The Anti Abortion Abolitionist Movement Is Dangerous. Here's What You Need To Know

If R v. W is eliminated by Congress, they better pay every women who was denied abortion the cost to raise for the birth, for all medical care, and all other costs (school, recreation, food, clothing and other necessary items) until the child is 26 years of age.

Well, it seems three have proven they are not pro-life, they support all kinds of choices which harm children, adults and all species of life; if that is not true, they would have not thought these questions were funny.

Socialism has been proven, in every instance that it's been tried on any significant scale, to be destructive to the lives and well-being of humans on whom it is imposed, and on society as a whole.

Your repeated efforts to tie opposition to the murder of innocent children to the requirement that destructive socialism be accepted, is, at best, deceitful and sociopathic nonsense.
Can you wuote the part that mandates that taxpayers provide all that other shit?

The Fifth Amendment, to the Constitution of the United States of America…

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

Oops. That doesn't seem to help Rye Catcher's argument at all, does it, since the whole of his argument is about people being deprived of life without due process of law, and of property with neither due process nor just compensation.
Everyone knows biology 101, except for the male idiot who thought that a woman's reproductive system could be examined if she swallowed a small camera.

Who thought that?

Some goofball in the state legislature somewhere like Missouri. I can't remember. I hope that it was a joke, but you can't tell with these used-car-salesmen types who somehow get elected to the legislature and then pretend that they are experts in areas about which they know nothing. When they aren't working on a used Toyota, they become armchair OB/gyns.
Those who insist that abortion is murder but don't go stop it are self admitted accomplices.

There is a lot of evil that happens in the world, some within my awareness, and much, much more outside of my awareness. Very, very, very little of it within my ability to do anything about it other than to call attention to it, condemn it, and wish for it to stop.

Your statement that failing to stop things that are outside of my ability to do so makes me an accomplice, is pure nonsense, at best. Just another pathetic excuse, from someone who openly and knowingly and willfully supports and promotes evil, to point the finger of blame at someone else.
You are the one propagandizing for a cause, not I. My posts merely refute your hypocrisy.
Those who insist that abortion is murder but don't go stop it are self admitted accomplices.

There is a lot of evil that happens in the world, some within my awareness, and much, much more outside of my awareness. Very, very, very little of it within my ability to do anything about it other than to call attention to it, condemn it, and wish for it to stop.

Your statement that failing to stop things that are outside of my ability to do so makes me an accomplice, is pure nonsense, at best. Just another pathetic excuse, from someone who openly and knowingly and willfully supports and promotes evil, to point the finger of blame at someone else.
You are the one propagandizing for a cause, not I. My posts merely refute your hypocrisy.

Tell me, then, what do you think I can or should do to stop the savage, cold-blooded murder of thousands of innocent children every day.
Those who insist that abortion is murder but don't go stop it are self admitted accomplices.

There is a lot of evil that happens in the world, some within my awareness, and much, much more outside of my awareness. Very, very, very little of it within my ability to do anything about it other than to call attention to it, condemn it, and wish for it to stop.

Your statement that failing to stop things that are outside of my ability to do so makes me an accomplice, is pure nonsense, at best. Just another pathetic excuse, from someone who openly and knowingly and willfully supports and promotes evil, to point the finger of blame at someone else.
You are the one propagandizing for a cause, not I. My posts merely refute your hypocrisy.

Tell me, then, what do you think I can or should do to stop the savage, cold-blooded murder of thousands of innocent children every day.
Stop paying taxes, for one.
Now, that does confront you with your dilemma.
As you stated, there are things in the world you know are undesirable but are too feeble to change, as we all are. We have to live with that uncomfortable reality.
Just be careful with your accusations and allegations. Educate where and when you can, pontificate at your risk.
Tell me, then, what do you think I can or should do to stop the savage, cold-blooded murder of thousands of innocent children every day.
Stop paying taxes, for one.
Now, that does confront you with your dilemma.

And how do you suppose I am to get away with not paying taxes, and even if I could, how is it that you claim that doing so would in any way reduce the number of innocent children being murdered before they even get the chance to be born? You're not even trying to make any sense, at this point, it seems.

Just be careful with your accusations and allegations. Educate where and when you can, pontificate at your risk.

In other words, exercise my rights under the First Amendment. Which I have been doing, to the greatest ability that I am able. Alas, condemning evil is of limited efficacy, up against those who are determined to do evil, and who have managed to get the law to be on their side.
Screw you. If you really gave a shit about abortion you would be supporting age appropriate curriculum in all public schools on human sexuality, including how to prevent pregnancy and how to prevent STD's.

