LAND, ----in fact----so is lower manhattan-----ALLAH HAS

Mohammad only claimed lands that were already majority Moslem as being under Islamic law.
The Indian Subcontinent was not claimed as Moslem by Mohammad.
Neither was any of Europe or even Africa beyond Egypt.

The people who claimed to be Moslem and invaded these lands were actually waves of Asian invaders, like the Mongols, Moghuls, and Turks.
Arabs had nothing to do with these conquests, and they were not really Moslem, but just falsely claimed Moslem authority because they had killed all the actual Moslem authorities.

There is nothing in the Quran justifying invasion, and force can only be used in defense.
I can read anything these evil racist women have to say.
You forgot one adjective though - ignorant. Because damn are these women dumb. I mean, they are D-U-M-B. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez not only wants people to believe that Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Warren Buffett stole their money, but then they claim that money sitting in the bank of billionaires is “more money in the richest hands means money sitting in the bank doing nothing.” But as this article points out, that is astounding ignorance:
But that’s an ignorant view of banks. Because banks loan that money out, they enable other people to buy homes, start new businesses and get educated.
Unless stashed in a mattress in a mansion, wealth is always at work for the good of an entire society. But the left is profoundly ignorant of basic economics (unfortunately).

Most of these wealthy people did not earn their money, and they mostly invest it overseas these days, where is actually harms the US.

For example, Bill Gates got wealthy by paying a fireman in Seattle almost nothing for a version of CP/M that he then leased to IBM as MS-DOS.
read it again. BTW where did I say "MUHUMMAD SAID" anything about India? You
are remarkably ignorant----have you ever met a muslim person? been to a mosque?
I am discussing ISLAM as muslim "scholars" see it NOW and how the IMMEDIATE successors
to leadership of the "islamic world" saw it and how the present leaders see it. Muhummad,
did not even mention the OTTOMAN EMPIRE----want to remind Erdogan of that fact?
You sure are a hater.
Nope... I don't hate anyone... but I believe that the idiot Palestinians need to be forcibly relocated to the East Bank of the Jordan forevermore.
Personally, I believe the disgusting idiot Palestinians need to be exterminated from the face of the Earth. But that's just me :dunno:

So then to you might makes right, regardless of concepts like justice, ancestral ownership, etc.?
How have the Palestinians ever harmed anyone?
They were on the side of the Allies in WWI, under the promise of independence if they helped and won.
They kept their side of the bargain, but we did not keep our side.
We never allowed them to be free as we were supposed to.
All of these women are highly educated and were successful in life before they were elected to the House.
WTF are you talking about? Not one of those 3 disgusting anti-semites are even remotely "highly" educated. None of them have an advanced degree. Not one.
Debate the issues you can’t debate the facts, you can only sling insults and abuse. Such is the level of your ability to defend your beliefs
The fact is, these disgusting anti-semites are ignorant on the issues and I just proved it! :laugh:

You really have to be more careful what you say when talking about being educated.
For example, you called them "anti-Semites" when not only are you supposed to capitalize "Semite", but the word "Semitic" does not mean Jewish, but means "of an Arab language group".
It is cultural appropriate to call people anti-Semitic when you actually mean anti-Jewish.
Putting terrorist sympathizer Ilhan Omar on the foreign affairs committee, so she can give critical info to our enemy combatants is as pathetically stupid as allowing Swalwell remain on his committee and house seat.
surada agrees with Rigby that muhummad who died in 631 AD, claimed Egypt because it had a MAJORITY muslim population (by 631 MAGICALLY (by da will'o allah) ----for reality try
OK---a person who claims to have worked in LAW should know that lots
of people get locked up (detained) for misdemeanors. Lots of the detained
minors are kids who just SHOW UP----you advise (as a person who has worked
in LAW) that the kids be given a desk appearance ticket and sent on their way?