You mean like the “…age appropriate curriculum in all public schools on human sexuality…” now being imposed by the homosexual/transsexual/pedophile movement, to groom children into being easy prey for child-molesting filth, and to groom society to be more accepting of such abuse?

Is anyone really now surprised to see one seriously evil agenda, that targets innocent children as victims, now being tied in this manner to another evil agenda, that also targets innocent children? The same evil pops up in different forms, and I hope most people are aware enough to recognize it from one form to another.

You're not very bright, no one tells anyone to be a homosexual or any of the other forms of sexual orientation. The only children "targeted" are those who are uninformed as to the dangers which exist, also in age appropriate manner.

Stop echoing right wing bullshit and post rational and doable solutions to problems, don't exacerbate the issues.
Tell me, then, what do you think I can or should do to stop the savage, cold-blooded murder of thousands of innocent children every day.
Stop paying taxes, for one.
Now, that does confront you with your dilemma.

And how do you suppose I am to get away with not paying taxes, and even if I could, how is it that you claim that doing so would in any way reduce the number of innocent children being murdered before they even get the chance to be born? You're not even trying to make any sense, at this point, it seems.

Just be careful with your accusations and allegations. Educate where and when you can, pontificate at your risk.

In other words, exercise my rights under the First Amendment. Which I have been doing, to the greatest ability that I am able. Alas, condemning evil is of limited efficacy, up against those who are determined to do evil, and who have managed to get the law to be on their side.
You're starting to sound like the rich man asking Jesus how to be perfect; you hear advice too hard for you to practice. That's talking the talk but not walking the walk.
The verbiage you use is strong, but your acts are weak. If you don't want to act directly, how can you expect others to act directly on what you expect?
This is why abortion is in such an uncomfortable place in the social conscience. No intelligent human thinks abortion is the best way to handle our reproductive activities. But this was so repressed for so long that when the floodgates opened it was too much to moderate. You can see this same process manifest in any number of current debates; guns, health care, immigration. They are all full of a past that contrasts with today. Short story, abortion has become democratized by availability of human services. The education and assistance commensurate with this development did not happen. Poor women, who have the least education and other advantages the majority has, now 'choose' without the capacity to do so.
Just the way so many people vote!
Educate, provide means of birth control, discuss and persuade, if you want to reduce abortion.
You are not going to make it totally illegal.
You're not very bright, no one tells anyone to be a homosexual or any of the other forms of sexual orientation. The only children "targeted" are those who are uninformed as to the dangers which exist, also in age appropriate manner.

Stop echoing right wing bullshit and post rational and doable solutions to problems, don't exacerbate the issues.

Not only are you the one that is obviously not very bright, but not the least bit honest, either. Just how unimaginably stupid do you have to be, how unimaginably stupid must you assume others to be, in order to imagine that anyone sees your absurd lies for anything other than what they are?
You're starting to sound like the rich man asking Jesus how to be perfect; you hear advice too hard for you to practice. That's talking the talk but not walking the walk.
The verbiage you use is strong, but your acts are weak. If you don't want to act directly, how can you expect others to act directly on what you expect?
This is why abortion is in such an uncomfortable place in the social conscience. No intelligent human thinks abortion is the best way to handle our reproductive activities. But this was so repressed for so long that when the floodgates opened it was too much to moderate. You can see this same process manifest in any number of current debates; guns, health care, immigration. They are all full of a past that contrasts with today. Short story, abortion has become democratized by availability of human services. The education and assistance commensurate with this development did not happen. Poor women, who have the least education and other advantages the majority has, now 'choose' without the capacity to do so.
Just the way so many people vote!
Educate, provide means of birth control, discuss and persuade, if you want to reduce abortion.
You are not going to make it totally illegal.

It's funny when those who most hate Christianity, who most hold its values in the deepest of contempt, and who otherwise openly stand for murderous evil, try to cite our scriptures to us and presume to preach to us about what they mean and what they say about how we should behave.

Other than that, all I see is a rather large amount of words, used to express nothing of any coherent meaning. Perhaps you should try again some time when you are sober, when you ave come down from whatever combination of mind-destroying drugs you are currently high on. maybe then, you'll be able to post something to which it is possible to give a rational, coherent reply.
This is a manual that is written to communicate factual information to women. It is not intended to promote somebody's political agenda.

I've never read that book, and don't claim to know anything of its content or the intent of its author. I cannot credibly and directly dispute your statement that “It is not intended to promote somebody's political agenda.”, but I have to take note than almost every time I ever see it mentioned, it is by someone who is citing it to promote a political agenda, often a murderous agenda promoting and defending the cold-blooded killing of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings. I wonder if that's what the author intended.

Is someone going into maternity hospitals and slaughtering the infants there, because that's the only thing I can think of that meets the definition of "the cold-blooded killing of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings". When the right lost the public relations battle on stripping women of their God given right of free will, they attempted to change the language of the abortion debate away from women's right to self-determination, to one of humanizing the unborn and bestowing on the fetus the rights of living, breathing human beings.

You only care about children in the womb. Once they can breathe on their own, you right wingers lose interest real fast.
Is someone going into maternity hospitals and slaughtering the infants there, because that's the only thing I can think of that meets the definition of "the cold-blooded killing of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings". When the right lost the public relations battle on stripping women of their God given right of free will, they attempted to change the language of the abortion debate away from women's right to self-determination, to one of humanizing the unborn and bestowing on the fetus the rights of living, breathing human beings.

You only care about children in the womb. Once they can breathe on their own, you right wingers lose interest real fast.



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Like most faux conservatives, he's unwilling to open his mind to reality.

If R v. W is eliminated by Congress, they better pay every women who was denied abortion the cost to raise for the birth, for all medical care, and all other costs (school, recreation, food, clothing and other necessary items) until the child is 26 years of age.

I can show you in the Constitution where the child is entitled to the equal protections of our laws that all the rest of us are.

Can you wuote the part that mandates that taxpayers provide all that other shit?


I didn't think so.

You expect everyone else to carry your baggage for you. YOU somehow get to decide, in your not-so-infinite wisdom, that everybody else needs to follow your opinions, and then want to sling the burden on others. No, thank you.

The Constitution (not me) is the law of the land.

The Constitution (not me) says that all persons are entitled to the equal protections of our laws.

"All persons" is a fucking INCLUSIVE statement. (I didn't write it but it is)

If you have a problem with any of the above? I really don't give a fuck that you do.

Neither a zygote nor a fetus is a "person". A Person is defined as:

1. a man, woman, or child: 2. an individual.

So you failed in your own definition because a fetus, in utero, is by definition, not an individual.

Not even Your cherry picked game of semantics supports you in this, Abortard.

Definition of child
(Entry 1 of 3)

1a: an unborn or recently born person
bdialect : a female infant

It only took about 3 seconds to find.

Definition of CHILD
June Medical Services v. Russo, the Supreme Court case regarding Louisiana’s 2014 admitting privileges law, has serious ramifications for the future of abortion rights in the United States. But there is a segment of the anti-abortion movement that doesn’t appear all that concerned with the outcome. If this seems odd, it’s because they never saw Roe v. Wade as a valid ruling, they don’t view the Supreme Court as a legitimate legal authority, and they dismiss the foundation of the Constitution.

Say hello to the so-called “abolitionist” movement, comprised of white men who say the pro-life movement is too secular, abortion constitutes homicide, and that people seeking abortion care should be criminalized and subject to the death penalty.

The anti-abortion abolitionist movement is dangerous. Here's what you need to know

The single biggest threat to America. It looks like harsher measures are going to have to be implemented to protect the country from these freaks.

WOW, you commies are seriously ignorant. I actually agree that the 'anti-abortion abolition movement' is extremely dangerous and I know who they are, DO YOU??????????

This is a manual that is written to communicate factual information to women. It is not intended to promote somebody's political agenda.

I've never read that book, and don't claim to know anything of its content or the intent of its author. I cannot credibly and directly dispute your statement that “It is not intended to promote somebody's political agenda.”, but I have to take note than almost every time I ever see it mentioned, it is by someone who is citing it to promote a political agenda, often a murderous agenda promoting and defending the cold-blooded killing of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings. I wonder if that's what the author intended.

Is someone going into maternity hospitals and slaughtering the infants there, because that's the only thing I can think of that meets the definition of "the cold-blooded killing of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings". When the right lost the public relations battle on stripping women of their God given right of free will, they attempted to change the language of the abortion debate away from women's right to self-determination, to one of humanizing the unborn and bestowing on the fetus the rights of living, breathing human beings.

You only care about children in the womb. Once they can breathe on their own, you right wingers lose interest real fast.
They don't want to admit that they participate in a system that makes decisions all the time about life and death. They would like to be set apart so they can decide who is more guilty than they. As they are untruthful to themselves, they use untruth to attack dissent.
This gets us all nowhere but more divided and weakened.
They don't want to admit that they participate in a system that makes decisions all the time about life and death. They would like to be set apart so they can decide who is more guilty than they. As they are untruthful to themselves, they use untruth to attack dissent.
This gets us all nowhere but more divided and weakened.

You're drunk, There4eyeM; go home. Or drugged. I really don't care on what.

Come back when you are sober.

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