Not true.
The correct legal procedure for juveniles is to take them to their parents, and then arrange for a juvenile court date.
The only time a juvenile is supposed to jailed (detained), is when the parent say they are uncontrollable.
You sure are a hater.
Nope... I don't hate anyone... but I believe that the idiot Palestinians need to be forcibly relocated to the East Bank of the Jordan forevermore.
Personally, I believe the disgusting idiot Palestinians need to be exterminated from the face of the Earth. But that's just me :dunno:

So then to you might makes right, regardless of concepts like justice, ancestral ownership, etc.?
How have the Palestinians ever harmed anyone?
They were on the side of the Allies in WWI, under the promise of independence if they helped and won.
They kept their side of the bargain, but we did not keep our side.
We never allowed them to be free as we were supposed to.

Don't you Mulims pretending you aren't Muslim ever tire of your taqiyya?

The "Palestinian" people had not been invented yet, and the Mufti of Jerusalem was a Nazi collaborator.
I can assure you---JUVENILES are detained without parental consent and NOT
just on the word of the parents that they are uncontrollable------you need
a refresher course. Juveniles who arrive in the USA without parents have been
detained since Ellis island was invented
All of these women are highly educated and were successful in life before they were elected to the House.
WTF are you talking about? Not one of those 3 disgusting anti-semites are even remotely "highly" educated. None of them have an advanced degree. Not one.
Debate the issues you can’t debate the facts, you can only sling insults and abuse. Such is the level of your ability to defend your beliefs
The fact is, these disgusting anti-semites are ignorant on the issues and I just proved it! :laugh:

You really have to be more careful what you say when talking about being educated.
For example, you called them "anti-Semites" when not only are you supposed to capitalize "Semite", but the word "Semitic" does not mean Jewish, but means "of an Arab language group".
It is cultural appropriate to call people anti-Semitic when you actually mean anti-Jewish.
You sure are full of shit, Islamist.

The term Antisemitism was coined by a German fellow named Wilhelm Marr as A way of dressing up his hatred of Jews.

As all educated humans realize, it has always referred to hatred of Jews. Only thoroughly inbred Muslims and assorted insane crackpots try to say otherwise.
She’s just a Jew Hater . What can be worse then her insisting Israel was behind 9-11, denied the 19 Arab HiJackers and the fact that Bin Laden was the Mastermind?
wrong rigby----SEMITIC LANGUAGE GROUP-----not "arab language group" There
were SEMITIC languages long before allah invented arabic and LONG LONG before
He decided to grant them an alphabet
"But understand does it exist in the detriment of inequality for the Palestinian people? The detriment of not moving forward in a peaceful resolution," she continued. "We're never going to have peace, I truly believe, if separate but equal is the way they want to go.

I quite agree. She comes from a Palestinian family what the hell do you expect her to say, the Jews have a right to kill as many as the Palestinians as want and to steal all the land.

Is that it??

a practicing Jew and a Palestinian talking. He has the nerve to ask her those questions.
We expect her to represent the perspective of her constituency, not her own personal prejudices.

Of course, if the majority of her constituents are also anti-Semiters or anti-Israel scum, then they may be safely ridiculed and firmly refuted.

Lib-Prog-Dems can be every bit as obtuse and disingenuous in defense of their own as Rumpian scum - in ways both different AND similar.
Democrats have a lot of Jewish in Congress, more than republicans who have 1 or 2.

Some understand the existential fight for Eretz Yisrael and support it and denounce filth like Omar.

Others, content to live in the Diaspora and shielded from EuroTrash and MuzzieScum by the Atlantic Ocean, betray and abandon their co-religionists.

Lib-Prog-Dems, foolishly trying to be All Things To All People and lacking the ball$ to take a stand, throw Israel under the bus, every chance they get.

Not all... mind you... but enough to create and sustain the stereotype.

You sure are a hater.
Nope... I don't hate anyone... but I believe that the idiot Palestinians need to be forcibly relocated to the East Bank of the Jordan forevermore.

Hitler inspired?
yes-----it seems ALL muslims are adolf lovers, even the non-arabs and
EVEN including the Iranians who actually despise the arabs

She was calling for removal of all Palestiinians. So much for Judeo/Christian morals.
To hell with the so-called Palestinians... fools, idiots, whiners and losers... time to shove 'em across the Jordan... for keeps...

Have you ever been to Jordan or East Jerusalem or the West Bank? Christian and Muslim Palestinians are quite friendly and hospitable.
Doesn't make any difference... they cannot co-exist with the new Masters of that land... vae victus... time for the Palestinians to face reality and relocate.

The world is tired of listening to Palestinian bull$hit and excuses... and the Israelis aren't going anywhere... one of 'em has to go... it will be the Palestinians.

Might as well get it over with sooner rather than later and spare the world their whining and more pointless bloodshed... leave... and live.

The European Zionists were refugees. Now they have been on the dole for 70 years.
Rubbish. They came. They saw. They conquered. The Jews are now the Masters of the old Romano-Turkic province of 'Palestine', not your Muzzie pals.

Yes, but you seem to forget that is illegal to "Come, Saw, and Conqueror", a crime, immoral and unethical.
The Muslim Arabs are the indigenous natives and had the right to live there in peace.
The illegal European Jewish immigrants are in violation of the law originally, and have only compounded it with much greater violations of law, such as murder and home confiscations.
What you seem to forget is that the Romans and Turks were also criminals for their illegal invasion and conquest.
The Palestinians had earned independence through their assistance to the Allies in WWI, and are now required to have that independence upheld.
The Allies signed the treaties ensuring Palestinian independence.
They can't legally renege now.
The Holy Land has changed hands so many times that "indigenous" has very little meaning.

Rather like having your living room in the middle of a four-lane high-speed highway...

To the Devil with the idiot Palestinians...

Not at all true.

The Canaanites were the first to prosper in the Levant we now call Palestine, and it still is largely inhabited by Canaanite Palestinians.
The Egyptians invaded a few times, but they did nothing to change the population or have much effect.
Same with the Hittites, Mitanni, Assyrians, Babylonians, Hebrew, Greeks, Romans, Parthians, etc.
The invaders did not stay or change the demographics significantly.

The people who are indigenous natives and did stay, are the Palestinians.
They are the Canaanites, Chaldeans. Akkadians, Phoenicians, Philistines, Amorites, Urites, Nabatians, etc.

The Hebrew were not native, and did not stay.
The Israelis are attempting to implement a myth that was never true.
There likely was no King David, there is no Chosen People or Promised Land.

Rigby you weren’t there, you don’t know. Yes or no?

I do not have to have been there in order to know.
This is not prehistoric, and there are plenty of accounts written at the time that we now can read.
Just ask yourself if when Rome invaded Greece, if the demographics of Athens and Sparta suddenly became all Roman the Greeks are were killed or driven off?
Of course not.
The whole point of invasion is almost always just to add the economic strength and productivity to the empire.
That is always how imperialism works.
And historians can also tell by tracing culture, such as written language.
We know the Amorites were not killed off by the Hebrew invasion because we know the Hebrew did not have a written script and instead use Aramaic.
We know the Hebrew did not rule long because they were beaten by the Babylonians, then the Assyrians, and later by the Romans.

I also know the Hebrew were not the Chosen People and the Land of Canaan was not the Promised Land because that would be immoral.
To place one people over others would be immoral, and to take occupied land and give it to others would be immoral.
And if God is that immoral, I would prefer to believe God then did not exist.
oh good----Surada and Rigby both agree that The OTTOMAN EMPIRE was never a
legitimate entity and muslims stole it. ------I say----give it to the greeks and
armenians ------at least <<< best solution
You sure are a hater.
Nope... I don't hate anyone... but I believe that the idiot Palestinians need to be forcibly relocated to the East Bank of the Jordan forevermore.
Personally, I believe the disgusting idiot Palestinians need to be exterminated from the face of the Earth. But that's just me :dunno:

So then to you might makes right, regardless of concepts like justice, ancestral ownership, etc.?
How have the Palestinians ever harmed anyone?
They were on the side of the Allies in WWI, under the promise of independence if they helped and won.
They kept their side of the bargain, but we did not keep our side.
We never allowed them to be free as we were supposed to.

Don't you Mulims pretending you aren't Muslim ever tire of your taqiyya?

The "Palestinian" people had not been invented yet, and the Mufti of Jerusalem was a Nazi collaborator.

Its become fashionable lately to blame the Mufti and the Palestinians for the Holocaust in Europe. Do you think it justifies what the European refugees have done?

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